Vampire Gamers
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
All my friends are playing Overwatch, and I really wish I could enjoy it with them. I really want to play the game and enjoy all the fun gameplay and cool character. I really wish I could. But unfortunately, I made a dreadful mistake; I read Widowmaker's lore.
It was a mistake to assume that Blizzard's writing staff wouldn't eventually fall to their trope filled crappy terrible writing habits. It was a mistake to believe that they might make their characters compelling without being lazy and forcing trauma in the dumbest and most unimaginative ways possible.
Why is Widowmaker's backstory so bad? I'd like to spend as little time going over the details of that cesspit of failed writing talent, so I'll summarize the main points: The woman who became Widowmaker was Abducted, Tortured, Brain-Washed, and then Mind Controlled into killing her own husband.
I suppose if they had wanted to make a more offensive and insensitive backstory they could have had her be brutally raped and killed as well. To be sure, this level of mind control and brain washing is, to me, every bit the same level of violation as rape. It is a mental rape. You are destroying a person's free will, their very identity. For me personally, there is no worse sin you could commit against a person. But whether you agree with that or not, the point is this is still a horrific fate.
And yet so many people pass it off as such a meaningless thing. To so many people mind control is a joke, a boring note in a character's history. A literary switch to flip someone from good to evil. In fact many writers see it the same way, they see no issue with using it as a literary tool. And in fact it is the hallmark of every bad, talent-less writer to resort to mind control as a cheap and easy way to excuse a character's actions, thus allowing them to behave completely out of character in order to fill whatever plot gaps they were too lazy to write out a decent character development for.
A good writer would find a way to make the character's actions compelling, to explain and develop a character in a different direction that explains their change of heart and/or betrayal. A good writer would not resort to such a stupid - not to mention horrific - reset switch of the character to explain it all away.
Now, because of this mind control, the character of Widowmaker is effectively ruined. There is nothing interesting or captivating about the character anymore. After all, none of it is her, it's all the mental programming she was given. She doesn't choose to kill, she doesn't actually enjoy it, she doesn't have any real motivation or purpose, she only does what she's told by her captors. She's merely a tool for a terrorist organization, not a person. She's less human then the robot's she's killed, her only purpose is to be the firing platform for her gun.
I’m barely even touching on the misogynistic and abusive elements of this backstory. Widowmaker before becoming the puppet she is was only defined by her husband. Everything that happened always happened TO her. She never had any agency, any choice. The terrorist never cared about her, they were just using her to get to her husband. And as a woman she was only able to accomplish anything as a direct result of being abused. She only became useful because of all the horrible things that happened to her. The whole thing is just disgusting to me.
Despite all this, I understand that many people don't see this sort of Mind Control the same way I do. I am very disturbed by this fact, but as least I understand it. I just wish others would recognize the grief and pain this sort of insensitive story tropes cause me. It is, after all, my personal trigger.
Instead I find people are quick to ridicule me and berate me for having an issue with this. Most often I'm told that Mind Control is not real, and that it's Just a Game. They tell me that my grief is ridiculous, and that I should not take such things so seriously. So let me dispel some of these arguments right now.
Firstly, Mind Control is real, and it is every bit as horrible as you can imagine. It happens every day, people manipulating and brain washing people to their own ends. At the simple level there are the convincing and manipulative political campaigns that we've been subjected to this year. At a much deadlier level are the religious cults that teach hate and violence, whose leaders can twist a person's mind to the point that they think becoming a suicide bomber is actually a wonderful thing. In the end there is no shortage of evil people in the world that have no problem convincing people to do something they would never willingly do otherwise.
Secondly, to those who say this is all just a game, it's not real and should not be taken seriously. Well, The 100 is just a TV show. It's not real. Therefore we shouldn't be taking the events of 307 seriously? Would you then claim the outrage and movements for fair representation that came out of that are wrong for taking things too seriously? Clearly I would disagree completely. This might be a game, but it depicts events that I find deeply disturbing. And just like 307, it does so due only to lazy writing in pursuit of cheap shock value.
In many ways I wish I didn't take this so seriously, I wish I could just enjoy games and be able to ignore such horrifically insulting writing. But I can't.
Blizzard has once again failed for me due to their careless writing. They have tainted what should have been a wonderful game because in the end they just don't care about story, or how much it affects their players, as much as they should. They could do so much better, and it’s not hard.
