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#afterNAWD #FacultyFor15k #FixHigherEd
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Adjunct faculty need to keep the momentum going and continue to escalate.
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Universities are being run as corporations and they are using the exact same union busting model against their faculty
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…On Friday, Feb 27, @cupe3902 union members overwhelmingly rejected a tentative agreement from UofT that did not increase the funding package and instead offered a wage “increase” that was far from keeping up with inflation. Teaching assistants, course instructors, and sessional faculty at the University of Toronto do 60% of the teaching, but earn only 3.5% of the budget. We deserve better. Our working conditions are students’ learning conditions. We aren’t at our best— as students or as…
More at #WeAreUofT page, including suggestions on how to support CUPE Local 3902, http://www.weareuoft.ca/
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Sleepy today? Blame the Senate
Are you absolutely fucking miserable today because of that one hour of sleep you didn’t get? Pull yourself together, it’s not that bad! And really, do you even have an analog clock in your home? Would you have even noticed were it not for the microwave or whatever?
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Or maybe you hate daylight saving time because it’s pretty arcane and probably doesn’t even save electricity so what’s even the point. That’s a pretty fair reason to want Washington State to band together and opt right out like Arizona did.
Senators McCoy, Darneille, and Hasegawa are all right there with you — and they even wrote  a Senate bill which proposed letting Washington off the daylight saving hook. Unfortunately, it was quietly smothered to death in February, when the Governmental Operations and Security Committee allowed it to expire without a vote.
A companion bill in the House was heard on February 3 and does not have much support. 
Meanwhile, Oregon is also attempting to get daylight saving time sprung from the state. So if it doesn’t happen here, I guess you can just pick up and move down there?
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The blossoms are coming, the blossoms are coming! The UW Arborist predicts we’ll see the full bloom as early as tomorrow. 
Follow along and keep up with their progress straight from their personal Twitter account - https://twitter.com/uwcherryblossom. 
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Seattle U action
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Seattle U action
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These badges were originally designed for attendees of Art, Education & Justice! at Human Resources in Los Angeles on October 12, 2014! https://www.facebook.com/events/295114734012959/ See them all here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.939592099414533.1073741829.656893274351085&type=3 Download the full pdf packet of badges, made to be printed on Avery 5294 labels: http://goo.gl/66ivnw
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