Captain Bottom Bingo
62 posts
A Steve Rogers bingo dedicated to America's favorite ass, uh, I mean, bottom. America's favorite bottom. Art by @kocuria
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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A Steve Rogers bingo dedicated to America’s favorite ass, uh, I mean, bottom. America’s favorite bottom.
Did you miss the sign-up period? No worries!
Click here for the sign-up form! The Captain Bottom Bingo Collection on AO3 is open, so you can start posting immediately! The last day to sign up for a card will be January 31, 2024. This round will run until March 2024.
Check out our Rules & FAQ as well as our Schedule page if you have any questions. Badge information can be found here. Come join us in our discord server for bingo fun times and to hang out. Adoptables will be available in our discord server.
Sign-ups open: July 4, 2023
Sign-ups closed: July 24, 2023
Late sign-ups open: July 25, 2023
Cards distributed (regular signups): July 31, 2023
Posting period begins: August 1, 2023
Last day to request square changes: August 14, 2023
Last day for late sign-ups: January 31, 2024
Last day post fills: February 28, 2024
Masterlists due: March 7, 2024
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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A Steve Rogers bingo dedicated to America’s favorite ass, uh, I mean, bottom. America’s favorite bottom.
Here we go!
Click here for the sign-up form! The first round of cards will go out on July 31st. The Captain Bottom Bingo Collection on AO3 will open the same day so you can start posting immediately! The last day to sign up for a card will be January 31, 2024. This round will run until February 28, 2024.
Check out our Rules & FAQ as well as our Schedule page if you have any questions. Badge information can be found here. Come join us in our discord server for bingo fun times and to hang out. Adoptables will be available in our discord server.
Sign-ups open: July 4, 2023
Sign-ups closed: July 24, 2023
Late sign-ups open: July 25, 2023
Cards distributed (regular signups): July 31, 2023
Posting period begins: August 1, 2023
Last day to request square changes: August 14, 2023
Last day for late sign-ups: January 31, 2024
Last day post fills: February 28, 2024
Masterlists due: March 7, 2024
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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A Steve Rogers bingo dedicated to America’s favorite ass, uh, I mean, bottom. America’s favorite bottom.
Here we go!
Click here for the sign-up form! The first round of cards will go out on July 31st. The Captain Bottom Bingo Collection on AO3 will open the same day so you can start posting immediately! The last day to sign up for a card will be January 31, 2024. This round will run until February 28, 2024.
Check out our Rules & FAQ as well as our Schedule page if you have any questions. Badge information can be found here. Come join us in our discord server for bingo fun times and to hang out. Adoptables will be available in our discord server.
Sign-ups open: July 4, 2023
Sign-ups closed: July 24, 2023
Late sign-ups open: July 25, 2023
Cards distributed (regular signups): July 31, 2023
Posting period begins: August 1, 2023
Last day to request square changes: August 14, 2023
Last day for late sign-ups: January 31, 2024
Last day post fills: February 28, 2024
Masterlists due: March 7, 2024
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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What is a bingo?
A bingo is a type of fandom challenge during which participants are given a 3x3 or 5x5 card where all but one square are filled with creative prompts and the last, middle square acts as a free space. A bingo encourages people to create new fanworks for a certain fandom, theme, or ship. By filling out your bingo card you will receive bingo badges that you may use on your social media pages with varying requirements for different badges.
What is the goal of this bingo?
The goal of this bingo is to produce fanworks that feature bottom Steve Rogers. That’s it! The rating, genre, ships included and type of fanwork you produce are decided by you. As long as the fanwork prominently features bottom Steve Rogers, it fits a card prompt and it’s done during the bingo schedule then it works!
Are there any specific rules for participating?
Most importantly, this bingo is an 18+ only event. We want to keep this a laid-back event, but to make everyone 18 or over feel welcome, we do have a few basic rules: 1. No ship, character, or kink bashing.   2. No harassment towards other content creators or bingo mods. 3. No hate speech against any sexuality, gender, creed, or identity. If your content has any of this because it fits with a Marvel character’s portrayal or you need an OC villain, check with a mod to make sure it’s okay. Essentially, be kind to one another! Just because something is not listed here does not mean we welcome hate speech against it or any other kind of bad behavior.
What fanworks are accepted?
The Captain Bottom Bingo accepts all kinds of fanworks, including but not limited to fanfic, fanart, playlists, gifsets and so on! If you’re not sure about your fanwork and want to double check, feel free to email us.
What are the minimum requirements for fanworks?
This is a low-pressure event where we hope everyone will have a great time and let their creativity take them where it will. That said, we do have minimum requirements for content. Remember, these are only minimums. If you want to do more than what’s listed below, feel free! Art: 300 x 300 pixels if digital, 3 inches x 3 inches if traditional Fanfic: 100 words Fanvids: 30 seconds Moodboard: Three images Playlist: Five songs, including cover art Podfic: Five minutes in length with clear permission from the author use for the bingo Rec lists: Three fanworks, with an explanation for each, detailing why you’re reccing them. Tell us why you love it. Now’s your chance to gush! Translations: The work translated must be at least 100 words, whether new or pre-existing, and you must have clear permission from the author to translate AND use for the bingo. All other fanworks: If it’s complete, you put your best effort into it, and it fits the theme of the bingo, you’re good to go. <3
What are the requirements for filling a square?
