calicokath · 3 years
Hey guys, does anyone have Promise rings by cocksluts? They deleted their AO3 :(
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calicokath · 3 years
Hi guys! So I saw that yoominology and orphan_account have deleted their ao3 accounts and I really loved their fics. Practically grew as a fan with them :(
Does anyone maybe have pdfs of Yoonminology's fics? Especially The Setllement? It was my all time favorite. And Pink Lemonades, tattoos and I love yous? And part 2 of it? It was my first fic. It would mean the world to me. Thank you!
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calicokath · 4 years
Can anyone send me the video? I don't want to share it, I just want to see what everyone is panicking about, because I highly doubt it is that serious xD
Update: I think I have already seen it xD But send it to me just in case. If it is the video I think it is... Dude could have been sleepy. Or not in the mood for people. It is literally. Not. That. Dramatic.
I feel like whenever he does something or acts "out of the ordinary" DRAMA
It makes me anxious, I can only imagine how anxious it makes him.
No wonder he doesn't want to post anymore.
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calicokath · 4 years
Are we hurt Jokers 'cause I know I am
This broke my little heart and my brithday is the day after tomorrow 🥺
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calicokath · 4 years
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Skam France - that's it, that's the post
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calicokath · 5 years
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Everyone reblog this as much as possible over the next two weeks for good luck
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calicokath · 5 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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calicokath · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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calicokath · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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calicokath · 5 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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calicokath · 5 years
Cooool 😊
Oh dear
Hey guys. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE who reblogs this post BY MAY 5TH 2019 will be getting a small monster design based on your blog theme, name, or profile picture. Let’s go.
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calicokath · 5 years
BTS did pass 150k though :D
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I really wonder why YG thinks BP could break through the US market. Even UK/US girl groups struggle, except of LM, and even they are not THAT big. No none-kpop fan gives a shit, no matter if they sing in english or not. Even BTS, the biggest boygroup right now is not that popular in america and can`t reach 150k sells per album there. So what does he think? That they are the next Destiny`s Child? I`m laughing.
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calicokath · 5 years
Disagree. I have no idea why this has been made into such a big issue. He literally said - Jimin is not good at this game, I should have let him win. Not - he is so bad at everything, I should always let him win, I am so much better. He just didn't want Jimin to melt inside because he is not good at THIS particular game. I completely disagree and see no need to make a moment like this into such big issue and make an entire philosophy out of it. He has acknowleged so many times already that Jimin is great at things, there have been a milion ocasions where he said that Jimin is great at something and where he has competed with him fairly. He didn't want to let him win because he is arrogant and thinks he is so much better, but because he cares about him. Anyway, I couldn't have even imagined that someone would make such an elephant out of a fly.
I reblogged a video of Jungkook saying that he regrets not letting Jimin win earlier today with this caption:
“I’m actually really glad that he didn’t "let” Jimin win. They’re that cute, competitive couple and if Jungkook kept letting Jimin win, I would consider that an overly-dominant and arrogant thing to do because he would just be undermining Jimin and it would be like he’s saying, “Look, I’m better than you at stuff but since we’re involved, I’m pulling myself out of the competition and letting you win because otherwise you would have had no chance of beating me.” It’s really not sweet or romantic, and besides, what’s with this belief that Jimin can’t beat Jungkook at anything and when he does, it’s because Jungkook let him?? I heard this so many times after Jimin beat Jungkook in a badminton match in one of the Run behind the scenes. Jimin’s not some uncompetitive patsy who never wins at games. I don’t think Jungkook ever “lets” Jimin win except when he’s being loud and obvious about it, like in the Japan fanmeeting, or when he’s losing to be with Jimin (he lost so he could share a room with him in Hawaii).“
And then I log back in to Tumblr to find people already creating drama about this issue. I don’t know if these accounts have me specifically in mind as one of the people they’re calling out, but I saw one particular account post not once, but multiple times, talking about this issue and quoting the exact words I used to say that this is "overthinking” and wrong and who knows what else. I wouldn’t address this just because some people may or may not be talking about what I said but sadly, I also have a couple of anons in my inbox saying the same thing so I’m going to address this whole issue here.
Also, read bullet #3 before jumping to any conclusions and accusing me of being an anti.
Let me be very clear: I still stand by what I said. You may be of the opinion that when two people in a relationship compete against each other and one of them “lets” the other win in some kind of perverse move to make them feel like they’re good enough is cute or romantic but I strongly believe that it’s not. The only thing the first partner is achieving is showing their partner and everyone else that they pity them. They would rather treat them as a charity case and let them win than let them compete fair and square with dignity. This is an arrogant and patronizing way of thinking because if you do this openly, you’re essentially telling your partner that, “look, you’re not good enough to win against me but I’m going to take pity on you and let you win so you feel better” – and that would make the other partner feel everything but better, especially if they’re someone with any self-esteem.
This is a very archaic way of thinking. If you google “letting your significant other win at games” all the top results are from men seeking advice about whether they should let their girlfriend win at something. Why? Because women have always been considered the weaker sex and the sex that is inherently expected to be worse at things than men, so if a woman wins it means either a harsh blow to her male opponent’s ego, or that she only won because the male opponent let her win. This is relevant to Jimin and Jungkook because Jimin has always been the more feminized out of the two. There is obviously nothing wrong with femininity so what I’m talking about here is not when people point out that Jimin has feminine qualities, it’s when they straight up ignore the fact that he is a man and start borderline misgendering him. “Jimin wears the dress and Jungkook wears the pants in the relationship.” “When JM and JK get married, JM must take JK’s last name” (never mind that Koreans don’t change their last names after marriage). “JM relies on JK to take care of him and buy him things.” I’ve heard so much bs on this subject and whenever the talk of dominance (not the BDSM kind) between the two comes up, I instantly know to expect that there will be people who (a) will instantaneously peg JM as the submissive and JK as the dominant, and (b) say that it’s “not that deep” and that others are overthinking stuff that’s only cute.
