bts-universe-theories · 2 years
ok no content/theories yet, just a general update of me and my delusions
ive got a hyyh video project in the works because my video production class let me pick what i wanted to do for the final. im tentatively piecing together the story chronologically according to the hyyh notes. unfortunately i am pretty bad at editing BUT we're going to see how it goes. if i like it i might upload it.
bc i like making my life simple, ive been using a google doc and compiling all of my thoughts and sources there. the main google doc is at least 15pgs long with 75% of it being hyperlinked to something, so I do have the content and the theory board but i keep changing my mind on my own timeline. I've done this at least 16 times and i suspect im gonna change ny mind even more since i havent even finished reading through year 22 of the hyyh notes. i have a few strong theories and some weak theories(/delusions/fanfic) about the overarching plot . hopefully i can piece things together enough to make sense
post planning:
complation post of all my evidence/sources
analysis posts for: i need u, prologue, run, epilogue young forever, bts universe game trailer
analysis/evidence collection post of the hyyh music videos (i need u, prologue, run, etc). ones that directly say hyyh basically
hyyh notes analysis (cause whoo boy is this baby complicated)
perhaps some character profiles (where i analyze their personality and what makes them them)
tldr: explained upcoming content & rambled abt a google doc
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Little details in â€œèŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻ on stage: Prologue”
Release: 07 September 2015
“BU content certified by Big Hit Entertainment”
Clothes and accessories identified by @GetOnSwag: Jungkook’s Roundel by London Underground bomber jacket, V’s Uniform Bridge t-shirt, Jimin’s 9 by 91 t-shirt, Jin’s Fujifilm instant camera, J-Hope’s Saint-Laurent shirt and Uniform Bridge tee, RM’s Guess What? Nirvana t-shirt, 
Post about the concert: here
Several pieces of music are played throughout the video: “Clair de lune” (moonlight) by Claude Debussy during the intro, “Outro: Love is not over” instrumental during the campfire scene, “Ma City” at the gas station, “Outro: House of Cards” instrumental during the credits and “Butterfly prologue mix” at several moments.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Little details in “Epilogue: Young Forever”
Release: 20 April 2016
“BU content certified by Big Hit Entertainment”
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
BTS Theories
So this is mostly based on HYYH era MVs and the LY Highlight Reels, as well as the LY teaser photos as translated by peachisoda, risingbangtan, and bulletproof_sg that were reposted on reddit (found here)  “HYYH: The Notes” that were include in the LY albums, translated by SnKHeart on wattpad (found here). There are a few errors or holes in it that I will update later, most revolving around Jimin and Jungkook, but this is what I have so far:
Please keep in mind that I pieced all of this together myself, so it is not necessarily accurate or what the BigHit writers were going for, also I did not pay attention to the chronological order of the videos as they were released and pieced them together to make more sense in a story-type way. If you disagree with anything, find anything wrong, or want to add something to this, then let me know because this version is always going to be open to change (:
Namjoon tried to continue his adult life (INU; Gas station) and he became a sense of stability for Taehyung, who always confided in him when something was wrong because Taehyung was still a child in his mind. He chose to take his childhood away when he took the life of his father (INU 19+ ver.) which is why Namjoon is the only sense of stable adulthood in his life. He sees him as someone who can get their life together and maintain a stable job, while he cannot even control his feelings and emotions.
Yoongi’s mother died in a house fire and her beloved piano burnt down with it. Since then he swore to never touch a piano again (HYYH: The Notes) but it’s worse for him because Jungkook, his loyal dongsaeng, confides in him and tells him his problems. Naive Jungkook doesn’t realize that Yoongi has problems of his own because he keeps to himself so Yoongi literally leaves school and Jungkook behind and they don’t see each other for a long time. Yoongi meets a girl (highlight reels) and he pushes her away because he believes that he isn’t someone who is worthy of her (LY teaser poster trans.) and pushes her away and it’s seen in INU that on the bed he lays on, someone had been there before because the sheets are wrinkled, so we’re only left to assume it’s the girl he loves but pushed away from the highlight reels. That’s also why he is seen burning things down because his childhood home was burnt down and fire brings back his childhood pain, it brings back the only problem he had encountered as a child as opposed to his adult life which is filled with problems. He wants to go back.
