Cadernos Alquímicos do Terceiro Milênio
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 months ago
Do you have any advice on worshiping Persephone?
You could giver her offerings of flowers and observe any ancient festivals she’s associated with. You could worship her in the more traditional sense you’d worship any God and light a candle, have an image or something that represents her on your altar, burn incense, recite a hymn, offer food, and pour libation. I think there isn’t much in depth information on how it goes but I personally think the how to is less important than the worship being sincere and meaningful though I think some people may disagree. Just try to be respectful and avoid offering things like soda or really synthetic incense
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 months ago
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Hades and Persephone by Matthew Kocvara
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 months ago
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Cerberus and Persephone design for linocut
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
Princípios Aristotélicos para o pensamento
1. Universalia ante rem: a essência da forma antes de ser incorporada na coisa singular
2. Universalia ante re: a forma essencial nas coisas.
3. Universalia post rem: as formas essenciais abstraídas das coisas aparecendo na cognição como experiência interna da alma, através da relação recíproca da alma nas coisas.
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
"Que não creiam senão no próprio testemunho desde que tenham examinado bem o que cada coisa é na sua essência e que se persuadam de que as coisas que são examinados por meio de um intermédio qualquer nada possuem de verdadeiro, e pertence ao gênero do sensível e do visível enquanto que elas vêm pelos seus próprios meios é inteligível e, ao mesmo tempo invisível" - Platão, p.94, §84a
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
If we do not believe within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve into something higher.
Rudolf Steiner
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
Procura em teu próprio ser,
E encontras o universo;
Procura no imperar do mundo:
E encontras a ti próprio;
Note o pulsar do pêndulo
Entre o si próprio e o universo;
A ti se revela
A entidade do cosmo do ser humano;
A entidade do ser humano do cosmo.
Procura no interior de tua alma:
Encontras o enigma do universo
E então confia na vida
E por ela deixa ensinar-te:
Tu vives então a solução do enigma do
Rudolf Steiner
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
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Isso explica bastante bem meu conflito diário
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
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Two Elves by John Quincy Adams (Late 19th - Early 20th Century)
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
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The Moon Maiden by Frank Dicksee (1923)
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cadernos-alquimicos · 1 year ago
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years ago
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years ago
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“Alternatively, think about yourself as a force of nature: wind blows, water flows, fire burns, and acid corrodes. What is it that you do to the world?” 
- David Shoemaker, Living Thelema
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years ago
Living Thelema - Dr. David Shoemaker - The Methods and Tools of A.’.A.’. - Speech in the Silence Podcast
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years ago
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Egyptian goddess, #Nuit, representing the firmament of heaven, which is the Egyptian god, #Geb (laying down). The Egyptians believed the earth was essentially a layered, 3 dimensional disc, encased in a firmament and surrounded by water, similar to the Israelite, Babylonian and ancient Chinese view. The #PyramidTexts and #CoffinTexts reveal that these people believed Nun, the ocean, was a circular body surrounding nbwt (a term meaning “dry lands” or “Islands”), and therefore believed in a similar ancient Near Eastern circular Earth model, surrounded by water. Yes, even the almighty Egyptians said the earth was a horizontal plane. Yet, we still give credit to the Greek philosopher that inspired Freemasonry, #Pythagorus, who was taught for 22 years by the Egyptians, and give them all the credit for knowledge but deny their view of the earth. So who is right? The teacher, or the student? 🌍 #FlatEarth #Kemet #AncientEgypt
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years ago
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Máscara balinesa
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cadernos-alquimicos · 2 years ago
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- Hórus: deus-falcão do Sol, da beleza, da força, do Fogo e do Céu, é o "olho que vê tudo". preside a abundância que distribui para a humanidade, é filho de Ísis e Osíris; teve o olho direito (o Olho-de-Horus) arrancado por Set mas foi curado por Thoth.
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