Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I would like to thank the many manhwa I read for finally making it into my dreams 👏🏼👏🏼
Just dreamt a story of some Indian girl secretly harnessing some plant powers as a child, but the poster thought the chapters of her childhood were boring so they skipped to chapter 100 maybe where the girl was grown up, not having become anyone special but instead a young adult that works in a small city veterinary clinic(as a freelancer maybe?) and immediately after seeing her position she tells the staff she's gonna leave for the holidays before they've even set up for it.
She sends notice ahead of time but it was unspecified what time she'd arrive as she was biking (normal bicycle) home with her fluffy large dog running besides her and a surprise snake with one eye injured that only stayed calm around her in her shirt. Her slightly younger sister was forced to watch out for her and almost missed her, but went upstairs as soon as she yelled that our MC was spotted. Her parents tackled her with a hug, ushering her and the dog inside(where I promptly forget about the dog until she goes upstairs to her room later). There she greets these boys that are maybe slightly younger than the barely aforementioned sister. The parents usher her into the kitchen where the father was cooking, and the mother hands our MC another baby they had. She gives the baby back because she thought she broke the baby's neck, but turns out the kid is old enough to stumble about.
MC then gets to scare the boys with the (relatively harmless) snake in her shirt before going up to her room. It's the same as how she left it(which looks nothing like her childhood room) and she decides she doesn't have a proper warm place for the snake, and she can't just sleep with the snake unsupervised, so she shrinks herself and goes up to the wall, which turns out is made of vines. The vines are stubborn so she breaks through the vines, moving the ones that cooperate, finally getting to another room. The room is made of vines and she starts to make a hole for the snake to warmly sleep in when the hamster shaped guardian realizes there is an "intruder". They start to fight, but then I go to a notification "chapter"???
I go back to the chapter home page and it turns out I was on chapter 134(?), but after 5 "notification chapters" I'm somehow at least 7 chapters ahead of where I was reading but on chapter 115?? The chapters reveal that the boys we just met after a long time weren't actually our brothers but really a pair of europeanized princes, who talk about our MC over a cup of tea, and who our MC is stuck shrunk and sick somehow? And then the boys start talking about eating spicy food as toddlers and their father not relating but supporting?
The chapters order was so damn confusing I don't even know why I started reading it 😡 Outside now that I'm awake I would have Never started a manhwa with choppy chapters like this, I am offended
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"The name of God is a vast texture"
-Today's static in my head whenever I try to nap without a daydream
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I'm not that one user but just now I dreamt that with my grandmother not knowing in a small corner of her large house I started getting into trading and raising these things called GoGoPets™, which were basically inanimate objects that an app turned living, and each "pet" had to be fed and bathed. I got into it over the "Rare Trade" where I would take certain pets and "breed" them until I got a new pet that would sell for millions. Only thing was that, GoGoPets™ really were just inanimate objects on the outside, and you had to level them up significantly high if you wanted to get them to do things like "move on their own" and "make noises", and the most important one, being able to speak their thought(because they didn't need eyes and that would be too Far).
So, obviously not knowing a thing about this repeatably popular once a decade toy, I start by buying toys that are just realistic stuffed animals. Wait what did I buy? They were extra small, I know that, and somehow grateful? Turns out the business behind the toys ran out of money a long time ago, but some millionaire didn't want it to turn into Jurassic Park/World, so he personally took every returned toy in, y'know from the last time the popularity ran out, and kept them in his basement to be sent out the moment someone wanted them. But I didn't get any information out of them except "basement" so I just shrugged it off, fed them, and left the TV on with the app telling my 4 stuffies to breed.
Next morning I found out they did :) and my one horse & one mouse stuffies(they were the same size) produced a dozen rare offspring. I saved a couple of the newly born dimwitted ones for grinding to meat and cooking(my original purpose I'm just remembering?), and turned to the rest to find out they were somehow stoned? They leveled up to tell me they needed to be, and I was questioning how and where they got the zaza when a male cousin I don't have(equipped with a cool leather jacket) knocked on the door and asked if he could donate his GoGoPets™ to my "cause".
Foolishly I accepted, and now I had a whole tub of one stuffy I wanted to breed(they were fine acting like they were balls in a ball pit was fun for them), a second tub of less stuffies I wanted to breed, and a third tub of a bred stuffy and a couple of new stuffies I wanted to breed. Time skipped without me realizing in-dream, and dream me started picking up the niche stuff to breed to make money and getting hella bread because of it. Upgrading the tubs, giving them more room, siphoning the money to my grandmother, getting notoriety within what was left of the community and the billionaires that wanted these pets as part of their humane collection I didn't care about, just balling.
So balling that I discovered a real life shopping district just for these little guys! It was turned around from an abandoned school, so although it was bright and colorful to represent the last vibe it had when it was popular, it had a surprising desolation to it. Anyway some of the people scared the sheet out of me and in the put-away flat board of some gym stadium seats I'm not remembering correctly, after hiding like a coward I got some "new" pets, especially two different Christmas themed stuffies that I wanted to breed, a Christmas dragon fruit and a Christmas candy of sorts that were both the same size.
