calistaxoxo · 11 months
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Hiii guys! Eleventh blog yayy!
Last night I got like 4 hours of sleep, nothing new. These 8 am classes are lowkey killing me but it’s okay. Hopefully, tonight I can catch up on sleep because tomorrow is Saturday meaning I can sleep in. I still have tons of homework and assignments to catch up on, so I will be probably stay up late doing those tonight. I am really excited for tomorrow though because it is the football game AND my family is coming over! I’m so excited to see them!! Today I had a little strawberry cake thing from the Bruin store which was really good. For lunch I got B Plate which was alright, not the best food but it was still good. Overall, I am just excited it is Friday and I can see my family tomorrow. I would rate my day a 6/10.
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
About Our Sentimental Items!!
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Pumpkin Carving with Claire!!
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
October 26, 2023
Heyy tenth blog!!
Today was a good day for sleep! I went to bed at like 2 AM last night and woke up at 7 AM. So in total I got like 5 hours of sleep which has been the longest time I’ve slept this week. I also took a huge nap during the day. In the morning after my 8 AM I got a bagel and tea at Kerckhoff. I think that meal has become an everyday thing now and honestly I am not mad because I love bagels. I did not really eat lunch due to my long nap, but for dinner I got Epic with some friends and like always it was really good. Today was good a day, I feel a lot less stressed because my mid terms are over with. Except I do have this essay that’s due on Monday, little stressed over that. Overall, my day was a 7/10. 
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Lunch Water Bottle Chug! 10-26-23
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
October 26, 2023
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Fact About Identity/Background
One thing I am most proud of is my cultural and where my family comes from. Both my mom and dad’s side of the family are from Mexico, and we still have some family that currently lives out there. I come from a huge family of entrepreneurs (mainly from my dad’s side), my grandpa had a business, my uncles had one, and my dad currently has two. My grandpa started the chain when he was younger and had a food business in Mexico. It is not there anymore, but we still have a grocery store that was also started my grandpa in Mexico. My dad carried that to here in the United States. When he was around late 20s, he opened up a meat market/grocery store in Norco, CA. It grew very successful, and that is when he decided to open up a restaurant. 
My grandma was the cook in the family. All her recipes were so good, every family dinner we would all be looking forward to her cooking. She passed down the cooking torch to my dad, he had all her recipes and I would say he is equally as good of a cook. Furthermore, my dad was very determined to start a Mexican restaurant that as soon as he find he spot, he began working immediately. It was a long process with all the licenses, working with the city, and inspections but eventually he got everything to pass. He was finally able to open the restaurant in July 2020, which was another struggle itself because it was during covid, but he managed. The restaurant is called Tacos Al Fuego and is located in Corona, CA. It has authentic Mexican food, most of them being my grandmas recipes! This business did so good, that my sister and my dad recently opened another Tacos Al Fuego in Riverside, CA. The goal is to make it a chain! My sister is being passed down the business so she can keep it going. I sometimes help her, and she actually wants to open one up in LA near UCLA so I can help her run it. Overall, I am very proud of my family and everything they have accomplished and I hope to run a business with my sister one day. 
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Hi guys!! Ninth blog!!
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Today I had two midterms. Woke up very stressed. I actually barely slept last night because I was studying, I kept taking naps in between my time studying. I think in total I got like 3 hours of sleep. I had my math midterm at 8 AM, I think I did okay but I know I could have done better. My Chem midterm was at 6 PM, I also did okay on that but could have done better if I studied more. Today I had De Neve for dinner and a bagel and tea for breakfast. Both were super good! De Neve had these little desserts that were super delicious! It was strawberries, whip cream, and chocolate syrup. Overall, my day started really bad because of midterms but it got better. I would rate it 5/10.
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
College Bucket List!
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Pre-Health Career Other Than Your Own
The human eye is an organ that allows us to perceive the world around us along with many other functions. Pre-optometry is an important field within the healthcare industry that focuses on the evaluations and management of eye health. Doctors of optometry are highly skilled people who are the leaders in primary eye health care and aid patients and their families to take the necessary steps for healthier eyes. They are the ones who diagnose and treat any eye diseases and/or conditions like glaucoma or age related macular degeneration. Optometrists are also responsible for detecting any symptoms for other diseases that can occur in the eyes such as some symptoms of diabetes. Additionally, they provide vision tests and eye exams, and have the ability to prescribe corrective lenses if needed. 
Pre-optometry is a rigorous undergraduate pathway that requires such passion for eye health. Students on this pathway often take courses in biology, physics, chemistry, and calculus to provide the necessary knowledge and material to understand the complex mechanisms of the eye. Along with that, pre-optometry students seek out shadowing opportunities with optometrists to gain hands on experience and learn more about the field. An opportunity like this can enhance there interest in eye health and give them patient interaction experience to get a taste of what it is like being optometrist.
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Self Reflection #2
Last week I set three self-care goals for myself. They were to get more sleep, go to the gym more, and branch out and try new things. I am going to be honest, the majority of these goals were hard to keep up with this week. I wanted to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night so I could be fully rested, especially since I wake up early four out of five days during the weekdays for my morning lecture. However, I have not been able to get a full 7 hours of sleep every night. On average I am getting like 3 hours. I just have so many assignments and studying to do that keep me up at night. My second goal was to go to the gym every day, but I also have not been able to go. I think due to midterm season, I have just been locking myself in my room to study and have not gotten the chance to go out to the gym. I did work out once last week though, super fun. It felt nice to work out because I genuinely like to work out, I just miss it. In terms of branching out and finding new adventures, I have pretty much already done that through joining clubs and socializing more. I want to change that goal to spending time for myself whether that is through reading a book or simply just watching my favorite show. I definitely did spend time for myself last week. It was not for long though, I literally just laid in bed and scrolled on TikTok for a couple of minutes. I have just been so busy that I forgot what it feels like to relax. So, I want to try to do that more this upcoming week because it was really nice. 
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calistaxoxo · 11 months
Hi guys! Eighth blog on Tumblr!
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Last night I kept waking up and going back to sleep again. I got back to my dorm at like 2 AM from a study session with friends and then was going to work on an essay but accidentally fell asleep. After waking up like twice, I finally got out of bed at like 7 AM to work on the essay, it was only a draft that was due today so it did not have to be perfect. Afterwards, I had a chemistry discussion at 12 PM. My midterm is tomorrow which is stressing me out because I feel like I am not as prepared as I should be. I also have my math midterm tomorrow morning so let’s hope I do good. I didn’t really eat much today loll but I did get dinner at epic with my roommate which was really good. Overall, my day was 4/10
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