buttsmagoo · 6 years
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A Full Face of Rhinestones
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
Asian wlw and mlm are amazing and deserve everything good in the world
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
Drag has no place for children.
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
a gentle reminder that you did well this year. you met new people, learned new things and felt new feelings. you did so many things that made you scared. you picked yourself up off the floor after feeling completely defeated or heartbroken. there were some really tough nights but you survived them all. you made people happy just by existing. you accepted many goodbyes but the serendipitous meetings made up for them. it was your own hard work that paid off but you always downplay it or compare yourself to others. that’s not fair on yourself. you’ve come so far from the first day of this year. you have more wisdom and strength now. yes, other people seem more “successful” but does that even matter? please don’t think so lowly of yourself to only think about your failures. 2018 was your year of growth. I hope you take a moment to be kind to yourself, and believe that 2019 will be even better.
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
People: *showering me with compliments* Me: okay but what about that one negative comment I received June 6th 2003 ? Im trash sweetie
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
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mogai culture was invented by straight people as a way of opting out of their privilege and feeling special
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
I think people need to be a little less concerned with me being on my phone in social gatherings and more concerned with why their conversations are neither entertaining nor intellectually stimulating
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
I hope this time next year you’ll have thousands of new happy memories
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
The fact that you can’t raise taxes on billionaires even slightly without them pouring money into fascist political movements is, of itself, evidence that billionaires as a class shouldn’t be allowed to exist in the first place.
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
Idea: Nat 1s, don’t have to be a fail, (I mean they are, but lemme explain)
So like let’s say your rolling to intimidate, you roll a one, as a dm, you can say “well, they are so unintimidted in the slightest, that they let you pass” or “they’re so unintimidted, they don’t even wanna fight you”, just something to add some spice to your life
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
BPD anon, I have a similar problem but with autism/aspergers and my friends thinking all “””high-functioning””” autistic people who can’t pass as neurotypical are gross cringeworthy nerds who can’t like things in a normal way. I try my best to pass as normal, and I admitted my problem to a couple of them , and I apologized for not being honest about my autism, and they still tolerate me because I’m okay with them pointing out when I’m being obviously autistic so i can stop.
hate to break it to you but those aren’t your friends. those are assholes. you can do better because you deserve better. you shouldn’t have to apologize for a part of you like that and your “friends” shouldn’t have to “tolerate” it. FUCK them.
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
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buttsmagoo · 6 years
2017: dumb bitch
2018: sad bitch
2019: bad bitch
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