caellachs-angry · 2 years
if somebody ever tries to tell me to my face that being lgbtq+ is wrong because it goes against mainstream christianity i will, first, cringe very hard, then ask them why they believe that universal morality should be based on a (n unsupported) religious belief that encompasses less than 32% of the world's population
and even then! some christians are openminded and are understanding of the actual purpose behind the bible's teachings!! and how can you say you love, support, and want to be like Jesus, who literally openly cared for people labeled as 'sinners', and then turn around to tell your child that they're going to hell for not being the cisgender and heterosexual person you thought you were giving birth to! and using that as an excuse to neglect and even dislike them!
heaven is reserved for people who genuinely try to be good, that's literally what's supposed to be taught. so do everyone a favour and learn to be a good person before you start saying that others will go to hell for loving somebody! your god would much rather have you love your child unconditionally (as you expect him to love you, might i add) than reject them for finding love and happiness with somebody you don't personally approve of!
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caellachs-angry · 2 years
i hate the fact that it takes me almost 7 years to realize that some unconscious tendencies of mine are actually trauma responses, because now i'm hyper aware of this bullshit and it pisses me off
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caellachs-angry · 2 years
"I didn't mean to hit send," my friend writing a discord message said. "I meant to hit enter."
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caellachs-angry · 2 years
if i was god and my human creations were even remotely on the course to how our world is now, i would blow up the planet and start over
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caellachs-angry · 2 years
call me "bro" "dude" and "man" but like romantically
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caellachs-angry · 2 years
"what will kids think about you being gay/having tattoos/wearing revealing clothing/etc. etc."
you chose a horrible day to ask such a stupid question.
first of all, fuck you. you don't care about the kids, you care that your personal views/morals are being passed down to a generation where they're so out of date it's causing so many problems that shouldn't exist. in no world should people hate each other for things they can't control (race, sexuality, weight, etc.) and have their bullshit reinforced by millions of people and/or the government. thank you, next.
those kids aren't gonna care the way you're claiming they will unless they were raised to do so. it's not the kids' fault they're being raised by bigots who grew up in the 1960s and have yet to realize that a lot can fuckin' happen in 60 or so years and they shouldn't be raising their kid to automatically judge and hate people for things that make them happy.
kids don't sexualize revealing clothing. the only thing they'll question is why you're wearing it without a jacket in 50*F weather. there's literally nothing else to it.
kids aren't going to think jack shit about tattoos other than the fact that they're fascinating to their little kid brains because wow you can get pictures on your arm!! they can mean anything you want them to!! isn't that so neat?! they can even have colour!!! if you're going to teach your child that their body is a temple, teach them that they can decorate it in whichever ways are most authentic for them. if your god frowns upon harmless self-representation, i don't understand why you're worshipping that god.
the only reason kids might question the LGBT community is that there is such a minimal amount of representation for it (especially geared towards children) that they probably never realized that that's a fuckin' option!! don't teach your kid to be ashamed of the way that they themselves or others love and identify, because it doesn't hurt you a single fuckin' bit. let the kids be happy and be them, don't raise them to be little versions of you. nobody wants more Karens. your kids aren't supposed to suffer the same way you did, you're supposed to ensure that they live better. if you disagree with that, you're the type of person who shouldn't have kids.
in short, just don't teach your kids to hate. we typically call those kids "bullies" and "assholes", and we sure as hell aren't about to thank the parents for their negative influence. regardless of your religion, what it was like wHeN yOu WeRe GrOwInG uP, or something as arguably minuscule as your political preferences, there's no excuse for raising the kids who would eventually lead their classmates to have self-esteem issues, mental illnesses, and maybe even consider suicide.
your free rights should not impose on other people's rights, so your little freedom of speech and religion excuses can stop before this generation collapses in on itself and causes something stupid like the next world war.
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caellachs-angry · 2 years
can someone explain why the doc with my character's backstory has almost 23k words when it was only supposed to be about how his parents died (i was planning 6k max) and now he's somehow made two friends, a rival, tackled a stranger to the ground, basically broken his wrist, flown half way across the world to take a test, gotten called emo by two different completely unrelated people, and threatened to flirt with his sister's girlfriend's brother out of spite? i don't understand how i got here
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