Time skipped without me realizing again and after being so successful I start to collect the weird stuff that "won't level up properly", so naturally I find myself on the extra extra deep side of a public pool full of GoGoPets™ and their owners, just to show this "clothe" pet of mine that it was actually supposed to be a table cloth, which was way bigger than either of us expected. So much so that awake me is thinking leviathan but baby. I get out of the pool and briefly get in the long line to jump in a spot everyone wants to jump in, only to sneak out and into some chairs another female cousin I don't have was saving for me. I was getting scrutinized for bringing my grandmother in her wheelchair, of which we quickly proved wrong because my grandma be black and this cousin was young(dream logic amiright), when another fellow fan invited me to her childhood home where her parents lived to get some especially nice pets that she had forgotten.
I accepted, and time skipped until we were at her house, of which I will now introduce a mechanic that dream me showed through a website page that dream me conveniently never put on the tablet I was using even though I was indeed using just the tablet, and that overrun sentence would be the ownership system. You see, it wasn't just through the official app that you could purchase and track your arriving Pets, and tell them to breed, but also register yourself as a pets owner. If a pet had been left alone long enough a new owner had the choice to adopt through purchasing with or without the previous owner's consent, the choice to steal without the previous owner knowing, or to "just adopt them already" which dis-acknowledges any previous owner if a pet had been left alone for an insane amount of time.
When pulling up the app to adopt an extra small plushy I don't remember in-dream, I get a whole list of pets that practically shock me, all while at the dinner table of the previous owners parent's had invited me over for. I snitch and tell them their table cloth was a pet, their fancy candleholder, their silverware were pets! Random picture frames and shelves and certain little trinkets that were placed on display generously across their house were pets, and the parents get mad 😡.
Not only was the woman's childhood filled with spending her college savings on these pets, she was also stuffing them into random parts of the house, ruining the house's property value if the gov™ were to find out! The worst parts were her room, of which the walls and floor were literally filled with random pets, because these "GoGoPets™" could literally be anything, as long as it's small when it starts out. The young lady's mother berated her for her childhood destruction while her father gathered the random pets from inside the walls(which he had to destroy), and I had to pull up nail Pets™ and Stripped screw Pets™ with a hammer Pet™ out of a secretly ruined carpet, because even though these pets were normal everyday objects when you first buy them they could still be affected by weathering through time, and although you "had" to feed them you technically couldn't kill them unless it was through the app. So all of the rusty nails and rusty stripped screws couldn't be cut in half (slight dream indestructibility?), but they could still be bred regardless.
Last thing dream me tried doing before waking up was trying to breed all the normal sized extra large rusty pile of screws and nails uncleaned and tetanus ready inside a box to get a rare Pet without the homeowners knowing. Because even though pets can start off as normal everyday objects, their offspring could become rare unusual objects that normal people just wouldn't make for practicality. And none of the pets became sentient enough to question their existence, just quality of life. This dream is crazy not just because this was a 4 hour nap that was supposed to be a 2 hour nap, but also because I'm 76% sure the whole "breeding inanimate objects that are actually living creatures" thing was actually just my subconsciousness getting horny because a very asleep me had to pee even though I have sleep apnea and my brain didn't want to wake me, but I'm very extremely internally AroAce, so instead of a wet dream the dream just went weird. Can anyone tell I haven't said a word of this out loud?
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Space streamer, part 2, slowly loosing my will to write
Synter was a good little space escapee. He listened to the big man on the big speakers, found the computer, hijacked it, erased the AI and firewall. He allowed the big man on the speakers to download many of things onto this computer, and pre- programed the fabricator to build the things he needed for the chemical water maker and extra computer hardware. The Xeno hardware wasn't too far ahead of earth's, but the electrical storage was way ahead. Synter had patiently pulled up the programs that kept track of his oxygen levels stored and electric battery capacity filled and how the waste programs works, all on the too low for the xeno's but too tall for him built in monitor.
He waited patiently and listened in as the alien code got turned into human code from the AI that installed itself from the outside, and as the rest of the ship prepared to deploy. Something went wrong out there. Despite being one of the first set of human cat food to escape, the yelling indicated that their ship was one of the last to deploy the Escape pods and Warehouse pods that acted like Escape pods. An announcement from the AI that downloaded herself, as her pronouns are she her, Xill, came that sometime during the escaping process, another alien race came to interfere with the researcher alien race that captured them. In the process, the alien race started shooting down some Escape pods, capturing most of them, and boarding the ships specifically for the researchers.
Luckily the Escape pods the Xeno's all shut down were filled with the researcher aliens, but as every ship was starting to set off their human passengers, a huge chunk was now finding that they had to fight the new Sentient species. Some humans like his ship fought the Xeno's as they entered the ship, taking over the new ship before launching off. Others weren't so lucky, as the offending Race stuck to shooting the entire researcher ship down, and that escapees were shot in any direction to avoid the ship lethal weapons.
His escape pod was now going in a straight line parallel to earth, but not to it. But the shock of waking up being walked to a glass cell on an alien vessel was still running in his veins, and the shock from the announcement short circuited his brain even further. His mind stuck on how he was a good escapee, building all the necessary machines to live for as long as possible.
