Heaven and Hell
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burdenofheaven · 2 years ago
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“It is no problem at all ma’am, and I do apologize for still wearing my old profession on my wrist, but I simply did not have the time to change into anything else.” Ulysses smiled, looking over the farm and smiling, this was a life that suited him much more. “I will gladly take care of what all is needed, just tell me what I need to do and it will be done. I thank you for your hospitality and kindness.”
@burdenofheaven liked for a starter
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"Alright well that should be about it, do ye understand what I need from ye?" Adelaide questioned, coming to a stop in front of the chicken coop where they'd started "Not a lot to do on a farm, sure, but with me focusin' on my practice a bit more havin' a hand around to help will be excellent, so I thank ye kindly for applying for the position."
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burdenofheaven · 2 years ago
It's not a matter of if it was a good idea or not, but rather how ones reaction might provide a touch of much needed entertainment. Hisoka side steps around the warrior and leans in with great haste; licking his cheek with the tip of his tongue before bolting off as quickly as he appeared. (Hi ❤️)
Ulysses had mere seconds to react but boy did he, the sword came out and he swung where the clown magician should have been... should have. No, some poor patch of grass was what caught his sword. And as he pulled it out of the ground he felt at his cheek and scowled, wiping away the horrid thing's spittle.
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"You disgust me. Go! Run! Run to the little adolescents you much prefer beating into the dirt since you can only seem to sprint away from me!"
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burdenofheaven · 2 years ago
Shout out to all the retail, restaurant, and delivery workers. We’re all gonna go through hell Friday, I want you to know from one retail worker to another that you got this and you’re appreciated.
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burdenofheaven · 2 years ago
These past few sessions in pathfinder
So, recently my crew has gotten back into our sessions after months off. And while some of you may not care, I like how things are going. So we enter in with four out of five of us exploring the fortress of the giant lord known as Mokmurian. Beforehand we rode in on a red dragon who then helped us take out the guards, a myriad of giants and giant-kin including a biclops. We were in a sticky situation so we jumped into the deep hole after our tiefling geisha cast feather fall on us. Dragon and drow stay up there while we have fun in the fun hole. After too many normal bears, a couple dire bears, and some giant covered in metal that I killed but also got killed by, the fight was over. I get revived via goblin villain from the start of the campaign sending me back to the land of the living and we head up the hole. Drow has killed the dragon because they’re both chaotic evil. As we rest, drow and his daughter leave so we no longer have to deal with them taking exp or money. We explore down the dark tower and meet with the black monk, he wrecks us because we all trickle in one at a time but I kill him and take his major artifact. We head up, my tiefling step brother has mummy rot and will die soon, but he’s fine because he makes a deal with a pit fiend. Then we all head back into the hole and make our way to fight more giants, as we do so we meet the stone giant lady who asks us very nicely to avenge her forsaken husband and make peace with her kin by deposing their ruler. This goes well and she gifts us some stuff to help us. We then run into some lamias and two of our party die because they’re both clerics. We run them off though and then run into a jotun hill giant with runes all over him, massive lad hits me with what may as well be a tree and we run out of the room. We then try again and ask him politely to not do that, he agrees but says he must fight anyone who tries to walk in the room, so we don’t and converse with him. After talking with what is essentially a dumb lump of muscle, we all make peace and head on out. We only do non-lethal damage to the giants and giant-kin we see and they tend to stand down. After some troll beating though we head deeper into the fortress and then run into my characters father. A monster of a man who was torturing and beating the giants to make examples of any who opposed him. He calls us all out, especially me, for our faults but does not make excuses for himself either. His philosophies of perfect peace and prosperity through forced order, while at their core pure and noble through a need to stop death, disease, and suffering, we as a party find him wanting in that his execution is all wrong. He believed mercy is for the weak, my character retorted that it was for the strong. We ended there, as he left to watch from the shadows, judging us as a sort of test.
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burdenofheaven · 2 years ago
"A loving relationship is nice, have you considered half demon pirate women that only want to capture and breed you though? Because I have... I stole a novel from my local library about that in my youth."
