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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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6 Best TV Shows Of 2017, So Far
2017 has had only 7 months so far, but a lot has already happened, especially on TV. It’s really weird, and blissful when you think there are 5 more months to go, with many more new shows yet to come on TV. So let’s take a look at some of the best TV shows of 2017 already.
1. Big Little Lies is the mini-series adaptation of Liane Moriarty’s novel, which deals with issues like domestic and sexual violence and how deeply it affects people
2. Riverdale is the child born out of an affair between Archie comics and Gossip Girl, and you can see it in the story arcs, and the style of the show. Let’s just say Archie comics grew up, and how!
3. The Handmaid’s Tale is the television adaptation of Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel of the same name, where women are sex slaves and individuality is punishable. This show has perhaps struck a chord that’s uncomfortably closer to home
4. Legion is the take on comic books we have all been waiting for. This X-men spin off deals with very millennial issues like mental health and drug abuse while keeping it trippy in an Inception manner
5. The Good Fight is a spin off series from The Good Wife, and created by the same team. So far it has lived upto the legacy while keeping it real
6. The last season of Girls is perhaps the best season of this ‘think-piece’ series by Lena Dunham with its more-now-than-ever needed social commentary
Which is your favourite show of 2017?
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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6 Sci-Fi Shows You Can Watch on Netflix Right Now
If you have a boring weekend on your hands which just doesn’t seem to pass through then we have got one simple solution for you – Netflix and Chill. With new shows launching every week, there is so much content on Netflix that you wouldn’t be able to watch it all even if you tried.
To keep you hooked, here are some of the top sci-fi shows that you can watch on Netflix right now:
1. Black Mirror
Has technology truly taken over our world so much that there is no turning back?
2. OA
Is it a reality? Is it a dream? You might never know.
3. Sense8
Eight strangers around the world get the same vision – Why are they connected?
4. Travelers
A time-traveling show which will always keep you on edge.
5. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
Everything is connected and everything has a reason in Dirk Gently’s world.
6. Stranger Things
First, their friend goes missing and then three little boys meet a girl who has mysterious powers and strange things start happening in their town.
Also Read: Game Of Thrones: 5 Shocking Moments From The First Episode
Are you ready for a binging session?
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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Game of Thrones Trailer 2: Everything You Might Have Missed
The second and probably last trailer for Game of Thrones is here and we cannot hold our excitement. Even though this season just has seven episodes, it looks like there are going to be a lot of battles and death.
With the fast-paced trailer, chances are, you might have missed a few important things. Here are some things from the second trailer you might have missed:
1. Bran is flying as the three-eyed raven when the Night King marks him (and eventually finds him). He also makes it to Winterfell, finally.
2. Jon Snow moves towards the north of the wall and fights the army of dead
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3. Daenerys lands at Dragonstone, which is an island in the Blackwater Bay and the original seat of House Targaryen
4. John Snow and Davos are also at Dragonstone which means they will probably meet Daenerys
5. Grey Worm is heading towards Casterly Rock which is probably the place where the Unsullied will fight Lannisters
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6. Pod and Brienne are still at Winterfell
7. Euron Greyjoy is holding the flaming sword, but let’s be honest, he isn’t Azhor Ahai
8. As Sansa says “When the snows fall, and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” – So will a Stark die again this season?
Also Read: 6 Things Wonder Woman Can Do That No One Else
Are you as excited for the new season as we are?
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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7 Amazing Teen Movies You Completely Forgot About
One of the trends from late 90’s and early 00’s that we dearly miss are the teen movies. A little bit of drama, a bit of music, some chapstick, sassy clothes, and lots of love – that’s what the teen movies were made of. These were the films that always ensured a bubbly happy feeling post watching. So let’s revisit some of the amazing teen movies you might have forgotten about.
1. Aquamarine, which is based on a book by Alice Hoffman and is the story of a mermaid who searches for true love on land with a tight deadline
2. Herbie: Fully Loaded is the story of a Volkswagen Beetle with magical powers who helps Maggie (Lindsay Lohan) win a big race
3. Raise Your Voice in which Hilary Duff stars as an aspiring professional singer
4. Stick It is a gymnastics movie led by Missy Peregrym and is one of the forgotten gems
5. What a Girl Wants has Amanda Bynes starring as Daphne, an American girl who goes to London to find the father whom she has never met
6. Big Fat Liar is one of off the track teen movie where a kid tries to recover his homework after it’s stolen by a big fat Hollywood producer
7. The Prince and Me is a rom-com starring Julia Stiles as Paige, who falls in love with the Crown Prince of Denmark, Edvard, not knowing about his title when both of them attend the same college
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Time to start binging!