End of day 0 log, traveling in space.
When things shock Erin Terry Acevedo, otherwise known as Synter, he usually just shuts down. If it's more of a scare than a shock, then he would come down crying, but he hadn't been scared and he didn't have a bed to let the tears flow. So the shock of realizing you've been abducted by aliens, escaped, and left all the people behind to have his own space box that now hurdles in a direction not exactly earth, Synter locked up for a while.
By Xill's logs it took 7 computer calculated earth days of Synter waking up and allowing Xill to rule his day when he finally curled up in the empty back seat of his truck and cried. It had become empty when Xill instructed the robotic Synter to pull out everything he had to record. And by coincidence standard he had everything for survival. By coincidence Synter had gotten his washer machine broken, and the day he drove to the city for his pre-ordered supply and mail run he had stopped by a laundry parlor early in the morning to clean his entire wardrobe of clothes. Because he was doing clothes, he had a bag of laundry essentials, a bottle and a half of laundry detergent laundry softener and dryer sheets.
Being alaska, he had an extra gallon or so of gas in his truck, along with a wilderness survival kit thrown in his passengers seat that his father pushed onto him. Seeing as it was a supply run he had clothes and toiletries for every part of the house, stocked for a year sine even when his weight is below average for his size he can blow through in 6 months. Xill calculated that by possibility it would be well under 5 before they came across a planet who's orbit they could inhabit. By coincidence Synter had splurged on seeds of many kinds, 8 bags of dirt he had the store workers pile onto the bed of his truck, and sunlight plants that were sure to be in the boxes or bags of mail he got from the run.
Synter is a Streamer and YouTuber, he has fans that sent him letters and gifts, even to his year long home in Alaska. Synter was a programming expert and computer building expert, he could build any machine he wanted. For a few videos he even did build a few machines, but at his core he was a wimpy 5ft2 hazel Brown haired grey-Brown eyed 21 yr old man that escaped hard times by streaming videogames to people on the internet. He was not a space scientist or expert of any sort.
Hearing Synter's muffled hiccups as he softly cried made the copy of Xill that stayed on the ship remember the human emotion of overwhelming expectations and sudden sadness. His slight praise kink wasn't gonna save him from this tragedy.
Day 42 of AI Xill's computer timed logs.
Some boxes of whatever had been stored near the computer and fabricator had been successfully organized for Xill to keep track of. With it came the placement of every machine needed to keep maintenance on every aspect of life for Synter, and the farms he's build. They're wall farms, far more effective than farming on the floor, but even then they need care. The hover panelling needs maintenance and the lights need controlling, although most controlling is by Xill. With Xill keeping track of all the trackable things, Synter started exploring the ship to see what he could do. Turns out, behind a large wall of boxes was a gift either Richard or fate left him, his own air proof air lock.
With it Synter could upgrade the outside of his ship with the many metal scrapes he has. His warehouse has enough metal to make 3 large ships bigger than his square cube. So, taking advantage of it, Synter and Xill designed a human based space craft that he could build onto the outside of his home until its fully complete and he could move in. So, he did that, spending a few weeks building the outside as Xill slowly planned the details. Building proper engines would be close to impossible and not efficient with the too small 4 ft tall fabricator, but building frames and piecing them together on the outside of the non spinning box of 0g's.
During the building of the frames, something that was finished just by this date, Xill had gotten the idea of setting up large Xeno based receptors to collect news from earth as a member of earth. The news that she collected was that of war. It saddened Synter to know that some of the escaping humans didn't make it, under 300 of them shot from free space and the rest from fighting the mystery offending Xeno's that decided to interfere. It turns out the stickbug race directly translated was called Aquamarine, but seeing as that was a color and didn't describe them they were renamed PhasmaSapiens. They were tricked, by an almost equally tall yet chubbier grey-yellow race with large smooth heads and 3 fingers + looong thumb, and were told that despite being deathworlders the humans were the squishiest and weakest of the tough world, even weak enough to be pushed around and experimented on.
This strangely familiar grey race was called Wrinakticcka, and they were far away from the sol system. A third race, the Space faring species Synter never saw that sent a military envoy to kill, was sent to kill the researchers and re-abduct the humans to be guarded, killing any that resisted. Seeing as the shock of being abducted the first time and now knowing they were way stronger biologically, almost all of them were "resisting", hence the yelling voices as these new Xenos shot on sight.
The new race, Deemed Trutarin, was a low yet strong military force, and allied with races that thinked. So when humans declared a rule of old galactic law ordering the heads that ordered the abduction and killing of their citizens. They also declared hostility until a majority of the humans abducted were returned. With the Trutarins disrupting Richard's, the guy on the speaker, team's work, a whole bunch of humans were scattered in any direction except outside the galaxy. The AI thankfully managed to point everyone in a direction that would reach a planet or space colony. Luckily Synter's situation was the same, but there was a small error.