You cannot reuse old content for this event. If you want to dust off an old WIP that has never been posted, we’ll accept that, but you cannot reuse anything publicly posted. You are, however, allowed to use new chapters in an already posted WIP to fill your squares.  You cannot combine squares for a single work since we’re trying to create as much new content as possible. However, multiple squares can be used in a multi-chapter work as long as only one square is used per chapter.
How do I post my work once I’ve completed a square?
1) Follow this formatting guide. 2) Complete the Submission Form. 3) Add your work to our collection (if on AO3). The Submission Form helps us keep track of what you’ve done so you can receive your badges at the end of the round. This is also where you can tell us there’s something for us to promote in case Tumblr or Twitter decides to eat your mentions. If you don’t fill out the Submission Form for each fill the mods are not responsible for any missing reblogs, retweets or badges. 
Can I use my work for another fandom event, or can I use something from another event for filling a square?
As long as the other fandom event is okay with it and you make an effort to fill ALL requirements for this and any other events where your fanwork is used. Remember, bottom Steve must be a prominent feature for this bingo, and the other events will also have their own requirements, too! Find a way to do all this with your work, and we’ll be happy as clams.
I finished my card, can I get a new one?
Absolutely! Once you’ve completed your previous card, fill out the Blackout Form. By the end of that month (at the latest), we’ll email anyone who’s requested one their brand new card. Additionally, you don’t have to pick the same card or prompt types unless you really want to. So if you had a 5x5 card with angsty prompts, you’re free to switch to a 3x3 card with fluffy prompts instead. It’s entirely up to you! Note: Late sign-ups can pick the size of their new cards, but they still won’t be able to get custom prompts. Sorry!
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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For information on how to format your posts for the Captain Bottom Bingo, please read the information below.
Each post for an individual fill on tumblr must include the following, where applicable:
Square: (Square & Prompt)
Word Count: (If any)
Major Tags: (If any)
Additional Tags:  (If any)
Link, if full work is posted elsewhere:
Mention @cabottombingo somewhere so we can find you.
Ratings - If you have questions about which rating applies, check this guide. Please choose between General, Teen, Mature, or Explicit Major Tags - You must include tags for Non-Con/Rape, Underage, Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, and any other subjects that may be considered dark or disturbing (Cannibalism, Bestiality, Necrophilia, etc.). If you want to use “Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings” to preserve a twist in a fic then you need to HEAVILY EMPHASIZE (and I mean, heavily) that your fic has disturbing content that you’ve chosen not to disclose. This warning should not be missable and be very clear the disturbing content is related to a Major Archive Warning so readers will have the chance to make an informed decision for the sake of their mental health.  Additional Tags may include information such as whether the work takes place in canon-verse or an alternate universe, the sexual acts in the fic, and anything else for which someone may wish to search.
A masterpost is a post that includes all of a user’s works for a specific round. At the end of each round, users will be asked to create a masterpost in the following format:
Title: [Username]’s Captain Bottom Bingo Masterpost
Square Filled & Prompt; “Work Title 1″;  Main Ship(s); Link
Square Filled & Prompt; “Work Title 2″;  Main Ship(s); Link
And mention @cabottombingo somewhere in the post.
disismyusername’s Captain Bottom Bingo Masterpost
A2 Sadness; “All the lonely people”; Steve/Bucky; [URL]
B3 Image of comic!Cap fighting; “Won’t go softly”; Steve/Tony; [URL]
E4 Boogie; “Get down, get down”; Steve/Thor; [URL]
Made for the @cabottombingo!
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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Bingo: Fill a row or column 
Blackout: Fill all squares 
One Square: Complete one square 
Four Corners: Complete a square in each corner 
Diagonal: Fill squares diagonally across the center
You Tried: Almost complete your card by the end of the round. Almost! (~80%)
Beefing it up: Complete any three squares with Beefy!Steve 
Can do this all day: Complete any three squares with Skinny!Steve 
Warm and Tingly: Monthly badge; Make a mod happy by completing at least one of the monthly prompts (Find the prompts here.)
0 notes
cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Sign-ups open: July 4, 2023
Sign-ups closed: July 24, 2023
Late sign-ups open: July 25, 2023
Cards distributed (regular signups): July 31, 2023
Posting period begins: August 1, 2023
Last day to request square changes: August 14, 2023
Last day for late sign-ups: January 31, 2024
Last day post fills: February 28, 2024
Masterlists due: March 7, 2024
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers Rating: Teen Tags/Warnings: Fluff, First Kiss, Accidental Kissing, Caretaking, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Sick Steve Rogers, Coughing, Pre-War Bucky/Steve Summary:  It was an accident. A teensy slip, a misstep, and yet a colossal problem. How does one possibly recover from kissing your best friend while you’re both snuggled up in bed? [AO3 Link]
For @suck-tember day 8: “Kiss” For @buckybarnesbingo C1: “Caretaking” For @stuckybingo O5: “Accidental Kiss” For @cabottombingo​ F5: “Friends to Lovers”
Keep reading
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Title: Dating Trouble - Chapter6: Iced Hot Chocolate
Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86
Rating: G
Pairing / Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1142
Summary: Bucky was alone in his coffee shop today. Fortunately, it was going slow till his favorite customer, Steve, and his daughter showed up. Steve was a single father, and his daughter Maggie wanted an Iced Hot Chocolate. Maggie saw the heart's eyes and took the initiative.
Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: allergies, sick kid, chronic illness, 
Additional Tags: Single Parent AU, Coffee Shop AU, Duck father Bucky, bossy daughter, ducks
Bingo Info below the cut.
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: August Adoptable “But it’s where the fossils came from.” for B3 - “I raise up the hopeless”
Bucky Barnes Bingo 2022 Round Four
Card: B047
Square: Adoptable “Single Parent AU” for U2 - Fusion
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Hi, hope you're doing well :)
How would Prep!Steve react to Punk!Peggy's nipple piercings?
I absolutely love this idea. So much that I wrote a little something.
Peggy had always been sexy to him, there was no denying that. He just never knew how much sexier she could get until he saw her with her nipples pierced.
Bingo: Secret Lovers - @agentcarterbingo, Trans Sex -@cabottombingo, Breast Worship @kinky-things-happen, Free Space @mcukinkbingo, Sat In their lap @marvelfluffbingo Characters: Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter Relationships: Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Warnings: None beyond this is a smut fest and my terrible writing skills
Steven Grant Rogers was your typical next-door neighbor. He played tennis, gardened, volunteered at the animal shelter, and drove a car too expensive for most people’s taste. He loved his expensive clothes and he wore cologne that was offensive to anyone’s noses
His father doted on him and was so proud when Steve won a tennis scholarship. He had ensured that his boy grew up to run the family’s business. He had set him on a fast track to success and it was going swell until the Carter’s moved in.
The very minute that Peggy and her brother had come over for a welcome to the neighborhood barbeque, Joseph had forbidden his son from ever being ‘with the likes of her’. He didn’t see what was wrong with Peggy, what would make his father have such a strong reaction.
Peggy’s fashion choices, sure, weren't to his father’s taste, and going by her mother’s sour look, it wasn’t hers either. He didn’t care, he thought she looked good with her piercings. With the silver industrial piercing in her ear, the helix and orbital highlighted the look.
She dressed in dark clothes often ripped or grunge look. It was certainly a fashion choice that wasn’t to his taste for himself but Peggy pulled it off exceptionally well. It worked for her and he loved it.
So what if she looked like a punk? He didn’t see the big deal. Regardless of what his father had said, Steve wasn’t going to follow such a ridiculous rule. Peggy was his neighbor and his classmate for several classes.
How could he not talk to her and not fall for her?
Read the rest on AO3
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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The Asset Mindset - The Asset has always been turned on by violence—so much so that Hydra’s been forced to keep him on ice. When an urgent mission means he needs to stay out of cryo, his handler orders him to bring in a high value target for his fuck toy. Soon enough, Steve Rogers is the Asset’s unruly, misbehaving pet who only needs to be broken in order to be properly trained.
My collaboration with @call-me-kayyyyy for @summertrashsplash.
Rating: E
Word Count: 3388
Pairings: Bucky/Steve
Tags: Hydra Trash Party, Major Archive Warnings Apply, De-serumed Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Cages, Dehumanization, It Pronoun, Possessive Behavior, Sexual Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con; Please heed the tags.
Additional bingo information for @badthingshappenbingo​, @cabottombingo​, @steverogersbingo​, and @stuckybingo​.
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
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Square filled: C1, "He's My Friend"
It's Me & You
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3993
Warnings: 18+ for language & bullying, implied homophobia (no slurs), canon typical pre-serum Steve fighting, Tony Stark is an arsehole, pining, angst, always Happy Ever After here.
Summary: It doesn't matter how many times he's asked, Bucky is Steve's friend...nothing more.
5 times Bucky was just Steve's friend and 1 time he wasn't
Challenge: for @cabottombingo
Credits: Divider by @firefly-graphics. Beta read by @christywantspizza
Masterlist | Captain Bottom Bingo | Steve
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One - 1927
It was an unspeakably hot day in Brooklyn when Steve Rogers first met James Barnes, staring up at the older boy from the gritty, dusty, floor of the school yard. 
As always he'd managed to find himself the butt of his classmates’ jokes, his school work fluttering around him, torn pieces of his precious drawings floating into the air like motes of dust. 
Steve had seen James before, shepherding Rebecca Barnes to the class next door, a trail of other grubby little girls in tow, dutifully walking them to their classrooms before sneaking away. Steve wasn't sure what Barnes did during the day, but he looked tired and filthy by home time. 
Truly Steve had tried to keep away from the other boys that day, he kept to the middle of the classroom away from the disruptive children and the edges of the playground so he didn't interrupt their games, he said nothing during lessons and ate his meagre lunch alone. But he still wasn’t sure what made them turn on him. Maybe it was that his mother had given him an extra half roll, maybe it was the ink in his pen or four, new, coloured pencils in his pocket. But they had launched themselves on him as soon as he left the classroom, torn his books from his hands and pushed him to the ground, laughing and taunting. 
