builtmythical · 7 days
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Girlpool—Before the World Was Big // memorial bench quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse // Iain S. Thomas, I Wrote This For You // Zadie Smith, Swing Time // Fall Out Boy—The Kids Aren't Alright // Audrey Emmett // Mikko Harvey, "For M" // Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (tr. Ibrahim Muhawi) // Langston Hughes, "Poem"
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builtmythical · 7 days
driftwood rift
"don't panic, but i think there's something behind you." — with song jaeyong [ @bloodfaux ] // the L1 corridors
Dohwa has her own emergency supplies, too many years of knowing what can go wrong stuck deep in their brain. A new apartment and a new set of wheels didn't change that. An emergency kit tucked at an easy height and a rechargeable torch on a side table- months ago, Dohwa would've been sure they'd be good in a pinch. But priorities change, old routines falling wayside and while her torch worked for a couple of hours, by the end, Dohwa watches as the light start to flicker and dim.
Dohwa purses their lips. That's annoying. Probably not fatal, though, just- how long was this blackout going to last anyway? Eden's power is rarely knocked out for so long, their mind mapping out what they know about the city grid. But she's already on the first floor, another side of her bitches, do you actually want to risk being stuck in the dark? Their tongue flicks over their teeth. Helplessness was a different thing altogether. With a groan, she transfers off her bed and on to her chair, their sad, flickering lamp cradled on their lap.
Outside, the hallways are no longer so silent. Dark, but she can hear thumping upstairs, distant echoes louder without the usual buzz of the lights or ventilation. Her lamp flickers weakly, bathing the hallway in a sickly white. It's- honestly not that creepy.
Dohwa pushes herself towards the reception desk as her eyes adjust to the dark. Places empty of light and electricity- it wouldn't be the first for them. Bonus- Dohwa doesn't think they need to worry about the ceiling falling above them. Instead-
Dohwa tenses, their hands paused over her chair's rims. "What, there's a ghost behind me?" Dohwa asks sarcastically. They don't know what to think of Jaeyoung and their strange little story and frankly, they're not sure they want to know. Song Jaeyong has made it clear what he thinks of her. "Grow up and stop sulking in the dark, you little punk," they snipe back.
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builtmythical · 7 days
12. what's something you used to love but now hate? / "don't panic, but i think there's something behind you."
Dohwa steeples her fingers, brow furrowing as they think hard. Hate was a such an absolute sounding thing, as absolute as love. Dohwa has always struggled with that, at the depth of something like that. Finally, they shrug. "Dunno. Nothing? I'm sick of samgyetang, does that count?"
Oh, she's hated, she's loved. Specific things, like her team, the park near her old apartment and the sweet tang of taking first in exercises. How does she describe how she feels about it now? Dohwa's never been so good with her own words. But if she were to hate them, she thinks she'd know- the pang of them wouldn't hurt so much if she did. And everything else- the feelings dwarf something as easy as hate. They take up too much space in her mouth and in her throat, growing every time they try to encapsulate them with words, until Dohwa shrugs, rolls her eyes. "Did you expect something else?"
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builtmythical · 8 days
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IM DOHWA, 30, they/she, supernatural leap, kang seulgi.
bio & abilities. plots. ooc.
mera, utc+8, 25, tumblr dm first. like anytime for plotting.
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builtmythical · 8 days
19 — in another life, where do you think you would be? what would you be doing?
In another life -
The salt taste of sweat on her tongue, the deep ache radiating from her elbow, up her shoulder. The pain burrows deep, grounding her into her body. It's a countdown, and Dohwa can already mark off how many pitches she has left. Somewhere- there's no one for her in the cheap seats, no legacy or funding behind her. There is just this, there has always just been this- the barely bearable weight of her childhood (training and training and training- the only thing heavier than the world is the weight of her future on her little twiggy shoulders), the endless grind of minors, knowing that the odds are stacked against her unless she willed her body to pull it together. This- she readies her arm. Breathes in deep, her catcher in her ear. Pain builds, quiet but steady. There are no gods to intercede for her, no monsters on the field. There is this- the ball in her hand, the count in her head and only a few more moments to make it matter.