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burdenofheaven · 2 years ago
The temptation to make another side blog for Cain is overwhelming, but I shall endure.
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
starter call , @burdenofheaven​​
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Bruno had been minding his own business, well really keeping to himself as he walked through the town center of the Encanto. he could hear it. the voices on lips speaking merely of a rumored man new walking through who looked like something from a medieval novel. clearly largely out of place with his wear and completely noticeable with the PROPHET simply saw him. he didn’t like what he was hearing through. 
the way they spoke about him sounded oddly familiar to the blurred and melted image in the tablet he had seen a few days ( no weeks ) ago. and now it was occuring. which meant he was finally getting his answer on WHY he looked in such a weird angle. as he walked and thought to himself he found his mind oddly casted off in a thinking wonder just for his sandal to catch and him to stumble and trip over raised stone on the paths. trying to catch himself, he instead was caught by SAID stranger.
his heart felt like it was in his throat.
his head spinning.
“ — let go of me please. “ his voice was meek, then again he would be merely unhappy if anyone just merely touched him like this. 
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Bright red eyes stared down at Bruno, peering through a fiendishly themed helmet. He was near cold to the touch, almost like ice as he held onto him, his hand dangerously close to his neck but... he pushed Bruno back onto his feet and looked him up and down.  Ulysses had wandered into this place where he finally almost felt like he was at home... if not still a bit of an outsider. But he saw it, he saw magic again and it felt wonderful to know this world was not without it. Then he saw this poor older man... maybe older than him? He had lost track of his age a while ago but this man seemed a bit on the older side, and that aside he almost seemed like he saw a ghost. “Are you alright? You look like you could use some water friend.” He dusted off the other man’s shoulder before letting go. “Sorry if I hurt you any there, didn’t want you hurting your head on the ground.”
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
❣≽ Amusing. Perhaps he was being modest; or maybe just being honest. Either way he found himself with nothing better to do than to harass this poor passers by for his own amusement. And unfortunately for him he still wasn’t done doing so.  “You don’t strike me for the shy type.” Hisoka thought aloud in retort to the warriors claim. “Tell you what–” He then hummed.
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“If you show me how hard you can swing that sword I’ll gladly tell you my name and then some. ♥ I’ll even stand here and allow you to take a swing at me if you’d like!“ 
Was this person serious? No, that’s got to be bait. If he attacked him he’d probably consider it an invitation to attack. No thanks, this is not happening. “I don’t really do shows. But I suppose a small demonstration would be fine, but no I will not be using you as a target. I’d prefer not to shed blood without reason.”
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He looked over at a nearby oak, sizing it up and realizing that it was pretty much already dead anyways before unsheathing the massive slab of dark metal that was his sword. One might think it was too big or too unwieldy to be a sword, but he wielded it with great care and finesse despite it being at least fifty pounds. The material itself seemed to cut through the dead wood quite easily, coming almost all the way through the tree before stopping. And as he pulled it from the tree it came free with ease, leaving a large, diagonal tear in his target. “There, does that satisfy?”
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
          “Me? Oh I’m no one, really. ♠  Just a curious Magician wandering about…” While not entirely a lie there was still some truth missing from his statement. “And if someone were to disarm you?”
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“...I’m not exactly the best in hand to hand but my gauntlets are sharp at the finger tips. But really, you find me at a larger and larger disadvantage oh curious magician known as no one. Won’t you at least grace me with a name?”
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
"What a large sword you have there-- Is it practical? Or are we putting on a show? ♦"
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"Yes to both. I wield it just fine though, to answer your question. To whom do I owe this question into my choice of primary weapon?"
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
Out Of Context Quotes Said In Calls With Friends [Pt 1]
I swear to whatever forces may or may not exist, I am going to reach through this screen and fucking strangle you.
What do you mean?!  H e l l o ? !
He wants them feet pics, and keeps getting left on read.
Don’t worry about it?! Now I’m going to worry about it even more!
TINY PHOENIX! Tiny phoenix~
I turned into a cat for a moment there.
We all heard what you said.
This chocolate tastes like tiny square pills of deceit.