“Ha ha, little Steve Rogers, whatcha gonna do now? Whatcha been drawin’?” 
This had been the final humiliation, Steve had drawn himself and his mother, holding hands in a rough approximation of their local park, a large tree took up a good portion of the page as well as a sun on the other side. Steve had tried to make the sun reflect off his mother’s perfectly coiffed blonde hair, but the colour had turned slightly grey. 
“It’s his Mama! Mama’s boy!” 
Steve blinked back tears, he wouldn’t cry, his mama had said it was okay to cry, but that the other boys would probably tease him worse. He had to be brave outside. He would not cry. 
He closed his eyes instead, hoping that by squeezing them hard enough the tears wouldn’t be able to escape, but they opened sharply when another voice joined the fray. 
“Oi, Etchles.” Steve looked at Barnes’ too-small shoes and panned his way up his short trousers to his face, thunderous and mean, his fists clenched by his sides. 
“What’s it to you, Barnes?” Etchles squared up to him. 
“He’s my friend.” Barnes said, confidently, blocking the boys' path back to Steve. 
“Rogers doesn’t have friends.” Etchles laughed, “he has his Maaaamaa.” The boys laughed, but Barnes remained stoic. 
“If you’re done, we’re going to go.” He dropped his hand for Steve to grasp, pulling him firmly to his feet and marching him off towards the iron gates of the school. 
Safely away from the sight of the other children Steve stopped, turning to Barnes. “Thank you. You don’t have to stay with me anymore, really. They’re right, I don’t have friends.” He dropped his eyes to the floor, scuffing his shoes. 
“They’re not right, they're just bullies and I hate bullies.” 
“I hate bullies too, but they’re still right, I don’t have any friends.” Steve tried to keep his voice steady, but it wobbled over the truth of his statement. 
“Well, you have a friend now. I’m James, but my sisters call me Bucky, you can too, if you like?” 
“Bucky? I’m Steve.” 
Two - 1933
The cartoon had only just started when the argument began. In the dark of the cinema Steve and Bucky looked turned to see four shadows occupying the back row. In the glow of the projector Steve could make out a halo of brunette curls and a tuft of blonde hair covered with a silk scarf, his failing eyesight wouldn't let him pick out any other details, but he was sure the women were flanked by two large men. 
"C'mon cookie, why else d'ya think we brought ya here?" The gruff voice rumbled through the almost empty theatre. 
“Michael, I said no.” This voice was higher pitched, frightened and straining as if she was trying to break free of something. 
Bucky’s fingers twitched where it rested on the worn red velvet arm rest, a hair’s breadth from Steve’s own pale hand. “Don’t,” he whispered. 
“Let her go, Michael you oaf!” A second voice joined the fray, but was shot down by the final member of the group telling her to shut up and sit down. 
“Bucky.” Steve nudged Bucky’s hand, “we should do something.” 
“Like what, Steve? Keep your head down.” Bucky slouched a little in his seat, encouraging Steve to do the same. For a few tense moments the only noise came from the click of the projector and the tinkling of the music, then the silence was broken with a shriek.
“Roy, no!” 
“That’s it.” Steve rose from his seat and turned to glare into the back rows, intently focussed on the two men even as his vision swam around him. “You let those girls go.” He clenched his fists to keep his voice even, gritting his teeth. 
“Says who?” The taller man, Roy, climbed over the folding seats until he could reach down and grab the collar of Steve’s shirt. His face was so close he could smell his sour breath and cheap cologne, spittle hitting Steve’s cheeks when he spoke again, “Says you? I suppose, pip squeak?” 
“Says someone who knows how to treat ladies right, you let them go.” Roy let Steve go instead, his feet hitting the floor so hard it jarred his knees. 
“You? Treat a lady right?” He scoffed, “You heard this, Michael?” 
“I know you don’t go touching ladies when they say no and you let them leave, that’s more than you lugs.” Steve stood his ground when Michael approached, attempting to puff his chest out and stand higher on his toes. 
Behind him, Bucky groaned and joined the fray. 
“Look, fellas, can’t you just let the ladies leave or enjoy the film. We just wanted to -”
“This your lady!?” Michael roared with laughter, slapping his knees and then Roy’s back, doubling over with the strength of each rattling inhale.
“Or maybe, maybe you’re the lady, is that how this goes?” 
Steve and Bucky went matching shades of beetroot purple, Bucky’s hands clenched at his sides as he tried to fight the urge to swing the right hook his Pa had been teaching him. 
“Let’s go, Steve.” Bucky tugged on the arm of his shirt, trying to nudge him past the two men, but it didn’t work. 
“Oh no, you two aren’t going anywhere, scared away our dates, now you have to pay.” The pair sobered up quickly, backing Bucky and Steve into a corner of the now deserted cinema. 
“Look we just-” Bucky couldn’t finish before Michael swung his fist, missing when his target ducked, pushing Steve backwards and out of the way. 
Bucky swung back, cracking his knuckles on Michael’s jaw and watching, horrified, as blood spilled from his opponent's mouth. 
“Bucky!” Steve cried out, lurching forwards to try and reach him, but Bucky held him back, standing his ground between his friend and Roy. 
“You are - aren’t you? I knew it!” Roy sneered, triumphantly, not filling in his pause, but instead making a disgusted face.