Among all of the wrong calculations, Xill of the hijacked PhasmaSapiens mega research cruiser, he was meant to be shot towards a relatively newer colony only 7 months away at ftl speeds. However, with Xill being attacked by anti-AI tactics and calculating another thousand things while acting on a thousand actions, she had mistakenly not thrown his cargo box at FtL speeds, not even Equal to light speeds. They were under faster than light speeds, and although that didn't change how his inside gravity wells worked or how his magnetic boots clung to his craft without air or gravity resistance. It did, however, slow his estimated time to 5 years, and while he could do that their box was flung slightly off course, more towards earth.
The news depressed Synter as he curled up in the back seat of his truck, playing tetris.
Day 104 of AI Xill's counted days log.
A report, as it has been stated and corrected from Synter's memory of grammar.
Synter's weight has decreased the calculable amount, compared to how strange his new life has become compared to his life on earth. He had eaten all of his snacks, moving onto real meals as he works on the ship. Fill calculated that because of bow dense space is, until solar panels get set up properly the ship would need to conserve energy. The plants would get the minimal cut of energy, alongside the "life making machines", but lights and dimness on computers were downed. Synter's work increased, and he started wearing less clothes under his void suit, revealing his thin frame.
Xill may relearn guilt and regret at the non- willingness to recharge Synter's phones in turn for saving power. Yet over time his view on his situation has improved. He was sad about missing the anniversary of his 100th earth calculated days in space, however seeing as until the 103rd day he was still acting robotic even if he was responding with emotions, all Xill could do was apologize. Despite Xill's attempts at making Synter's schedule not overexert his body, he continued meticulously welding the frames of the ship together. Soon enough Synter was able to build the outer walls with the thicker yet smaller panels.
It appears Synter is less interested in talking about his future of returning home than he is living in space. How destructive this newly formed tendency will become.
Day 124 of Xill's computer counted reports.
After meticulously fusing the outer panels of the large ship, large comparative to Synter's human height, the ship is completed. Vented atmosphere is slowly being released into the new ship, and weak spots are being immediately eliminated from the outside. It was difficult and meticulous, and at one point flying space debris the size of a pebble broke some panelling off. Yet because it was close to complete success, Synter's mood about his work has gotten better.
Synter's mood had improved overall, and he's requested conversation through the speaker system within the warehouse. His destructive quality of working long hours was calculated to be aligned with bad memories. However, after discovering that he could play music through his truck, his dreams changed. Along with this as a correlation his positive mood grew, and he started taking breaks to help Xill design the inside and outside of the ship.
They not only need solar panels to collect energy as a basis, but also a fabricator, more computer servers, a small chemical reactor, and many high tech servers for Xill to function. Preferably in that order. Synter was informed that with the computer upgrade she can control the ship faster and easier, and also possibly control robots to help around the ship. The helicopter and small space cruiser would become a good base for various projects, and an essential model for if they ever reached a planet on their own. The tesla was also useful, it served as a reminder of several evolutions higher quality batteries needed for quite literally everything onboard. If not batteries than a constant source of power.
Of course this was only plausible after he had finished building the outer ship. It would be the first ship built out in the cold traveling at high speeds, and if not the first then a record for the fastest the base is moving, although it is indeed the first in human history. Xill has recorded Synter's frustration on not being able to upload things from his phone to the computer, and vise versa on downloading things from the pulled galactic and terran web. Xill informed and assured Synter that once he was able to build abler servers and data storages and processors that she will be able to do all that, and even write code so that he could do it on his own.
This made Synter surprisingly happy, and his mumbles on "100 day space challenge depressing addition" was recorded in silent.
Day 180 on Xill's computer counted logs, a Report.
Promises that Xill did not know were promises made were certainly kept. After filling out the holes, not that there were holes but more like weak points, the outer ship became suitable to move into. Intensive installing of walls and lights seemed slow, but it made sorting rooms and rooms with vital machines easy. Synter's weight although lighter than prescribed has become stable again, and his mood has gotten brighter other than being the same as when he became talkative again. This leads Xill to speculate that this is Synter's personality even back on earth, although the stress of being in space does "hit home" whenever he tries to sleep.
This insomnia re-taught Xill the human emotion of disliking and concern, although doing so nearly maxed her data banks. Luckily, Synter worked just in time to create the chemical energy factory and the many computer types, sitting and waiting for Xill to move in. One wall between the designated kitchen and living room, the walls covered in screens that Xill and Synter can control. The past months were spent moving things around, linking internal wires with the new 2nd layer internal wires. Giving the machines for life more space around them as boxes were moved out or crushed for furniture usage or fuel.
Things have become almost homey for even a human of large capacity, 6 ft 10 at least, but even still it is empty. However, despite the empty feeling Synter noted on, once videogames were set up his feelings on his new environment disappeared, as he spent 2 entire days playing an older version of Minecraft that was easy to download through electronic signals. He built a house and tamed a dog, and then Xill expressed great concern that he was not sleeping.
