bxyswillbebxys · 2 years
The second that he stepped outside of his bedroom and saw his own nephew, his brother’s kid, he had to pause and stop himself from completely freaking out. This wasn’t just any guy, no. This was his nephew, his flesh and blood, and to know that for the past couple of weeks, the two of them had been texting - getting very descriptive in what they wanted to do to each other and sharing risque pictures - was a little unsettling. But it was also a little arousing. It was wrong, of course, to continue to think of his nephew in that way but, really, they were two consenting adults… what was wrong with this?
Not to mention the fact that he knew that the two of them would keep quiet about this, not wanting to ruin the family.
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“I didn’t realize you were gay, too…” Peter trailed off, glancing over at his phone as he thought about how he found this app on his own son’s phone. Did Rory know that his son was gay? Had Rory shown his son this app? …had Rory and his son hooked up? The thought alone was enough to have his cock throb underneath his towel, and he licked his lip for a moment before he took a step forward. “So… I assume we don’t want to tell anyone about this? That you don’t want your dad to know you’re on a hookup app, begging for cock? Because I certainly don’t want my son to know that I’m trying to date.”
This was, well, not ideal. Weeks of messages flashed through Rory’s mind as he stood there glued to the spot knowing full well he looked like a deer in the headlights, but unable to move. How many times had he gotten off to the pictures his mystery man had sent him? To the thought of that almost improbably thick cock buried to the hilt shooting load after load deep within him. Even now, standing there in front of what had turned out to be his uncle of all people, he felt his own cock twitch in his jeans. The older male hadn’t moved to get dressed after all... Could that mean there was still the possibility of this still going forward?
“I’ve only told my friends...” He said with a slight shrug. “I haven’t had the guts tell anyone in the family yet. I didn’t want to risk anyone reacting poorly.” His words trail off into a soft groan at the sight of Peter’s cock throbbing beneath his towel and suddenly he found the man in his personal space. “Yeah, no. They uh-” He swallows hard, moving to grind himself against Peter before he could chicken out. “They don’t have to know how badly I want your cock.” 
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bxyswillbebxys · 2 years
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"Never mention what?" Jase asked, his hand lifting to smooth the now sore spot on his jaw where Tristan had accidentally, or so he hoped, smacked him the moment before. "That you just tried to knock my block off out of the blue?" His eyes sparkled with amusement at the horrified look on his face. "I'll never mention it again so long as you get me a coffee to make up for it."
Lil starter for @bxyswillbebxys​ || Tristan and ???? 
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❝ How about we just never mention this again? ❞
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bxyswillbebxys · 2 years
It wasn’t unusual for Rory to be chatting with one guy or another on various apps. Usually he had two or three he liked to keep on the hook for whenever he got that itch that only a real man could ever seem to scratch. What was odd was for him to keep chatting with someone without exchanging so much as a face pic, but the moment the stranger sent him a picture of what he was packing the young man knew he’d be willing to risk it just to get a chance at that monster cock.
So there he was, a little more dressed up than normal so as to not stick out as he strode through the hotel lobby towards his prize. “Here we go...” A brief pause to try and calm his nerves was all he took before striding into the room. His eyes scanning the place before falling on the nearly naked form of none other than his own uncle. “Uncle Peter?” This certainly hadn’t been what he was expecting to find on the other side of the screen. “I’ve been chatting with you?”
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Open to: Vers or Bottoms preferred, but Tops available to reply to - muse is someone that Peter knows, perhaps a friend of his son’s, his ex brother-in-law, a neighbor, a co-worker… someone he knows but wasn’t expecting to meet up, that is
This was surreal. Never before had Peter looked to a dating app to meet people, but after his divorce - and finding a notification from the app on his son’s phone - he couldn’t help his curiosity. And while he never really had much experience when it came to guys, they seemed quick to respond to his pictures on the app and here he was, meeting one of them in person for the first time. In a hotel, of all places, if only so that he wouldn’t ruin his son’s image of himself.
After getting into the hotel, Peter headed for the showers in the hopes to cool down and calm his nerves, and as he was stepping out he heard the hotel room door open. With a heavy breath, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself quickly as he began to walk out… only to pause in his tracks when he saw who was in the hotel room. “Oh… it’s… I didn’t know it was you…”
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bxyswillbebxys · 2 years
Life has finally let me return to RP! Does anyone want to plot/play on Discord? Send me a message or like this post if you do!
