Maisie Williams
516 posts
Twenty Three + Married to Tom + Actress + Arrived in Bayview { Seabreeze Suburbs with Tom } 21st July 2019
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Your most welcome to come up at anytime, honey. Thank you, I’m still in that newborn bliss state and loving every second I spend with my little squish. Her name is Bryier. Congratulations on the wedding though babes. It’s wonderful when you find that person you want to spend forever with.
I’ll definitely make plans too as soon as possible. That’s the most adorable name ever. Apparently the newborn stage is the easiest so that must be why you’re in the bliss state. Thank you very much. I’m still so exited about being his wife. He’s so pretty to look at so to be able to wake up to his face every morning is amazing.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Same, I just got back from wrapping season one, I have a month off then I go back to film season two of my show I don’t know what to do with myself.
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I’m supposed to be a fan and I had no idea you’re in a series? What is it? I feel terrible but I will absolutely check it out. It’s always nice taking a little break after filming.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Hey! How are things? What were you working on? How are you and Tom?
Good thank you. How are things with you? Just a little project that I’m not allowed to spill about yet. We’re doing great.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Well welcome back! Ah man you are literally talking to the person who is the worst when it comes to keeping up with the inside scoop. I have been so busy with working on my first project here in town so I haven’t had the time to actually go to many events so I have not heard or seen anything juicy to report on. Sorry!
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Thank you. I’m glad I’m back. You have? That’s exciting. What is the project you’re working on? Are you have a lot of fun? I can’t wait to get stuck back in and take part in some projects here in town. I’ve missed it a lot. How are you anyway? Other than this new project is anything else new with you?
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Okay so I know I fell off the face of the earth for awhile but I have a good excuse. I was in space. Yeah, that’s right your girl went to Space. And I mean who cares if I only really went to space in a movie, right? For me it was all real and that’s what’s important. My time way taught me one thing though, Bayview really is where it’s at. I’m glad to be back and yes, I’ve already hit up Paco’s for all my taco needs. What all have I missed though? Fill me in on everything.
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In space? Sounds like a lot of fun, even if it was for a movie. Exactly, as long as you relate to it then who cares if it was only pretend. Did you enjoy pretending you were in space? Is it everything you’ve dreamed of? Paco’s is my goto place whenever I’ve been away from town for a little while. It’s the only way to celebrate coming back. Nothing new with me. I’ve been away for a bit but its so good to be back and get stuck into everything again. How are you doing? Welcome back to town.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Never leave again, Maisie. You’re not allowed to. I’ve talked to the spirits and we’re all in agreement that you have to remain here forever now. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. There’s nothing new with me other than a few new projects and a book but other than that everything is the same as always. Thought about adopting another cat — that’s as exciting as my life is right now.
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I wouldn’t dream of leaving you again. If it’s a life or death situation I promise to get your permission before I go. Can stop stay here forever too? Because if so then I’m sure I can agree to that. A few new projects and a book? That’s exciting. Anything you can discuss yet? Do it, adopt a cat. I’m always trying to convince Tom to allow me to adopt more pets so I’m going to live through you and tell you to adopt the kitty.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Maybe you did imagine it. Maybe I’ve been a figment of your imagination this whole time. I’m gonna be around so much now. You’ll want rid of me again soon enough. Okay but which one did you like the most? Cherry or Chaos Walking? You have to pick one. Have I mentioned that I love you lately? Because I do. Very much. You’re always my biggest fan which works out because I’m your biggest fan, too. I bet the booty scene was your favourite scene. How about I book you in for a full day of cuddling today? Meet me in the living room and bring popcorn. We’re watching movies.
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I knew you were way too good to be true, of course I made it up. Never, I could never want to get rid of you. If I had it my way I’d be attached to your hip and bothering you constantly. How could I ever pick? They both have your pretty face in them so I could never dream of picking between the two. Maybe you have but I don’t mind hearing it a few more times. I love you the most, just incase you weren’t aware. I’m always be your biggest fan, always, I’m going to hype you up until the day I die….is this starting to sound like a tragic love story? The booty scene was definitely my favourite. I may have paused it and then rewound it a few times. Cutest booty of them all. Yes! One hundred percent yes. Popcorn is coming and I’ll even order us some food so we don’t have to get up from the couch.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
If by ‘bother’ you mean gracing us with your presence, you’re right, you’re bothering us very much. It’s so good to have you back! From the moment you mentioned new projects I’m doubly intrigued, so if you could provide me with exclusive information I would appreciate it. Tell me since when you’ve been away and I might can give you a few things.
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You’re the sweetest of them all. It was your birthday recently wasn’t it? Did you have a good time and did you celebrate in style? We’ll have to have a day drinking trip to make up for me missing it. Exclusive information may mean they’d have my head on a spike, but as soon as I can spill without risking that you’re the first person I’m coming to. Probably since the new year. It’s be a little bit. Anything new that has happened has my full attention.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Everybody keeps asking about gossip and I keep saying the same thing— I don’t know! I am in the dark… complete dark, I know nothing about anyone, ever unless they personally tell me face to face. I’m either too old to know how to keep up with everybody’s shenanigans, or I simply don’t care. It could be both, now that I think about it. Good to know you’re in town again, though! Did you miss it?
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Maybe no one wants to tell you secrets in case you spill them. I know it was always you spilling the stuff about Marvel and definitely not Tom. You’re not that old, or at least, you don’t appear very old. It’s good to be back. Of course, I probably missed bothering people more than anything, but it’s so nice to be back here. I can’t wait to get stuck into any new projects that may pop up.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Hopefully the projects went over pretty well for you, and you have a bit of time to relax and unwind, now that you’re back in town. I’m not really sure what the gossip is, I’ve never been one for hearsay, but I know we’ve been having fun on stage with Anastasia and there’s a beer party tomorrow, and that’s good enough news for me.
