Dubious meetup - Reversed
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Crépe sat looking at his phone, thinking harder than he ever did the last month. He was just added into the chatroom and for the quick profile he needed to give a nickname at least. He knew the safest option is to give away as little about himself as he can, but he just couldn't think of a name. He took another look at the other users quick profile.
Nickname: Linny Age: 22 Species: Lagomorph Gender: F
She seemed open about herself, but he really did not want to do that as well. He was in much more danger if he gets found out, since he would be the one leaking backstage footage. So he needed a name that would divert attention from him. And it needed to be cool. Like... Claw of the Moon, thats a really cool band! IronFang? yes, very cool. Crépe happily looked at the screen as the You joined! lit up.
Linny: Hello! IronFang: hello
He looked around in the dressing room, as if everone there already knew what he was doing. To his relief Seymurr trying to give Esmée-Ludivine some criticism on how she should apply fur paint. Crépe typed as fast as he could.
IronFang: What do you want to know or do? Linny: General dirt on the company, about the crt regulations or the mass mergers IronFang: stories or documents? Linny: Anecdotes mostly IronFang: ill see what i can do
He sat upright in his high chair in triumph. See, he shouldn't have been so anxious about texting about leaking info again, he just got a deal! And how easy it was!
Linny: Can I ask something personal?
Uh oh.
Ironfang: what Linny: What are you contracted to work? IronFang: im not answering that Linny: or like which branch? IronFang: im not telling
He started typing furiously, but then almost immediately stopped when Linny started to type too. Then Linny stopped as well, making it a standoff, but Crépe was luckier since he was supposed to practice his makeup, so he returned to that. And after five seconds he whipped his head around when his phone buzzed.
Linny: How do I know that you aren’t egging me on?
He glanced around the room in a frenzy. He noted how now the cat and the husky separated. Both of them had their back to him. He raised his phone and quickly snuck a picture of Esmée-Ludivine. She deserves an ugly picture of her anyway!
IronFang: im in one of the dressing room rn IronFang: if i take a picture of someone in the same room, will you believe me? Linny: I have to see the picture first A picture was sent in the third channel! Linny: Okay, I believe you. Linny: And you can talk to other employees about it safely? IronFang: yes i joined late so theyre more likely to tell me IronFang: and i can sneak some papers from the office Linny: Are you sure? Aren’t they kind of confidential? IronFang: yes but they trust me
He decided to change the topic, seeing the quick profile of the chat partner he got. Last time he was this open, he was caught. And if she gets caught, then he would've been searched for.
IronFang: is linny your real name Linny: Abbreviation of it, yes IronFang: Next time change it, i will change it too IronFang: ill invite you when i get some info IronFang: then change name
He now realised why he swore off leaking info via chat groups. It was mentally taxing, not because he had to look out for the others personal info, but the paranoia it comes with. Then, he looked up and realised Seymurr was looking at him. He knew he was slacking off.
Linny: Okay IronFang: im leaving bye Linny: Bye
He waited to see Linnys reasponse just to be polite, then he closed the chatroom and turned back to his mirror, to see where he was at with the practice.
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Dubious meetup - Upright
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Lynette kept her eyes on the chatroom that was opened on her tablet. The unchanged text Someone is joining! and the three dots have been haunting her for the past five minutes. Her chat partner that she was set up with must've been busy. All she did for those tormenting minutes is play with her floppy ears, but immediately let them fall onto her shoulder the moment the chat updated.
Nickname: IronFang Age: Prefers not to say Species: Prefers not to say Gender: Prefers not to say
After reading it, she couldn't help but notice the lack of information in the fast profile, but regardless she greeted the chat partner as soon as her friend left the chatroom.
Linny: Hello! IronFang: hello IronFang: what do you want to know or do?
Lynettes hands hovered over the keyboard after that quick message. Well whoever this was, they didn't beat around the bush. She started typing: I would like to have a m, then quickly deleted it. She thought if she started with her actual reason, she would've been quickly dropped, since how ridicoulus it was.
Linny: General dirt on the company, about the c regulations or the mass mergers IronFang: stories or documents? Linny: Anecdotes mostly IronFang: ill see what i can do
She lifted her hands up to gently rub the bridge of her nose. This was way too easy. Yes, chat group was to hook up reporters looking for a scoop, and people who are deep in scoopable secret situations, but this was way too easy. Her hands returned to the screen.
Linny: Can I ask something personal? Ironfang: what Linny: What are you contracted to work? IronFang: im not answering that Linny: or like which branch? IronFang: im not telling
Both of them typed at the same time, and when they noticed they both stopped. The awkward pause could be felt through the ethernet. Lynette was the first start typing again.
Linny: How do I know that you aren’t egging me on?
Then, she waited for a response. And it did come, however strange it was.
IronFang: im in one of the dressing room rn IronFang: if i take a picture of someone in the same room, will you believe me? Linny: I have to see the picture first A picture was sent in the third channel!
Lynette looked at the picture and froze. One of the main stars, the husky sat in front of a vanity table, listlessly painted her fur in a room full of stuff. Different paints, clothes were thrown all over the room, next to her a half drank iced coffe sat on a table. She copied the image and reverse image searched it. No identical copies showed up, only similar ones, but those were much more flattering.
Linny: Okay, I believe you. Linny: And you can talk to other employees about it safely? IronFang: yes i joined late so theyre more likely to tell me IronFang: and i can sneak some papers from the office Linny: Are you sure? Aren’t they kind of confidential? IronFang: yes but they trust me IronFang: is linny your real name
This was a bit of a curveball for her. Was it really that obvious?
Linny: Abbreviation of it, yes IronFang: Next time change it, i will change it too IronFang: ill invite you when i get some info IronFang: then change name
Whoops, she should've thought about it a bit more, but hey, this was her first time.
Linny: Okay IronFang: im leaving bye Linny: Bye
She kept staring at her screen as IronFang left the chatroom, as if they were in a hurry. Well, it was abrupt, and now her supposed partner in crime was gone, but all she could do is hope that they will actually return with real information. She plugged in the tablet to charge it, then she stood up to leave the room, while holding onto her ears again.
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