keep fighting
439 posts
callie custer // 21 // cosmetology
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
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Callie absolutely jumped in response to the words, hopping at least a foot in the air out of alarm. If Dante had been trying to sneak up on them, they had done a bang-up job.
 “Oh! Gosh! I, I totally wasn’t sneaking in! I was just... Trying to be quiet!” He defended weakly, twirling his fingers through his hair. “You’re... supposed to be quiet in libraries, aren’t you...?”
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It had been a particularly slow day at the library, with Dante spending the majority of his time restocking shelves and constantly checking the returns box to see if anyone dropped anything off. Normally he was kept busy with new books coming in or some idiot constantly jamming the printer that was tucked away in the corner by the computers. but now he was stuck at the circulation desk, refreshing and refreshing his Twitter and Instagram feeds, hoping that someone interesting or something interesting would happen.
Switching tabs between Twitter and Instagram, Dante swore that he was falling asleep when the big doors creaked open and he saw someone sneak in, making their way through the stacks. If Dante had had something else to do, he would have just let them navigate their way alone, but he was bored to tears and figured chasing down this sneaky person could be a bit of fun.
Stepping out from behind the desk, he followed them through the A’s and the B’s before they finally stopped in the P section. Leaning against the edge of one of the shelves, Dante cleared his throat and gave them a quick once over. 
“You know, it’s generally considered bad taste to sneak into libraries.”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
dax listened to the other, nodding his head. he could understand feeling tired and sad during community service, especially if you get placed in a job that features a lot of people struggling with issues like homelessness, abuse, etcetera. it definitely wasn’t for the faint-hearted a lot of the time. “got arrested for pot. three months parole and community service.”
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“Wow, really?” Callie chirped, his eyes widening in surprise. “You got that much just for being caught with... pot? That’s like... So much compared to what I got for doing things that are kind of a little way worse than that...”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Callie shrugged a bit. “I dunno. I did community service a few times and every time they made me do it I just felt really tired and sad, I guess. I mean. It’s good to help...” He sighed, trailing off and pouting. “... Maybe I should do more community service. Uhm. Anyway! Why are you doing community service in the first place, anyway?”
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“you know, community service isn’t even bad, really.” he nodded slightly, taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing it out easily. dax’s dark brown eyes focused on them. a shrug. “on principle, i’m annoyed that i have to do it. but it’s also nice to do things for people, so-” he flicked his ashes with a shake of his head, “- can’t complain too much. what about you?”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Seth nodded, brows furrowing a bit at his companion’s expression. “You have thoughts to escape too, I take it?” It wouldn’t be surprising to the blond if he did. Seth was sure if you looked deep enough, you could find the need for escapism in anyone. As the other reassured him that it was ok to be taken care of, he couldn’t help but scrunch his nose in distaste. In his mind, he knew it was healthy to have some give and take, but the whole concept of removing himself from a role that he was so comfortable playing was a bit jarring. In truth, Seth didn’t know how to let anyone take care of him and arguably, he didn’t really know how to let anyone love him either. “Maybe not, but it kind of makes me feel like I’m burdening you or something,” he explained, a childish pout tugging at his lower lip. As the two of them settled onto the couch, Seth scooted closer to his companion, laid his head on his shoulder, and wordlessly offered him his drink. “Tell me something about you. I feel like my drunkenness is taking up too much of the conversation,” he requested, blue eyes peering up at him.
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“Oh, gosh... We don’t have to talk about all that.” He immediately insisted, flushing slightly and waving to other off. “It’s, uh, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. And I like helping people! So don’t feel bad or anything. It’s definitely not a urden. Drunk people are kinda funny.” He said, smiling a little. He was happy enough to have Seth curl up against him, running his fingersthrough his hair with one hand and taking the drink with the other, taking a generous sip. “Uhmm... I’m a cosmetology student?”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
“no no no, callie, listen and learn, ginger ale is sucky and for old people or mixed drinks, sprite is fun and can be had on its own.” she teases, sipping at her can, she actually likes ginger ale but thats not the point, “Oh, honey, no, i love progresso. Thank you for making me some. Would you like to watch cartoons with me and share my soup?” she asks, going into the fridge to pull out a container of left over rice, she likes putting a scoop in her soup, it always helps settle her stomach and makes the soup more substantial as a meal
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“Oh.” He felt so uneducated. But, you know, he actually felt that way a lot, so. It was fine. “Alright. That’s good, then.” He sighed, feeling rather relieved. He would feel so bad if he messed it up... “Well. I do like cartoons.” He admitted, nibbling his lips thoughtfully.
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
“I mean, unless it’s — not?” at this point he was just thinking aloud. “So, tense dude sex? Whoa, that’d sound real fuckin’ lame.” he just kept rambling. 
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“Tense dude sex can be fun too.” He protested, pouting. “I can have whatever kind of dude sex I wanna have. Quit judging me.” Why was he having this conversation?