“He’s my friend.” Steve spat back. 
Steve wasn’t sure what hurt more, the way Bucky fell backwards with the force or Roy’s punch, or the emptiness in his heart knowing that Bucky truly was just his friend. That the only comfort this world could offer him was Bucky’s friendship. 
Instantly Steve felt sick, if friendship was all the man was willing to offer he’d take it a thousand times over just to see his face every day on his way to work, to make him laugh over a shared glass of whiskey on a Saturday evening or to drag him along to a new showing at the Grand Theatre.
If a brief touch of their hands was all he was allowed, then that made it okay. Bucky was always there for him, always defended him, as his friend. And nothing more. 
Three - 1945 
Somewhere between France and Italy the mood had shifted, their supplies had dwindled and their tents had fallen apart until Steve and Bucky found themselves bundled into just Bucky’s tent. In the back of his mind, Steve thought how much easier this would have been a few years ago, his narrow body used to fit neatly into bed next to Bucky’s broader shoulders. Yet now he felt huge, ridiculous, a burden, while Bucky squeezed against the edge of the tent.
“I’m sorry.” Steve whispered into the frosty air, “I really am.” 
“For what?” Bucky sighed back, shifting awkwardly to face his friend.
It was a good question, one that Steve desperately wanted to answer. But there were too many things to be sorry for. He was sorry for breaking his tent, he was sorry for taking up space in Bucky’s, he was sorry for not finding him sooner, for taking the serum without talking to him, for meeting him in the first place, for falling helplessly in love with a man who seemed to love him back enough to follow him into danger but not enough to kiss him -
“I just… am. Is that okay with you?” 
“Not really.” A smile tugged at the corner of Bucky’s mouth, a quirk of his eyebrow that let Steve know the conversation wasn’t really over, but that his friend was willing to give him a break for a little while. 
“It’s a shame we can’t build snowmen.” Bucky sighed, “The snow was never this good in Brooklyn, too slushy, all grey and disgusting.” 
“I wish we could too. Maybe when it’s all over, we can build snowmen.” 
“Maybe. It’s fucking biting, let me under that blanket.” Bucky tugged on the edge of Steve’s blanket, wriggling into his side and dropping his arm over Steve’s chest as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “That’s better.” 
Bucky sighed deeply, ending the conversation to drift back to sleep. 
“You in there, Cap?” The top of the tent shook slightly in lew of a polite knock. “Just wanted to go over some details for tomorrow.” Dugan’s voice broke through Steve’s thoughts.
“Go away!” Bucky called back, “Sleeping!” He kept his eyes closed so he couldn’t see the pained look on Steve’s face, the way he enjoyed the closeness, the little puffs of breath against his neck when Bucky exhaled. After enjoying Bucky’s protection for so long it felt good to give him comfort back, to hold him against his chest and cushion him in his arms. 
“Hey, Mr. America, can I steal him away for ten minutes?” 
Heat flooded Steve’s face, he hated that nickname, hated the way it made him feel inside, sick and jealous of a life he couldn’t live. Images of them wearing each other’s rings, of a shared life beyond the canvas of a military issue tent. Isn’t that what they’d always had? Hadn’t he always been Bucky’s other half in so many ways? 
Bucky hugged him closer, mumbling no with another little huff, tickling his neck and igniting an anger Steve didn’t know he possessed. He shoved Bucky away and zipped the opening of the tent. 
“Don’t go, Stevie.” Bucky sighed in his sleep, his lips parted. 
“I’ve got to, Buck.”
Reluctantly he left the tent and joined Dugan on the short walk to their operations set up. 
"You know, Captain, none of us are upset." 
"About you and Barnes, there's no need to hide in your tent." He raised his eyebrows, stopping Steve and staring at him pointedly until he felt himself go colder. Was he really that obvious? 
"There's nothing to hide. He's my friend, that's it."
"If you're sure, Cap, if you're sure." Duggan clapped him on the back and then continued their walk in silence. 
Four - 2012
“C’mon Spangles, all I’m saying is you can lighten up with us, we’re your friends.” Tony waved his third glass of scotch in Steve’s direction. The expensive liquor sloshed against the sides of glass making Steve wince when it spilt over Tony’s fingers and onto his equally expensive looking suit. 
Everything about Tony's home made Steve wince. To start with it was far too big, you could hear an echo for as long as you wanted, the vast ceilings making it feel like an overdressed cavern. Or, really, underdressed. Tony liked to see the metal structure that made his penthouse home float above Manhattan, there were no cornices or picture rails, no wallpaper or soft furnishings. Even his art seemed odd, large pictures of a single colour or geometric shapes. 
At least the art was interesting, everything else was white, grey or black, blurring into one. 
Steve looked up at the man, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, that’s what he’d called himself. But he just seemed like a sad little boy, stuffing his face with sweets while he hoarded his toys, metering out affection to those around him enough to keep them physically close without giving anything away himself. 
“No, thank you, I’d rather not discuss it.” Steve sat back in the awful square armchair, nursing the beer he’d been handed an hour ago. 
