Just a general reader insert blog. Send in your feelings, your headcanons, your scenarios and story ideas, I will love them and probably write too damn much about them.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Blog Update
Good evening everyone.
I hope you’re all doing well. I myself am, more or less. Things happen, but I’m doing pretty darn well, all things considered.
First things first: I’m gonna be reviving this blog, at least for long enough to post one specific piece for a collab I’m involved in. It will be Haikyuu. Yes, it’s true, I regret to inform you I am, in fact, a weeb. What happens beyond that point is a Mystery, but I at least wanted to inform you all of that.
Second: I’m going to be doing some housekeeping. This includes redoing my desktop theme from the default, and getting rid of pretty much all my old writing that I just don’t feel like having around here anymore. It’s not that it was bad, it’s just that I don’t really much care for it anymore, and it does make people think that I still write for those fandom(s).
Third, and most important: I’ve instituted a new policy whereby any and all blogs that follow me must have their age indicated somewhere that is easily accessible to show that they are not a minor, or else they will be blocked. This includes the header, or a dedicated About section. This policy has already been carried out, meaning I just purged a ton of blogs from following me. It took a while. From hereon out, it’ll be easy.
This blog posts NSFW content, and that means that I want no minors following me, interacting with my posts, or talking to this blog in general. So every new follower will now be vetted, and if their age is either less than 18+, or if there is no age/age indication on the blog, I will be blocking.
That should be it. Enjoy my first post on here in uh....like, a year.
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haha I ended up taking photos in the game and then taking photos of the Switch screen with my phone in order to share them. I don’t seem to be able to attach all of the photos (10) to this submission, so I’ll send separate submissions for each.
I gotchu! I saved all your pictures and was able to add them to the post.
These are so pretty! I love them! (Legit, I’m thinking 9 might end up being my background on my computer)
#Cat Talks.#Breath of the Wild#submission#Anon of the Wild#I don't know what to call you friend if you want me to change your tag let me know and I'll do it.
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I genuinely cannot figure out how to share photos from the game itself, so I'm working on a work-around. Should be able to update you soon! 💖
Looking forward to it!
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I also knew nothing about Legend of Zelda before I started playing this! My friend let me borrow her Switch a while back to play it and I had fun, so I decided to get it again. Also I'm not sure how to take screenshots and such, so it might be a bit before I can do that, but I will try!
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So before my local library system closed, I rented a Nintendo Switch and Breath of the Wild. And the libraries shut down before they were due. So now I just have these for an indefinite amount of time and that's making all of this a little better.
Yo that’s a rad deal there! I’m glad you have something that’s able to help you through all this, this is a super tough time for a lot of people, and every bit of comfort we can get is important.
I’ve heard a lot of really good stuff about BotW, too. I’ve kinda wanted to play it, but then again, I also know exactly nothing about LoZ, so I’m content just sorta watching it from a distance and screaming “NICE” every so often when I see something pretty rad.
If you see something pretty in the game, take a screenshot and submit it! I’d love to see your adventures!
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I was playing Mr Love Queen's Choice for a while but one of their new updates wiped my account and I didn't feel like emailing them to restore it. Now I'm playing Obey Me but my favorite character is nonromancable. I need something new to play (that isn't part dress up game) 😭 Do you have any recommendations?
Oh man, I don’t play visual novels very much, which seems weird because I should also be really into them! I love romance, and the ones I played were really well-written and fun!
Anyway, not sure if these will fulfill what you’re into (because I don’t know how the ones you brought up are played (aside from Queen’s Choice which plays like a phone messager, right? They mentioned that on the Wikipedia page for it)), but I suggest the Lovestruck app greatly for visual novels! First off, super inclusive, catch me loving that for a long while. Second off, the sheer genre variety is magical. Like, seriously.
You like fantasy? What kind? We’ve got a bunch of different types. High fantasy where you get transported to a magical world, we’ve got magic creatures living in our world, we got Greek gods and monsters in the modern world, we’ve got magic users, they got you super covered. You like superhero pieces? Last I checked, they had at least one. You like sci-fi? They got at least one space setting. They got one where you’re shipwrecked on an island. They got a couple where you join a group of thieves (or just general criminals, as I recall from one, I didn’t play it). They got one where you’re running a speakeasy in the 1920s (like, talk about speaking right to my heart).