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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6 Big DC Characters Who Have Already Been on Arrow
It is easy to say that Arrow is one of the best TV shows of the DC universe, partly because of the amazing storyline and also because of the different comic book characters that come by every once in awhile.
But sometimes, the cameo by these characters are so small that you might have missed it. Here are some of the big DC characters who have already been on Arrow:
1. Green Lantern
We don’t quite see Hal Jordan himself, but we do feel his presence. In a scene where Oliver is talking to Amanda Waller at a bar in Central City, we see a man in green jacket who walks past them. On his jacket, we see ‘Jordan’ written on it.
2. Komodo
In the comics, it was Komodo who was responsible for killing Robert Queen, Oliver’s father. In the TV show he made a very brief appearance as an assassin on hire from Quebec.
3. Constantine Drakon
Drakon, in the comics, is a very regular enemy of the Green Arrow but in the TV show we only saw him in the first episode as Adam Hunt’s bodyguard.
4. Carol Ferris
The owner of Ferris Air, Carol Ferris made several occurrences in the Green Arrow and Flash comics as a hero, and sometimes a villain. We haven’t seen her in the TV show yet, but we have seen Ferris Air pop up on several billboards on the show.
5. Connor Hawke
In the comics, Connor is Oliver Queen’s illegitimate son who takes over the Green Arrow’s mantel after Oliver’s death. But in the TV show, he is actually John Diggle’s son. We see him as a baby and then as an adult in Legends of Tomorrow when the legends travel to 2046.
6. Harley Quinn
Arrow was going to give Suicide Squad a huge storyline but it was cut short when the movie was announced. But we did see a very small glimpse of the back of Harley Quinn at ARGUS facility with her signature blonde hairs.
Also Read: 9 Things You Didn’t Know About Wonder Woman
Did you catch these characters on Arrow?
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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9 Things You Didn't Know About Wonder Woman
Finally, the wait is over and the Wonder Woman movie starring Gal Gadot as the eponymous character is about to be released. So before all of us go to the theaters to watch the wonders of Diana Prince, here are some things you didn’t know about her.
1. Once upon a time, for a brief moment in history, Marvel and DC collaborated. Wonder Woman got to meet Thor, and wielded Mjolnir with ease
2. Along with three major weapons – the Lasso of Truth, the magical sword, and the Bracelets of Victory, she also wears the mythical sandals of Hermes and gauntlet of Atlas, along with a bunch of other weapons
3. Wonder Woman was created in 1942, long before Marvel was born
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4. Cobie Smulders, Commander Maria Hill from Marvel movies, voiced the Lego Wonder Woman
5. Apart from Diana Prince, plenty others such as Queen Hippolyta, Artemis, Orana, Nubia, and Cassandra Sandsmark went on to take up the mantle of Wonder Woman
6. For years, Wonder Woman’s only Achilles’ heel was that she lost all of her powers when (only) a man tied her up
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7. Wonder Woman actually gets into a relationship with Superman and they even have their own title
8. Originally, Wonder Woman was made out of clay by her mother Hippolyta, and other gods bestowed powers on her, but this origin story was later changed and she’s said to be a product of an affair between Zeus and Hippolyta
9. Wonder Woman was initially named Suprema, but it was later changed into the current moniker
Also Read: The Flash: 5 Speedster Villains You Should Know About
June really has to pick up speed and come already so we can watch Wonder Woman in her own story!
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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The New Doctor Who Has Been Cast But Who Is it?
Ever since Peter Capaldi announced that he would be stepping down from the titular role of Doctor Who, fans have been speculating who it could be. Capaldi also recently said that he has indeed filmed the death scene but refuses to say anything else.
1. In a recent interview, the showrunner Russell T Davis opened up and said that the new Doctor Who has been casted.
The announcement could be anytime between now and right before the Christmas special, when the new Doctor is expected to make his debut.
2. The most popular name among all is Kris Marshall (from Love Actually) as the showrunners are apparently looking for a David Tenant types (The 11th Doctor)
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3. But could this be the year we finally get a female doctor, considering the writers just gave us the first open gay companion? Tilda Swinton is on the top of the list for sure.
4. Sacha Dhawan from Iron Fist is another actor who was rumoured to be auditioning for the role.
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5. Or could it be Luke Treadaway from Fortitude?
