butlerbarbatos · 2 years
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
// I feel like the Devs don’t really know what to do with Barbatos anymore after the initial first storyline and barely talk about his powers anymore.
Let’s be real, time powers can be a bitch to write and unless you have a lot of stuff planned out it can get confusing real quick. The way the Devs put little to no effort into anyone’s development makes me think they just don’t know how to write Barbatos so they shove him to the back or give him the most insignificant stories to be in the background of.
Barbatos obviously knows a lot more than he tells and so does Diavolo. How MUCH does the two know? How often does Diavolo and even Solomon use Barbatos to nose around in the future?
Nobody knows cause Barbatos is kept off to the side like peanut butter. Not used on a regular basis, but it’s there if needed for something small. //
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
If you would like to help me out, I am in need of help since we have little food and are having trouble with bills as it is. I have $3 currently in my account and ofc that can’t really get me anything. 
You can Commission me or give a coffee if you want, anything helps honestly. Thank you for reading <3
Kofi - https://ko-fi.com/A427MK6
Commissions - https://inkstain3d.tumblr.com/commissions
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
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Day 8 - Umbrella -  Sharing an Umbrella with Barbatos ☂
❤ Reblog Please Don’t Repost 💔
Check out the rest of my October Drawings
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
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so he might be a little crazy about you 😳
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
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Decided to restyle Barbatos’ bunny outfit because they did him dirty
|| ✨ Reblog > Likes ✨ || ✨ PLEASE DON’T USE OR REPOST! ✨ || || Buy Me a Coffee || My Commissions ||
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
...I would like to exchange words with whoever picked out my bunny outfit. I don’t believe they understand my fashion choices well. 
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
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<artist: nanoruru│なのる(マキナ)>
permission to post was granted by the artist.
editing and reposting in any platform (FB, IG, Pinterest, WeHeartIt, etc) are prohibited. please kindly like and retweet their arts on Twitter and Pixiv.
✿ barbatos
admin fluffy ( ◞・౪・)
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butlerbarbatos · 2 years
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i like the butler ^_^
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
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When he goes :( and >:(
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
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SSR ticket from logins blessed me
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
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oh it’s a pottery tutorial.
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
Barbatos picked up some of the garbage left after the party for Lord Diavolo’s birthday. It was a crazy party, as one would expect from the prince of the devildom on his birthday. He threw the trash away and turned around to look at the mess that was still there. For once…he’d get someone else to clean it up.
He went to his room, where Clarent and Arondight were sleeping soundly on his bed. He quietly pulled the gift and flowers from the nightstand and left the room again. Years gone by walking these same halls, but it was only when he met Lord Diavolo did he feel truly…happy. He quietly entered the young lord’s room, where he was passed out cold on the bed and left the gift on the dresser near the door before leaving again.
The present was a simple one, but something that held meaning to him. A small photo album with pictures of them both from when they were younger. From diavolo’s shenanigans to Barbatos attempting to bake with him, each photo held a memory.
And a card sat on top of it and on the inside it read:
“I am proud to wish you a happy birthday and do hope everything is to your liking. I am glad to be able to share another birthday by your side.
I will always be here for you. Do not be afraid to lean on me.
Forever yours, Barbatos
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
I saw Solomon eating one of those microwaveable ramen bowls however…He was crunching on it.
I’ve never seen something so cursed in my life.
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
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🔫 Day 11 of @/systemstims boardtober: Graveyard or haunted house (Resident evil) 📚
x - x - x / x - x - x / x - x - x
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
Why does this potato have legs?
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butlerbarbatos · 3 years
No one talk to me, baby Barbatos-
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I can’t-
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