communication specialist
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calculator3500 · 1 year ago
Your passion into a job/side hustle
I hear a lot of people say i hate my job but i have to put food on the table and this is a true fact. The argument i hear from people is my passion doesn’t make me enough money or i don’t want to be a starving artist my response is that passion turn it into a side hustle and then scale it up for there i know from personal experience that you can take volunteer work and make it your side hustle…
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calculator3500 · 2 years ago
Positive trait number four
It is important to have a wide range of skills one of the most important and used skillset I found was the ability to use and master soft skills. These skills are just as important as good time management and leadership skills because they tend to enhance those aspects of what is need to succeed. Some examples of soft skills are being persuasive , knowing how to use influence in a good way,…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
positive traits number five
positive traits number five
we all strive to live a good life and get the best outcome that we can get, some ask well what is the best way to achieve this? One simple thing that has worked for me is living like a boss, and what I mean by this is to come into a situation with a winner’s mindset. If we come into a situation positively we are more likely to achieve higher rates of success in the endeavor, if we come in with…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
The power of communication
The power of communication
We as human beings try to add value to the world we live in and an important part of this depends on how well we communicate. Bad communication has started wars and good communication has helped end them this is seen when ceasefires and peace treaties are signed, in the corporate world good communication skills can make you millions of dollars but on the flip side it can also make you lose…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
Good attitude
What does it mean to have a good attitude? to me it means to possess some good traits and views some of these are kindness, honesty, and willingness to work with others as well as integrity. Another trait would be to be pleasant to be around nobody likes to be around jerks and to be in a hostile environment. If you can do these things you can open up many opportunities for yourself so I would…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
Value of nonprofit and grassroots organizations
Value of nonprofit and grassroots organizations
I have noticed a growing number of nonprofits popping up in the years since I graduated from high school in early 2006 and this in my opinion is a good thing, especially in the mental health field we need all the help we can get. NAMI, Mental Health America, and Revive Ministries Florida are just a few I have had the pleasure of working with and I am proud to say these organizations are doing…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
Positive traits part three
Positive traits part three
Honesty is the best policy I have heard this phrase my whole life and I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, if I have to lie to you to be around you I don’t want to be around you then. It becomes a problem because one lie leads to another and it just doesn’t end some people may say well what about a little white lie and my response is a lie is still harmful no matter how you phrase it.…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
positive traits part two
positive traits part two
A trait that is considered one that I believe is a traditional trait to have is honor but what does having honor truly mean? It can be used in two ways one as a noun which means adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct, the second way used is as a verb to fulfill an obligation or keep an agreement. This, in my opinion, is a very important characteristic to have now in…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
We all know that the squeaky wheel gets the oil but what does that mean when it comes to advocacy, this means the more people speak up and advocate for an issue the better. Grassroots organizations are very important because when you have many voices speak out it is more powerful and brings change so I want to encourage everyone to find a cause that they are passionate about and speak up to…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
Positives traits part one
Positives traits part one
When we are looking to form any type of relationship we look for certain traits I am going to list three, so to be frank there are a lot of things we can think of, and list these are just my top three. One honesty If a person can’t tell you the truth I want nothing to do with them. Two pleasant to be around it is hard to deal with a disagreeable person. Three dependable, you want to interact with…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
The secret of self-employment
The secret of self-employment
In this world, we live in today a lot of people are taking the route of self-employment and starting their businesses, and being a consultant it has never been easier to go out and be your boss. One thing I learned through trial and error as well from my mentors is one secret is to be consistent but what does that mean? I believe that it means doing things that we don’t want to do daily because…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
time management
This is a vital skill to have we only have 24 hours a day which is 168 hours a week that is it this includes all people both rich and poor. This puts a whole new meaning that time is money let me give you an example most average people work 40 hours if the person sleeps 8 hours a night that is another 56 hours and if have three meals a day that’s another 21 hours leaving you with 51 hours of free…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
How to talk so people listen
How to talk so people listen
This is a topic that many people struggle with but can be simple or complicated depending on the person, I have found through years of trial and error that one thing that has a chance to be successful is to be an expert on the subject matter. It helps when you have lived experience and or practical experience I will give you an example I have lived experience when it comes to living with a mental…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
It is all on you
It is all on you
It is all on you what does that mean? Well, it is simple if you want the equal outcome for your equal opportunity you as an individual have to take on all that comes with that. People often complain that life is not fair and those that don’t seem to progress very far, people who have the mindset of it is all on me have a higher chance of getting what they want not because they are special but…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
Levels of association
There are different levels of association I am going to go into these levels that I use first there is associate this for me has two levels people who I work with and people who know me but I don’t hang out with a lot. Then there are buddies these are people I hung out with several times and I partied with but they don’t reach the level of friends. The third group is mentors these are people who…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
No excuses
Life is not fair but we all have equal opportunities, not equal outcomes we as people have to work hard to get the favored outcomes we want. I don’t believe in making excuses and one good book on this subject is no excuse by Brian Tracy helped me to get into the mindset of every obstacle is an opportunity. The last thought I want to leave with you is the 80 to 20 rule which is that 80 percent of…
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calculator3500 · 3 years ago
When you hear a successful person speak about how they were able to do whatever they do the first thing that most tend to mention is goal-setting and there is a reason for this. if we use logic you can’t accomplish anything without setting a goal this action is literally the first step in planning out any task that we want to undertake, most will admit that by setting small goals that are…
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