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They did, thank you, but I missed home a lot more than usual. Maybe you don’t know the gossip because everything is happy and fun here? No ones got any secrets they’ve been trying to hide. Oh yeah? That sounds like a lot of fun. I’m sure you’ve all been killing it. A beer party? I’m not a huge fan of beer but parties I’m definitely here for. I’m going to have to stop by and see what it’s all about. 
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Work’s been going, I’ve been back and forth for filming. There’s a new show in town that’s currently and also a new movie coming up, so that’s always a fun time. We’ve got some new neighbors and the parties have been unpredictable as always, but that’s what makes Bayview parties the best, right?
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Is it tiring like usual or are you finding it easy? I knew I could count on you for the inside scoop, if there was anyone I would come to for inside information it would always be you. I’m going to have to check out the new show and movie, that’s awesome to hear. Oh yeah, nice new neighbours or are they secretly evil? Unpredictable parties are always the best, especially here in Bayview. How are you? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve bothered you.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
Hey sweetheart and welcome back to town. How are you, beautiful? Oh things have been rather busy for me; I adopted a newborn almost a month ago so adjusting to life with a newborn again. When you have time, sweetheart, would you like to call round for a catchup?
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Originally posted by bribooth
Thank you, it’s good to be back. I’m doing very well, thank you. Enjoying married life of course. You did? Thats amazing, what is the baby’s name? I’d love that, I’ll even bring some snacks for us to enjoy. That’s so exciting about the new baby. How are you dealing with it all?
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
I’ve been away from town for a little bit just doing a few projects but I’m back now and here to bother everyone and make up the time I missed whilst I was away. So come on, give me all the gossip, whats new with you and whats new in town? I want all the gory details. @townofbayview​
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
It’s been a busy few weeks but I’ve finally managed to sneak away from the clutches of Marvel and have some time to myself. Spider-Man 3 is shaping up real good, though. Prepare for your minds to be blown. You know what else is mind blowing? Chaos Walking and Cherry. I expect everyone’s already seen both of them already. If you haven’t, lie to me. I don’t need my ego crushing so early into the week. What’s everyone been up to this weekend, though? I spent mine napping in between watching American Horror Story for the first time. Living a wild life out here.
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Finally! I thought I had dreamt the whole getting married to Spider-Man thing. As much as I hate you not being around I can’t help but be excited about how awesome Spider-Man 3 is going to be, plus you look unreal in the suit so I’m all about that. Babe you know I’ve watched them both repeatedly since they came out. I’m so proud of you and how amazingly talented you are. Its so exciting to see, plus my Mum may have called me multiple times to say how much she enjoyed them both. I may have peeped a little booty in Chaos Walking which I’m not mad about. I’ve missed you’re annoying face, even if it has be spent watching AHS. When do I get some cuddle time though?
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
No spoilers obviously — but if you haven’t watched The Falcon and The Winter Soldier yet, then what are you waiting for? You get to see two of my favorite people killing it, and you might even get to see this face on your screens again. I make no promises that she’s the same Sharon Carter you remember, but she’s a whole lot of fun. Promise.         Now that the obligatory ‘watch my show!’ has been said, I’m so excited to be here in town. I got some downtime from filming to make this move happen, and not going to lie… you’re kinda beautiful, Bayview. I caught a glimpse of the gorgeous beach on my drive in, and I cannot wait for Summer. I can already tell that Frankie’s going to love it here; personally, she’s a fan of her brand new yard. And me? Well, I have this wine cellar that’s waiting to be broken into. Anybody down for some wining and dining? @townofbayview​
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I haven’t checked it out yet but I’m sure Tom will be giving it a watch so I’m sure I’ll get to catch some of it. I’ve heard great reviews though. Did you have fun filming it? Welcome to town, are you enjoying it so far? What part of town did you move to? Did you really need to ask if I’m down for wining and dining? Is that a trick question? Of course I’m down for that.
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
i hate bugs. i know they all have a purpose on this earth, but i hate them. i was dead asleep last night when all of a sudden this fucking flying grasshopper smacks right into my face. thank god i don’t snore otherwise it probably would have went straight into my mouth. so in typical pedro fashion (because i hate bugs), i jump out of bed and turn on the light to see what kind of demon was in the room with me, and this little shit starts to panic fly around the room. i don’t know if the light set it off or if he just had a personal vendetta against my face, but he flew at my face multiple times— aggressively. i felt like i was in a rocky film with how i was dodging & weaving, and when you are half asleep at three in the morning that’s no easy task. so yeah, i don’t get down with bugs. / @townofbayview​
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That sounds so terrifying. I would have probably cried and made Tom come and save me. I’m not a huge fan of bugs or anything but when I’m sound asleep and one wants to come along and interfere, thats when I have an issue with them. I’m sure you had a lot of skill avoiding the bug. Are you doing okay though? Still traumatised by the whole situation?
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bviewmxisie · 4 years ago
I was a bit sad about it, mostly because my family went back to England and I don’t get to see them as much I’d like to. But now I’m excited about New Year’s Eve and what this new year got for us. Welcome back, Maisie! How was your Christmas?
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Thats understandable. It’s hard when you spend some time with the fam just for them to leave, I hate it every time. Did you enjoy the new year? It was pretty great wasn’t it? My Christmas was a lot of fun, nice to spend it with my husband. Did you enjoy yours with your family?
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