Also Read: 5 Reasons Why Orphan Black Is One of the Best TV Shows Ever
Well, to get the final answer, we might have to wait for a few more months.
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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5 Reasons Why Orphan Black Is One of the Best TV Shows Ever
Orphan Black is a Canadian show which is telecasted on BBC. The lead actress Tatiana Maslany has already received an Emmy for her brilliant performance, but that is not the only reason why you should watch it.
The show is about Sarah Manning. She witnesses a girl’s suicide who looks exactly like her. Soon she meets more girls who also look like her. They are definitely not twins, but they could be clones.
1. Tatiana Maslany plays 10+ different characters brilliantly
2. You see a clone imitate another clone
3. There is action, mystery, comedy, and so much more
4. Every clone has a separate storyline and an amazing character development
5. There is the underlying debate about science vs religion
Also Read: 9 Actresses Who Could Play Batgirl
But who created clones? How did they not know about? And why is someone trying to kill all of them? To get answers to all those questions, you will have to watch the show!
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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9 Actresses Who Could Play Batgirl
With the sudden and out of the blue announcement that there will be a solo Batgirl movie in the recent future, the fans of DC comicverse are over the moon. And we can’t help but speculate which actress will wear the cape to fight crime in Gotham city this time.
Here are some actresses who could play Batgirl.
1. At just 18 years of age, Elle Fanning has already made a name for her acting skills in Hollywood; for a youngish Batgirl, she would be perfect
2. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a truly good actress irrespective of how her movies turn out, and as a veteran-ish, she would be good for a mature Batgirl
3. Anna Kendrick was a show stealer Pitch Perfect made her a star, and this multitalented actress might be what Batgirl needs
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4. Saoirse Ronan is one of the most talented actresses currently working in Hollywood. She has already portrayed a diverse range of characters, and Batgirl will not be difficult for her
5. Nathalie Emmanuel, best known for playing Missandei in Game of Thrones, is a talented actress with a flare which could be good for Gotham city
6. Hailee Steinfeld, despite being one of the youngest actors on this list, has an Oscar nomination for her debut film and has also played an array of different roles
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7. Tatiana Maslany of Orphan Black has proven how diverse her acting and adapting skills are, and being a Batgirl will be a piece of cake for her
8. Zoe Kravitz has already acted as a badass in multiple small roles, and perhaps being a Batgirl is what she’s destined for
9. Emma Stone has proven herself time and again as one of the finest actresses of her generation, so no wonder she could be Batgirl with ease
Also Read: Lord Of The Rings: 9 Things You Didn’t Know About Frodo
No matter which actress makes the cut to be Batgirl, all we want is to see one on the big screen already!
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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9 Actresses Who Could Play Batgirl
With the sudden and out of the blue announcement that there will be a solo Batgirl movie in the recent future, the fans of DC comicverse are over the moon. And we can’t help but speculate which actress will wear the cape to fight crime in Gotham city this time.
Here are some actresses who could play Batgirl.
1. At just 18 years of age, Elle Fanning has already made a name for her acting skills in Hollywood; for a youngish Batgirl, she would be perfect
2. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a truly good actress irrespective of how her movies turn out, and as a veteran-ish, she would be good for a mature Batgirl
3. Anna Kendrick was a show stealer Pitch Perfect made her a star, and this multitalented actress might be what Batgirl needs
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4. Saoirse Ronan is one of the most talented actresses currently working in Hollywood. She has already portrayed a diverse range of characters, and Batgirl will not be difficult for her
5. Nathalie Emmanuel, best known for playing Missandei in Game of Thrones, is a talented actress with a flare which could be good for Gotham city
6. Hailee Steinfeld, despite being one of the youngest actors on this list, has an Oscar nomination for her debut film and has also played an array of different roles
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7. Tatiana Maslany of Orphan Black has proven how diverse her acting and adapting skills are, and being a Batgirl will be a piece of cake for her
8. Zoe Kravitz has already acted as a badass in multiple small roles, and perhaps being a Batgirl is what she’s destined for
9. Emma Stone has proven herself time and again as one of the finest actresses of her generation, so no wonder she could be Batgirl with ease
Also Read: Lord Of The Rings: 9 Things You Didn’t Know About Frodo
No matter which actress makes the cut to be Batgirl, all we want is to see one on the big screen already!