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bxyswillbebxys · 3 years
I’m stuck on mobile. Who’s around and wants to plot some on Discord?
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bxyswillbebxys · 3 years
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Derek Hale - episode five
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
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He couldn’t lie, seeing George get so flustered was really kind of cute. Usually, Alex was the one fumbling about when he found himself around someone he found attractive, so it was certainly a nice change of pace for him. “Well my face isn’t doing too much worth watching just yet.” Again his mind wandered. Images of how George would look above him, his hand tangled in his hair to push him down further on his cock, how every inch of him might taste. “So, what were you thinking for after dinner?”
@bxyswillbebxys​  continued from here.
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Not only could George hear Alex’s thoughts but he had images from it, his date was thinking about sucking his cock and deep throating him even. It was no surprise that George had trouble keeping up. “Yes, yes.” he quickly answered, it wasn’t on the fifth date he would tell the other about his telepathy, it was way too soon. “I keep getting distracted, watching your beautiful face.” and thinking of how your lips would feel around my cock but that part was only in his mind.
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
Robin stood in the doorway and just watched his best friend watching the sunset. Usually, he would be ribbing him about how the aggressively unbuttoned shirt made him look like he was posing for the cover of a cheap romance novel, but he couldn’t find it in him. Days later he still wasn’t quite able to figure out how exactly they had ended up there. Everything seemed perfect between Jackson and his fiancée... Even the bridesmaids had been shocked when she up and disappeared, leaving him to pick up the pieces. 
“Whatever you want. It’s your trip, after all, I’m just your pretend husband." Robin finally stepped out onto the balcony and accepted the glass offered to him. Some alone time sounded perfect to him. “I can order some room service and we can finally break-in that hot tub. How does that sound?”
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Closed starter for @bxyswillbebxys​ based on this
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Jackson stands there on the balcony of the private villa he had rented as the sun sets over the ocean, reflecting pinks, reds, and oranges across the placid surface of the Caribbean ocean. He raises his glass of wine to his lips, the sea breeze billowing open his unbuttoned shirt, showing off the muscles of his chest and toned abdomen. Never did Jackson imagine that he would be stood up at the altar by his fiancée, the woman he loved, who he was more than ready to spend the rest of his life with. Two days ago, his entire world came crumbling down, and now he’s here, on this island, living out his honeymoon without her – trying to forget about her – and trying to enjoy himself at the same time. Luckily, he didn’t have to come alone, he was able to bring his best friend, so that’s helped ease the pain of his heartbreak a bit. He hears them walk out onto the balcony behind him, and Jackson keeps his eyes on the setting sun as he says. “I don’t think I want to go out tonight. Think we should just stay in tonight.” Jackson finally turns to look at them, passing them the glass of wine he’d poured for them. “Just the two of us? It’s been a while since we spent time together, just you and me, you know?”
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
Summer break. Oh, how Julian hated summer break. Sure it was great to be out of class for a while, but his home town didn’t have much going on. Grindr was a wasteland unless he went into the city and even then he was lucky if he found someone he hadn’t hooked up with a hundred times over. At least his parents were determined to continue taking the trips that had once been a whole family affair. First Manny had dropped off, followed quickly by Julian who at the time just wanted to do everything his older brother did. Now it was just the norm for the two of them to stay home and let their parents have a little time to themselves.
“Dude, want to go for a dip?” He called up the stairs, taking them two at a time when after a minute or so he didn’t get a response. “Earth to Manny...” His words cut off when he barged in to find his brother massaging his own chest there on his bed. “Maybe lock it next time you’re going to play with yourself.” Not that he was complaining. Manny looked almost sinfully good spread out nearly naked before him. “The AC guy is supposed to come by later on this afternoon, so y’know. It’s au natural for this guy.” 
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Closed starter for @bxyswillbebxys​
“It’s too hot to function…” Manny whined as he laid on his bed, taking off the last of his sweat-drenched clothes, remaining only in tight white boxer-briefs that hugged the curves of his body in the most voluptuous way. While their parents had gone visiting their uncle and aunt in the next city, Manny was in charge of taking care of his brother Julian. But the boy craved some delicious alone time now. He started to massage his pecs, watching his cock get hard under his undies when the door opened. “Julian, knock, for fuck’s sake…” he groaned as he grabbed his pillow to cover his erection. “What is it?” he asked, eyes traveling and noticing his young brother was completely naked. “It’s too hot, isn’t it?” he said, nodding at the other’s nude, desirable body. 
