“I am stressed, my dear. Throughly stressed.” He sighed and dropped his hand down to the arm of his throne, too dead to figure out if his wife would appreciate touch at the moment and didn’t really care to figure out. “As for our son…” he tried to come up with an excuse—for a reason he really shouldn’t have to give because Mason knows what’s going on. He knows what the Master Bolt means to his father and to see it be played around so carelessly-. He knows the mortals have become laxed in these late years and he’s tried to be understanding because he is still Their King, but that was pushing it too far. He is still the Authority and he should still be given that respect. He sighed again and looked at his wife, taking in her blond hair and sharp eyes he remembers loving see through him so he for once didn’t have to explain all those years ago, “he should know.” He knows she knows—he knows she knows how much they’ve fallen in all these years. He knows she would be just as angry in his position, if they were allowed to justify their positions but they are not. Nothing he says will justify himself and so he will no longer say it. He is tired, so very tired of mortals who think they are gods and have forgotten their roots.
Greetings, husband...
- @heraaaaaaaa
Hello... my Wife.
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Hello everyone, this is the mod here!! This blog will be holding some major changes in these next few days because I will be moving accounts!! Yeah, I don’t know what’s going to be happening, really, because I’ve got a good setup here and I just- lots are happening so be aware that the URL might change or the new one will be different or whatever! I don’t know but RP will temporarily be shut down between this and my Jason ( @thalias-amazing-brother ) as I move and figure things out <33.
Thank you very much!!
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Greetings, husband...
- @heraaaaaaaa
Hello... my Wife.
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Hello there Sir.
I am here to bring your awareness to something I have noticed to do with two of your children: Mason and Elektra.
Mason obviously has returned to godhood, but with his returned powers, he has been creating thunder occasionally. This thunder has been allowing Elektra to take her necklace off.
just thought you should know
-A snitch
(this is for whenever you get back, take as long as you need <3 /pos /gen)
I have already taken care my son--he is mortal now--and as for my daughter... *dark, amused chuckling*
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“No. Leave me alone.” The words were cracked as he spoke them, as if they were spoken straight from awakened stone. He pointedly kept his head raised and turned out to the open skies to keep his son from seeing the emotion which was so clearly painting itself onto his face. He was normally good at this—he’s been a chess master all his life—but today seemed to be the breaking point. The time everything started to fall down.
sitting on his father's throne toying with the bolt
”Move, Mason. I am not in the mood.”
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Zeus frowned before flicking his hand away dismissingly, which was as good of a approval as anyone’s gonna get in his more pettier moves.
sitting on his father's throne toying with the bolt
”Move, Mason. I am not in the mood.”
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He didn’t even care to give an answer, summoning the bolt again to his side and yanking his son out of the chair in the process. He didn’t even spare his awkwardly-fallen son a glance as he strode forward and took his rightful spot on the throne once again. Oh to be The King.
sitting on his father's throne toying with the bolt
”Move, Mason. I am not in the mood.”
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Zeus snapped his finger, causing the lightning to spark all over the throne room, electrocuting his son thoroughly in the process. After a second he hummed to himself and sparked it again, turning it from a regular bolt to his Divine Bolt—and Mason from a regular god to just another human. Again. Take that.
sitting on his father's throne toying with the bolt
”Move, Mason. I am not in the mood.”
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Fuck you, Zeus you SUCK
-ur fav nephew from Hades, Ace ( @crazy-son-of-hades )
Zeus rolled his eyes, “okay?” He said non-commitedly, already mentally checking out of the very unimportant conversation. “What did I do this time?”
0 notes
sitting on his father's throne toying with the bolt
”Move, Mason. I am not in the mood.”
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Hey guys. I’m gonna be gone for the next. Week or so bc I need a. Big ol’ factory reset over here. I’m honestly overwhelmed and having mental battles I really don’t want to be having, so. Yeah. I’ll be gone :)
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Your an asshole
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guess who just got his god hood back.
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Dammit. Someone send it again - Mod
Your an asshole
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Since you declared yourself as my son in front of millions of people. I don't care that it is I who is your father, you are to respect those who gave you life. You have a duty to respect and respond to me. You are a Prince, Mason. Act like it. Perhaps that is why I took away your immortality, mortals have forgotten their place among royalty and have decided to plague you with it. You a prince, Κτίστης, act like it.
your son is giving Mr D wine. Help.
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Because I said so, why else would you follow my every command?
your son is giving Mr D wine. Help.
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Get away from your brother this instant.
your son is giving Mr D wine. Help.
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