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she/hercaitkaminski on AO3
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caitkaminski · 5 months ago
me (hater) talking to my friend (also hater): youre not a hater. and neither am i
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caitkaminski · 6 months ago
this this this this this this this ^^^
You don’t get to judge me for how I choose to waste my time.
Maybe you go cycling for absolutely no reason at all and think that’s fun. I, personally, think that’s a waste of time. But I’m not gonna figure out the route you take just so I can throw rotten tomatoes at you whilst you pedal.
I didn’t play s7 or s8, did I come on here and run my mouth about it? I did not because what is the point? To make you all as miserable as I am ?
Yeah, I love complaining, you should have seen me already complaining about the artwork yesterday. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t going to play s10 and we all know that.
Just remember, it’s a fun little thing to do, or to post content or write fanfic or draw etc. don’t be that twat that ruins it and makes a person not want to anymore
I get that everyone is very excited about unbelievably-hot-sexy-tattooed-necklace-floppy-hair-boy, but can I make a humble request?
I'm trying really hard to say this nicely but I've had a hellish week so it's probably going to come out a little harsher than intended.
Once you start playing, and you inevitably realise you're not having a good time, and you decide you don't want to play any more, please don't ruin it for those of us who keep going.
Last season, I wasn't the only one who felt like people were getting really rude and/or judgey over those of us who were still playing. Yeah, it's not perfect. Oftentimes it's downright bad. But we're still playing it, and we're trying to have a good time.
I don't want to be reminded that my LI says the same things as the others. I know. I don't need to be reminded that their proportions are off or that their face is weird or whatever. We know. But we're trying to enjoy the game as best we can. There's just no need for me to post something raving about my LI and have the comments, the asks, whatever saying 'you know his route is exactly the same as [other person] though right?'. It just makes me not want to bother posting to tumblr at all. It's funny if you're laughing and commiserating with your friends if we're all playing together, but when you're not playing, and I am, it actually comes across as really patronising. It makes me feel like you're looking down on me for enjoying a game that you deemed not up to your standards.
I'm not saying I've never complained about the game, that would be insane. I've got a whole blog where I talk about it all the bloody time. But I'm also playing and I'm making jokes and memes with other people who are also playing. We're commiserating together.
Argh, I'm not wording this right.
If you and your friends are all watching a movie, and you aren't enjoying it, go ahead and sit on your phone that's totally fine.
You're welcome to look up every now and again and ask what's going on, or look up and smile at a kiss scene and go 'awww that's cute' and go right back to your phone.
But don't yell out insults at the movie while your friends are having a good time watching it. And especially don't make fun of your friends who are laughing at the happy bits, or crying at the sad parts.
Don't tell them they're being silly because the movie is dumb and you've seen better.
I just want to watch a movie with my friends, I guess.
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caitkaminski · 6 months ago
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If there was one thing Marshall Singh had learned from his first appearance on Love Island, it was that he didn’t need complicated. But the thing about Marshall was that he had a bad habit of wanting what he didn’t need.
read it here
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caitkaminski · 6 months ago
…… I would like to take this back
this person in Fusebox’s IG comments asking the real questions
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caitkaminski · 6 months ago
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HC: Hamish plays litg
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
A new lil ficcy-fic, just for you,
S6 Hamish’s meltdown, with aaaalll the love island show quotes!
They’d fallen into bed together on the second night after everyone else had already paired off and his was the only bed left. Another classic case of the ‘there was only one bed’ trope. See? Romance novel. Coming soon to all good bookshops near you.
While he didn’t like to kiss and tell, there were some sloppy bed snogs shared under the covers. And he had licked her tit, or whatever. No big deal. He did that a lot, got all the girls back home. Hamish the Great Tit-Licker they called him on the streets of Chelsea.
You can submit your own to the r/LITGFanFiction Monthly Prompt competition over on Reddit too, there’s still time!
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
Girl, you’ve been chucking out Hamish fic a like crazy and I’m eating that shit up. SO SO GOOD.
Do you have a list of them all so I can make sure I haven’t missed any?
Hi Anon! Yeah, I've got a lot of Hamish fics (because I almost write him exclusively with the exception of my gifts and the Tom villa now). I almost wanna write the daybeds but gonna bully @caitkaminski into it instead 👀 BUUUT this is what I have!
off the market (E, 11/11 complete) (S6 Villa fix-it)
on the market (E, 6/? incomplete) (S9 Villa)
fast car (T, one shot) (S6 finale rewrite)
imperfect & flawed (E, one shot) (S9 Hideaway Post-CA)
Alternate Universe:
Define: Falling (M, one shot)
Sinderella (E, one shot) (One Night Stand)
it'll cost you (E, 3/? incomplete) (on hold)
H♥LIDATE (M, one shot)
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
omfg if you pick the (free) “covered up” costume, you get Cupid Hamish, THE ACTUAL ONE I WANTED. Robbed.
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Hamish better pack it in, being cute af like that and moping once we’re stolen. I simply cannot take it any longer. I hate the way my phone gets filled each way with adorable screenshots, Hamish better start paying for my iCloud expanded storage, I stg. Or like he can, at least, pay for the emotional damage he’s caused me? Idk? We’ll discuss the details later.
