bulawayo24blog-blog · 5 years
Job Growth in Criminal Justice Field
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The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that careers in the criminal justice field will grow rapidly between now and 2016. In the next few years paralegal, investigator, private detective and police officer jobs are predicted to grow between 11-22 percent.
Although a bachelor's or master's degree is not always required, a criminal justice degree is often preferred by law enforcement departments. It gives you a strong basis of knowledge when later working for a Police Department, Sheriff's Office, State Patrol or the Federal Government.
Many departments give a substantial percentage of salary increase per educational level completed, and promotions are often quicker and better for officers with a higher education degree. In addition, there's a growing trend amongst law enforcement agencies to offer tuition reimbursement.
"I believe that the degree will be well worth it when I look back on my career," said a deputy sheriff when I asked him about his master's degree in Criminal Justice from Boston University's online program.
"A master's degree in Criminal Justice can help those who are looking for work by giving them an advantage in the initial hiring process. Employers know that a candidate with a master's degree has intelligence, is dedicated, and is a person who is willing to work hard," he says. "Experience is also extremely important, but education can help individuals earn life experience and broaden their understanding of the criminal justice field."
The federal government  criminal justice essay papers is offering the deputy and all those working in a federal or county capacity the federal loan forgiveness program, which will pay for the remaining of his school debt after ten years of service.
Criminal justice is a field of innumerable possibilities, and not just in law enforcement. Political science, corrections management and criminal law are some of the specialized areas of study, as well as security, corrections, emergency response, crisis management, information technology, the court system, social work and case management.
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