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
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None of this had been in Alex’s plan when he reached out to Grant. All he wanted was to commiserate with someone who knew what the world was missing without Clara in it. Three years later and he still missed his best friend as if the accident had just been the day before. By the time he realized the unsteady friendship they had built started to morph into something else it was entirely way too late for him to back out. “No. I don’t know.” Things were weird, sure, but they worked together...  Somehow. Was he supposed to just give up on that?
“Grant...” His voice was soft, almost as if he thought the man before him might shatter if he spoke any louder. “Do you really think I’d ask for you to let Clara go? That I ever planned on letting her go?” Alex was midstep towards him when Grant dropped the bomb on him. ‘I fucking love you, you know that?’ Those words left him reeling, though part of him had suspected that they were getting close to that point. “If getting hurt is what you’re really worried then I guess there’s not much that I can do to change your mind, but I think you know that’s the last thing I would ever do to you or Peyton. I mean if anyone has a reason to want to make something work it’s going to be me. The two of you are my last connection to my best friend. I would never purposefully do anything to fuck that up and more importantly-” He finally closed the distance between them, leaving enough space so Grant could easily escape should he decide to do so, but close enough to be able to rest a hand above his heart. “I love you too.”
open to: boyfriend, girlfriend, fwb (be it a neighbor, fellow service person, clara’s sister/brother/best friend, etc, but muses 25yo+ only please!) backstory: over here! (tw for death) scenario: in this au version of his life, young grant only lost his wife in that devastating accident - the single silver lining being that their daughter miraculously made it through alive. now, three years later, grant works at a radio station and has only tentatively put his little toe out in the dating pool. nothing serious has come out of any of his attempts to reignite his love life, but that’s been on purpose as he’s not ready to risk more heartbreak - for himself or his daughter, peyton. problem is, he’s realized lately that he’s fallen for your muse, hard, and it’s legitimately scaring the hell out of him. he’s been trying to push your muse away for weeks now to no avail, so things are finally coming to a head with their relationship.
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         “Look, I’m sorry but I just… I can’t do this anymore! I don’t care how much fun we’ve had, or how great we are together, I just… I can’t see us getting any more serious than this, you know?” Liar. In fact, Grant had caught himself fantasizing about that more than once as of late; the other getting to know his daughter better, the three of them even moving in together, really anything and everything that resulted in this person becoming a permanent fixture in their lives had been some of his favorite dreams in he couldn’t even remember how long. The problem with this was it meant he loved them, and that wasn’t an emotion he’d imagined he’d ever be ready to feel again after the accident all those years ago.
         “If I fess up to what this is, what I can see it becoming, that means I… It means I have to let Clara go, and I don’t know if I’m ready to do that yet…” The young Marine’s voice kept cracking every few words and it took all of his willpower to keep from breaking down completely. “I mean, fuck! I fucking love you, you know that? But I can’t accept that because it means bringing you into Peyton’s life, and I just can’t risk her getting attached if we end up not working out.” Grant ran a hand through his hair a few times, a futile attempt at calming himself down as he looked anywhere but at the other person. He was a full on fucking mess at this point and it was clear he wouldn’t be able to hold back his stressed out rant any longer, so the young man leaned right in to it as he found his voice again. “I love you, so damn much, but I can’t risk my little girl’s heart or mine again over something that won’t be more than random hook-ups or secret, rushed dates. You sure as shit didn’t sign on to become a parent, so wouldn’t it just be easier for all of us if we end this before anyone can get hurt?”
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
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Alex found himself a mixture of nerves and excitement at the thought of having dinner at George’s place. Bars were safe, an easy place to escape from should he ever need it, but so far he hadn’t found any reason to do so. The man was as attractive as he was smart and it took all of his willpower not to jump his damn bones at any given moment. Which would explain how he found his mind wandering, once again, at dinner. Images of him between George’s legs with what he could only guess was a beautiful cock down his throat. “Everything ok?” He asked after the clatter of a fork hitting the floor sounded once again. “I think that’s the tenth time you dropped your fork...”
open to: top, bottom, versatile
plot: it’s their fifth date and your muse has a lot of thoughts. sexual thoughts
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George was really enjoying the time he was spending with the other man and so for this date he had decided to invite the man over and cook dinner. They were eating homemade lasagna with a good red wine but George could hardly focus. The telepath didn’t mean too but he could hear his date’s thoughts and he could deduce the man was horny and wanted him very much in many positions. He tried to keep the conversation going but he was getting hard hearing all these thoughts.