In another life -
Her parents would've been prouder. Playing villain on the playground is kind of more fun, but tag is even better. Hero training and testing- it's boring. (In one life- her parents prod and push. Their daughter's abilities may not stand out but that's what hard work is for. There are opportunities in this world that little girls are too young to say no to. They cave- Eden is overrun with the powered, many of them using their powers outside the danger of the Aeternals. Their daughter is in good company. Maybe they could've ended with this- Dohwa isn't sure how she's ended here, running a dive bar near the training center. Keep the drinks cheap and let her employees decorate it, and the trainees and occasional hero keeps coming. A hand me down from an old friend and while Dohwa is a better bartender than accountant, that's what hiring people is for. On Friday night, with some band with 7 followers and some of the best tracks she's ever heard, Dohwa thinks this contentment might last her forever.
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builtmythical · 8 days
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this is part of our ongoing EVENT #001: LIGHTS OUT IN PARADISE.
to participate, reblog this post onto the blog(s) of your participating muse(s) and make sure their ask box is open. in the tags, indicate whether you are open to question prompts only, OR question prompts and starter prompts.
if participating, please try to send at least one question prompt to other participating muses!
all event-related posts should be tagged #rj:event001. remember to tag any triggers accordingly!
while the starter prompts were created specifically to foster new threads, feel free to convert any responses to the question prompt list into threads as well.
the starter prompts were written with mostly the event-related locations in mind, but feel free to place them in different settings!.
responses can be posted until the end of the event, sunday, july 7th.
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tell me 3 truths and 1 lie, without naming which one is which.
do you wish you had a different ability?
what's your most vivid childhood memory?
when was the last time you lost your temper?
what's the worst thing you've ever done to someone?
if the building were about to burn down, what are the first three things you would grab?
do you think you're redeemable?
what was the moment you realized your life wouldn't go the way you thought it would?
do you think you'll ever make it out of here?
what is the biggest lie you've told?
when was the last time you cried and why?
what's something you used to love but now hate?
if your life paused for a day and you could go anywhere you want and do anything you want, where would you go?
what are three things you like about yourself?
how do you define "home"?
is it easier to make people love you or hate you?
if you could have any other ability, possible or impossible, what would you want?
how do you ask others for help?
in another life, where do you think you would be? what would you be doing?
what (or who) is your silver lining?
describe how your room looks.
what's something no one else knows about you?
do you believe in heroism? in heroes?
how do you escape your reality?
when was the last time you told someone honestly how you felt about them?
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"it can't get worse than this... right?"
"don't panic, but i think there's something behind you."
"what were you thinking?!"
"did you hear that?"
"i managed to get a candle before they ran out. you want to share?"
"forget this, i'm going to the pool. you want to come?"
"forget this, i'm going out. you want to come?"
"no, you don't get it, you have to help me find [object]."
"my [apartment]/[room] was getting too hot, can i stay here for a while?"
"the scanner won't read my card and i can't get back in, so..."
"do you think they keep the breaker box in the sublevel? i bet i can fix it."
"no way. i'm not going there in the dark."
"come on, we have to see it. when are we ever going to get another chance?"
"i think we're stuck here."
"i didn't know where else to go."
"okay, okay. just stay calm, stay calm, stay calm."
"i'm going out to get food. who knows how long this will last."
"is this a bad time to mention i'm not good with the dark?"
"i heard there's a bonfire at the drive-in."
"it's like these people have never seen the power go out before."
"i want to find out what that explosion was."
"it's less crowded near the river."
"this is kind of nice."
"i didn't mean to startle you."
"do you think they'll still serve us our food?"
"why did it have to be you?"
"i knew we shouldn't have come here."
"want some company?"
"hey, you! this building is for residents only!"
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builtmythical · 8 days
( ooc. ) hey yall! I havent finished my pinned post but if anyone wants to plot feel free to check out dohwa's dossier page [desktop] or her bio page ♥
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builtmythical · 9 days
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Seulgi ⟡ Chill Kill Trailer
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builtmythical · 13 days
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builtmythical · 13 days
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