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Playfully rolling his eyes, Francisco nodded his head. “You’re right.” He laid back, a bit relaxed as he felt the fingers run through his hair. “Would I really?” The statement said with ponder as he didn’t know much about hairstyles. He usually just gets out of bed and leaves his hair alone. “Make me…bonita. muy bonita.”  Cisco chuckled lightheartedly, the apples of his cheeks softly flushing a red undertone.
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“Of course you would.” He enthused, grinning even wider, tapping his fingers across his lips as he examined the other. “I will make you so bonita, it’ll be crazy.” He teased, grinning widely. “I can do whatever you want.”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
“It’s nice in some ways. I usually tend to overanalyze everything when I’m sober, so it’s kinda like a mind break in a way,” Seth rambled, taking a sip of his drink. Rubbing his hand across his forehead, the blond sighed. “So, I’ve officially become the person I usually take care of, huh? And now you’re me, and now you’re worried about me hurting myself. I’m so sorry,” he lamented, a child-like pout settling on his lips as he took the other’s hand in his own and began leading them towards the couch. Plopping down on it, a small bit of his drink splashed up on his shirt and caused him to frown at it before he glanced back over at his companion. “Better?”
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“Yeah. Being sober kind of sucks sometimes.” He sighed, nibbling at his lips, seeming thoughtful. “Well, I guess so, but it’s not bad to be taken care of sometimes. So don’t worry about it.” He assured, smiling a little and allowing his hand to be taken, moving to plop down on the couch with him. “Yes! This is lovely. Thanks.” He said, grinning a bit.
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Okay, so it definitely wasn’t Rory’s thing. The guitar at the beginning was cool, and it wasn’t like they hated it, but…not their thing. But they didn’t say that, and even nodded their head a little with the beat. “You know what? There’s this show on Netflix called Aggretsuko, I think you’d like it.”
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Callie was trying not to be too enthusiastic, but he just... He really liked this music. He was kind of mouthing along words and bobbing his head, totally distracted until Rory spoke again. “Huh? Oh! I haven’t heard of it...”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Callie didn’t see why things would be any different. I mean, he kind of did, he supposed, but not for the two of them! They were friends. Why would they stop being friends?
 “No.” He immediately responded, shrugging a bit in response to Cas’s question. “Why would it be? Especially if you don’t want it to be weird. And I don’t want it to be weird. So, like... We’re all good! We want the same thing!”  He enthused.
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@calliecuster liked for a starter —
The day after he’d hooked up with Callie, Cas wasn’t really sure what to make of it. Callie was a sweetheart, and didn’t seem like the type to be cold in the aftermath, but then again—Cas wasn’t the best at maintaining friendships with the people he slept with. When he saw Callie out in the quad later in the afternoon, he decided to do a smart thing for once in his life and bite the bullet and have this conversation. “This isn’t gonna be weird, is it? I don’t want it to be weird.”
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Alright. Ok. Alright. Gotta. Gotta get back into it. Oh my goodness I feel so fucking lost y’all someone tell me what I missed. I’ma finally reply to shit I swear.
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Fabian: Ahhh, ok ok. For a min there I thought it would be just ME. I was about to exit abort this mission.
Fabian: You should just come over to my place and pick the clothes, though. I don't even know what we're doing so you'd be better at picking something for me to wear.
Calamus: PLEASE!!!!! You think I'd let you steal the show?
Calamus: Uhmmm obvs we're gonna have multiple outfits fab come onnn...
Calamus: but i'll totally come over and help you pick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calamus: are you gonna let me do the lap-dance thing nicki does at the end of the video with drake on you? it'll be so fun.
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Calamus: YES!!! YAY!!!! HORRAY!!!! Bring, like, all your clothes!!! :D I'll do your makeup and stuff it'll be awesome. I wonder if we could get anyone else to do, like, backup dancers.....
Fabian: WAIT A SECOND!!!
Fabian: *hyperventilates*
Calamus: OF COURSE I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT BE SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Fabian: That video was just so iconic, I couldn't say no.
Fabian: I'm oddly excited for this.
Fabian: Tomorrow? Any time works for me.
Fabian: Hahahahahah I can't believe this.
Calamus: YES!!! YAY!!!! HORRAY!!!! Bring, like, all your clothes!!! :D I'll do your makeup and stuff it'll be awesome. I wonder if we could get anyone else to do, like, backup dancers.....
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Calamus: ohh kkaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
Fabian: I can't believe I'm saying this, but... SIGN ME UP!
Calamus: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Calamus: IM SO EXCITED! :D :D :D :D :D THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!!! When can we start!!??!?!?!
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Calamus: OF COURSE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fabian: Hold on, I gotta watch the original video first.
Fabian: Give me a min to decide.
Calamus: ohh kkaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
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calliecuster · 7 years ago
Calamus: Do you wanna dress up and re-create the Anaconda music video?
Fabian: [...]
Fabian: [...]
Fabian: Is this an ACTUAL offer?
Calamus: OF COURSE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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