On a bigger note, Synter pulled out and looked through many of his fan mail that he had avoided since day 3 when he found that he had it. According to him it was filled with heartfelt messages and many physical gifts, like extra clothes and the odd gift. It reminded him about cleaning the clothes he hadn't cleaned, and as soon as he told Xill she got to work redesigning the washing machines and building showers so he could feel clean. Being clean is very important. There was only one piece of mail that was not so positive, and a completely different postal box that help a miniature vibration machine.
Synter blushed at the item and threw it in an empty box, claiming that he would not be using it.
Day 275 on Xill's computer timed logs, a Report.
With expanding the productivity of the ship in all regards came the uptick in productivity of the many plants on the vertical farms. By now mode food preserved for long times in the cabinet or modern freezer Synter bought at the time of his abduction had run out, not a single gram left spoiled before consumption. The meat was preserved before eating, the fruits were eaten quickly, and any heartburn from overly greasy foods made too greasy from human error were delt with through fabricated medicines.
Because the gravity well was extended and the chemical power generator/solar an energy collector became smooth runners, the whole ship has the luxury of upgrading to human acceptable lighting. This is even more pleasing to Synter when this meant replacing the dimly lit alien lights for highly effective human LED lights. As soon as the inside was made comfortable enough for living in easy access and cameras along other sensory processors fitted to the outside and inside of the new ship, Xill left Synter free to start doing things he wanted to do.
Compiling the stored data on Synter's body cam from his void suit was the first thing Synter did. Naming everything "big" on board became his second task. The warehouse cargo container his space of living use to be limited to was named Big boy Kermit, the new outer shell and ship as a whole was named Warlock Necesthia. The machines all got human names, and the antennas satellite names. After the naming spree, he became dedicated to filling the space in his private area.
His days became filled with replacing all he had on earth with upgrades on the ship, downloading data on his past life on earth. Thanks to Xill hacking, Synter was able to find out that his friends believe him missing, and his father having joined the American space army to hopefully return him home. But it was only Synter's closest of friends that were reportedly told of his disappearance via abduction, and all of his closer friends were scattered across the North american continent. Not to mention his wider connection of friends being scattered across the English speaking world.
His savings have added up, and with his being paid to live in alaska his house, by the cameras installed in them, had become warm and dusty, perfect for a family of cats to start on his front porch. His front door lock reported an error, and be deduction Xill predicted that the front door was broken and frozen closed. The colder season had long since started, so even in alaska there would be a very below 1% chance of burglary. Synter ordered for his mail to be collected, an already large collection of fan mail wishing to know where he disappeared to as his fan base rose to a full mill in his absence. His home computers would've already posted any videos he had saved up, and fans were starting to post conspiracy theories.
Yet, despite learning of the consequences of his life back on earth, Synter admitted to having contradictory feelings about wanting to go back home. The contradicting feeling was that Synter didn't want to return to his home on earth. If not at least not ever then at the very least not anytime soon. By calculations it's been near 9 months since being thrown into space, and although Synter started a concerning habit of talking to himself, a habit Xill noted he didn't have while living by himself in alaska, Synter has proposed many reasons for living in space.
The first reason being he was just to use to the overly modern comfort in space compared to the still slowly developing earth cities. His waste could be remade into nutrients for plants, the electricity running in the walls and computers were efficient, powering down when he stared away from the screen to think, only to power up when his head snapped back for total concentration. Plus, among other things in his physical space there was less use of ads! Videogames and video development proved to be important for him, as Xill found out while watching Synter edit down the heavy amounts of footage for his "100 day challenge".
So back to his conflicted goals, earth and it's culture was nice but living on it was kind of a pain. He wanted to reassure his father that he was doing alright, and maybe even reconnect with his fans back down on the ground, but stepping foot on some grass was not his top priority. Before Synter could have a breakdown, Xill reminded him that even if he wanted to meet his homeworld again, it would be over a year flat before they would reach a comprehensible civilization, and months before the engines harvested enough energy to attempt a thrust that would make a difference in their high speeds.
Basically, unless Synter really wanted to hurry home, he had time to relax. Do what he wanted. And although relaying his exact position to the Xeno's of the galaxy would be somewhat dangerous, if he really wanted a connection on earth Xill could create satellites that scrambled their exact location. After all, with the new robots it was an easy project.
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Space Streamer
2024, streaming is still really popular, but being in space is a new trade. Once humanity has built many space stations in earth orbit, in 2022 they discovered gravity wells, and the start of a new type of space race begun. With people not needing to worry about 0g's, new space stations had been planned, and in 2024 the first internationally launched one had been announced as stable for projects.
But that didn't concern Erin, entertaining himself and his half a mill followers was more fun. At least, the space race use to not concern him...
Synter was Erin's preferred name, it was what his streaming friends and online friends called him, and it was his twitch and youtube name for all the videos he made. He was a variety streamer that based his content on his personality based on what he does, but variety streaming didn't prepare him for this.
He awoke to something pushing and moving him, his body always woke up before his head did, and this proved true as his eyes opened to being forcibly walked by something far taller than him. Erin was just barely 21, but he had the same height as 12 year old him, a good 5 feet and 2 inches. He was taller than the smallest of girls, but he was still made fun of in school. But taking a good look around this obviously wasn't school, it was a purposely dark hallway with the occasional other person. And by person, I mean a stranger being walked by an alien, and alien they were. They were tall, way taller than any human by at least 4 feet at least.
