"I don't have a problem, Donnie. I'm not the one who's been avoiding the other. "
She stands, arms folded defensively over her chest. Why keep her behind. All she'd offered was a little betting. Americans were supposed to like gambling. She sighs that they're alone again but inwardly is prepared. She's been planning this. She moves around the table slowly, leaning against it when shes beside him.
"You said you weren't scared of me, but you can't even look me in the eye, dollface."
She’s taken aback, actually shocked that he gave in. She feels her cheeks warm with indignity at his insistence that she’ll make a mistake. Although, she smirks with pride that he’s letting her do this. She leans forward, eyes focused on him as she wets her lips again, this time on purpose, slowly.
“Why not make it interesting? If I complete the mission without any slip ups, you’ll owe me.”
“Everyone. You’ve got what you need. Go get ready for the flight over. Outrider, stay here.”
Donnie can hear Erin mutter something. He isn’t exactly focused on what, more on the way she’s licking at her lips and he can feel his cheeks reddening again. Foot taps slightly as the last person leaves the door, before he huffs. He was having none of it. She was winding him up, and he could feel it.
“What’s your problem?”
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She’s taken aback, actually shocked that he gave in. She feels her cheeks warm with indignity at his insistence that she’ll make a mistake. Although, she smirks with pride that he’s letting her do this. She leans forward, eyes focused on him as she wets her lips again, this time on purpose, slowly.
“Why not make it interesting? If I complete the mission without any slip ups, you’ll owe me.”
“Never said i wanted to switch. Just pointing out that we need a new strategy at some point.”
She wants to be on the floor. She enjoys fighting, its why she always gets at Donnie. But she knows it won’t happen. She crosses her arms and leans back though, she hadn’t expected him to get mad so quickly. All she wants is a chance… and, even if she’ll only admit it to herself, she wants him to be happy with her for once.
“Predictable movements get you killed.”
“You’re staying on Overwatch.”
He could hear the slight mutter from other members of the group. Reaper even making a comment about how they were lal to fight together. What was he supposed to do? If the rest of them believed it was a good idea, then he had to side with them at least for this job. He could put up with it for the moments they’d actually be together.
“Fine. You’re down on the floor, but one slip up, and you’ll be on Spectres team, got it?”
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"Never said i wanted to switch. Just pointing out that we need a new strategy at some point."
She wants to be on the floor. She enjoys fighting, its why she always gets at Donnie. But she knows it won't happen. She crosses her arms and leans back though, she hadn't expected him to get mad so quickly. All she wants is a chance... and, even if she'll only admit it to herself, she wants him to be happy with her for once.
"Predictable movements get you killed."
She wets her lips with a swipe of her tongue, watching him closely as he speaks. He’s been avoiding her, even though he knows that battery has been insufferable. He has to know what shes been saying to Alessandra. It’s not been mean, in fact battery seems to think it will do them both good. Or ruin is using Erin to tease her. 
She sighs when he says shes on overwatch again. She prefers it, but he forced her to do extra training with Nomad. For nothing apparently.
“Same plan as always then? Real great battle plan. No one will expect that.”
Hearing Outrider’s voice caused Donnie to groan softly, enough to gain a gentle chuckle from Battery, who had been close to making a comment, but he pulled a hand over over his face for a moment, before turning on his heel, fingers tapping a soft beat over the table as he did. He wasn’t in the mood for any of this at all.
“What? You wanna be on the floor? I mean, we could swap you out with Nomad.”
And honestly? He wanted to. He wanted to swap them out, and maybe this would be all that more easier.
“We can’t.  He’s out with the others. It’s you – or no Overwatch at all. Would you prefer that?”
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She wets her lips with a swipe of her tongue, watching him closely as he speaks. He's been avoiding her, even though he knows that battery has been insufferable. He has to know what shes been saying to Alessandra. It's not been mean, in fact battery seems to think it will do them both good. Or ruin is using Erin to tease her. She sighs when he says shes on overwatch again. She prefers it, but he forced her to do extra training with Nomad. For nothing apparently.
"Same plan as always then? Real great battle plan. No one will expect that."
It had been a few days since the incident that had happened between him and Alessandra. Donnie wasn’t going to talk about it – not when they had work to do, work that was more important than his own personal issues. Several people had found out. The only one that he wasn’t too bothered about was Battery. Erin seemed understanding, that everything was alright with her as long as it didn’t effect how they worked.
So here they were, sat in a briefing room. They’d been given the target to get, and he was supposed to be leading the group, and yet – all he seemed to be interested in was the taste that lingered on his lips
“We have a single target. Sgt Reyes of SCAR. He’s being held by several members of the Settlement Defence Force, and we’re to get him out. Outrider, you’re on overwatch. Battery, you’re with me. Prophet, you just keep an eye on Reaper. Any questions?”
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The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
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She sighs and leans against the wall for a second before moving. She grabs her own bag and follows after them a short distance, already plotting her revenge. She searches her bag and pulls out her stress ball, squeezing it once before throwing it at his head.
" Stop. Calling. Me. PRINCESS."
“Not going to finish what you’ve started?”
She huffs out a breath, wiggling a little between him and the wall behind her. The house… that they share… she’s got to try and forget about this when he’ll be right there. It’s not like she’s never noticed how attractive he is before but now it’s all she can think about.