Hoseok has narcolepsy (which was confirmed by Hoseok himself in the making of INU) which explains the pills. He befriended Jimin in junior high/high school (estimate from HYYH notes; there’s no specific dates, just year numbers that aren’t placed in relation to their lives) and Jimin was said to go to the hospital frequently and after being discharged from the hospital, he would always move schools. At one point, Jimin had a seizure and Hoseok had blamed himself for it because Jimin had moved schools immediately after, they somehow lost contact which was odd to me because J-Hope was said to have been taken in by Jimin’s family, but until further interpretation is found, I’m going to assume that he meant in a “this is my son’s best friend, so he’s like our son” kind of way.
Jimin, because of his condition (which was never directly stated, but it is said that he had a seizure, so maybe he had epilepsy) and constant moving, wanted to be normal. At the same time though, he wanted to die because he could never fit in and could never make friends because he never stayed at the same school for a long period of time. He sees videos of Hoseok dancing (HYYH notes) and wants to be like him, as he was his only sense of normal in his whole life. He learns how to dance as seen in the highlight reels but he never sees himself as an equal to Hoseok but still worse than him.
Taehyung was depressed because he killed his father who had been abusing him and his sister his whole life and felt guilty not because he killed him but because his sister left and turned to a life of delinquency because of Taehyung killing their father. She never had a stable sense of an adult in her life, so she never had someone to tell her not to steal and keep her from doing bad things. Taehyung was the same way, but because of Namjoon, he learned how to free himself from his dark past and be there for his sister which he had once abandoned (This is all assuming that the girl in Taehyung’s scenes in the highlight reels is his sister and not a girl or interest which is why they’re like strangers because they’ve fallen so far apart after their fathers death that they are no longer familiar with each. This is also why he gets so angry and pays for her when she tries to steal)
Jungkook was bullied and beaten up by classmates in black hoods (INU, HYYH Notes), he confides in Yoongi but Yoongi left because he had his own problems so when Yoongi left, he picked up the one thing that reminded him of Yoongi; the piano. He learned songs that Yoongi once played in a similar manner to Jimin idolizing Hoseok and learning his dances). He eventually falls off the school rooftop/gets ran over (I haven’t found enough evidence to conclude which one it is, because in INU there is a scene in which Jungkook is seen with an approaching car but it doesn’t guarantee that he is hit by a car. Same thing with the roof thing, in the HYYH notes it is hinted that he did/could have fallen off of the school roof, but wasn’t said for sure.) He then ends up in a wheelchair and in a hospital for a prolonged period of time and he meets a girl he’s interested in but she leaves long before he can get any of her contact information and is left alone yet again.
So with Jin, It’s seen in the last highlight reel that he went back in time to save his girl that got ran over. So my theory is that he can not only travel in time but between universes; like doctor who on steroids. And every music video/grouping of music videos represents a different universe in which different decisions are reflected: one in which Jungkook gets hit by a car (INU) and one where he doesn’t (literally every other MV), one in which Taehyung is evil and Hoseok is good (BTS kor. ver.), and one where it’s the opposite (BS&T Jap. ver.), and one in which Jin’s girl dies and one in which she doesn’t, etc. So Jin being an inter-dimensional traveler sees all of these worlds which is why he’s always seen as being distant and like a guardian of sorts, watching over the boys and making sure they stay out of trouble (On stage prologue, he’s seen at a distance recording but never really near the boys; BS&T Jap. ver., he’s seen as the “overlooker” of their worlds so to speak and kind of just remains alone, same with INU) but every time he goes back to save one who is dying, another must die. So whenever he makes the decision to go back and alter time in some way, it happens to another person or in another dimension (I got this idea from the TV show Pushing Daisies in which a man is given the power to kill someone by touching them once, but if he touches them again, someone close to that person dies and that person comes back to life.) because you must replace a death with another death or it throws time out of balance which explains the wormhole in many of their videos, in specific, the Japanese version of BS&T. Jimin from one universe meets Jimin from another universe by traveling through a wormhole created by Jin’s time traveling and he ultimately dies AND blows up the surrounding universe. This also explains why Jin is always seemingly depressed, he HAS TO WATCH ALL OF HIS FRIENDS DIE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. And of course, this will eventually continue until the universe chooses him as the one to die in place of another one of the boys, which in theory is why Jin is seen as distancing himself from the boys because he knows that for all of them to live, someone in the friend circle must die, and if he distances himself from them, when the universe chooses him, it won’t hurt as much.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Smells Like Teen Spirit: Friendships and Rebellion in Run
Jin is singled out right away as sort of a standalone character while the others pair off, and this continues throughout all of their videos in this plot. It’s pretty clear that he is special, and we will eventually explore just how special he is, but today I wanted to give some time to the other two pairings that we see in Prologue and Run.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Singularity - Visual parallels
Well, once you start it’s hard to give it up.