Describing them was hard, for the other captives they could express in horror as the barely clothed aliens were tri legged with rough leathery looking skin of a yellow color with green spots, their endoskeletons poking out of their skin to protect their soft and large organs. Their heads held mandibles and large round eyes, with other sensory organs on the base of their neck and the collarbone with skinny arms with only three fingered hands, two fingers and a thumb. But to Synter the aliens looked like really large stick bugs. Stick bugs that covered the very top of their chest in a special made crop top that refused to cover their sensory organs. With shorts that held hooks for ropes of fanny pack type pouches galore, and arms with gloves that obviously had some sort of electric function as they glowed a low blue. And an obviously awkward looking bubble of some sort of glass over their head and sensory organs.
Taking a more paniced and thorough look around, now awake to be afraid of the strange aliens, he noticed the occasional glass tube with other persons in it, only human persons. Over speakers that Synter took only a few seconds to spot there was a strange clicking noise mixed with snarling sounds. Strange thing was that it was patterned enough that Synter could guess that it was an language, no aliens could take a race like humanity without being organized enough to have language and writing.
Synter was still in his three layers of hoodie, filled with the weird tools that have been hidden in his many hidden pockets since he lived with his builder father. He was more of a computer guy, and added both hardware and software tools into his many pockets. He moved to alaska just so he could get a new experience, having lived in arizona and Connecticut before. What he got instead was a sudden crash course on how to survive a frozen desert, and a wave of japanese fans for some strange reason.
He remembered that he was out of his house and in town, on his once a blue moon run of supplies. He had run back to his large truck from the store to pick up his glasses and sunglasses that he somehow left, when suddenly things around him went dark. It took a full minute to realize that it was summer, not winter when the sun sometimes didn't show for months, and a look up showed the underbelly of something he couldn't recognize. He vaguely attempted to run to his truck, just as it and him had started floating, then he went out.
He hoped his truck was alright, and a stir of fear settled in his stomach as he wondered what or rather why these aliens wanted them, wanted us. He didn't need to struggle to see from example that their hands were cuffed in a dull metal type. The people getting walked that were making noise was getting masks or gags put on them, but not for the ones staying quiet. The people in the containers also seemed awake, watching in anticipation. And then, over the speakers of the strange alien voice a human one came on.
It was just yelling at first, but he and the others getting walked could tell that it was obviously human. In a strange act, the tall aliens abandoned their humans, throwing them on the ground on the side of the hallways, before sprinting quickly to the end of the hallway. Just as the doors started to close, Synter started to get up, and with his physical rising despite his hands behind his back, the human voice started speaking constantly.
"Attention Human Citizens!
This is space traveling captain Richard Fuck-My-Life reporting on the group mission "Man-Fucked-Up", As in 'Man thus is Fucked Up' or 'Man These Guys are Fucked.
Now, you may be experiencing this displeasure of a moment called being captured. Well, seeing as some of you were forced through orientation when you were asleep, i could tell, some of you snore-, these bitch asses are a researcher alien race! They were told we were valuable some type of way and started abducting us in front of public eyes! Luckily, in the two days of abducting they did, many governments around the world started retaliating! Some nukes were even set off, although with the help of space whatnots those nukes were propelled into deep space where some other ships were warping in.
Humanity is now lovingly fighting a space fight, and a whole continent has been american-ized in the process. Also in this process is the revolution of nuclear and solar energy instead of gasoline, and a mineral and metal revolution as we take the space ships we've crashed and use them for our own cities and ships.
But that doesn't concern you too much now, does it? You guys are in space for gods sake, what about getting back home?! Well do I have some news for you! These bitch ass aliens have weak ass materials! We're deathworlders baby! We're stronger than personal structures! Unfortunately not as strong as the ship itself, because you know, protection from space, but we're close!
Now if you don't mind just try breaking free of those hand cuffs!"
The still standing Synter attempted pulling his arms, and with a snap the cuffs broke and his hands were free. Looking around the others on the ground were also breaking free easily. It made the feeling of slight fear dissipate into nervousness, he felt better about the situation.
"These hands cuffs don't really do anything anyway, the aliens made them like cop cuffs because they thought something along the lines of 'the shape will make these creatures weak!' Or something." The human, Richard continued.
"Next, kindly kindly, if you could show some human kindness for your fellow human race and break the glass containers? Its not an ultra strong glass, but you still need something sharp or heavy to break it."
Being as he was standing close to one of the containers, Synter pulled out a small ice pick and gently tapped, the glass quickly cracking & falling into medium sized pieces. Sharp pieces. Around him some people were breaking out on their own, and some of the previously handcuffed persons were using the cuffs to break the glass.
"Careful careful," the voice almost immediately sang," we may be stronger than these damned fools but we can still puncture our feet with glass. Although by the looks of it these aliens only confiscated the outer layer of clothing for extreme weather environments. Geez, these guys totally abducted you in places cold enough to consider death for them, and they didn't even think twice about it? What kind of scientific species are they?"
