caligenathings · 10 months
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Leah with her flower dance outfit,,
she can definitely crush me with those big strong arms.
Also, my posts will be a bit slow this and next month, I have to focus on finals and my other uni projects. But I will be active reblogging sdv content!
Original (by Cdzfit on tiktok!)
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caligenathings · 2 years
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Kiss in Summer
Fortuna and Taylor
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caligenathings · 2 years
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Fortuna and Taylor sharing a kiss
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caligenathings · 2 years
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HEY! I have a really neat little stream where I make lots of art and play some games, but most of all I goof around with the people showing up. If you could share this so maybe one new person can find my corner of the net? 🥺☺️
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caligenathings · 2 years
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caligenathings · 2 years
First ever commission!
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Commission for the illustrious @its_aight.9 on Instagram!!! The paladin rogue Tabaxi, Ma'ik.
I had so much fun drawing and getting to know this character, and I'm so happy with how he turned out! So satisfying~
Leading me to my next announcement, I have a Ko-Fi where I'm accepting commissions now!
I can accept paypal through there, and Cashapp externally! Just reach out to me on Ko-Fi or dm me here on Tumblr, on my Instagram (@caligena_things), or on my Twitter (@ArtoriCaligena), if interested!
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caligenathings · 2 years
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❤️ "Y-you wanna go stargazing? I saw a good spot on the hills just outside the city!" ❤️
Finally got around to doing my darling Kenny in this newer style. Is it a fair bit more complex than usual? Yeah probably, but it was nice to develop a bit. Still working on being looser with the work and letting it not have as much pressure but this one felt right to juj a little. She turned out very cute and I'm so happy with her! This is in partial a late celebration of her romantic feelings for another party member finally coming to fruition in canon! It's been a long and hard slow burn of about 4 years now, but it was all worth it when they finally got to share a kiss for real this time.
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caligenathings · 2 years
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caligenathings · 2 years
kinda miss sitting in restaurants with my friends loudly having what is clearly the weirdest conversation the couple two tables over has heard all week and pretending not to notice them chuckle at my jokes but making sure to throw in enough exposition to give them context if they’re still listening
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caligenathings · 2 years
Tales of eebs and blorbs and HORSE PLINKO but none of it's related. We are still searching for answers.
Captain's Log, 1/14/21
In my absence from the hellsite, it seems to have formed a new language. Efforts are being made to undergo translation but I'll be honest wtf is happening man.
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caligenathings · 2 years
Captain's Log, 1/14/21
In my absence from the hellsite, it seems to have formed a new language. Efforts are being made to undergo translation but I'll be honest wtf is happening man.
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caligenathings · 2 years
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every time I think Michael Sheen can’t get wilder he pulls something like this out
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caligenathings · 2 years
i love it when im rereading a story and i find these little breadcrumbs of foreshadowing the author left. everytime im like “ohoho!!!! i wouldve gotten that before if i had the big picture!!! and now i do!!! delightful!!!” and idk i just love being able to read the same story twice but have two different experiences. i like when a story has so many layers that it can keep you entertained for a long time as you unravel all its secret nooks and crannies. thats a good story.
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caligenathings · 2 years
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today in “youtube’s recommendation algorithm completely misunderstands what i’m interested in”: i am recommended a channel consisting entirely of livestreams of a creepy dude sitting in a corner and just staring at the camera for 4 hours, 3 times a week
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caligenathings · 2 years
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Source: [x]
Click HERE for more facts!
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caligenathings · 3 years
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caligenathings · 3 years
why do all anime dub actors sound like that. like just talk normal
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