Don’t laugh at me! I’m right!
It’s not a bunny! It’s a fake bunny!
Naughty children best behave lest they end up on my uneven and split advertisement.
You are totally my bitch forever.
What the fuck did I just watch?!
I’m having an aneurysm right now - how are you this stupid?
Hey behbeh - how you doinnnn?
It’s so SMALL! How did it knock the bear over?! HOW?!
How did it uppercut the bear?! IT’S A CHICK!!!
It looks like a hungover potato.
That’s an insult to potatoes everywhere!
Squidward going ‘fuck it’ is like senior year.
My work here is done.
They do say rainbows! They do!
I sure wish I had a liquor store near me.
Why is he holding a duck? He’s just…holding it like a burger.
You made me come out of my room for this?
You’re a pastabender!!!
Why does he have a corpse? Mind ya business. He was lonely, okay?
I was laughing the entire time, but I was muted.
I’m dyin’ anyway - let’s goooooooooooo! I’m taking a motherfucker out before I go!
Take me to jail - I wont be there long.
I’m awake, but I don’t want to be.
I have a single brain cell and it’s for old men.
Out of the way - we have privilege.
Don’t lick my KNEEEEEEES!
What the fuck are you wearing?
*peels skin off sexily*
We didn’t do the ritualll.
Are you calling me out?
LOOK AT ME! If you ruin this for me again, I swear to god…
You are not a Daddy. Sorry.
I diagnose you with D tier Daddy.
Look at me. Look me straight in the eyes. Look at me. Look at me. …fuck you.
I got my booties now.
*sobs openly*
I don’t wannnnnnna get stickyyy.
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
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BOLD. All that apply. ITALIC. Leaning or former
WEALTH .   $ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty $ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled  / disadvantaged / non applicable $ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / street trash / slave /  unsure $ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other $ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
FAMILY .   ☀︎ Children : has a child or children (AU) / has no children / wants children / verse dependent   ☀︎ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / (it’s complicated)   ☀︎ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
TRAITS / TENDENCIES .   ▲ extroverted / introverted / in between   ▲ disorganized / organized / in between   ▲ close-minded / open-minded / in between   ▲ calm / anxious / in between   ▲ disagreeable / agreeable / in between   ▲ cautious / reckless / in between   ▲ patient / impatient / in between   ▲ outspoken / reserved / in between   ▲ leader / follower / in between   ▲ empathetic / unempathetic / in between   ▲ optimistic / pessimistic / in between   ▲ traditional / modern / in between   ▲ hard-working / lazy / in between   ▲ cultured / uncultured / in between   ▲ loyal/ disloyal / in between �� ▲ faithful/ unfaithful / in between
BELEIFS .   ★ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated   ★ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ★ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ★ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ★ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious   ★ Philosophical : yes / no
SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION .   ❥ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual / omnisexual   ❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral/ sex favorable / naive and clueless   ❥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless   ❥ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited   ❥ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all   ❥ Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
ABILITIES .   ≡ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none     ≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
HABITS .   ♠︎ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♠︎ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♠︎ Other Narcotics : never/ sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♠︎ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♠︎ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♠︎ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♠︎ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
What Horror Trope are You?
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the monster
it was not your fault– at first, at least. you can not help being the way you are. and even if you could, would you choose to change? they met you with torches raised and screaming mouths, the only choice you had was to flee. but you will not stay away forever. they whisper your name in fear, and you will make sure you hurt them just as much as they hurt you.
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
So... I've been working on a new muse. One that's actually a pre-established character even. It has a pretty basic rules page and bio set up so if you're interested in getting your muse trapped in a card after playing a card game, follow me over at @vineleshy
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
"I... I feel like I'm going to murder someone. But why?"
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
Birthday today, I haven't been active since life has been kicking my ass but today I feel oddly at ease.
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burdenofheaven · 3 years ago
Okay so... this is totally out of character and all but I am having a crisis of the memory variety. Does anyone remember a brand of frozen cookie dough or something that had thick cookies and had a gorilla on the front of it? Any time I look it up I either get weed or a cookie company whose label looks different than I remember.
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