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
‘Just a hunch … isn’t that what the whole club is about, making money?’ He was getting more obviously hard in his work slacks now - pressing up against the other’s ass as it rutted against it. ‘Mm - do you now? Wanna get fucked by some old Hollywood star, huh?’ 
It was going to happen - he was sure that the pair of them knew that. He slid a hand over the other’s ass - something usually not allowed in the club but he didn’t think the other would mind after admitting to wanting to be fucked. He groped his ass, ‘You think you can find us a private room, love?’
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He bit his lower lip as he felt the other stiffening underneath him. If the club were even just a little less packed he would have pulled his length out of his trousers and gone to town on him right then and there, and he would have been far from the first person to have done just that, but he knew if he wanted to savour the moment they would need to find somewhere a little more private. “Change that to the hottest guy in this club and you’d be right.”
Bradley slipped from his lap and grabbed his hand to lead him towards the backstage area. “I know just the place for us.” The room was a well-known secret between the dancers, one that Dante let them duck into every now and then so long as they didn’t make a mess or spend too much time off of the floor. It was on the smaller side, but big enough that they could still be comfortable. “This private enough?”
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
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"You...” Guy’s words were breathless as he spoke. Between the weight of the younger male on top of him, and how thoroughly Henry had fucked him, it came as no surprise. Not like he was about to complain anytime soon. “Are exquisite. Has anyone told you that before?” Normally there wouldn’t have been any laying about in the afterglow. No long looks or soft kisses to be found, only sweat-stained sheets and the steam of a hot shower that held only one, but with Henry? Guy would be happy to spend hours like that. Wrapped around him and filled to the brim by him. 
bxyswillbebxys liked your post:fluidorb: Like for cuddles after sex starter….
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Henry’s body laid on top of Guy’s, those firm legs tight around his waist as their bodies remained connected in a deep way most would refuse. His hands laid against his neck, looking into him as he heaved, trying to recover his breath. Soft kisses were given against his cheek and, once the other’s breathing seemed to settled, he kissed his lips passionately, claimingly, hugging him tight and close, not wanting to move one bit off nor out of him.
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
Charlie knew his brother damn well and everything he did was to tease him - teasing him only made the man hornier. And the sex better. He watched as he came closer and touched the box. But Charlie was quick to slap his hand away. “So eager, aren’t we?” He chuckled, opening the box himself. Inside of it was an object made of shining metal that looked a lot like a hard thick cock. “The King asked for it especially for me. He made me use it once already, for his own private purposes of course.” Charlie was the King’s pet - everyone knew. What few knew for sure though was the fact that Charlie was responsible for wild sexual parties that happened in the castle for the likes of him and the King. Robin knew because sometimes his brother had to be there to watch and protect.
“Believe me, brother, it is rather exciting. I brought it to show you.” He stood up and picked the object. It was heavy and there was a flat base that he could put anywhere he wanted. He chose the enormous table in front of him where Robin and his men met to discuss the King’s security. “But I might need your help first. You see… I’ll need lots of your saliva.” He smirked, coming to Robin and leaning in to steal a kiss. “Can you help me?”
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Anyone else would have found themselves flat on their ass for such a move, but Robin knew his younger brother was just trying to rile him up. As much as he hated to admit it the brat knew almost instinctively what buttons to push to get him going. “Are you going to show me what’s inside or just have me stare at a box all day?” His words trailed off into an appreciative hum at the revelation of the contents of the mystery box. Images of Charlie with legs spread wide and his tight hole stretched to accommodate the metallic girth swirled through his thoughts. He could almost hear the way his breath would hitch with each thrust of the tool, feel the way his cock would twitch against his flat stomach in response. 
His gave only left the hefty shaft once he found his brother standing before him. The feeling of his lips, almost sinfully soft, brushing against his own momentarily was more than enough to pull him out of his thoughts. “Of course I’ll help you, brother. I’d hate for you to injure yourself before we can have our fun.” He slipped a hand down to smack his perfect ass. “Now get on the table so I can get to work.”
