caffrey-coffee · 39 minutes
free museums my absolute beloved. nothing beats a free museum. you can walk in and out and see stuff and have a blast and all for FREE
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caffrey-coffee · 52 minutes
”which could mean nothing” is maybe my favorite phrase of all time. where would we be without it
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caffrey-coffee · 2 hours
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caffrey-coffee · 2 hours
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Abends, halb 11 in Deutschland.
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caffrey-coffee · 4 hours
i like w,hen ......... theres a Big scaresy fantasies beast ok .... and then the big beast has a litter of babies,,,., and the babeis are veryvery small . ok
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caffrey-coffee · 5 hours
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Commission I got to draw for the delightful @aliit-mereel 💕
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caffrey-coffee · 5 hours
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caffrey-coffee · 5 hours
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Okay.. hello Wooyoung. Nice to meet you.
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caffrey-coffee · 6 hours
i say no homo to other humans in case they interpret something im doing as something a human would do
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caffrey-coffee · 6 hours
Every time I see someone draw Logan laying on Wade or being held by Wade and they're like "ignore that his adamantine ass weighs like 300 lbs" I remember two things:
Firstly I remember that the "300(ish) lbs" is accounting for his comic height of 5'3", not his Hugh Jackman height of 6'1", which probably means we're not looking at a 300 lbs boyfriend. We're looking at like a 500 lbs weighted blanket boyfriend.
Secondly I remember that Wade, at least in the early comics, has super strength. I don't remember exactly how much he can lift, but with an ability with super strength he's gotta be able to lift at least 500 lbs. Plus, like, y'all, we all saw the Honda Odyssey fuck fight scene. Wade was tossing Logan around just as much as Logan was tossing around Wade.
So I don't wanna hear any more of this "but Logan is too heavy for Wade! 🥺" stuff. You give that Wade his heavy weighted blanket boyfriend. Put that Wolverine in his lap, he's got him. You show Logan getting uppies. Get that senior citizen in a bridal carry.
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caffrey-coffee · 7 hours
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caffrey-coffee · 7 hours
I love how you draw the tubies and the cadets! I want to squish their cheeks and snuggle them! Thank you for the art!
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caffrey-coffee · 8 hours
Learning Languages at School, European Edition!
Requested Poll
*Context from requester:
Hi there,
recently there was a poll about learning a second language at school (I think it was primarily for people in English-speaking countries) and I thought it would be interesting to see what learning languages looks like specifically in Europe. So, I tried to think of as many answers as I could without it turning into a multiple-question poll (like: when did they introduce the languages; what about dialects etc; if there is some kind of classical schooling in your country; —you're welcome to write about that in the comments, I'm curious about that too).
The basis premise is that we all know we're learning our country's language (unless you're attending an international school or a linguistic school that teaches you other subjects in another language).
I want to ask you about other languages you've learnt at school! (Also, please don't kill me for the assumptions made here. The poll is based on my experience and what I learned about one or two other countries, specifically.)*
*I had 2nd (English) and 3rd (French/German/Spanish/Other language) that my school chose for me.
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caffrey-coffee · 8 hours
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this meme is so niche
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caffrey-coffee · 8 hours
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caffrey-coffee · 11 hours
why are people so fucking weird on that beer poll
Like can we not call people depressed losers or whatever bc they don’t like beer/alcohol in general/whatever
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caffrey-coffee · 11 hours
I'm taking away all phrases that contain "old man" and "fuck" until this website can figure out what an old man actually is.
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