It’s smug, unusually so – because she’s uncomfortable, and he can feel it. It’s a nice feeling, and oddly so – that he’s made her uncomfortable, but he doesn’t choose to make any other comments. Instead, picking up his bag and pushing on the door. Giving a nudge to Battery, who’d been waiting close by
“Not of you, that’s for sure. Princess.”
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"Not going to finish what you've started?"
She huffs out a breath, wiggling a little between him and the wall behind her. The house... that they share... she's got to try and forget about this when he'll be right there. It's not like she's never noticed how attractive he is before but now it's all she can think about.
“It seems like thats what you’re trying to do.”
He seems to radiate heat, his lips softer than they look and his facial hair isn’t unpleasant this close. She does pull her head back again though, putting only about an inch of space between them. She can’t understand what his motives are. But she’s not going to complain, intimacy like this is rare for her. And nows she’s starting to crave it.
“Is it? I ain’t tryin’ to do shit.”
And every part of him was wanting to pull back and leave her in the position she was in at that moment, but it was already too late when the thought about it. Donnie was already sure that someone had seen him, and seen the way they stuck with each other – and he stayed where he was for a few more moments, before huffing. 
“I’ll see you at the house.”
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"It seems like thats what you're trying to do."
He seems to radiate heat, his lips softer than they look and his facial hair isn't unpleasant this close. She does pull her head back again though, putting only about an inch of space between them. She can't understand what his motives are. But she's not going to complain, intimacy like this is rare for her. And nows she's starting to crave it.
The shock registers but she doesn’t hesitate to reach up, hand sliding around his neck to grab a fist full of his hair. She can’t figure out his sudden change in tactics but she’s always been adaptable. She leans back in, not close enough for them to kiss again but she can feel his breath on her lips.
“ I would if you weren’t so intent on keeping close to me.”
And here they were, in the one situation he didn’t want. Ruin was a man who kept his thoughts to himself, and yet here he was in close proximity to someone that he’d rather throw over the side of one of the VTOL’s. As she stays closer, he leans in to peck at her lips again, hands tightening on her wrists.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a – naw, fuck you.”
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The more hurts she gets, the more venomous she grows.
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights  (via wordsnquotes)
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person: calm down
me:I was calm but now i'm going to throw this entire desk at you
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The shock registers but she doesn't hesitate to reach up, hand sliding around his neck to grab a fist full of his hair. She can't figure out his sudden change in tactics but she's always been adaptable. She leans back in, not close enough for them to kiss again but she can feel his breath on her lips.
" I would if you weren't so intent on keeping close to me."
She cant just let him walk away from this, she thinks, storming after him and thrusting both hands into his back, showing her strength despite the fact that he’s taller than her and heavily built. She doesn’t know why he makes her so made but she’s dying to punch him in the jaw. Show him just what a princess can do.
“You’re a coward and an asshole, Walsh.”
“You know what.”
His hands drop the bag that he’d been holding, and move to pin her back against the wall. Call it impulse, maybe a way for him to just try and embarass her as much as he could, but he finds himself reaching to the side of her face, to peck at her lips. ( They’re surprisingly soft. ) It’s the first thing he really notices about them
“Stay the fuck away from me.”
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when you love a really garbage ship and youre unapologetic about it
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She cant just let him walk away from this, she thinks, storming after him and thrusting both hands into his back, showing her strength despite the fact that he's taller than her and heavily built. She doesn't know why he makes her so made but she's dying to punch him in the jaw. Show him just what a princess can do.
"You're a coward and an asshole, Walsh."
That stops her in her tracks, smile falling from her face as she stares at him, blindsided. The knowledge that she was disliked was something that haunted her and to have it thrown in her face is jarring. She takes a step back, into the small room behind her and then her face hardens and she squares her shoulders.
“ Fuck you, Donnie.”
“Truth fuckin’ sucks, doesn’t it?”
Every part of him wants to turn around and apologize, but Donnie Walsh is too strong willed to willingly apologize to someone that grinds his gears on a daily basis. It wasn’t him, and he was sure that he’d most likely vent to Erin over a pint in the local bar, but right now. He wanted out of that room, and away from her
“Come find me when you get that attitude sorted, Princess.”
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That stops her in her tracks, smile falling from her face as she stares at him, blindsided. The knowledge that she was disliked was something that haunted her and to have it thrown in her face is jarring. She takes a step back, into the small room behind her and then her face hardens and she squares her shoulders.
" Fuck you, Donnie."
“Giving up so easily ruin?”
She snorts, resisting the strange urge to grab his arm. He didn’t disagree, which makes her happy in an odd way. He’s also tomato red. She bites her lip and then grins again.
“Don’t worry, you’ve got a fine ass too. Its why i enjoy pissing you off! Just to see you walk away.”
“Yeah, I am. Go fuck yourself.”
Grabbing the bag that he’d dropped off, Ruin turned onto his heel as she continued to speak, fingers tightening deftly around the strap that clung to his shoulder. How bitter could this get?
“You know what, you’re a piece of work. Do you ever wonder why no-one except Battery likes being around you? This exact fuckin’ reason. “
Except he did. Even if he didn’t want to admit it
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