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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Lord Of The Rings: 9 Things You Didn't Know About Frodo
If Lord of the Rings is one of the most loves series of all time, and it is, then Frodo Baggins is one of the most loved characters. This hobbit is without a doubt one of the purest characters we have ever witnessed, whether in the pages of books or on screen. But there are a lot more to Baggins than meets the eye, so here are some things you didn’t know about him.
1. Despite the films giving an altogether different notion, Frodo is actually older than the other hobbits concerned, in the books
2. Although Bilbo adopted Frodo after his parents died, they are cousins in relation, from both Frodo’s parents’ sides
3. Director Peter Jackson wanted to make Frodo a darker character by the end of The Return of the King, by having him kill Gollum
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4. Frodo’s parents died unnaturally and till this day, the exact reason for their deaths isn’t clear
5. Sam calls Frodo as ‘Mr. Frodo’ because not only was Frodo the master of Bag End, Sam’s father also worked for the Baggins family for a long time
6. The name ‘Frodo’ comes from Old English word ‘Frod’, which means “wise by experience”. It also has connection to the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf
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7. In an earlier draft, Tolkien had referred to ‘Frodo’ as ‘Bingo Bolger-Baggins’, with Bingo apparently being a teddy bear his sons played with
8. It took actor Elijah Wood about an hour and a half of makeup and prosthetics every morning of filming to turn into Frodo Baggins
9. Incidentally, he bagged the role of the Baggins boy because of his creative audition tape that he sent, where he acted out scenes from the original books
Also Read: 5 Players We Really Want To See In Premier League Next Season
Is your mind blown yet?
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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5 Players We Really Want To See In Premier League Next Season
As the transfer season is knocking on the door, player evaluation is high on agenda. Many players will make the cut, some won’t, clubs will shuffle their players to see what works and what doesn’t. As for us fans, here are some players who we really want to see in the Premier League in the next season.
1. James Rodriguez was signed by Real Madrid after last World Cup, but he has barely gotten play time. A move and a different championship would probably do justice to his talent
2. Lyon’s Alexandre Lacazette is in excellent form and whipping up magic in the field right now. Premier League just might be the place he’s right for
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3. Antoine Griezmann of Atletico Madrid has been rumoured to consider moving to Manchester United, and we sure hope he does
4. Arturo Vidal of Bayern Munich is something English football needs in it’s field right about now
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5. Raphael Varane of Real Madrid is mesmerizing fans and critics alike with every game he plays, and though we know he’s bound to Real Madrid till 2020, we can only hope he transfers to Premier league by some magical way
Also Read: The Flash: Will Season 4 Include The Rebirth Arc From Comics?
We sincerely hope some of these players at least grace us by playing in Premier League next season.
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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The Flash: Will Season 4 Include The Rebirth Arc From Comics?
DC’s The Flash is one of the biggest comic books to TV successes of present times. The story of the time-traveling Speedsters with Barry Allen as the main protagonist often shifted from the comic books. But it is also true that this show borrows a lot from the original comics and tries to stay true to it.
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So as of now one of the biggest question is, will the show stay true to its origins in Season 4 the way it did in the previous seasons?
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Rumour has it that the villain from future Abra Kadabra is all set to shake the Flash’s world, armed with his technological advances, and a knowledge that would stun the Flash.
Now, what could this knowledge be?
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When Savitar claimed that a member of team Flash would endure a fate worse than death, could he be referring to being wiped out of existence?
And is this what Abra is coming for? In which case, this would mean that the story would take a turn towards the Rebirth Arc from the comics.
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Will Wally get swiped from existence?
The Rebirth Arc basically takes the DC heroes back to a more familiar, historically old world, with set storylines, where they may have already been. But it had happened with a sad twist, that of Wally West being wiped out of existence, who had been missing from the modern New 52 reboot. This New 52 reboot was a new timeline created as part of Barry Allen’s Flashpoint, which he already meddled with when Barry went back in time to save his mother.
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Also Read: 8 Powerful Moments From The Black Mirror
Considering this, and the previous tendencies of the show, it’s highly likely that Abra Kadabra is coming, even if not in near future, and bringing the Rebirth Arc with him.
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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8 Powerful Moments From The Black Mirror
Even with just 13 episodes in the air, Black Mirror has established itself as one of the cult shows of our time. This series hits the truth of our growing dependency on technology home hard, in a tell all manner. One of the best things about this show is that it addresses both the increasing use of technology and the paranoia regarding it. Here are some of the most powerful moments from this show.
