caelushokage · 11 months
List of “we’ve just kissed and now I’m hooked” prompts
“Okay, but I want to do that again. And again, and again, and again. With you; only you.”
“Round two?” “…I’d love that.” 
Pulling them into another kiss before either of them could catch their breaths.
A whispered, “Fuck, can we do that again?” against the other’s lips.
“Okay, but I think we should do that again. For research purposes. For humanity.”
“That shouldn’t have been as hot as it was.” 
“They say the second time’s the charm.” “Was the first time not charming enough for you?” “No, but the second time’s going to be even better, I promise.” 
Finger tracing their bottom lip, eyes never leaving their parted lips, before meeting them in the middle again, because one time isn’t enough. 
“Wait, that wasn’t good enough. Let’s do another take.” “…It’s been the fourth take already. Just admit you like kissing me, it’s fine.”
“I’d let you take my breath away like this everyday if I could.”
Laughing against each other’s lips after kissing for the umpteenth time because they just can’t get enough of each other.
“I have a new addiction and you’re to blame for it.” 
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caelushokage · 11 months
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Hello, everyone! My name is Caelus Hokage and I'm the author of the upcoming webnovel series, Tower of Fantasy: New World, that will be published on September 26th at Webnovel.
I'm not a professional writer, yet, but I continue to go further to reach my goal. Though, I love writing and drawing because I was inspired by other writers and artists like SUI, the author of Tower of God; and TurtleMe, the author of The Beginning After The End.
These two authors inspired me to become both an artist and a writer. Thanks to them, I got motivated to make my own story.
I'm looking forward to sharing my blog post and to make friends on Tumblr!
About Me!
I'm a novice writer and not good at drawing characters. I like reading books, comics, and watching TV.
I've been writing stories on Wattpad since 2020, but I never published them. I lost my account and I have to start again from scratch, and then, I got motivated to draw fictional characters.
I'm always lazy and remain lying on my bed while playing with my phone. Social interaction is not my best part, but I often interact with people when I think it's better.
I love playing Honkai: Star Rail so much that I always spend my time playing the game every day. Though, I often skip playing the game to get some rest. Sometimes, it's better to take a rest after playing games for straight hours.
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caelushokage · 11 months
"Love is War and Peace isn't permanent. The world is unfair to everyone."
- The Entity.
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