And this is just from what I remember of the app, I haven’t been on in ages (which is a shame because I really liked some of the romances). So yeah, check it out, the app and all the stories are free, and best part is, they give you the first chapter of all the pieces without spending any of the tickets they give you (some are individualized first chapters focusing on just the one character, some are group introductions, but either way you get a good hold on the setting).
Hopefully this helped!
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That painting is super beautiful! Is that a view from where you are/live?
No, but that’s very sweet of you! No, I saw this art in the background of a lyric video someone made, and I wanted to take a stab at most of it, but some of the details were too fine for me to actually manage. My motor skills aren’t that great.
Lemme drop a link here because I am super glad the person who made the video actually gave credit to the artist.
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I have a black cat whom I love and adore at home and I've been away for about a week now. When I get home he's going to be very very VERY clingy and sleep on my chest and purr very loudly and I miss him even though I'm having a good time where I'm at
I love your cat and I love stories about cats after their person comes back after a long time away and I love this and you anon. Give your cat plenty of love from me when you get back.
My cat, Big Cat, she screams at me when I get home, even when I've been gone for only a few hours. It's magical.
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This is my excuse.
Hey guys I'm not smart and still awake here painting at like almost 4 AM, and I realized I miss talking to you all even if my posting record for this blog is, uh. *finger guns* Spotty.
Anyway. Hope y'all are keeping yourself safe and content and healthy. Y'all can send some asks or something, talk to me about your day, your pets, anything you've been working on.
Ooh! Or! Talk to me about shows or games or movies or stuff you're currently into! My friend's trying to get me to watch 911 Lone Star and I will eventually. Probably start tomorrow if I don't wake up at 4 PM again. But I'm also super into the two FBI series on CBS.
So yeah. Send some askbox rants.
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Can I romance Shay Cormac? The man needs at minimum a kiss and a good dinner, and I really think I ought to volunteer for the task, if he's willing.
"Sweet heart, I think anyone would be hard-pressed to resist your offer." Shay gently takes your hand in his and bows slightly with a cocky grin. His touch is warm and there is the usual glimmer of no good in his eyes.
"I am in your care." He's close and smells of lightly of salt and gunsmoke and you feel like even if he's in your care it doesn't mean he will behave. "Just a warning—I might get greedy, kitten." Shay murmurs beside your ear.
#A rascal is fucking right I am going to punch this man in his mouth. With my mouth.#Everyone look at how wonderful KC is doing this Valentine's Day event
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Ayoooooooooo nice.

My backgrounds just feed the forest spirit that resides in my body. I'd say I'm sorry except I'm not.
In truth the last song I listened to was actually "Her Name Reverberates Through the Hollow Heart of the World" on the album Radio Quiet by Griffin McElroy, but bandcamp doesn't let me do screencaps. So next best thing.
I tag whoever wants to do this just as long as they let me see the end results.
Tagged by : @curvy-caro
Post lock screen, home screen and last song listened to...
I tag: @q-tsh @yallbetternotdeletemyshit @thechrisfarmerblog @dascurly @elthegoddess @tumblrofeli @wildescape @sadgirl-stories @vivalaorgasm
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Hide (Reader x Connor)
A/N: So I wrote this for the Christmas in July fic exchange in my Discord server. I asked my recipient @c-qcat if I could post it publically and they kindly said yes. Shout out to my bae @spheri because I love you forever and always and this event couldn’t have happened without you. The request was for something Connor, so… Here is some Connor content.
Summary: You do something that could be construed as taking advantage of Connor. He’s new to this deviancy thing and you don’t want to monopolize his emotions when he’s learning what to do with them.
“Wait.” Connor reached out to you and pulled you back around the corner. “There are guards coming.” He stopped you from peeking around the corner as he could scan for the guards anyway. He wasn’t entirely certain that they knew what the two of you looked like, but it wasn’t out of reason they would have scanned everyone’s faces coming into the event.