Synter softly chuckled at that, the man sure knew how to lighten a situation.
"Okay okay, you guys are ahead of schedule compared to my other friends, all 4 compartments of you. 5 ships, 4 compartments each, two rows of walkway per compartment, and 40 people per row. Simple maths by calculators, some of you still have your phones, says thats Sixteen Hundred people they've managed to abduct! And seeing as they have only enough for a flat thousand, killed roughly a mill in quote "terran" end quote Ground to escape with you, and the whole other 7.67 billion people want you back, maybe minus the 1.3 billion people living in developing countries that may or may not focus more on becoming developed other than getting into space, thats a whole lot of responsibility and only 7 of us that's been in space long enough to push you back home. " Richard seemed to ramble.
During Richard's talking, Synter did wonder if he in fact had his phone on him. Sure enough, one look in his most inside pocket and there was his phone. All three of them. One was for personal calls, and it sometimes acted like a mini laptop than a phone meant for game apps. It wasn't his largest, but he could contact anybody via anything on it, and he usually gave businesses this number. The second was his streaming phone, the screen was large but it would be the flattest thing he has, first to even his ass, if it wasn't for the phone case. It had a decent enough processer, enough to that it was practically a second moniter. It made checking his chat during outdoor streams or cooking streams easy. He also downloaded a bunch of music and how to videos to laugh at. His third phone was almost like his streaming phone, but smaller and it had the capacity to run like another laptop. If it was a person then it would be a car that ran on coffee for gasoline, a powerful powerhouse of data processing that meant he could even stream from his phone. But seeing as this was the last phone he had used and it showed he had no signal, he doubted he could do anything but record.
The man on the speakers continued to blabber on about how much of a pain the aliens were for kidnapping so many humans in broad daylight. Synter put away his phones and ran to the ends of the hallway, where other people free of their constraints were starting to gather. Jogging down one end he saw the open containers, probably where he and the other cuffed people were being walked to before Richard interrupted them. Synter did his best going through the not so dense crowd, about half of the hallway so about 20 people.
He stared at the door, trying to find where it ended and where a box looking panel would be placed. Would aliens even have control panels in space ships?
"Ah! It seems a few of you are eager to move on to the next step. Well then, let me get on with the informing. These aliens, or Xeno's as the less offensive term, are pussies and are running away. They will soon be using most of the escape pods, however there are more escape pods then there is scientists. Unluckily there are a few military types onboard in case there is a riot, and they will attempt to quote "sink with the ship". These military types are, however, stupid weak, one of our punches will make gore out of them.
Ah! Someone yelled it! It's the humans are space orcs theory! Or really for us its a collection of stories under the idea, but seeing as that idea is now true it is a theory and these home made stories are now probable stories written under the theory's speculation. Big words, small brain. Basically we think faster for a longer and more death like sleep cycle, and when in practice we are faster and stronger than any Xeno's, although because of our preferred gravity we are more compact and dense than they are.
Theres all the things complaining about earth bugs and earth diseases and earth foods that can kill most other aliens too. Did you know there are only 3 other races coming from death planets, and after being introduced they've all decided to become hermits? It turns out 50% of these non death world races didn't evolce with light sensors, or have limited light sensors, aka eyes. That's why its dark, but the next bit will be easy. At somewhere around 6 feet there is a panel, if you smash it in or find something to pry it open by the cracks, you can hotwire it. While you're figuring out where it is, I'll announce to each hallway individually which hallway and compartment you are. Basically every one of you are in front of some storage container space, whatever they're called."
As soon as the voice stopped the group around him started mumbling to each other. Suddenly the question came out straight,"does anybody know how to hack some wires?"
Synter raised his hand, calling out that he had basically found the panel already and that he knew how to work with electric hardware. But by all of their looks they knew he was too short to reach the panel properly. A strong looking guy stood behind him, bending down to offer a piggy back ride straight for the panel. Synter accepted, someone from his group yelling and gesturing to the other side of the hallway for where Synter had pried open the panel. The first thing he pried open turned out to be the security panel covering. There were buttons galore in a language not written, but raised into the plastic like panel. It would be almost useless to try and hack the electric lock, so instead Synter switched out his tool for a screwdriver.
"2A, you guys are compartment two letter A as in first walkway going from left to right on the ship from a birds eye view. By the way, 2A lower hallway with the guy piggybacking another to reach the panel, you're ahead but on the right track. Trying to crack the alien passcodes on these bare panels would be useless, so after breaking into the panel definitely 6 ft above the ground and unscrewing the alien panels for the wires underneath would be a good next step unless I can override their system using the handy dandy AI I got."
"Its Alien Braille." Synter shouted as the man commented on the passcode panel.
But richard didn't respond to him, and Synter went quiet again with concentration. Just as the man went silent again the final screw went loose, and after tossing the screwdriver of many applications to someone else so they can run it to the other end of the hall, Synter started inspecting the wires. The strong man holding him on his back shifted weight as Synter pulled out a phone, using the flashlight feature to look at the wires. It was a complicated looking mess of different shades of grey, but coming from the walls were colored(surprisingly) braised symbols that each cluster of wires originated from. Maybe a mostly blind species' way of organizing wires without color vision.
