buddybacker · 7 years
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buddybacker · 7 years
not nsfw related but you said you were a father?
“Indeed I am, though we don’t remain in our offsprings lives for much longer than a year like many of you do- the vast sea is always calling to the young ones to start anew without their parents guidance.”
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buddybacker · 7 years
Are you interested in trying more than just reproduction?
More anxious huffs that cause his vents to flare and a lavender tent that spreads across the white areas of his face.
“I’m not opposed to it, necessarily… Uhm, that is, depending on who would be interested in the first place.”
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buddybacker · 7 years
Are you a virgin?
“Actually, I’ve fathered many in my life- but I can’t say I’ve… Done anything like for other reasons, if that’s what you mean…”
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buddybacker · 7 years
How often do you masturbate?
An uncomfortable huff was made visible through his whole body at the question.
“N-not… Uhm, not often… I need proper stimulus and a comfortable environment like anyone else.”
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buddybacker · 7 years
It's Sexual Sunday so...
send my muse inappropriate questions
flirt with them anonymously or not
try to make them blush
kiss them at random
send me terrible pickup lines 
get my muse hot and bothered 
Pretty much this is your excuse to do what you want to my muse and see if you can get away with it. So go crazy! 
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buddybacker · 7 years
He tilted his head as her face changed hue; was it something he said? Maybe the food was the issue, or maybe-
He shook his head when he noticed how quiet things had gotten and responded, “I can eat nearly anything, but fish reminds me of home... And just tastes the best, if I may be honest.”
There was a change of color in his own face too, “I usually hoard what I can of this- I noticed it’s not a favorite for many but I can always share with you when you’d like, I’d hate to be the cause of you not getting the kind of meals your body needs.”
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buddybacker · 8 years
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Monk’s soup
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buddybacker · 8 years
"Interesting to know there are others here who 'body morph'... Thought I was an odd one out."
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buddybacker · 8 years
"I... Well that is, if you don't mind I could make trips- just remind me when you need more if you don't want it all at once," He smirked, thinking of just how much he had stored and how much there was to offer but being the only one eating it.
"Feel free to come and take what you can."
"I'll be blunt: I have a mass supply of fish built up and was wondering if a hefty portion would be a good gift to you?" -buddybacker
“Uhh, sure. Why not?”
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buddybacker · 8 years
Good- there was no need to struggle filtering himself knowing she was an open book, though there probably wasn't something he could say that would offend her with so little knowledge at this point.
"It's strange, isn't it?" He began with his hands unfurling and refirling as he faced her, "Being with the Peacekeepers when there are Jennerit, people like you, on our side... Why this group?"
His fingers closed around her hand, which was much smaller than his, and began leading her. Luckily he knew where he was going and directions weren’t something he needed to ask for.
“There are things I’ve been curious of about you, I just don’t know how to ask appropriately…” The mess hall doors slide open and they take a seat close to the entrance, “So tell me before I begin: is there any question you prefer I don’t ask?”
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buddybacker · 8 years
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buddybacker · 8 years
Not sinday but while it's on my mind gotta note something important: Buddy is most definitely a switch.
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buddybacker · 8 years
His fingers closed around her hand, which was much smaller than his, and began leading her. Luckily he knew where he was going and directions weren't something he needed to ask for.
"There are things I've been curious of about you, I just don't know how to ask appropriately..." The mess hall doors slide open and they take a seat close to the entrance, "So tell me before I begin: is there any question you prefer I don't ask?"
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buddybacker · 8 years
He almost spoke in response but instead nodded and walked gently past her.
"I was wondering why I hadn't seen you today... I suppose you need not speak to tell me why that is," He took a seat across from where it looked like she slept the way pillows and blankets were strewn about- a sign of a restless nap.
"I am here to help with anything if your condition doesn't improve."
He jumped to his feet at the sound of her (rather worn) voice.
“Ah, Miss Valer- I mean Reyna…” He hesitates to respond, seeing her dishelved hair and exhausted look in her eyes, “Do you need rest? I can return later if you need…”
Inhaling deeply, she shut her eyes tight to try and willy away the fog in her mind. That only did so much. “No… wasn’t sleeping anyway. You wanna come in?” She gestured for him to enter, running a hand through her hair to try and smooth it out. Might as well get something done if she was going to stay awake. “Just… keep the volume down, yeah?”
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buddybacker · 8 years
[File Saved]
💌 for Buddy?
Sweet Buddy,
You realy are one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my entire life. And I’m five-hundred years old, so that is saying something.
Being around somebody so genuinely genial as you is almost unbelievable. But you’re so kind that I almost feel like a bad person in comparison to you.
Please never change who you are, dear. You are perfect in every single way. Never forget that.
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buddybacker · 8 years
“Anything,” He responded immediately, a friendly smile forming as he extended his four-fingered hand to hold hers.
“Do you mind going to the mess hall to talk? Or maybe you have somewhere you’d be more comfortable- it’s up to you.”
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