What follows is a mainly visual comparative essay of some of the main parallels in V’s Singularity intro MV and other BU videos. It’s not a proper film analysis since I’m not really attempting to explain anything about Taehyung’s storyline or how Singularity might fit into it all.
To be frank I just don’t know enough of TH’s story to feel confident in making any claims about it. Also, the song and MV should be enjoyed for their own sake as well, not just reduced into a simple puzzle piece in the BU grand narrative. So even though I point out some parallels and possible references, please don’t think I’m trying to say the MV is only about those things.
So, unlike the Euphoria SF that seemed to call back to the HYYH series, I think Singularity has reminded most fans more of the Wings concept. The song is very similar to V’s Wings solo Stigma, both in style and theme. The MV as well seems to play as an echo to the era.
Some simple examples of visual parallels. The Wings tour tailer:
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Japanese version of Blood, Sweat & Tears.
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Images of broken glass and breaking ice:
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There are also some visual parallels to certain members that may or may not be intentional. Jimin:
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J-Hope is an interesting link to consider since his and V’s relationship was particularly adversarial in the Wings concept. Without getting too deep into it, J-Hope appeared as some kind of guard against the evil V represented. In the BS&T MV J-Hope seems to have failed to stop V but in the Japanese version the setup was turned on its head with J-Hope quite cruelly throwing darts at a seemingly wholly incapacitated V.
But, as stated above I just don’t know enough about TH’s story to give good commentary here. It’s impossible for me to say if the colour references highlighted above mean something. But considering how close to each other the two music videos were shot I doubt the production team was completely unaware of the similarities.
Another member that could be expected to be alluded is Jin. Not only did the main narrative of BS&T circle around the two but their conflict that we still know so little about seems to be at the core of the group’s friendship falling apart in the “real-life”. But to be honest there isn’t much that caught my eye on that front.
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Once again, the possible parallel might just be a coincidence but I do find the comparison interesting. The room with Jin is sleek, monochrome and minimalist. The room V is standing in is the complete opposite: It is overflowing, baroque, decadent, decaying
 I find the thought of the two men mirroring each other on both sides of the water’s surface interesting but honestly there isn’t really anything in the video to suggest that is the case.
This particular room with the weird, rectangular pool of water is the most intriguing set in the Singularity MV which otherwise was more on the bare side when it came to sets and props. There is a lot going on there but I’m not going to be attempting any theories about it.
A few things that did catch my eye though. One was the static-y analog TV hanging in the corner of the room which continues the pattern of weird technological mishmash mentioned in my Euphoria analysis.
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Also we seem to have acquired yet another flower theme for this era. Previously and running parallel to each other we have had reoccurring references to lilies, peonies, wildflowers, small petals in general, the whole smeraldo plot twist, etc. This time the room seems to be full of roses (I assume, I’m really not a botanist). Stylistically, colour-wise and in their abundance they seem to line up with the bed of flowers that appeared in the Love Yourself tour poster. 
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Of course the flowers in the MV seem to be dying which puts the whole tour poster in quite an unsettling light. 