You were doing your best not to panic, but if you were discovered, there would be huge ramifications that you did not want to deal with. “I knew this was too risky—why did we take this job?”
Keep reading
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Frank Castle | John Wick
↳ an important parallel
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I thought you'd be like late twenties
Well. Oops. That did not happen. Happy you're here, though!
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I guess so, anon! I’m surprisingly young? How old did you think I was?
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I keep forgetting that aging is a thing.
I’m gonna be 21 in like. 5 days.
What the fuck.
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So somehow. These accidentally feel less like dating headcanons than they do just sort of. General things, but hey. Some of it. Definitely has to do with dating so I can probably get away with it. *finger guns*
Dear @caryled, thank you. <3
Dear @alicesfracturedmirror, I love you, but suffer.
Thanks to @luvleekaotix-imagines again for the title and format.
Just Dating Diego Hargreeves Things:
Okay, so. I think it’s. Kiiiiiinda obvious, but Diego has. Issues. A lot of issues. Here is a man who has been told that he is lesser his entire life by the only father figure he has ever known. That his only purpose in life, the only way he can find fulfillment and possibly, just possibly come out on top, is by saving and helping others. And that shit stuck. Stuck so much so that he’s been doing vigilante work even after he left the Umbrella Academy—and that’s after getting thrown out of the police academy.
He is a man who wants so, so badly to help other people that he’s willing to break the law. He is an idealist refusing to be trapped by the the world around him, his reputation, his past, but these things are all all wrapped around him like rope he can struggle against, but never really get out of.
So to put it simply, to be with Diego…is a little bit of a balancing act. You need to support him—god do you need to support him, he really hasn’t had very much of that in his life—but you also need to play voice of reason. You need to tell him that it’s okay for him to rest, that he doesn’t need to do everything. You need to tell him that it’s okay for him to trust other people, to trust the world around him to be okay, to be safe for just a little bit.
Sometimes this will take words, sometimes it will take getting him to shut up and listen to you for what feels like once in his goddamn life, but other times? Other times the most it’ll take is just pulling him into bed with you and laying down with him, enough of your weight on him that he knows that to leave would be to disturb you, and he really doesn’t want to wake you up, doesn’t want you to let go of him. So he’ll stay put. If only for just that one night.
On that note, Diego is definitely touch-starved. In a group like the Umbrella Academy, he had never gotten much in the way of attention—let alone affection—that was just his, and the physical affection you give him is certainly just his.
Touch is absolutely one of his love languages, and he just eats that affection up when you express it, and he will more than gladly express it back.
(As an aside, he can be prone to jealousy over the little things, but over the little things it reads less as jealousy, than it does just being maybe a little more. Touch-y, hover-y, than normal. Most of the time it doesn’t even hit your radar that he may be feeling a little ignored, because you give the affection he wants so freely in return that most of the time it’s resolved before you need to think about it too much.)
(Jealousy over the big things, though, definitely reads as just straight-up jealousy.)
So for those of you who haven’t gotten the memo. Diego is (not really secretly) the biggest dork of the known universe. He also has a tendency to hide this. From my understanding it may be a factor of his experiences of abuse—you tend to hide the things that bring you joy for fear that they may be taken away or ridiculed. So dancing, singing, any sort of expression, really, these are all things of himself that he had hidden away, and to let them out, typically means being behind closed doors, if not locked ones.
To be with him means that you get the glorious experience that is being trusted to be within those doors. You get to see all the funny little things that make Diego who he is, not just the ones he always puts out there. You get to see the dancing that has obviously been practiced, you get to hear the singing that is pretty solidly off-key most of the time, and you get to see him in all these different, new ways that are just that: different. Because he trusts you to know all of him.
Sure, the first couple of times you catch him, you might find that he hides, that he decides to drop everything (figuratively) and pretend that you hadn’t just caught him doing what he was doing. But by the time you’re fully in a relationship, he’s moved past hiding what he likes from you and trying to share it with you.
So you catch him dancing and he’ll just grin at you and try to pull you over to join him. You catch him singing, you’ll get him serenading you, just to see you roll your eyes at him, because you also smile.
