Bucky's Library
83 posts
Need help finding a new/old story or something good to read? Helping readers discover/refind amazing reads, and helping writers promote their work. Feel free to send in recommendations and your own work, too. Mostly Bucky x Y/N or Bucky x OC focused. PAGE IS STILL UNDERGOING CHANGES. LIBRARY WILL BE UP SOON.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
I’m going to say something slightly controversial.
Stop posting/reading your fics on HERE and instead go post them on Archive Of Our Own or Wattpad.
In my opinion, AO3 and Wattpad was always superior for Bucky fics. Not only is it easier to find what you are looking for and not only is it easier for your work to be seen, but you get more feedback even if it’s a little. But here’s the issue- I still think more people post here over those two places and I think readers choose to find stories here over those two places, and I think that’s where the issue lies.
What do I mean?
Tumblr has NO organized way to find a specific fic you are looking for and to find it again one day. Unless you are blessed by the fucking gods of superior luck and you get 500 plus notes on your first week causing it to go on the popular page, the odds of someone running into it here are 1/120000. The 1 person is happy with the attention theirs got, readers will see the number of notes, also go into it and like it, but the other 1199 are a needle in a haystack. BUT, even though there are more readers here, the feedback is terrible because if tumblr’s lay out and the algorithm like I said before. You’ll get 500 notes, but 491 of those are likes. 7 are reblogs, two are actual feedback. So it sucks.
Meanwhile in AO3 and Wattpad, you get more interaction. You got kudos, more comments (often times, sometimes it takes time), and more friendships. It’s better for feedback. As a reader, it’s easier to find what you want to read and it’s easier to save your stories to go back to. You can even download them onto your phone.
But the issue there, too? There are two in this fandom with A.
Even though tumblr is a lot less feedback, the 500 number of notes (or even 30) gives them a higher endorphin level than seeing 5 comments on AO3, even though in AO3 it’s actual feedback. My opinion? More fics should be posted on AO3 more instead of HERE. It’s an adjustment, but it will help. Tumblr Readers need to go there. Writers, as well.
Most Bucky readers only read fics here. They need to migrate.
AO3 is better for your work and for finding what you want to read.
For some reason some writers avoid this place like the plague, but if you are looking for feedback and interactions, I encourage it. Put your pride aside (tough love here, I’m a writer myself lol) and go post there. There you will get one comment PER sentence you write. The demographic is often younger, but you’ll see people actually reading and loving your work.
To sum up: The issue has always been where Bucky readers go to read (here on tumblr and tumblr only) and where some writers write.
No offense to tumblr but I’m 100 percent sure if people started posting their Bucky fics on those two platforms now instead of here, and if readers went there instead, a big issue would be solved in terms of feeling seen.
I LOVE this. And I actually agree. If everyone moved to one or two platforms from here to one where it’s easier to find what you want to read and easier for readers to find your work, I do think it would help. I also don’t understand why more people don’t go read on AO3. It’s so easy to use, and there’s a lot of content. Just for Bucky there are almost 160k fics.
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buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
i'm still writing for bucky but interaction has indeed gone way down. i love writing for him though and i'm really lucky to get the interaction i do get, so as long as i can see people enjoying it and i continue enjoying it, i'll keep writing. but it is incredibly discouraging to take weeks on a fic for it to get maybe 100 notes with 5 reblogs. 3 of which are blank.
I’m sorry. 😔 We need to find a solution. Out of curiosity, because of what I’m about to post next, do you post only on here?
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buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
new fans onto tuned in to read possessed and then dipped. I love that author that wrote it and I love that story, so this isn’t a hate on her. She did a great job. But I have never been so disappointed in a fandom before that only ever went on Wattpad for one story because he had millions of views and then ignored every other one out there. Shame on them. Sorry, mod for the rant.
It’s alright, let it out.
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buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
I’m a Bucky writer, or at least you could also say I used to be. I stopped about three months ago. Never got feedback anymore. The one feedback I got was from a rude girl telling me that reading my fic was a waste of time since I hadn’t updated yet. I’m not sure if it was the influx of the new younger fans from the show in 2021, because she seemed very young, but things changed. I also think the kids that joined because of tfatws, a majority moved on, and older fans just got tired and what I said above.
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buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
as someone who used to love writing for bucky, i gave up a while ago. the fandom has changed immensely. initially i received loads of feedback and interaction of people, however, over a span of time, this changed. whereas my blog grew and i got waaay (like a lot) more notes, i received virtually no feedback, let alone interaction. i love the character dearly, but the amount of effort i put into writing these fics does not justify the little feedback i get. i moved on to smaller fandoms now & i feel that i get more feedback there. there are still ppl out there writing fics for bucky, just not as abundantly as during the pandemic i think (which was a huge boost for fanfics imo).