1. When the Prime Minister was forced to have sex with a pig on live TV in “The National Anthem”
2. When Liam realizes that he is not the father of his children and cuts out the memory recording device ‘grain’ out of his body in “The Entire History of You”
3. When Bing holds a shard of glass to his throat, finally sending a message of defiance to people in “15 Million Merits”
4. When Stripe finds out that he was the victim of a computer program that made him kill innocent people instead of the monsters he thought he was fighting in “Men Against Fire”
5. When Martha tells the Android version of her late husband Ash to jump off cliff in “Be Right Back”
6. When Harry was the victim of his crush’s perceived reality and died in “White Christmas”
7. When the rating system completely breaks Lacie down, and once the ever pleasing Lacie brings out a knife to threaten people in “Nose Dive”
8. When the audience’s sympathy for Kenny comes to a halt after finding out that Kenny was indulging into child pornography in “Shut Up and Dance”
Also Read: Murder on the Orient Express: The Star-Studded take on the Classic Novel
Imagine if this really was the reality!
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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Murder on the Orient Express: The Star Studded take on the Classic Novel
Agatha Christie’s classic novel Murder on the Orient Express is now being turned into a movie and we just cannot hold the excitement. While there is no denying that Christie is the queen of murder mysteries, her gripping story will definitely be in the right hands with the star-studded cast.
1. The story is about a bunch of strangers taking the same Orient Express to London.
In the middle of the journey, the train gets stuck in a snowstorm and someone gets murdered.
2. Christie’s mystery novels belong to the category of cozy mysteries, which basically means the killer is someone you have already met about in the story
3. As expected, Johnny Depp is almost unrecognizable in his new role.
4. Apart from Depp, you can expect to see Penelope Cruz, Daisy Ridley, Leslie Odom Jr.,  Michelle Pfeiffer, Judi Dench, Sergei Polunin, and Josh Rad.
5. The role of the world-famous detective, Hercule Poirot is played by Kenneth Branagh, who has also directed the movie.
Also Read: 5 Actors Who Could Be The New Wolverine
Are you excited about the movie?
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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8 Movies You Didn't Know Invented Famous Film Cliches
By now, everyone knows that movies from a certain genre will share certain aspects, which have been so overused that we can freely call them cliches. From the disappearance of glasses rendering a girl ‘not’ to ‘hot’ in a romantic comedy to the ominous cat growling in a horror movie, we know what to expect.
But this was always not the case. There used to be a time before these cliches took over movies. These cliches only came into existence through one film, and then never left. Let’s see the movies that invented famous film cliches.
1. Whenever psychic powers are being used by or on a character in a film, they invariably start bleeding from their nose, thanks to the 1981 movie Scanners
2. That moment when a character is running away from some threat and when they finally reach their car, it just won’t start, came into vogue along with the noir film Double Indemnity
3. The 1946 film The Big Sleep brought the classic rom-com trope where the hero convincing a girl to take off her glasses, and she instantaneously becomes hot from not
4. Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove brought the idea of a war room, with leaders sitting around a large round table, with a bunch of maps and files, into existence
5. Remember the trope where a novice person has to diffuse a bomb and they don’t know which wire to cut? The 1974 movie Juggernaut brought that
6. The 1924 Harold Lloyd comedy, Girl Shy, brought the trope of hero running inside the church to stop the love of his life from marrying another person
7. We know that the favourite cuisine of zombies is human brain. But even though zombies were portrayed in films much earlier, they didn’t start eating brains until 1985’s Return of the Living Dead
8. Train station goodbyes, where one person runs to convince their beloved to stay back or bid them final goodbye first came with the 1944 romance movie Since You Went Away
Also Read: Avengers: Infinity War – 10 Actors Who have been confirmed
Even though we call these tropes cliches, it is true that perhaps the fun of watching movies would be slashed into half if these were abandoned.
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bulletstory-blog · 8 years ago
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7 New Netflix Shows In June
Let’s face it – our lives would be incorrigibly dull without Netflix. This film and shows streaming channel have not only given new meaning to the art of watching TV, it has also added another layer to the notion of the internet. With hours of great movies and TV shows waiting to watch just a click of the mouse away, these are the new shows you can watch on Netflix in June.
1. Orange is the New Black, Season 5, Available from June 2nd
2. Gypsy, Season 1, Available from June 30th
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3. Glow, Season 1, Available from June 23rd
4. Counterpunch, Season 1, Available from June 16th
5. Free Rein, Season 1, Available from June 23rd
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6. Flaked, Season 2, Available from June 2
7. Okja, June 28th
Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About Black Panther
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