I am not bashing JK or saying that he did anything wrong. Anyone who knows me knows that I love JK almost as much as JM, and if I were sitting here stewing in my hatred for JK and thinking of him as an “asshole” – I never used this word but a particular acc seemed to think that people are calling JK an asshole – I would just say it. What JK said about he wishes he had let JM win wasn’t an asshole move: he clearly didn’t let JM win. He respects him and he competed against him fair and square, and the reason he said that was because he was concerned about him, and that’s honestly sweet. At no point has he ever acted like JM is incapable or not worth competing against - I have only ever seen him compete against JM in Run episodes, etc. with full seriousness and he never demeans JM by implying that he could only win if he let him. I only said that I am glad that JK didn’t let JM win and I’m not sure how people managed to purposely misunderstood this, but I was clearly only saying that JK did nothing wrong by not letting JM win. One example that comes to mind is Bon Voyage 1 where he and JM kept arm wrestling and JM lost every single time. JK didn’t “let” him win because he respects JM and cares about his pride and self-esteem - and that in itself shows me that JK is a very decent, humble man.
My problem with all of this - which wasn’t a very big problem to start with but now sadly I’m having to address this because of some passive aggressive KM blogs - is the whole narrative that “JK lets JM win.” This whole idea that JM is not good enough to ever win against JK and that JK somehow pities JM and let him win is beyond toxic. The people saying that this shit is cute or romantic are people that I can instantly pick out as ones who have either never been in or have no concept of a mature, healthy relationship with a balanced dominance-subjection dynamic (again, not the BDSM kind).
I wish I could say that saying all this was unnecessary for me, but as I’ve come to learn during my time on Tumblr, there will always be people here who are tripping over in their haste to intentionally misunderstand the things I say and then create drama about it. These people have no trouble finding ugly words and then using them to tell me “it’s not that deep sis” or “stop overthinking” or most ironically, things like “you bitch, you’re just a hateful anti” and yes, I have received that last one in an ask before. Either way, anonymous hate doesn’t bother me as much as people openly and passive aggressively posting instead of just maturely disagreeing like an adult and saying things to my face - again, I don’t know if any other KM blogs are actually saying things about me specifically, but the anons and the way they used the exact wording that I had used would lead me to believe so - and I am glad that I am getting this out there instead of leaving behind a mess for the vultures to pick on and create drama out of. As always, if you disagree with me, feel free to unfollow and block; I am not interested in convincing anyone to think as I do, and I most certainly don’t have the patience to deal with hateful trolls who are not interested in hearing me out. If you are not someone who has posted about what I said on this subject or someone who has sent me an anonymous ask about this, this is not directed at you :)
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calicokath · 5 years
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calicokath · 5 years
One thing I disagree with. Even if they are on a "break", he would never ignore him because of that. A break dosn't make you stop caring about someone. He did care though, he did check on him multiple times, not because he is too kind or a nanny, but because he is his friend of more than 5 years. That video isn't a proof of anything, it's literally 2 seconds long. I obviously can't know what happened here, did he not see him, did he think that medical stuff would take of JK, we'll never know and a big fu to ppl who blame Jimin for ANYTHING. But it is also not ok to say that Jimin wouldn't do this because he is not a 'nanny'. Being there for people you care about it not being a nanny. I feel like it's either black or white with everyone in this fandom. A lot of people go for black and bash Jimin, and then a lot of people go for white and degrade his relationship with JK, whatever it may be. One thing we know for sure is that they love each other and that Jimin staying behind for JK doesn't make him a nanny. The other thing we also know is that it is not his duty and we do not know for a fact what happened. Whatever happened, I think we should all know that much about Jimin by now. It's not his personality trait, that he is caring. He is caring towards ppl he loves, not so caring to ppl he doesn't care about, he said it himself. When ppl say that he was worried about JK, they are not trying to exploit his caring side, they are talking about what they saw. And omg. Burn the stage was different than this. Not because of some difference in their relationship, but bcs the situation was entirely different. There were cameras everywhere, the scene was used to cause empathy. It was their concert, al their staff wete there, it was easier for Jimin to stay behind. To compare these 2 situations, to say that Jimin didn't stay behind this time bcs of some imaginery change in their relationship is just... Not right. Jimin loves his friends. Period. He wouldn't ignore them when they are in pain even if they were in some sort of a fight. No one in BTS would. Not bcs they are BTS, but bcs that's what decent human beings do when they care about someone. This was an award show, and god knows what happened behind the scenes, JK might have told them not create any panic, who knows. Before bts came out, we didn't know that JK suffered at all, bcs no one did anything to show it on stage. Bcs they are professionals. They were professionals here as well, but we didn't get an exclusive behind the scenes to know what actually happened. But to say that Jimin ignored him bcs of some break they are on... That's just degrading Jimin honestly.
Disclaimer, personal opinion, and pretty frank and straight-forward…
i keep receiving anons asking me about why Jimin didn’t stop to take care of JK when he was evidently not feeling well…
Keep reading
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calicokath · 6 years
So, the literal translation would be Srećan Božić, and some people use it. But the more common one, used to greet people on the Christmas day is - Hristos se rodi, which means - Christ was born, and the answer to that is - Vaistinu se rodi, which means something along the lines of - Trutfully, he was. Also, Christmas is not celebrated on the 25th of December in Serbia, but on the 7th of January, so techincally it is not Christmas day tomorrow for us. :D
What’s y'all’s native language and how do you say “Merry Christmas”?
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calicokath · 6 years
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