bubblehead82l · 3 years
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at Druid City Regional Medical Center https://www.instagram.com/p/CKOw6exHUum/?igshid=820byhixiao5
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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at Taylorville, Alabama https://www.instagram.com/p/CKEZ4aBnjkH/?igshid=opo9pfdprqz2
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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.@jack isn't done #CensoringConservatives yet! https://therightscoop.com/breaking-secret-recording-of-twitters-jack-dorsey-saying-trump-ban-is-only-the-beginning/ (at Taylorville, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKC5QESn4rR/?igshid=8jbexcfd5wwh
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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at Taylorville, Alabama https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ80CpNnErS/?igshid=1m2s87wrkdzo4
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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at Taylorville, Alabama https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7cWG8HeKg/?igshid=16l0wkkx2zxzi
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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Joseph Prince Devotional on Bible.com Receive By Grace Through Faith Galatians 3:5 5Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?... Imagine that you are at a healing service. An alcoholic walks into the church reeking of alcohol. He sits behind the pianist, a nice elderly lady who has been serving in the church for 50 years. Both of them are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The healing power of God is present. In an instant, the alcoholic, who has never been in church before, gets healed. The pianist does not. Most people, on hearing stories like this, would get upset and confused. They might ask, “Shouldn’t God heal this nice, old lady who has been serving Him faithfully all these years, and not that debauched drunkard?” You see, many people still believe that God heals only the deserving. But that is not how God works. God looks at faith, not works. His power is made manifest in those who trust His goodness instead of their good behavior. So if we go back to the above example, God wants to heal both the alcoholic and the nice elderly pianist. All they need to do is to receive by grace, or unmerited favor, through faith. You see, we cannot earn the blessings of God. We receive them by believing God’s love and grace toward us. If we receive the greatest blessing—salvation—by simply believing that Jesus did it all for us and not by working for it, what makes us think that the other lesser blessings can be obtained by our works? So if my daughter Jessica falls sick, I don’t go to the Father and say, “Father, heal my daughter because I am Pastor Joseph Prince and I preach healing to the people.” No, I go to Him by the blood of Jesus and say, “Father, I thank You that 2,000 years ago, Jesus bore Jessica’s sickness in His body. On that basis alone and by Your grace, I pronounce her healed in Jesus’ name.” When you simply believe that you receive your blessings based on Jesus’ finished work and by His grace alone, you will receive your blessings! Thought For The Day God’s power is made manifest in those who trust His goodness instead of their good behavior. (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJydNL_HNwF/?igshid=8ofxv7m9z69l
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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From Joseph Prince Devotional - Bible.com Receive By Grace Through Faith Galatians 3:5 5Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?... Imagine that you are at a healing service. An alcoholic walks into the church reeking of alcohol. He sits behind the pianist, a nice elderly lady who has been serving in the church for 50 years. Both of them are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The healing power of God is present. In an instant, the alcoholic, who has never been in church before, gets healed. The pianist does not. Most people, on hearing stories like this, would get upset and confused. They might ask, “Shouldn’t God heal this nice, old lady who has been serving Him faithfully all these years, and not that debauched drunkard?” You see, many people still believe that God heals only the deserving. But that is not how God works. God looks at faith, not works. His power is made manifest in those who trust His goodness instead of their good behavior. So if we go back to the above example, God wants to heal both the alcoholic and the nice elderly pianist. All they need to do is to receive by grace, or unmerited favor, through faith. You see, we cannot earn the blessings of God. We receive them by believing God’s love and grace toward us. If we receive the greatest blessing—salvation—by simply believing that Jesus did it all for us and not by working for it, what makes us think that the other lesser blessings can be obtained by our works? So if my daughter Jessica falls sick, I don’t go to the Father and say, “Father, heal my daughter because I am Pastor Joseph Prince and I preach healing to the people.” No, I go to Him by the blood of Jesus and say, “Father, I thank You that 2,000 years ago, Jesus bore Jessica’s sickness in His body. On that basis alone and by Your grace, I pronounce her healed in Jesus’ name.” When you simply believe that you receive your blessings based on Jesus’ finished work and by His grace alone, you will receive your blessings! Thought For The Day God’s power is made manifest in those who trust His goodness instead of their good behavior. (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJybr7PnYX3/?igshid=1axjzu3bhaezc
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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at Birmingham, Alabama https://www.instagram.com/p/CJybr7PnYX3/?igshid=drr5r5h8kx4w
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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.Last gift idea for the #ConstitutionalConservative in your life courtesy of @the_hodgetwins. https://officialhodgetwins.com/ (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtLd7XHVmu/?igshid=167zzny45k9aw
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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.Still more gift ideas for the #ConstitutionalConservative in your life courtesy of @the_hodgetwins! https://officialhodgetwins.com/ (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtK_s4nIA3/?igshid=wm8ujx8gudut
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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.Another gift idea for the #ConstitutionalConservative in your life courtesy of @the_hodgetwins. https://officialhodgetwins.com/ (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtI8PkH84R/?igshid=56yh8p7p63sv
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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.Gift ideas for the #ConstitutionalConservative in your life courtesy of @the_hodgetwins! https://officialhodgetwins.com/ (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtHtafHXAX/?igshid=8yndailb5lkb
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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.@marklevinshow Topics: @BreitbartNews senior tech correspondent @LibertarianBlue, @Twitter, @Facebook, @FDRLST co-founder @seanmdav, #JohnDurham, California Gov. @GavinNewsom California State Assemblyman @J_GallagherAD3 https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/chtbl.com/track/384GD8/traffic.megaphone.fm/BMDC3856015502.mp3 (at Birmingham, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJq42q1Hv-A/?igshid=1q9p58cx23fcv
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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bubblehead82l · 3 years
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at Tuscaloosa Ear, Nose & Throat Center, P.C. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoESmmH-3j/?igshid=1bxa3srp1ov5s
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bubblehead82l · 4 years
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From Draw Near: 365 Ways to Greater Intimacy w/God on Bible.com PAST FEELING In 1906, a beautiful baby boy was born into a German home. As a child he was sensitive to the things of the Lord, but as a young adult he became very bitter. At twenty-six, he joined the Nazi party and became known as the butcher of Germany. Adolf Eichmann murdered six million Jews and bragged, "I will leap into my grave laughing." When he was captured and tried, he had not changed. He was executed and died as he lived--a bitter and evil man--sneering, "Regrets are for small children." Here is a vivid example of a man "past feeling." God's Word warns that this can happen, and when it does, hell spills over on our world. The Hitlers and Stalins were once children with tender feelings, but something happened along the way to drain them of all consciousness of God and compassion for man. Little by little, they stopped caring until they were "beyond feeling." Because it is urgent that men sustain compassion and love for God, preachers plow the fallow ground of people's hearts. This is why ministers urge people to give and be compassionate. The only antidote to men like Eichmann is men of love. We should examine ourselves to see if we are still moved by the hurts of humanity. Dr. Pierce often says, "Break my heart with the things that break the heart of God." This prayer reminds us that believers are to be caring people. Those who have shut off the flow of compassion will die in bitterness; those who love God and men will live forever. The Bible says: They that sow in tears shall reap in joy (Psalm 126:5). (at Taylorville, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJjGsJgnCd5/?igshid=asfp9bi1fh4f
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bubblehead82l · 4 years
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at Taylorville, Alabama https://www.instagram.com/p/CJjC6gRnRmi/?igshid=53wor8laweyd
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