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
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Hamish better pack it in, being cute af like that and moping once we’re stolen. I simply cannot take it any longer. I hate the way my phone gets filled each week with adorable screenshots, Hamish better start paying for my iCloud expanded storage, I stg. Or like he can, at least, pay for the emotional damage he’s caused me? Idk? We’ll discuss the details later.
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
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Roberto/OC Enemies-to-Lovers, Post-Villa
Chapter 6
Read on Ao3
Summary: Louise cares too much about everything, and the only thing Roberto cares about is his career. Neither is strictly true, but that's how everyone sees them. Including each other. —-- Just when Louise thinks everyone’s moving on and leaving her behind, she’s handed the golden opportunity to fix everything by planning her best friend’s hen do. At least, that’s the idea, anyway. One week of sun, sea, cocktails, clubbing, and… the world’s most arrogant pilot.
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
Amelia Can't Win - Chapter 11
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Finding out she’s being dumped from Love Island stings, and it hurts even more when the guy she likes doesn’t offer to leave with her. But none of that can compare to the confession that Amelia just dropped — the ultimate betrayal from the one person who claimed to always have her back. So when Everly Thompson gets another text telling her she’s actually going to Casa Amor early, she senses an opportunity. And luckily, there’s one person there in particular who’s willing to help her get her revenge. No matter what, Amelia can’t win.
Read chapter 11 on AO3
or start from the beginning
Tag list: @henri-my-sexy-paramedic (let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future updates!)
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
I'm sorry but I have one draft that I never finished but I laugh every time I see it
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
I am crying lmfao
I didn’t know this was a thing.
pls go read my 23 word fic that I was bullied into uploading to ao3, thanks x
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
Writing patterns!
Rules: Share the first paragraph of your last five published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! - except I don’t have 5 lol but I did my best
Thank you @rebelrayne for the tag!
1. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a day began like no other. The birds sang their merry little song high in the trees, the dawn sent rays of warm sunlight streaking over the fields, and each and every member of castle staff had a grin plastered upon their faces. You see, after decades of trying and failing to conceive, the King and Queen of Jambon had finally been blessed with the arrival of a baby boy. Though, it was fair to say, he was a little bit…odd, to put it delicately. With the one tuft of hair he had stuck up at a point, the absolute refusal to wear socks and the Queen could have sworn he cooed louder at the smell of bacon. Nevertheless, to them, he was absolutely perfect. Their little baby, Hamish. (Once Upon a Nap - Hamish/OC (ongoing chaptered fic)
2. It was a Friday night, around three weeks ago. Picture the scene: a woman sat all alone in a bath that had long gone cold, nursing the final sips of wine left in the bottle she’d emptied single-handedly. Mascara ran down her cheeks in streaks she didn’t bother to wash off. Her hand rippled through the water as she pushed the hot tap on with her foot, gaining some feeling back in her limbs. (NOT My Type On Paper) - Marshall/OC (on hiatus)
3. They say life is full of little moments. Core memories. Your first crush, hearing a baby giggle, learning to ride a bike. Flashbulb moments we want to relive over and over again. Remember what we felt, the warmth, the joy. Peace.
But they never talk about the negative times, do they? Those memories that instil your brain with fear and negativity. The easiest ones to remember, of course The ones that take root in your brain, set up camp, and come out to say hello decades later just to torture you. Remind you of how you felt as if your brain gets some sick pleasure out of it. Keep you up in the dead of night wondering why the fuck you did that? (Supernova - Lewie/MC (oneshot)
Tagging: all newbie writers to showcase your work please because it’s scary for us out there 💛
And @ellegreenwxy because she asked nicely x
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
Hi, yes, please share your popcorn with me PLEASE
if your soulmate doesn't bring snacks when you eavesdrop on other people's drama then maybe you're not meant to be
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
s9 mc be like:
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caitkaminski · 7 months ago
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Ch 5: It Happened One Bite
Or start from the beginning!
It's still Tuesday where I am sooo on time 😂
“Why are you trying to ruin a good thing?” Finn teased, nudging Marshall as he passed by. Opening a cabinet, he started rifling through the space. “Maybe Hamish is just tired. The recoupling was tense, but I think everyone ended up where they wanted to be except for—” “Hamish,” Marshall scoffed, pointing at Hamish with both hands, palms up. “Look at how sad and pathetic he looks!” Placing a hand on Hamish’s back, Marshall hunched over. “Hamish. Mate, talk to me. We’ll get you through this. We’ll get you mouth to dick stat, if that’s what you need. Hang in there. Don’t go into the light, stay here with us.” Poking his head out from the cupboard, Finn stared at the two friends with a puzzled gaze, nose wrinkled. “I was going to say Cheyenne,” he muttered as he closed the door to the cabinet. Holding a box of Corn Flakes, Finn walked to the other side of the stovetop and pressed his backside to the counter. “Are you not happy with Natasha, Hamish?” “M’fine,” Hamish mumbled, pushing the bacon around in the frying pan. “He doesn’t sound fine to me,” Finn said, looking at Marshall. Scoffing, Marshall threw his hands up over his head. “No? Wow, Mate,” Marshall laughed humorlessly as he placed his hands on his hips. “I’m so glad you told me. I’d have never figured it out on my own.”
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