I write stuff I see in my head ig | amature writer | gacha kid | haikyuu inserts/oc's | idrk what I'm doing rn
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years.
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life.
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pt1 pt2 pt3
Nama sensed that you were asleep as she passed through a town that not many people are awake to see and got to the main concrete road. As more buildings came into view the slower her pace got, soon they were in the main part of town, a plaza with a few fast-food restaurants and stores. Moving to the side of the road into a curb-side parking spot, she dropped the rope in her mouth before running off into the plaza. When you came to, you sat up at the back of the wagon and looked around to take in your surroundings. To your left were a few houses before getting cut off on a four-way intersection. In front of you there’s a few more houses and to your left was a plaza; the first place you saw with a lit up sign, McDonald’s. You’re just about to get out until Nama pops up with a small McDonalds bag in her mouth, you glance up at the bright light of the restaurant’s sign and look back at the orange canine, you take the bag from Nama as you sit back down and check your phone as Nama trails behind you, 8:22, it read in white numbers – in the top right corner it read 18% battery but much more signal. You put your phone beside you with your charger. Your legs stretched out in front of you, Nama went and rested on your right shin, you let her cause she must’ve been tired from running. Taking out the food she, somehow, asked one of the workers for, there was a ten piece nugget box and a medium fries; you put it on your lap, as you ate you looked around to see if you can find an outlet for your phone to charge, you look at Nama and gently stroke her head with your clean hand. Once you finished eating you decided to stay put until Nama woke up, you brought your left knee to your chest and hugged it with your left arm. You put the two boxes into the paper bag, there’s a trash can by the glass doors and an outlet near the tables out on the patio. You look up at the dark night sky, you’re able to see almost all the stars with the exception of the ones hiding behind the clouds. You look at your phone once more, your thumb resting on the home button, 8:37 PM – 8%, you narrow your eyes at the battery and how quickly it’s draining, but then the second knuckle of your thumb starts to glow white with the light being illuminated by a USB tattoo? An outline of one though, you hear your phone ding in your hand and you look up see that the battery shot up to 100%, shocked you dropped your phone in your lap as you held your thumb to your eyes; you also felt your right shin go cold so you thought that Nama must’ve woken up. As you inspect your thumb you see a scar where the USB tattoo was, you hear the tapping of Nama walking in front of you as you open back your phone to make sure you weren’t hallucinating, and in small white letters the battery reads as 100%. You didn’t have much time to think about it as Nama pulled you up and out of the wagon by your sweater sleeve and ran, dragging you, to a street of houses.
#A Place You'll Never See On T.V#creative writing#fantasy writing#original writing#original character#reader insert#magic#electricity
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A Dirt Road
pt1 pt2 pt4
You hear Nama bark in front of you to your left, you open your eyes but don't see Nama anywhere. You look to your left where the noise originally came from, you didn't see much other than a few tall pieces of dry grass and a short tree shriveling up in the distance. Looking back in front of you - you see a dirt road with dried up trees pretty evenly spaced out on each side with a few dead grass patches here and there. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, the orange fox came into view holding a long piece of rope in her mouth, looking to see where it led, it was attached to a large wagon? If it could be called a wagon with its size, it looked like it could hold three adults. Nama looks between you and the wagon like she wants you to get in it. You put your hands in your sweater pockets and you feel something, or a few things. You went to stand behind the wagon and pulled out from your pocket a charging block, a charger and your phone. You throw your charger and block into the wagon and unlock your phone. Unlocking your phone the first thing you see is the time, 6:19 PM, you look at the phone battery, 34%, beside it was the signal bars, there wasn't much signal where you are right now. You were far too deep to go back now so you decide to hop in the wagon and see where Nama takes you. Once Nama see that you’re settled she turns to face the road and starts running, she seemed less of a fox and more a cheetah with how fast she's running, the wind whipping around you makes it a bit hard to breath so you lower yourself so that your face was more in the wagon and out of the way of the wind after about half an hour Nama started to slow down a bit so you sit up a little and see some green on the ground, you sit up fully and see some more healthy grass you look to the left and see a run down warehouse, it looked like it had vines coming from the windows with a healthy and big oak tree. You yawned and decided to take a little nap or at least until there were more buildings and people around. You lay on your side your index and middle finger hooked around your wrapped charger, your charging block was attached to the charger already and in your hand was your phone you put your hand to your chest, putting your free hand under your head to cushion it, closing your eyes you feel the bumping as you slowly fall asleep.