It has changed and you’re not wrong. A lot of people have left for that main reason, I’m now hearing. Apparently, though, it’s nothing new. Some people have just told me that they were getting lack of support since even BEFORE tfatws and that this fandom was always terrible with supporting their writers unless it was two or three very famous ones, which bummed the others out and discouraged them. During the pandemic, a handful of fics were super hyped up while others were completely devalued and ignored. Not shaming major popularity on good fics, but it sucks. Writers want to be seen. It sucks as well because the purpose with my blog was to help those writers who wanted and needed more attention, but I guess a majority have given up. It’s hard as writer to sit for so many hours on a project and get no interaction whatsoever. God forbid a writer literally has to write out the words “leave me a review, not just a kudo or a like” and they’ll get looked down for it. Coming back and looking at writers I used to love, it’s sad to see them gone. Leaving a review or feedback should not be that difficult. It’s easier for a reader to look for something to read and then exit out when they are done. I guess the repercussions of those actions is this.
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buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
This is really sad :/
Need to know if people out there are still reading Bucky Barnes fanfics so I can know if I should continue this page.
Just went on AO3 and the lack of interactions broke my heart.
What’s happening to Bucky’s fandom since I’ve been away?
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buckybarneslibrary · 2 years ago
Need to know if people out there are still reading Bucky Barnes fanfics so I can know if I should continue this page.
Just went on AO3 and the lack of interactions broke my heart.
What’s happening to Bucky’s fandom since I’ve been away?
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
Hi everyone.
I didn’t forget about this page that I promised I’d make. After my last post I got into a terrible car accident so I have not been on any internet for a while.
I’m just now getting around back to some normalcy. I promise I will continue this library.
thank you.
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
Just wanted to say thank you for making this account!! Your account has given me such good recommendations!!!!
So happy you’re enjoying it! We are still working on our FULL LIBRARY that will be provided for our followers, along with a recommendations file where everything will be organized. It’s a little hectic and messy right now but within a few weeks, should all be set up!
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
there's a fic I've been looking for forever for and I. an never find it. Bucky used to hate people touching him or being close to him or anything until reader came along but Steve or Sam or someone told her to ease back on how much she touched him bc it made bucky uncomfortable, so she did and he like,,, breaks down bc of it? idk it's been a while since I've read it and I've been thinking of it a lot and would love to find it again if you know it ! if not that's totally fine lmao
Currently in the search for this one. I think I read it recently. Look for an update in a bit.
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
@hydravictrix ❤️
Thank you for the rec!
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
hey, I read this one fic at the beginning of the year and now I can't find it again. It is a Bucky AU where he works at a hiking trail and he has a crush on the reader who likes to hike and take photos along the way (the reader is a florist). Then the weekend when the reader hikes again there is a really bad snow storm and a demarcated spot (I think Clint put tape around it). Bucky and Clint warns the reader about it since she is walking on her own. When the storm gets too bad the workers do a check to see if everyone got to the end of the track savely but the reader isn't there. They search for her and Bucky finds her niw broken camera near the prohibited area and then he sees her at the end of a cliff. He retrieves her but she is badly injured and he has to carry her and they have to overnight in a hollowed out rock in the cold. Bucky cares to her wounds and at the end he goes to visit her at her flower shop and she hss crutches...
please help me find this fic!!!! <3
Anyone know this??
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
I think I’m losing my mind here.. I remember reading a fic where reader and Bucky have to get data from hydra but are taken. Bucky hates her because she’s a tech person, so he’s just a jerk to her. But she ends up being tortured in front of him and he realizes how strong she really is for taking his place over and over.
I’ve been trying to find this again, literally everywhere, and can’t. Im hoping you can help. Please and thank you!!
Anyone know it? 🖤
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
thank you so much for making this page! do you happen to know of a pretty long (multi-chapter maybe?) boxer!bucky au where he and sam (and reader?) grew up together and reader has an accident where she loses her memory and sam is trying to keep bucky away from reader because he thinks he hurt her? idk it was a while ago so i'm fuzzy on the details but i remember loving it!
Anyone know this one?
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
not a specific fic, but do you (or anyone else!!) know of some good firefighter!bucky/steve fics? (one shots or series)
thank you so much!! and i love your vision for this blog - so amazing <3
Tumblr media
Anyone know any good fire fighters stories? 😃
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
I was looking for a one shot where Bucky and reader used to date (he cheated with Nat) so reader moved to Texas and he crashed at readers place after a mission
Does anyone recognize this one?
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buckybarneslibrary · 3 years ago
This is a personal favourite. It’s 18+ and so so so 🔥🥵🔥
Oh damn! I have to check this one out. Smutty read.
Bitter Fruit by @divine-mistake
18+ , oral fem.
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