Squirrelcrow AU-
-Leafpool never gets with Crowfeather instead Squirrelflight does
-She and Brambleclaw are more like siblings and have a very strong relationship
-It starts at the journey, at first Crow and Squirrel are always fighting and trying to one-up eachother
-but as the journey goes on and they begin bonding and realize just how long it'll actually take to reach their destination
-Crow keeps to himself on the journey for most of the time, which causes tension between him and the rest of the group, but he gradually opens up and slowly they warm up to him
-Squirrel is the first (besides Feathertail, but only because she's nice to everyone) to consider him a 'friend' since the two bond over being apprentices
-Squirrel and Crow playfight a lot, though Squirrel always wins due to her stockier build which makes her able to pin him easier
-The first time they playfight together a few of the cats thought it was an actual fight and stepped in to break it up which lead to embarrassment on both sides
-Crow did still have his crush on Feathertail but it was one-sided with Feather treating him more like a younger sibling than an interest
-I'd imagine they'd become mates near the end of the journey when they've both had time to move past the death of Feathertail
-At first they'd be wary about meeting up and would probably limit it to gatherings where it could be passed of as the journeying cats reuniting
-but then they'd start getting more frequent until Bramble eventually catches on and follows her
-he promises not to tell anyone and admits he had a hunch while they were journeying, he gives the classic warnings about how they could be caught and the consequences of it but in the end just tells them to be careful and that he'd cover for Squirrel if needed
-When Squirrel starts showing signs of being pregnant there are two main toms that are suspected to be the father; Ashfur or Brambleclaw
-Ash and Squirrel have a pretty close relationship and they consider eachother good friends
-Ash had previously made advances towards her which she quickly shut down, this left him pretty hurt and damped their relationship though they still hung out quite a bit
-Squirrelflight knew that Ashfur would only get suspicious if she asked him to act as a father and so she turned to Bramble instead and the two of them formed a fake relationship
-When the kits were born she names two of them Sunkit(Lionkit) iln memory of the Sundrown place where she and Crow met and Ravenkit(Hollykit) Because she wanted to name her after a black bird like her dad, she then lets Bramble name the last one which he choses Stormkit (Jaykit), in honor of Stormfur.
-For a while it all works out, Squirrel isn't able to be at gatherings or meet up, which means she's unable to see Crowfeather, though it allows her to focus on the kits more
-Crowfeather is confused when Squirrelflight doesn't turn up to their arranged meeting and starts doubting himself until Bramble arrives instead
-its been a few days since the kits were born and Crow still doesn't know about them, so when he sees Bramble he assumes that he's come to tell him that he's intervening with the relationship
-He panics at first but when Bramble explains the situation he calms down a bit before immediately panicking again
-Bramble calms and reassures him that everything is under control and the kits are safe
-After everything is talked through they both go their separate ways, with Crowfeather unable to think about anything except his new kits
-A few moons later, Bramble had continued to meet with Crow and update him on how his mate and kits were getting on and let him know that everything was still running fine.
-The kits are now older and are almost ready to be apprenticed, even though Stormkit(Jaykit) is blind they gave him the choice of wanting to be a medicine cat or a warrior though they made sure to let him know how hard it'll be for him, he still choses a warrior.
-Sunkit(Lionkit) was the one that actually chose to be the medicine cat which surprised a lot of cats
-When they were finally made apprentices, Stormpaw was given to Brightheart while Ravenpaw was given to Ashfur and Sunpaw stayed with Leafpool in the medicine den
-Speaking of Leafpool she knew that these kits weren't Bramble's, she had no idea who the actual father was but she would stay silent regardless
-Later she confronted Squirrel and found out who it was, she spared the judgement and offered her support in anyway possible.
-At one particular meeting, when Squirrel was able to, her and Crow discussed him being able to meet the kits
-Even though he was eager to, he knew it was hard enough with two cats sneaking out let alone all five of them, they agreed to wait a bit longer
-The next day Squirrel took all three of them out and explained that Bramble wasn't actually their father, she said that their actual father lived in Windclan and if they wanted to they could meet him
-She made it clear that it was their choice and if they wanted to they could keep living a normal life with Brambleclaw as their dad
-Sunpaw agreed to meet him right away, he was curious and didn't really think about the implications
-Stormpaw requested more time to think on it and after a few days came to the conclusion that one meeting couldn't hurt and if he didn't like it he could always forget about it
-Ravenpaw took the longest to come to terms with it, she was shocked that she was half-clan and hated that she'd been lied to her while life up until now
-It took her a moon of thinking, in which she ignored Squirrelflight and spent extra time with Bramble
-Bramble caught on that something was wrong and the two of them talked it out, which helped Ravenpaw organize her thoughts and feelings
-She apologized for ignoring Squirrel and Squirrel apologized for the lying, she agreed to meet her father but promised Bramble that she would always consider him, her dad as well
-Sunpaw was introduced first since he was the most easy going and accepting out of the three.
-Crowfeather told him how proud he was of him being a medicine cat while Sunpaw rambled on and on about clan life and what he'd been up to. They didn't really talk about their familial relationship instead about small things, though they both enjoyed it.
-Stormpaw was introduced second, he was wary and defensive when he met Crowfeather, he made sure to mention that he still considered Bramble his dad. Crowfeather thought this was fair enough but it still stung, he could definitely see himself in Stormpaw and he told him how proud he was that he was becoming a warrior.
-Ravenpaw was introduced last, she was pretty quiet and analytical of the whole meeting, there was still the feeling that she'd been lied to and coupled with the fact she was breaking the code, she found it hard to speak to Crowfeather at all. From the moment Crowfeather saw her, he could see the similarities, from the colour of her pelt to the build of her body. He could tell she was unsure about all of this and did his best to talk to her about it, though she would change the subject when their relation was brought up and start talking about some meaniness subject like how the prey was going, despite Squirrelflight's best efforts. Crowfeather wasn't really bothered by this, as long as he was getting to know his kits he was happy.
Warrior names are:
Ravenclaw (hollyleaf) in honor of Brambleclaw
Sunflower (Lionblaze) in honor of Goldenflower
Stormheart (Jayfeather) in honor of Brightheart and Firestar
Endgame ships are:
Sorreltail x Leafpool x Brackenfur
Brambleclaw x Reedwhisker
Sunflower x Kestrelflight
Ravenclaw x Cinderheart x Heathertail
Stormheart's more focused on his warrior duties and proving himself
Dovewing x Briarlight
Ivypool x Blossomfall
#squirrelcrow#crowsquirrel#KesterelLion#Lionkesterel#Warrior cats#Au#Warrior cats au#squirrelflight#crowfeather#leafpool#brambleclaw
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