Earlier this day, I woke up and opened my twitter app, it was a bomb, a literal chaos is happening in it and the one's involved is yet again the two rats who just couldn't let Taylor go. I woke up and the first tweet that I had read in twitter was Taylor's long message for us--swifties. I can't actually comprehend the fact that Taylor is literally asking us to help her out. I was fuming mad and I couldn't help but to cry. I felt really really bad for Taylor, she doesn't deserve to be under this situation. It was hers in the first place. She was already okay with it being sold to Braun, she already accepted it. But these men's greed can't get enough of the money that they could squeeze from Taylor's success. They knew Taylor will rerecord her masters next year that's why they're plotting schemes to prevent her to do so. They knew that the money that they used to buy her catalogue will be put to waste once she rerecord it again. What vulgar way to prevent her, eh? Well let me tell you this-- no matter how hard you try to pull her down she will stand up tall and proud because she is her own foundation, not you @scott nor your about to fail record label. My palms are literally itching to slap that twinning Scott and Scoot, I'm furious and completely lost in the bunch of curses I want to throw at those people who try to climb by stepping on other people's success. #IStandWithTaylor
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I’m gonna marry myself tomorrow and Lover will be my wedding song. I am my own lover <3
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Me: I'm gonna review for tomorrow's test.
Also me:
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Never in my entire existence have I ever felt this excited for Monday morning geez 😂
@taylorswift 💗
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@taylorswift Your songs are always worth the wait. 💗
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Donald Trump and the homophobes were probably trembling after listening to YNTCD
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I haven't, and i think I will never meet her :(
Team Never Met Taylor
Reblog this if you have never met Taylor. Maybe she will see this and stalk us!
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I had an embarrassing day (not that bad tho) because of Taylor Swift. Yes because of her and her newly released song (YNTCD). So it started early this morning, I was at school, I'm too excited to see my swiftie friend because I know that she haven't watched Taylor's live on Ig, so I hurriedly went into our room when I saw that she's already in there, I ran as I wear my shoe socks and I almost had a face-to-face with the floor (literally), good thing I get a hold of my balance, so yeah, I walked like nothing happened (some of my friends laughed at me). That was the first one, of course after that I told my friend abt everything that Taylor had announced, I never skipped even the tiniest detail. So funny 'cause she's as excited as I am, we're already having a good time sharing thoughts about Taylor's upcoming song when our teacher entered the room, so yeah, our chitchat was interrupted, and then we went into our respective seats.
The class proceeds as my mind wonders elsewhere, I was too pre-occupied because I was thinking of excuses so that I can go home earlier because I really wanted to listen to Taylor's song as soon as she drops it. Then I was poked by my seatmate and she told me that our teacher at that period has been calling my name, and I literally almost hide myself because I was too embarrassed that I haven't been paying attention to her lectures, she asked me a question and Idk what to say 'cause I have no idea what she's been talking about, I just smiled at her awkwardly and apologize for not listening. She even lectured me that I shouldn't be thinking about my boyfriend in time of class! Like wth, I don't even have one, kinda gives me cringe 'cause I don't like the idea of it lol. It doesn't end in that, my friends and classmates even teased me! I was too embarrassed because they were kinda laughing at me and I'm not used to being laughed at, i don't like it 'cause it makes me wanna cry you know (does anyone of you have the same feeling?). Then after that, our teacher stopped them so she could continue her discussion, I listened after that, of course. This was the second time.
The third one was in our second to the last period, it was around 10am or smth, I was sitting at the back beside my swiftie friend, we sat there so we could talk about Taylor without being noticed by our contemporary arts subject teacher (That's what we thought). We were excitedly whispering at each other, silently giggling/laughing as we talk about the failed theories that the other swifties made up and how we believed one or two of those theories. She was telling me about the prices of the merchandises, we were both about to cry (not literally) sad, and hurt knowing that we can't afford any of those, we were both deeply sorry that we had to download her songs illegally (I admit it) because we can't afford to buy those, if we only have our own money, we would buy, of course, because it would pay off Taylor's hard work and talent. So yeah, we are being dramatic at each other when we noticed that it went silent inside the room we're in, we both looked in front only to noticed that everyone was looking at us, even our teacher in front, she was leaning at her desk, arms crossed while looking directly at us. Some of our classmates were containing their laugh, but most of them just looked at us. Then our teacher asked us to tell the class what we were talking while she was discussing in front, we didn't answered because we were both embarrassed at that very moment (who wouldn't be? And it was my second offense that same day!). Then she gets mad, omg I was about to pee in my slacks (lol just exaggerating things) we were both embarrassed and scared at the same time, I was dying inside, felt like I'm gonna throw up or something lol. Then she told us to always pay respect to the teacher that's lecturing in front (we both know that, we just couldn't contain ourselves at that moment) and she lectured us more before she asked the both of us to leave the room. It was a blessing in disguise, tho. But it doesn't change the fact that we were marked as absent in her period (that period only) and we were both embarrassed. We went in our room again after our teacher left only to teased by my classmates again. I literally wanted to leave at that time 'cause it's too much embarrassment already.
Then it was around 12:50 when our last teacher dismissed us, I was literally in the verge of crying, like wth it was only few mins before Taylor releases her song, my swiftie friend left first because I was still waiting for my friend who lives near my home, he was so slow and I was already shouting and he's just laughing at me like hell I wanted to punch him. I was asking to hurry up because he was slowing me down (I can't go home alone) I was half running already as we went to the jeepney terminal. At the terminal, my swiftie friend was already in the jeep(public vehicle in Philippines) which has its full capacity already that's why I walked back in line. It was past 12 noon already when I asked my friend if he has a load, the he said yes, and I borrowed his phone, open his youtube app, search for Taylor's youtube channel and saw her newly released song, I immediately clicked it and went to my swiftie friend who's already inside the jeep, I was just outside, jumping in excitement as I showed her the lyric video, we were both beyond excited when we heard it the first time. I didn't noticed that the passengers inside the jeep were looking at us, not until the driver asked me to remove my hands (I was sticking my hand inside the window to show my friend the video) because the jeep was about to leave. I was dying because of too much embarrassment, seriously. I went back to my friend, pretending not to notice the contained laugh of some of the people in there, my friend wasn't holding his laugh, he told me I looked stupid which makes me more feel embarrassed. I gave him back his phone because I was pissed, I didn't even get to finish the lyric video (tho I prefer to listen at home).
I was humming the first part of the song that I get to listen to as we go home, I can't wait to finish the song 'cause it sounds great (seriously). I also keep on remembering my embarrassments that day, take note that it all happened in just half of a day! I can't get it off my head but I love Taylor more so when I get home, I immediately fished out my phone, connect to WiFi, and searched for the song. I thought that it was one of the worst day of my life, not until I listened to YNTCM. All the embarrassments fade away like all of it never really happened. As soon as I finished the song, I realized that I NEED TO CALM DOWN! 💗
Ps. It's still playing until now. I can't get enough of it, I really should calm down 'cause I'm getting too loud, right @taylorswift ? 💗
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I'll surely wear a pink pastel-colored shirt on 26! I'm so so hookt with the new theme omggg 😂❤
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Are we out of the woods yet?
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April 26, 2019
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@taylorswift made me do this. ❤ Ilysm ❤
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See the difference? It was her in the dark and her when she stepped into the daylight. ❤
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@taylorswift just made my whole month 😭 ilysm ❤
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