When I first saw the MV, this room really reminded me of the Japanese version of Run but later realised it kinda works as a reference to Taehyung’s hideout place from the beginning of the Prologue SF (last seen in the Euphoria SF) as well.
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I’ve always felt like the Japanese MV was the first trial run for symbolic storytelling in the BU and serves in some ways as an undiluted look at the essence of each member in the narrative. Or at least how the production team saw them back then. That said I never really got why V was filmed in such a weird, watery room and I’m still not convinced I understand it now.
But the parallel for me at least is obvious. Not only due to the water but because of the subtle colour reference, the writings/newsletters on the wall, the messiness of the room and the overall claustrophobic feel of a too-cramped space.
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For the most part this new MV seems to ignore the “real-life” or HYYH side of the BU narrative. That includes the total absence of any obvious references to Namjoon who we know to be a central character in Taehyung’s story. Still, considering the Serendipity MV and its lack of obvious connection to the narrative as well this is not very surprising. After all it is supposed to be the intro to the new album.
Still, there seems to be one small visual reference to the original Run MV too:
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The MV ends with a pretty straightforward allusion to what seems to be a central theme of the upcoming album, i.e. the mask. Wearing masks was mentioned in the Highlight Reels, in KBS’s end-of-the-year gayo as well as BTS’s performance intro at the Melon Music Awards. The overall message seems to encourage taking the mask off yet here V ends up putting it on. Easier said than done I guess.
The single black tear that falls from the eye of the mask is obviously something that many have traced back to the Wings era. The falling of colourful tears was an oft-repeated motif, significance of which never really got explained. Both JM and JK had it before as well as the black-winged statue widely assumed to represent V in the BS&T MV.
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For me the tear that came to my mind first is the one falling from JM’s eye in the Wings tour trailer. Not only because of the colour but there is only one tear. Also something in JM’s pale, unmoving face kinda reminds me of a mask as well.
But perhaps an even stronger association for me is actually Jin’s cracking face in that very same video.
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Getting rid of the mask might be what we are aiming for in the Love Yourself era as a whole but I don’t think we are going to achieve that goal until the end of series. So assuming everything we think we know about the structure of the LY series and Jin’s role in the HYYH narrative, it would be perfectly symmetrical for him to be the one who will in the end provide us with the Answer.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
“BU content certified by Big Hit Entertainment”
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This sentence, as well as a certain logo (the second one, the first is BTS, the third Big Hit, and the fourth Hitman Bang), started appearing in video descriptions and on some merchandise around the time of the logo change.
Apparently, Big Hit wants to do something like the Marvel Cinematic Universe (cr.).
Here are all the times they occurred:
“I NEED U” (original ver.)
“I NEED U (Japanese Ver.)”
화양연화 on stage: prologue
“RUN -Japanese Ver.-” 
‘EPILOGUE : Young Forever’
WINGS Short Film #1 BEGIN
WINGS Short Film #2 LIE
WINGS Short Film #3 STIGMA
WINGS Short Film #6 MAMA
WINGS Short Film #7 AWAKE
“플 땀 ëˆˆëŹŒ (Blood Sweat & Tears)”
â€èĄ€ă€æ±—ă€æ¶™ -Japanese Ver.-” Official Teaser
â€œèĄ€ă€æ±—ă€æ¶™ -Japanese Ver.-”
WINGS Concept book
the LOVE YOURSELF posters
èŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻ The Notes (Eng ver) in Love Yourself æ‰żÂ Her
LOVE YOURSELF Highlight Reel '蔷’
LOVE YOURSELF Highlight Reel 'æ‰żâ€™
LOVE YOURSELF Highlight Reel '蜉’
LOVE YOURSELF Highlight Reel 'è”·æ‰żèœ‰ç”â€™
Euphoria : Theme of LOVE YOURSELF è”· Wonder
'FAKE LOVE’ Official Teaser 1
'FAKE LOVE’ Official MV (Extended ver.)
èŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻ The Notes (Eng ver) in Love Yourself 蜉 Tear
LOVE YOURSELF 甐 Answer 'Epiphany’ Comeback Trailer
èŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻ The Notes (Eng ver) in Love Yourself 甐 Answer 
èŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻ The Notes 1 (book promoted through the @Smeraldo_Books account)
èŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻÂ Â Pt.0 <Save Me>
BTS Universe Story èŠ±æšŁćčŽèŻ 'MAP OF THE SOUL’ (Twitter)
Art Toy (they don’t have the logo but they’re obviously linked to the BU)
GRAPHIC LYRICS Series (it’s mentioned they’re inspired by the BU)
Vol.1 A Supplementary Story : You Never Walk Alone (post from Koo Jaseon, the illustrator)
Vol.2 Save ME (post from Lee Kang Hun, the illustrator)
Vol.3 House Of Cards (post from Joseph Park, the illustrator)
Vol.4 RUN (post from Choi Jeeook, the illustrator)
Vol.5 Butterfly (post from Lee Kyutae, the illustrator)
Asmita did a thorough breakdown of the books on her blog: vol.1, vol.2, vol.3, vol.4, vol.5
Concerning the videos from “Young Forever” to STIGMA, a glitch made the sentence disappear for a while, but it has been corrected. Here’s a screenshot proving it was here.
So in theory, if you want to retrieve the narrative told in BTS works, you should focus only on those elements. Except that those elements refer to other BTS works.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
a messy not really theory thing thats more of my thoughts but-
besides the remix absolutely snatching my wig, doesn’t it seem odd within the timeline??? i know that people have already seen the truck and school bus in the black and white scene that goes back to no more dream era(thank you @xtigerkidx ) bUT- some other things to think about that are in no way tied together
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we see in the beginning aoki steps up to a dj mixer board thingy(IM SORRY) is he controlling the boys in a way? we see as he remixes the music bts starts moving with it almost like puppets. is everything that bangtan or humanity does already “choreographed” in a way? do our choices matter? ALSO, is steve aoki a symbol for something much more sinister in the timeline?? ive seen people compare the screen back to N.O. era but consider is from the japanese version
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so?????? i have no clue on whats going on, am i going crazy???
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it shows bts in the mv under cameras, mics, being recorded for the media basically. so that begs the question, are they just for the media? everything they do is under a camera, so are they just manufactured entertainment we want to see? are they their own person? i have so many questions???
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oh my god namjoons face the set is a production room, which would suggest that bts has “graduated” from being just under cameras to, in a way puppeteering themselves if that makes sense? if aoki is the mixer and is essentially playing god, is this bangtan’s way of taking control like in NO and no more dream???
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we see this hooded mass right after the choreo starts, nodding in unison. is this a metaphor for army?? bc we see them in the same room as bts, essentially approving of bts. however, you could also spin it as the media, like all of the talk shows, radio shows and interviews bts did. all of them “nodding in unison” to how bts is making history which brings us to
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this scene which only remind me of fanwars?? so if the hooded people represent army, then could we be fighting? does this symbolize voting??? but also you could spin it as the media lashing out against bts if they do something they perceive as “wrong”, sort of related to how all of the american interviewers during the amas kept trying to push a crazy-fangirl-army thing(bless namjoon for standing up for the perception of armies everywhere)
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could they be jin’s pictures/frame from his videos from run and prologue 
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which would really be a twist on the whole media/camera in mic drop remix mv
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notice the barbed wire fence on the right, could that be a reference to young forever??
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also the wrecked cars?? could be jins or a reference to that sequence in run with them blocking the tunnels??
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in conclusion: i dont know what is going on but here are some of my thoughts and notices in case someone smart actually decides to make this pile of shit into a coherent theory. bts are puppets of the media, nothing is real, everything is connected and not and i am still confused
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
i literally don't know anything about the mv stores from bts which one do I have to watch first can u make a list? :o and do I have to listen to the lyrics too. pls help
*fixes glasses* I’m still studying bangtanology, but here’s what I’ve learned over the years.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
BTS Theory: Questions
Hello, everyone! I recently got a few questions from @095px (original question post is here) and answered them. I decided to make an extra post with some of the questions since they are very interesting. I thought that maybe others would like to see them as well!