The person that ran the screwdriver to the other end of the hallway ran back, the other side just getting the wires exposed as the voice crackled on.
"Awww! The whole lot of you figured out how to get to the wires! Recognizing that most of you punched your way through, that's okay cuz it's taller than most of our heads. Anyways, people with phone lights can now see that there are many colored wires. They did not do the coloring on purpose, but we will use it to our advantage. The wires with the green symbol need to be paired with the wires connecting to the panel. If you do that the doors will open."
As Richard was speaking Synter did so, and immediately the doors open with a slow force. The man Synter was piggybacking on let him down, quickly following the rest of the group that squeezed between the slowly opening doors. Synter hesitated a bit, looking over across the hallway to see that the other end had also opened their door. Synter let the soft light bask his face by the door as Mr. Richard directed everybody to the ends of the ship, the top of the hallway spilling left while his side spilled right, meeting with the other compartments.
But something caught his eye to the left. It wasn't the other compartments spilling into the other side of the ship, instead it looked like a low shiny, the low shiny of his truck. He ran to it, and in the surprisingly opened warehouse, yes the word Richard was looking for was space warehouse, was Synter's truck! It was beautiful even in low lighting, and Synter ran to it's hood to hug it. Other than some dust and alien handprints that basically told him that they didn't know how to get in or reach the engine, it hadn't been touched.
With his truck there were boxes upon boxes of things, his truck standing on some boxes too, and standing on boxes were some other vehicles. Counting 4 other vehicles in total, there was an all electric tesla, a helecopter, a small tractor, and one of the highly classified new human space cruisers, like a van but smoother and meant for launch and landing in space. It probably also had the new gravity function too, and Synter became excited just spotting it. With a crackle in the air, a speaker Synter didn't know was in the room started up.
"Hey there, are you sure you wanna stay here? You can escape with other humans if you want." Richard spoke through a softer announcing speaker.
It sounded like it was under a box or something, but Synter wasn't going to escape space prison without his truck. He shook his head.
"Nuh-uh! Im abducted with my truck I'll leave with my truck. It has food for 3 years if I don't eat like a pig, and besides im a computer mechanical & engineering wizard, if something goes wrong i can look up a how to video I downloaded and fix it. I was interested enough about space before this." Synter exclaimed, attempting to hug his truck tighter but failing and sliding down it.
He fell on his ass and the speaker sighed.
"Okay fine, each of these rooms are meant to house xenos of any race for at least 2 years, and 6 months of hurtling in space is all you need to be caught by earth. I did manage to hack the ship, so I'll weld down your closed doors from the outside to make it space proof." The doors cracked open behind him slammed shut, the sound of large locks clinking together before the heater whir of presumably the fire torches or the Xeno equivalent stirring behind him.
"Meanwhile to survive I guess I can guide you to the warehouse computer and monitor so you can rewire it with the fabricator that should be next to it. It should be to your right, against the wall behind a smaller pile of boxes. Ooh! It looks like this warehouse was marked for refined metals and chemicals! With it you could make your own chemical water & oxygen making machine and ftl drive, if you need it. I'm going to guide the rest to their escape pods and their own warehouse cargo bay so I can catapult you into space towards earth. You ready?"
Synter was already running towards the wall of boxes.
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I suddenly have a /gen for non-americans
Do non americans like chugging water? Do you think you could chug it as often as we can?
Now, I understand that not everyone in the second highest states of the americas chug water, but that's because most of them got, like, fresh water from a better resource or something. Meanwhile in the desert + other places without water or for places that want their water imported, kids can grow up with water bottles
Yes that's a LOT of plastic, but also consider: water bottles are chuggable.
Once you learn to chug water you won't be able to drink water without chugging it. I don't. I'm either dehydrated, drinking from a straw, or chugging my water.
I dont chug a few gulps then go "ah I'm so refreshed let me just faintly sip the rest of my water over the next hour"
I drink the whole thing in 2 minutes or less or I got a straw. Or im dehydrated. Or am I weird?
#/gen#genuine question#not a deez nuts joke#or is it??#(its not)#cuz like im thirsty#but if i get up im either making me a thermis of cold water with a straw#or im grabbing two bottles to continuously chug a bottle and a half of water#the choice is up to me and im never good at decisions#btw what are normal tags?
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Don't you hate it when you go to tumblr to complain into the void every once in a while and then you get so distracted updating your profile picture because it isn't banger enough that you forget what you complain about?
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.... So I clicked the dog walker link...
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Oooh! An actual dog walker position! Will it lead me to a list of doggo's in my preferred city that need walking?
Not even close
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*Pulls bullet out of gun*
What am I supposed to do with this?
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Remove your blood to be immune to life
Remove your blood to become immune to mosquitoes
16 notes
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I've seen this picture so many times...

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Whatever it is, I hope the artist puts it over your nose, and the big old black void you have under it is just a blackened cut from your old days, not a mouth
in the market for a new icon…similar to the old ones but featuring a face mask
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