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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
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Soft Frosted Maple Cinnamon Sugar Cookies
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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
“Stevie Nicks surrounds herself with girls. Wherever she goes, she brings girls. “I can’t imagine you in a bathing suit,” someone says in an interview for Rolling Stone, when Stevie says she likes to play in the pool in her backyard. “Yeah, well, you never will,” Stevie says. “And there is never — ever — a man in the backyard. If there is, he is banished to the front of the house.” Men don’t get to look at Stevie Nicks unless Stevie Nicks wants men to look at Stevie Nicks.”
— (via bjorkdoll)
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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
Witchcraft for the Home: New Home Edition
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So I just moved into my apartment, and I thought I’d share some of the things I did when I moved in to cleanse and ready my house for my new life!
Before moving! Packing your witchy things carefully into a box with packing paper. Put sigils for protection and cleansing either on the outside of the box, or on the paper on the inside. I used This one for cleansing.
When moving in cleanse the house! I choose to use sage, but palo santo works really well too (I know sage does not smell so hot). You can either burn a bundle or use incense or Oil. I find that all three work when it comes to spreading the essence through the house. If burning a bundle I trace the doors and windows of the house. if using incense or oil I put the defuser in the center most room of the house.
protect the entrance of your new home by sprinkling a line of salt outside your front door.
Craft and hang a witches ladder in the living room.
Set up your altar/s. I have my Wiccan one and my shrine for Aphrodite in my bedroom and a small alter in my kitchen. Altar’s do not have to be big and showy if you want to put one in another room! My kitchen altar just consists of a candle and a small bundle of crystals and an incense burner. It helps bring energy into different parts of your home.
House plants! If you’ve never had any before get some house plants to create a vibrant and alive energy. Here are some Herb’s that will grow indoors and here are some easy to grow plants
Use crystals as decor. Place some or your crystals decoratively on shelves or tables to both give your home some pizazz and bring some witchiness everywhere.
If you worship gods/goddesses end by doing a small offering and welcome the god or goddess into your new home and to thank them for their help.
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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
Wheel of the Year
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General Information
For more go and check my Instagram.
The pagan year begins with Samhain on October 31 and ends with the sundown on October 30. Each holiday is also called sabbat. They are celebrated to honor a given time of the year.
Pronounced ‘sow-in’. Gaelic for “Summer’s End”.
Also known as All Hallows’ Eve, Halloween.
Time: October 31 (start of the pagan new year).
Colors: orange, brown, black, gold, white, silver.
Pronounced ‘ewe-elle’ (source: Practical Magic by Nikki Van De Car). Norse for “wheel”.
Time: Winter Solstice. December 21.
Colors: green, red, gold, silver, white.
Pronounced ‘im-bullug’. Gaelic for “in the belly”.
Also known as Candlemas, Brighid’s Day/
Time: around February 2.
Colors: white, pink, yellow, red.
Pronounced ‘oh-star-ah’.
Also known as Eostre (‘ehs-truh’)  - Goddess of Spring.
Time: Spring Equinox. March 20 (or 21).
Colors: light greens and blues, yellow and pink.
Pronounced ‘bayal-tin-uh’. Gaelic for “fires of Bel” or “bright fires”.
Also known as Roodmas, Walpurgisnacht, May Day.
Time: May 1.
Colors: green, blue, pink, white, yellow, purple.
Pronounced ‘lie-tha’. Norse for “longest day”.
Also known as Midsummer Night’s Eve.
Time: Summer Solstice. (Approx.) June 21.
Colors: Pale Yellow, Green, Gold, White
Pronounced ‘luh-mahs’. Gaelic for “festival of Lugh”.
Also known as Lughnasadh.
Time: August 1 through August 2 (first harvest of the year).
Colors: Yellow, Brown, Orange, Green, Gold.
Pronounced ‘may-bun’. A form of the Welsh word for “son”.
Also known as Alban Elfed, Mean Fomhair.
Time: Autumn Equinox, around September 21.
Colors: Red, brown, orange, gold.
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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
🌳🍎Apple Magic🍎🌳
🍏 Apples are one of the most symbolic fruits in magic, and correspond with:
Fertility, Fidelity, Love, Femininity, Afterlife, and immortality.
���� Apple blossoms are good for love spells (and even good in tea)
🍏 Apple seeds are good for protection spells
🍎Apples make wonderful offerings to fae folk and deities
🍏 Splitting an apple with a S/O is said to grant fidelity
🍎Cutting an apple width wise reveals a 5 pointed star. Great for garlands, ornaments, and altar decor.
🍏 Apples can be a base of many potions. Such as Apple Juice, Apple Cider, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Apple Tea.
🍎 Apples also have endless culinary uses such as pies, muffins, breads, cakes, scones, oat meal, chips, caramel apples, pancakes or apple sauce.
🍏 You can make a pulp out of them for face masks and scrubs.
🍎 Add a pump of apple syrup to caramel lattes or chais at your local coffee shop.
🍏 Use apple wood for love and fae work wands.
Feel free to add more if you have them ✨
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bythe--moon · 6 years ago
Bedridden witch: Nature edition
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Let’s be honest here. Most of us bedridden peeps don’t have an awesome bed setup like this, and our nature exposure can be limited. However, here’s some tips and tricks to staying connected to nature while stuck in bed, with contributions from myself (@heatherwitch), @thewitchofthenorse, @spooniewitches, @persephoneandthepomegranates & @theepagangrace!
Open a window, or crack the curtains
Hang rainbow prisms in your window
Keep a houseplant nearby
If regular houseplants require too much energy: Try cacti, succulents, lucky bamboo, or spiderplants!
Hang nature/forest/plant artwork around
Get air freshener or room spray that reminds you of the outdoors
Watch a nature documentary or shows with people exploring nature – check out nature (photography) videos on Netflix for calming videos
Listen to forest soundscapes [X] 
Set a nature scene as your screensaver
Keep a jar of soil around
Talk with any nature deities you work with
Follow nature blogs
Get sheets, blankets, or pillowcases with leafy designs, flower designs, etc.
Get a star map app on your phone to be more connected to the night sky
Have a vase of flowers (real or fake)
Keep crystals around that remind you of nature (Moss agate, petrified wood, onyx, selenite, agate geodes, etc.)
Use sigils designed to connect you to nature
Use air conditioning or a fan to make it less stuffy in your room
Read and write poetry about nature
Press plants/flowers or hang dried herbs by your bed
Spend some time looking outside of your window
Burn a nature scented candle or incense (Irish moss, myrrh, frankincense, opium, and lavender)
Use astral travel or dream magic to get to outdoor areas
Watch livestream videos of outdoor areas
Make a sachet of grass, oak bark (or whatever tree you like), quartz, and salt. Hang it near your bed.
With help from others:
Get someone to collect rainwater for you, and use it to wash your face
Ask a friend to take some pictures of cool places they go in nature and send them to you
Have someone collect rocks/plants/feathers etc. from each day and bring them back for you 
Have someone pick wildflowers for you
Drink some herbal tea
Have someone you trust harvest wild edibles/berries for you – or at least bring fresh fruits and veggies!
Skype or video chat with someone while they’re outside
Take the scenic route/detour to some natural areas the next time you need a car ride
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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Bottle of Sprinkles Cake (Funfetti Sheet Cake)
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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ginger almond cupcakes with lilac buttercream frosting
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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Oatmeal Cookie Banana Crisp with Chocolate Kahlua Sauce
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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Vanilla Bean Cheesecake with White Chocolate Mousse
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bythe--moon · 7 years ago
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Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake Dip
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