“Come, I’ve told you my tale, I’m sure a strapping warrior such as yourself must have many merry stories to tell!” Thor, a 
true God of a man, slapped Steve on the back and smiled. At least Thor’s attempts at friendship did seem open and genuine. Steve let some of the tension fall from his face, patting Thor’s elbow in return. 
“Really, there’s very little to tell.” 
“That’s not how Dad told it.” Tony cocked an eyebrow at him, the challenge obvious. 
“Howard was an excellent storyteller.” 
“He told me you were on tour with at least twenty USO girls at a time.” 
“That would be accurate, yes. Very talented young ladies.” 
That earnt a laugh from the assembled heroes, even Natasha, who Steve liked, couldn’t help but guffaw loudly. 
“Steve, he’s suggesting you slept with them,” Natasha whispered, not unkindly, but still, it made a hollow, ice cold pit open up in Steve’s stomach. 
“Even if I had, I wouldn’t be telling a story like that.” He fiddled with his shirt again, trying to ignore the piercing stares of those around him. 
“What about that friend of yours, Dad talked about him too. Lucky or Bricky or something.” 
“Bucky?” Steve’s heart clenched, he’d been trying not to think about Bucky, about how he must have felt when he hit the snow and ice below him like Steve did. Did he stop feeling his toes first as well? Or did he die quickly like Steve wished he had? “What about Bucky?” 
“He must’ve had all the girls you didn’t.”
“Who is this Bucky?” Thor asked. 
Steve ducked his head, holding his tears back by pinching the palm of his hand, trying to focus his pain into something physical. 
“He’s a friend of Steve’s, right?” Bruce asked, hoping to help Steve rejoin the conversation, but it was too late. 
“Bucky Barnes, that’s it, isn’t it?” The sound of Tony’s triumphant hooting was drowned by the rushing noise in Steve’s head, he just wanted to go back to the horrid, cave like room Tony was letting him stay in, drag the sheets onto the floor and curl into a ball. Why was he even here, why had he been denied death just to sit with this disgusting man and his friends?
“I think I saw a picture of him in your file, he was a good friend, right?” A small, neatly manicured hand squeezed Steve’s knee and he let his eyes wander up the black clad arm to Natasha’s friendly face. He nodded, trying to concentrate on the little lines near her eyes and not the ache in his heart. 
“By all accounts a bit of a womaniser, or so Dad said-”
“He wasn’t like that,” Steve growled, “He was a good man, a gentleman and a hero. Leave him out of this.” 
“Ooof, we’ve touched a nerve and made him twitch, I wonder what other buttons we can press.” 
“That’s enough, Tony.” But Bruce’s voice was a drop in the ocean compared to the volume of Tony’s glee. 
“So he didn’t sleep with all the girls and you certainly didn’t sleep with them…maybe you slept with each other!” 
“You’d better shut your mouth before I close it for you.” Steve shot out of his chair and loomed over Tony’s, hands gripping the leather arms of the chair until they creaked in Steve’s grip. 
Tony stared back at him, “So you did fuck Bucky, Dad was right.” 
“I told Howard then and I’ll tell you now, Bucky was my friend. Leave him out of whatever game it is you’re playing with me. In fact, leave me out. I’m going to bed.” 
Steve snapped the arms of the chair as he pulled away, storming across the room and taking the stairs down to his apartment. 
Five - 2017
“It’s okay to be sad that he’s chosen this path.” A small hand touched Steve’s elbow, drawing attention away from the tube of metal and glass in front of him. Princess Shuri pressed a button on the panel, clearing the fog away from the glass so he could see Bucky inside. 
If he got close enough he could imagine he was sleeping, his eyelashes brushing against his frosty cheeks, his brow relaxed and without worry. His long hair fell around his shoulders, but at least now it was washed and brushed, cared for and loved by Steve’s own hands while Bucky prepared for the cryo chamber again. He had been so brave, so sure of his decision that Steve felt frustrated by his own fears. It was Bucky who was taking on this responsibility, protecting others from the dormant Soldier waiting inside. 
But it was Steve who was left behind. 
“I know and I’m grateful to you for supporting him,” Steve whispered, a hand hovering over the metal tube where Bucky’s heartbeat imperceptibly on the other side. 
“But…” Shuri pushed, turning to look up at Steve, the unsaid question twinkling in her eyes. 
“But I miss him,” Steve admitted, touching the glass, wishing he could push Bucky’s hair behind his ear, just to feel how soft it was, to hold his hands even if it was just because Bucky was frightened by Shuri’s laboratory. 
“Of course you miss him, I’d be worried if you didn’t miss him.” Shuri moved away, giving Steve the space to watch Bucky but close enough to keep him talking. 
“I only just got him back.” Shuri pushed a box of tissues into Steve’s hand and he was momentarily confused until he saw the splash of his own tears on the paper. “Thanks,” he sniffed, trying to stop his crying by rubbing furiously at his eyes.
“That’s okay, good to try out new tech, I’ll make him a new arm as well. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, visit him as much as you want. I don’t know if he can hear you, but it can’t hurt to keep loved ones close,” she said with brisk finality, “but I need some space right now, maybe visiting time can start again in an hour?” She smiled. “Go and see your room, I’ll look after your boyfriend.” 
Shuri shooed him towards the door. 
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Steve insisted. 