! If you haven’t read my theory, then this will be confusing! Here is the link to the whole theory. !
1.     Q: why were they all encouraging v to jump off the platform at the end of the prologue? 
Remember this:
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That dream world/illusion is also seen in the prologue. We also know, that whenever something bad happens in real life, there are small things in Jin’s dream world that indicate that something is wrong. 
(For example, this drawing:
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=> indicated the fact that V killed his dad)
So, V jumping into the water also indicated his suicide in real life. In the prologue, before jumping, V looked at the boys. While V was contemplating whether he should jump or not, he saw the boys “encouraging” him while watching him. So, in the end, he jumped into the water. This is what is seen in Jin’s dream world, meaning that something similar and much worse happened in real life. Before being completely sure of his suicide, V was desperate for help. He wanted someone to be here for him and reassure him. But the other boys weren’t there and V’s only hope was RM (special pairs!). But instead of helping him, RM didn’t do anything. He and the other boys, “watched” V die.
We know how V felt when no one, especially RM, came to help him (Stigma):
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He started to feel worse because of the fact that not only RM, but also the other boys did not help him. His situation became worse and worse until he committed suicide. And again: one of the reasons for that was that the boys did not help him. Them avoiding and ignoring him “encouraged” V to commit suicide.
The boys watched and “encouraged” V when he was looking for someone to help him and hold him back = The boys watched and “encouraged” V when he looked at them one more time in the prologue before jumping.
2.     Q: what’s with the dark and light side dynamics between jhope and jimin in HR (esp. in that poster) ? (also it looks like we’re still not really clear about jimin and jhope in LY yet)
As you mentioned, we don’t know a lot about Jimin and Jhope. That’s why I can’t give you an exact reason as to why there is that dark/light side. But if we look at Suga’s and JK’s poster, we again have that dark/light side. I think JK is surrounded by light because he is completely innocent whereas Suga isn’t (I don’t think I have to explain why since this is included in my theory). Now if you compare that with Jimin and Jhope’s poster it could mean that Jhope is the most innocent one out of these two and Jimin is not (this can have many reason, for example: when Jimin lied for the first time (=> Notes) he lost (a part of?) his innocence). Sadly, this is all I can say for now.   I hope we get to find out more about Jimin and Jhope after their next comeback!
3.     Q: Jin driving in the car looking worried as all the events of the boys falling apart are happening - what’s up with that? it looks like he’s watching it happen. someone even said somewhere that jin is time travelling while IN the car and watching as all of them fall apart and that’s why he’s got this sort of distraught expression on his face.
I don’t think that he is time travelling while driving but I do believe that there is a “special” meaning behind those care scenes. Those expressions begin after he sees that picture of the boys and him together at the beach (=> he is reminded of them). And after that moment, everything starts to fall apart (=> Suga “fighting” with the girl, etc) and during this Jin’s expression changes. That could be because he “notices” that things are going wrong again – just like how he slowly started to notice it while he was staying in his illusion/dream world in WINGS.
But that would mean at the same time Jin was on his way to meet the girl, everything else also fell apart. But the problem is that we don’t know if that is the case since BigHit hasn’t released the date of Yoongi’s fight with the girl etc.
I can’t really say anything for sure right now
 there are a few other possibilities when it comes to those car scenes, but I will only mention this for now. I will tell you guys as soon as I find out more!
 4.      Q: also i’m still confused about this part. some people say that it means that jin, driving the car, is illuminating their way into adulthood but if that is so then why does this scene have so much resemblances to the one that shows before jk is hit and dies?  
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I don’t think it has anything to do with “illuminating their way into adulthood”. This scene actually troubled me a lot and I tried very hard to come up with an explanation. But there wasn’t proof for any of my ideas, so I decided not to mention it until someone asks me.