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
I got Enchanter. :(
I cannot be trusted with this power! I would fuck with everyone! No Exceptions! And they would love me for it.
What's your superpower? No rerolls!
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
dear everyone
My life sucks now and is filled with great depression and anger. 
Which is why I haven’t been updating any of my fics. Worst writer’s block ever.
Honestly that fact bothers me far more then anything else going on in my life right now.
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
See? @raedmagdon​ this is what happens when you inspire people. :D
I hope this will encourage more people to do awesome funny drunk blogging. 
Though really, any inspiration this can provide is more then enough for me. ;) link
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
OMG Totally agree that’s Diana! :D
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Messy bottom = a very emotional, tender bottom who probably legit cries during sex more often than not and is such a sappy mess tbh. As opposed to like a brat or a power bottom or something.
I’m pretty sure they went on their own and then just acted like they were each other’s dates without actually admitting that’s what they were doing.
I pictured that tol asari as Diana too.
They are named after characters, but not Doran. I’ll leave the genders a surprise. As for whether or not they hook up with Cate and Larna’s kids, I don’t say yes or no to that, but I’m not opposed to the idea.
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
I love this so much!
Not just cause I love the idea of a tall buff Asari. I totally headcanon FemShep much the same way.
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Mom, you know, I’ve never tried to work out and…my muscles are..
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In my headcanon, Shepard is bloody tall and buff lol
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
In case anyone’s keeping track, already got something planned for Asami riding Korra’s dick. ;D
people are writin me fic, i cannot believe
also i lose followers whenever i’m drunk
i think this is probably detrimental to my career???
but i’ll get fic o it’s oks
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
You’ve inspired me.
Just remember, you asked for this...
Okay so I’m drunk and I’m really sorry … (nsfw don’t read this really just don’t)
Keep reading
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
so @raedmagdon since that pic of Asami kissing Liara turned out so well, what are the chances of someone doing one of Korra and Shepard kissing? 
( * winks @2dshepard * )
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
this new lexa vid is so so great! in such a simple way it shows just how far reaching an audience they had and then royally pissed off. they may be calling us "bitter upset teens" but those "teens" plastered Lexa Deserved Better all over the damn world lmao share that shit everywhere!
Go spread it!
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
Hey, I read your Citadel Party femslash fic and I loved it! I love the drink names you used. sexy android and nos astra sex slave are just hilarious great mass effect universe drink names. I might have to steal the idea for my own stories. ( ps. Of course I loved the sex part the most, but the drink ideas I'm more likely to use )
That's awesome! And of course you're more than welcome to use those drink ideas for your own stories. Honestly it was mostly a spur of the moment thing when I came up with the names. But I'm more then happy to inspire people to use them how they like. :)
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
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Korra is such a badass:
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
Ch. 2 of my current Mass Effect major fan fic project.
I wish I could spend more time writing so I could get through these chapters WAY faster then this. Life has a way of getting in the way of that. :P
for the folks:
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
april fools body swap
As a fanfic writer here’s my amazing artwork contribution, a crossover pic showing Shepard and Korra fighting it out in a forest. Behold my unbridled artistic prowess!
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Yeah see this is why I don’t do art work. I’m so well aware of how much work it takes and how little talent I have in it. XD
Fortunately I got a real artist to draw this for me, as a pure coincidence the timing of it was perfect for today. So here’s what this should actually look like!
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soooo much better :)
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
If I every write my great novel, I'm gonna have my strong bisexual female lead fall in love with the straight white guy who will fucking die shortly after they have sex. Which will lead her into the arms of the lesbian woc who as it turns out will be her soulmate. Queue the happy ending.
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caiostheslayer · 9 years ago
In my writing, my Shep's hair colour doesn't actually get mentioned that much. Mind, I explicitly refer to her by her first name /and/ in applicable places I put a picture of her so readers know what to picture. If you've built up an idea of a custom Shep with black hair I'd use that (and not worry too much about it being iconic). Sheploo is used a lot for MShep, but he was default from ME1, while FShep people made a LOT of custom FSheps before we got redhaired in ME3
Thanks for the comment, and I agree that the story won't be affected much either way by her hair color. But that's part of what makes this a tough decision for me. I do have a very clear image of who my Shepard is, and I am very much sticking to that. However I don't think her hair color is an important part of that, so it works well either way. I'm curious if people would find FemShep a bit more iconic with the red hair since that later became her default. Or even if people prefer her with red or black hair.
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