“Sure he’s not, Captain, whatever you say.” Shuri’s tone was placating, buoyant but full of pity. 
“He’s not, he’s my friend.” 
“I know, I heard you.” Shuri closed the lab door behind him with a wink, leaving Steve with his thoughts once more. 
+1 - 2023 
Steve lifted his arms higher to avoid the crowds around the concession stand, his hands full with a tray of drinks and a tub of ice cream each. No one seemed to recognise him in the crowd, his evening attire of a white shirt and jeans helping him to blend in with all the other couples and groups eager to see the show. 
He returned to his seat at the back of the Lunt-Fontanne theatre and handed Bucky his snacks and drink. No one had spotted him either, although he probably looked very different to the long haired, scruffy ex-assassin that the TV had told them to fear. But to Steve? To Steve he looked just the same as he had all those years ago when they went to see shows at the Grand, his hair neatly cropped and swept back slightly, he’d grown his stubble out now though, a modern change from his previously clean shaved cheeks. But his smile was the same, as was the way he casually dropped his arm over the back of Steve’s chair as the lights went low. 
“This is going to be fucking terrible,” he whispered, leaning into Steve’s shoulder, the scent of his pomade washing over him. That was the same too, masculine and strong with a tiny hint of the lavender soap he liked. 
And they were right, Bucky spent the first half pointing out the inaccuracies in Steve’s biography - Who did they even ask? Not me, even though I was fucking there - while Steve spent the second part telling Bucky what really happened in New York in 2012. Before the actors could take their final bow, Bucky pulled on his hands, nodding towards the door so they could leave early and avoid being seen. 
Bucky led Steve into the crisp December air, laughing so hard he fell against Steve’s shoulder with the effort of staying upright. 
“I can’t believe how wrong they are about you. It’s a musical called Rogers and they didn’t even get one thing right, even your birthday is wrong!” 
“Bucky, don’t tell anyone about my birthday! Everyone loves it,” Steve said, seriously, holding Bucky’s face between his palms. “If people find out it’s not really July 4th it’ll break their hearts.” 
“Fine,” Bucky agreed, but couldn’t stop laughing. “Let’s go for a drink, since we’re already out.” 
They walked in the frosty air for a while until they found a small bar with dim lighting where they could hide in the corner. It had taken Steve a while to understand this change in Bucky, who used to prefer being sat under the lights at the bar, but it was definitely nicer to be cuddled up in the corner. 
Steve watched him walk away across the bar, tight black jeans stretched around his thighs and tucked into his boots, he also watched the minute turn of heads as other patrons followed his gaze. This was familiar, but Steve didn’t feel jealous anymore, instead he smiled to himself and went back to texting Sam about how awful the musical was and not to bother booking tickets for his nephews. He would take them to see the Lion King or Aladdin or something instead. 
Before he could hit send, a slender hand tapped his arm. 
“Hi, uhm - sorry to bother you, but -” The woman stuttered, crinkling a napkin in her hand, Steve prepared to be asked for an autograph. People didn’t ask often anymore, after the accords, but it hadn’t happened in a while so he figured he was due his turn. 
“Yes?” He put on his best Captain America smile and met her gaze. 
“Can you give this to your friend for me?” He looked down at her napkin and the series of numbers scrawled on it in lipstick and laughed. 
“Oh - I thought - nevermind. He’s, uh, he’s-"
Steve couldn’t finish his thought, a sleek metal hand touched his shoulder and interrupted his thought process, Bucky’s beautiful smile beaming down at him, haloed by the soft light above the booth. 
“Sorry, I’m not interested. I’m his boyfriend.” 
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Square: A1 - Celebration Sex & 5 + 1 (August Prompt)
Title: 5 Times Steve Celebrates Survival (+1 Time He Celebrates Being Alive)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,209
Ship(s): M/M, M/F, Steve/Thor, Steve/Clint, Steve/Tony, Steve/Natasha, Steve/Sam, Steve/Bucky.
Major Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: smut, feeeeelings, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Canon is a suggestion and since it is a dumbass suggestion etc., Sex positive Avengers, Continuity What Continuity, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, First Time(s), Dirty Talk, No daddy kink but Tony calls himself daddy once, implied Clint/Natasha - Freeform, Matt Fraction-inspired Clint Barton, Beefy!Steve Rogers
Summary: What it says on the tin! 5 times Steve sexed up an Avenger to celebrate surviving, and one time it was Bucky.
Link, if full work is posted elsewhere:
Written for @cabottombingo
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: C3 - Picture prompt (Darcy on the phone giving a thumbs up sign)
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Writing Challenge
Week of August 29, 2022
Prompt: Cat up a Tree
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: A2 - Tiny Frog
Monthly Prompt/badges: 5+1 things
Title: Dating Trouble - Chapter4: Spied Five Times and Caught Once Part 2
Title: Dating Trouble - Chapter4: Spied Five Times and Caught Once Part 2
Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86
Rating: E
Pairing / Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers
Genre: Smut, Comedy
Word Count: 1876
Summary: Darcy wanted to talk to Steve to plan their date, and Steve finally had time to fix his fence. He couldn't help himself but think about his hot neighbor Darcy. Darcy walked in on him five times, having a pleasant time with himself. Once Steve wanted to talk about their upcoming date and saw Darcy pleasuring herself. And poor Mr. Lee and his pet had to witness them leaving the side after playing peeping tom.