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
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Julian didn’t dare to even breathe while his brother stood there on the other side of the door. Part of him swore the bastard had some sort of tracking device implanted under his skin with how frequently he managed to pop up whenever he spent time with Rhys. In reality, he understood that the universe just hated him and obviously didn’t want him to have anything nice. “I’m working on it.” Julian murmured while he shifted to snuggle up against him once more. “Mmm, I could possibly make it up to you...” He trailed his fingers down Rhys’ muscular chest. “What were you thinking?”
starring: rhys for: 18+ m/f/nb rhys has been like BESTIES with your muse’s older brother or dad or uncle or whatever. now that he and your muse are kind of a secret ‘thing’ it’s getting awkward
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‘right, right. see you later man, thanks for stopping by.’ rhys’ polite smile stayed on his face as he walked the other man out of his townhouse and locked the front door behind him. thank god. he was getting too old for this much excitement, there was no ifs, ands, or buts about it. ‘i got him to leave,’ rhys said as he slid back into bed beside them. ‘you have got to get your own place,’ he said with a deep sigh. ‘feel like making it up to me?’ 
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
“Brother.” Robin stood in the doorway and took in the scene before him. His younger brother had never been one for rules, that much had been abundantly clear from an early age. If anything he revelled in breaking them as frequently as possible. So seeing him in the captain’s chair, his chair, came as no surprise to him. “You know I’d never hold you serving the kingdom against you.” His words were soft, though the hint of jealousy was clear to anyone who actually knew him and if anyone did it was certainly the man that sat before him. Robin was never one to share, but when it came to Charlie’s attention he could hardly tell their King no. 
“Presents?” He finally moved into the room, eyeing the box his brother slid across the table to him. “What kind of presents will we be enjoying together?” The glint in his eye was unmistakable as he ran a hand along the ornately carved mystery before him.
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@bxyswillbebxys​ replied to this asking for Charles ‘Charlie’ Price, a bottom!
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“Brother.” Charlie was sitting on the captain’s chair on the long table where the knights that protected the king gathered. He shouldn’t be in that room, he knew, but Charles loved the forbidden things. He took his glass of wine and raised it as if he was cheering the other up. “I am sorry I haven’t had time to pay you a visit this last week. Our King, he has quite an appetite.” Charles was the younger brother and despite not being in the line for almost anything of their parents, he managed to avoid becoming a small knight by using his beauty to entertain the King and his closer circle. That is how he managed to be, well, sort of important, even if the women in court all looked at him as if he was nothing more than a cheap slut. Cheap he may be, but he was the King’s favorite slut. “But don’t worry, I am here for you. And I brought us, hm, some presents from the King himself.” He picked up a box and put it over the long table. “I hope you can forgive my absence if we play with them together.”
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bxyswillbebxys · 5 years
“And what makes you say that?” Bradley mused as he moved his hips to the beat. Of course he knew who the man beneath him was, he’d lost count of how many times he jerked off to the thought of just being in the same room as him when he was younger, and there he was practically naked on top of him. LIfe was quite odd like that. “I think that would be quite obvious... I want us to go somewhere a little more private and for you to plow me into next week.” He arched back against the groping hand and trailed his own down Thomas’ broad chest.
‘I pay for dances, but I don’t pay for sex...’ The suggestion didn’t ruffle his feathers in the slightest. If anything it made him respect the man just that much more knowing that he wasn’t one to fall for the act that the majority of the dancers put on at the club. “And I don’t charge for anything but my dances, so I think we’re on the same page.”
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he’s a famous-ish actor (more famous 20/30 years ago) | for Bottoms
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‘Starting to think you want a little more than just my money.’ Thomas smirked, sitting in Dante’s loud club, music playing as some cute guy straddled his lap. Thomas had near but had all the staff here, but he wasn’t sure, or just couldn’t remember, if he’d had this one before. ‘You gonna tell me what you want, beautiful?’ He asked, shamelessly groping one of the boy’s ass cheeks. He knew Dante, the owner, quite well, well enough to maybe slip out of trouble if a dancer complained about this.
‘I pay for dances but I don’t pay for sex if that’s what you’re trying for so be warned.’
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