You need to know/remember two things to understand the explanation: We know that Jin has to be the one driving this car and we also know that JK died in a car accident. Moving on, the fact that Jin and the boys are together here could indicate that this is a scene from his dream world. All of the others are “ignoring” Jin while Jungkook is the only one looking him in the eyes. Jungkook is the only one who sticks out in this scene. (= The others are all doing the same while Jungkook is doing something else.) That is because he is dead, and this scene indicates that. I know, this seems like I interpreted way too much into it but listen (or read lol): If this really is a scene from the dream world then it would mean that this is Jin’s (fictional) present that he can control. But while all the others are acting according to this “fictional present” of Jin (moving forwards and not looking back at Jin), Jungkook is the only one “disobeying” by turning around and looking him in the eyes. This could mean that Jungkook – as weird as it sounds – can’t be “controlled” anymore (in the sense of: he can’t be a part of Jin’s fictional reality). Because Jungkook is dead. The reason why his death affects and changes Jin’s fictional reality is because Jin’s reality also contains a little bit of what is happening in the real world (=> The Prologue: remember the hints in Jin’s illusion? When, for example, V killed his dad in the real world and then we had this little, bloody drawing in Jin’s dream world? I’m talking about those hints.) That’s why Jungkook’s death is indicated in his illusion.
But, we also know that in RUN, Jin’s dream world (or Illusion/fictional reality, whatever you want to call it) collapses (=> RUN MV: house of cards collapsing etc). Jungkook’s death – or better said, that car scene that indicated his death – could be the last “thing” that completely destroyed Jin’s illusion. It was the last “blow” that made him realise that he can’t deceive himself/can’t lie to himself by creating a fake happiness while the boys are all suffering. It made him realise just how horrible their situation was. JK’s death could also be one of the reasons why Jin looked so desperate, sad and just horrible in RUN JAP VER.
I hope this wasn’t too confusing :’)
5.     Q: jimin + shoes picked from the sea in spring day - is this why in the photos for wings jin is the only one missing shoes cos he’s already dead before that era) some people say that this is connected to the SEWOL ferry incident, what’s your take on it?
Yes, I also thing that those shoes (+ Jimin) are why Jin doesn’t have any shoes in the WINGS era. Sewol incident: I heard about this quite often actually. I mean, it could be possible that they are also addressing that incident (since the song is also about losing someone you love) but then again, Spring Day applies to all kind of losses. What I mean is: you can connect many incidents with Spring Day since the song is generally about loss. The connection between Spring Day and that incident could be intentional or coincidental, I don’t know that. But most of BTS’ songs or music videos can be connected to several things (be it real incidents or just interpretations). And I think that that is one of the “purposes” of BTS’s concepts.
This is all for now! I hope my answers were clear enough and if anyone is still confused, you can ask me! 😊 
I still have to finish proof reading the Demian doc and work on a few other songs/performances since people have asked me for the interpretation of those. And I might have a few things to say about the MMA Intro, too. I looked more into it and I found a few things that could be interesting. I’ll try to post them as soon as I can!
Also, I’m pretty sure everyone has heard by now, but apparently BTS’ next comeback will be about “darkness and loneliness” and I think it will be connected to the theory. I am v e r y excited!!! And scared!!!
Anywayyyy, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
I got really bored, so I decided to write down my entire BTS theory, and boy is it a doozy.
Ok so
 Buckle up cause I’m gonna try to explain what I think is happening in all of the MV’s as a whole, starting from the very beginning.
I personally believe in the theory that every single BTS MV is connected into one solid timeline. All the way from No More Dream to DNA. With that being said, I do believe some videos are “outliers” of sorts. Songs like Dope, War of Hormone, Mic Drop. They don’t exactly fit into the timeline. Personally, I believe these songs are “in universe” BTS songs. Meaning those are the songs that the characters BTS are portraying in the MV’s made. We see in the Japanese version of Danger and in Boy in Luv that the boys in the MV’s also make music, so I think the “outlier” songs are their’s. That’s just a personal theory though and it’s just to explain away those songs that don’t fit.