#A Place You'll Never See On T.V#creative writing#fantasy writing#original writing#original character#reader insert#magic#dirt road
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Nama: The Fox of Flames
pt1 pt3 pt4
You feel a gentle breeze on the right side of your face. To your right you hear a waterfall, in front of you, you hear the rustling of trees and the crackling of fire? Confused, you open your eyes to see a wooden bridge with a fox that seems to be made of flames. It has bright fiery fur, a long bushy tail made of fire and white paws but what stood out the most was its icy blue eyes that were glaring at you. It stood defensively while growling at you. The two of you stare at each other for what feels like forever, you suddenly take a step and the fox seemed to have seen it as a threat as the flames of its body grew bigger and snarled, you try and show your not a threat by lowering your stance as you step onto the bridge, the fox started forwards towards you, slowly you raise your arm out with your palm up to sniff, it took a few sniffs and paused for a moment as the flames died down a bit, it sniffed your hand again and the flames died down completely. The fire died down to reveal soft fluffy bright orange fur and a bushy tail. It turned its head to point at its snout to something on its back before nudging your hand with its snout, scratching its chin gently and going up to scratch behind its ear. You stop and slowly get up and see a piece of paper on the animal's back, picking it up and unfolding it “Hello! My name is Nama!” it read so you assumed the fox was a girl. She moved her head away and, with her teeth, grabbed the sleeve of your sweater and started dragging you across the bridge and through the dark glowing forest in front of you. As you took a quick glance at the water from the waterfall Nama dragged you through the forest. You ran through the forest while being dragged by the blue eyed fox and saw how some of the trees looked; tall and fairly close together with the exception of the galaxy-like pathway you and Nama were running on, the trees had dark purple trunks that almost look black and dark blue and green leaves. Nama dragged you through the forest, to the light, stopping before the light and turned around towards you and tail to the light. She was looking back and forth between you and the light, like she wanted you to go through the light with her but didn't want to leave you behind if you didn't go. She took one last look at the light behind her, then looked towards you and stared; you two stared at each other for a bit then you looked up to the light in front of you and took a step towards it. You heard hushed voices, the same whispers from before, then nothing. You close your eyes as you take a deep breath, exhaling, you open your eyes, you walk into the light and just before you step in you cover your eyes with the back of your hand, turn your head to the side and squeeze your eyes shut. You hear Nama beside you and wind whipping around you.
#A Place You'll Never See On T.V#creative writing#fantasy writing#original writing#original character#reader insert#magic#fox
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The Forest
pt2 pt3 pt4
You're wandering about outside in the fields and come across an oddly grown patch of trees. Curious, you start walking towards it. Picking up speed as it was to get dark soon, you feel the wind against you as you start running. The wind feels like it's trying to push you away from the small forest but you push on. Finally reaching the edge of the forest you consider coming back when you're more prepared but then you hear something, whispers, but you can't understand what they’re saying. You look closer into the forest and see a faint white light from within the forest but it seemed welcoming rather than threatening. Absent-mindlessly you start wandering into the forest with a vague idea of which direction you're going in until the light moves to your right. You look back to the direction you were originally going only to be met with a black scene of trees. You then looked back behind you and could barely see where you came from. The forest was deeper than you thought. The hairs on your skin stand on end, despite that you continue, the temperature dropped a bit, shivering at the abrupt change in temperature you pull your sweater closer to your body. In mere seconds of trying to run to the arched and filled light it moved again! Turning around as quick as you can you hear the grass ruffle underneath you, the light looked farther than before. You started to get annoyed with this light. You start running towards it before it could move again, your heart thumping fast as your body started to heat up as the wind rushed against your skin. You finally got to where the light is so you stop to try and catch your breath. You sit down and study the scene before you. Many arches of different sizes but sticking to a similar design; two stone pillars parallel each other with two shorter pieces slightly curving in towards the middle to create an upside down V shape. All but one you can see right through. The second biggest arch was glowing white like you saw at the edge of the forest. Finally catching your breath you tilt your head down a little to see the bottom of some of the arches and you see that some of the arches have flowers of different colors and types that seem to have been planted by hand and have been tended to daily. Slowly rising back to your feet, you start towards the glowing arch, without thinking you put your hand through momentarily before quickly pulling it back to your side. Examining your hand and the space it went through just a moment ago you decide to put your hand back in when you do you feel a gentle breeze against your hand; twisting it around a bit you pull your hand back out. Deeming it safe enough you close your eyes and step into the light.
#A Place You'll Never See On T.V#creative writing#fantasy writing#original writing#original character#reader insert#forest#magic
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