Bingo Info and Warnings blow the cut
Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: naked man, self-restraint, self-bondage, masturbation, suggestive, exhibitionism, embarrassment (not sex related)
Additional Tags: Neighbor AU, Single Parent AU, naughty Steve, Stan Lee as a neighbor, bicycle accident, Darcy is accident prone, but for good reasons, but so is Steve, Hulk the Pug, She-Hulk the cat, Invisible Woman the Poodle, Mister Fantastic the Schnauzer, The Thing the Englisch Bulldog, Human Torch the Yorkshire Terrier
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: C3 - Picture prompt (Darcy on the phone giving a thumbs up sign)
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Writing Challenge
Week of August 29, 2022
Prompt: Cat up a Tree
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: A2 - Tiny Frog
Monthly Prompt/badges: 5+1 things

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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: Adoptable “Yeah, we can tell you’re hammered.” for A1 - Mind Control
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: A4 - Accidental Marriage
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Moodboard Challenge
Week of August 21, 2022
Prompt: wedding night / (shotgun) wedding
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - August Darcy Lewis Bingo Party
Fic Titles Game - Prompt: Home for the Harvest Festival
Moodboard Game - Prompt: Travel
Title: One Night in Asgard - Chapter1: The Harvest Festival
Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86
Rating: T
Pairing / Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers
Genre: Fluff, Comedy 
Word Count: 812
Summary: Steve, Bucky, Clint, Jane, and Darcy hitched a ride on the rainbow bridge to the golden city to visit the Harvest Festival. A little mischief brought Darcy and Steve closer together than they expected.
Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: drinking, drunken people, tricked into marriage
Additional Tags: Bucky in Asgard, Clint in Asgard, Steve in Asgard, Jane in Asgard, Darcy in Asgard, cup sharing, handfasting, Loki tricked them, knife throwing, bow-and-arrow trick-shots
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: Adoptable “Yeah, we can tell you’re hammered.” for A1 - Mind Control
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: A4 - Accidental Marriage
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Moodboard Challenge
Week of August 21, 2022
Prompt: wedding night / (shotgun) wedding
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - August Darcy Lewis Bingo Party
Fic Titles Game - Prompt: Home for the Harvest Festival
Moodboard Game - Prompt: Travel/Flowers
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: Adoptable “Yeah, we can tell you’re hammered.” for A1 - Mind Control
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: A4 - Accidental Marriage
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Moodboard Challenge
Week of August 21, 2022
Prompt: wedding night / (shotgun) wedding
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - August Darcy Lewis Bingo Party
Fic Titles Game - Prompt: Home for the Harvest Festival
Moodboard Game - Prompt: Travel
Title: One Night in Asgard - Chapter1: The Harvest Festival
Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86
Rating: T
Pairing / Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers
Genre: Fluff, Comedy 
Word Count: 812
Summary: Steve, Bucky, Clint, Jane, and Darcy hitched a ride on the rainbow bridge to the golden city to visit the Harvest Festival. A little mischief brought Darcy and Steve closer together than they expected.
Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: drinking, drunken people, tricked into marriage
Additional Tags: Bucky in Asgard, Clint in Asgard, Steve in Asgard, Jane in Asgard, Darcy in Asgard, cup sharing, handfasting, Loki tricked them, knife throwing, bow-and-arrow trick-shots
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: Adoptable “Yeah, we can tell you’re hammered.” for A1 - Mind Control
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: A4 - Accidental Marriage
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Moodboard Challenge
Week of August 21, 2022
Prompt: wedding night / (shotgun) wedding
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - August Darcy Lewis Bingo Party
Fic Titles Game - Prompt: Home for the Harvest Festival
Moodboard Game - Prompt: Travel/Flowers
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cabottombingo · 2 years ago
Title: Delivering Opportunities - Chapter2: Short Negotiations 
Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86
Rating: E
Pairing / Ship(s): Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers
Genre: Erotica
Word Count: 1170
Summary: Darcy and Steve talked just to realize that they both wanted the same, Darcy courting Steve. Darcy wouldn’t consider pegging Steve before they talked about his likes and dislikes. They would have time later for extended discussions about kinks and no goes because they both are horny.
Warnings/Triggers/ Major Tags: safe, sane, consensual; sex toys; kink negotiations; A/B/O AU
Additional Tags: Submissive Steve, Size-queen Steve, monster dildo, bad sex toy packaging; no kink shaming; Omega Steve, Alpha Darcy; short kink negotiations; safe word discussion; bird A/B/O.
Bingo Info:
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2021/2022
Name: MuffinEngineer86
Square: C5 - Coffee
Captain Botton Bingo Round #1
Card: #CB009
Square: E5 - AU: A/B/O
Darcy Lewis Bingo 2022 Mini Bingo: Dr. Darcy Lewis
Card: #A008
Square: Adoptable Friends to Lovers for A1 - I turned him into a tree so he would leave 
Darcy Lewis Bingo Headquarters - Weekly Writing Challenge
Week of August 21, 2022
Prompt: friends to lovers
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