This all just showcases the sheer trust he has in you. He can trust you and be vulnerable around you because you love him, and he doesn’t have to be on-guard all the time, just waiting for someone to kick him while he’s not ready to take the hit. He can feel safe when you’re around—if nothing else he can at least feel safer.
And it’s for that reason you get to see the parts of him that nearly no one else does. You get to hear him struggle with his stutter, still, on occasion, sneaking up on him. You get to see the hurt in his heart, scars deeper than the ones on his skin. And you understand that to see all of him means that you can finally love all of him.
Another thing: here is a man who had never had to worry about making a home for a significant portion of his life. The way the Umbrella Academy ran, he wasn’t really ever required to do much in the way of chores. And then the boxing gym, well, that’s not really much in the way of a home to be made as much as a temporary living solution. But here’s the fun thing he finds out: there’s a number of things when it comes to homemaking that he finds out he really likes, when he moves in with you. Sure, part of it is just the sheer, “wow, I actually get to have this,” factor, but part of it actually is just straight-up enjoying these things.
Folding laundry? It’s tedious, but it goes faster with four hands, and that means he gets to spend time with you when he does it. Baking? He obviously may not do it all the time, but funny enough, the precision involved in following a recipe does mean he can get pretty damn good results.
There is so much comfort in moving in with you, and really, there is a part of him insisting that he needs to pay you back in some way for it—he doesn’t, you can insist, but he still will be hard-pressed to just sit back when he could be doing something around the house to help you, better still, with you.
It’s always the little things that he takes the greatest enjoyment out of with you. And while it’s a little sad to think of why, not dwelling on the why means you get to love the fact that he’s enjoying doing the dishes with you just because it’s in a home you both are a part of together.
But does this mean he will consider going grocery shopping with you a date? Mmmmmmayyybeee. (Definitely. Not like. A big date. But like. Still a date).
So Diego, he doesn’t do good with people not trusting him to get things done. And sometimes that can include taking care of himself. So sometimes he can get very defensive when you try to tell him to take care of himself, to not go out one night or another because he’s recovering from an injury or illness.
He insists he knows his limits. In truth, he knows how to push himself hard enough that he breaks and then to insist on keeping going. You can see that easier than he can. So a sizable chunk of the time, you need to be careful in letting him know that he needs to take better care of himself, you need to be careful with your words to let them speak louder than the chunk of his mind insisting, angrily, that everyone thinks they know better than him.
Your actions regarding this can speak just as loudly as any well-planned arguments. Letting him know that you trust him just builds his trust in you. So that the next time you simply tell him to sit down and goddammit stop doing that, you have stitches, Diego, you’re going to break them, he’s going to be more prone to listening. He’ll be frustrated, but. He’ll listen.
(He’ll listen even better next time if you stay close to him during the time he’s down for the count, an easy association for his sharp mind to make that if he lets you take care of him from time to time that he’ll be treated to a dose of his more obvious love language.)
In truth, you really need to be patient with him. You need to be willing to help him talk things out by being willing to communicate. He’s hot-headed and doesn’t always think before he says or does something just to make sure it hurts, but god does he feel how it hurts when it comes to you. He feels it in an instant. You have to be level-headed when he isn’t, and as frustrating as it is, as much as it takes, he will give more than enough to make up for it. This is something else that your actions can lead to, helping him learn to take a step back and cool off.
ALSO, delving into nsfw territory: you know this, I know this, we all know this, he is kinky. He’s interested in your comfort first and foremost when it comes to the bedroom (or, well, let’s be real occasionally outside it), but when it reaches the point where you fall into his sheets, he is observant about your tastes, and he is certainly vocal about his. Dropping hints is less like dropping hints than it is outright suggesting without shame about something to bring into the bedroom next you both get the chance.
(He’s a pleaser, just gonna leave it at that. ;) )
#reader insert#Diego Hargreeves#the umbrella academy#Diego Hargreeves x reader#Hiiiiii everybody. This is a fun show. ALSO DIEGO IS SO FUN TO WRITE SHIT FOR.#I CAN READ HIM LIKE A BOOK.#So hopefully these are quite good. Expect some more from Alice soon.
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