That being said, the rest of the MV’s have a DEFINITE timeline to them. Ok, maybe not definite, but it’s there if you look hard enough. I won’t go to in depth about the timeline before I Need U though, because it’s pretty basic and easy to understand. Also, in order to fully understand this you’ll have to watch every single MV I mention, every variation of that MV (meaning Japanese versions, dance versions, etc, if they have them), every highlight reel and short film, and most dance practices (the choreography is super important and if you want, I’d be willing to make videos analyzing the choreo of BTS songs to show that more in depth. I’d also be down to analyze MV’s, though the videos will be a lot longer). If you want, I can try to make a playlist on my youtube channel that contains every single video you need to watch in chronological order.
Keep reading
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
I feel like I'm about 40 years behind in fandom but I only got into bts last summer and I was just wondering what videos are in the hyyh series? I want to get theorising but everybody seems to assume everyone else knows what they are!
important mvs (i recommend u watch them in this order):
i need u + japanese version
on stage: prologue
run + japanese version
young forever
wings short films
boy meets evil
blood sweat & tears + japanese version
wings tour trailer
wings tour vcr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (sorry about the quality these were hard to find)
love yourself highlight reels
important links:
i need u concept photos
hyyh concept photos
hyyh vcr
school luv affair concept photos but only these: x x x
love yourself concept photos (captions!!): jungkook, suga, jhope, rm, v, jimin, jin, suga/jungkook, jhope/jimin, rm/v, jin (2)
hyyh notes (!!!!!!)
+ mvs that aren’t that important but have smth to do with the story:
for you (just my theory but i like to think that this is just a small extra bg story of the hyyh characters)
spring day (not sure about this one but ppl have made theories connecting spring day to hyyh)
danger (parallels to hyyh~ namjoon + ink, jk + piano, tae cuts his hair etc.)
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Like a Butterfly: The Struggle to Capture the Meaning of their Journey
We are finally starting to get into the bigger picture of this story, and I am so excited to delve into some of the more complicated concepts illustrated throughout BTS’s videos.
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Jimin’s journey in the Bangtan Universe #11: Isolation and the slightly unsettling serenity
#0: Intro #1: The one who laughed the loudest #2: In this place of eternal mayhem the party never stops #3: Youth is not coming back #4: An impression of being stuck #5: “I’m trapped inside myself and I am dead” #6: The forbidden fruit #7: Darkness crept in #8: A deal with the Devil #9: A picture, a painting, rain, fire and tears #10: A redemption and/or salvation arc
So here we are back again. It’s the long-awaited continuation to the BU narrative arc. Let’s get to it.
On a general level it seems we have gone back to approximately the Prologue SF era so in terms of a linear timeline, we are back to the very beginning of the story. Of course “linearity” of time might just be an illusion. With Seokjin’s narration pondering about turning back time and righting mistakes in the end of the Highlight Reels and now the release of Euphoria, it seems the BTS creative team has put those ponderings into play.
I have seen a lot of discussion about SJ’s role in the time warp, if he is actively controlling it and how. I don’t really have anything to contribute to that. I’m more of a multiverse type of person, i.e. the theory that there are an infinite amount of parallel universes being created at every moment and with every choice. The differences between the universes might be big (Taehyung killing his father or not) or small (the boys wearing white instead of black) but each difference launches a whole new universe with an infinite more differences to be made. Unintended consequences might be a phenomenon to be explored.
But as always, I’ll be focusing on Jimin’s journey. And as always, our point of entrance to his story is in the I Need U MV bathtub, although this time the waters are calmer. The video seems to be “glitching” a bit.
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In many ways the Euphoria SF brought things that have only been implied before to the forefront. For instance, it’s the first time we see his hospitalisation in the “real-life”. It was implied in the Lie SF but in a very conceptual, stylised way. I have previously explained in analysis #2 why I don’t think JM was actually in Hoseok’s hospital room in the Run MV.
We also seem to get confirmation that JM and HS did spend time together in the hospital as there is one scene where both of them are wearing hospital clothes. It’s a peculiar tableau of a scene, frozen in a moment as the camera slowly rotates around to reveal a fearful-looking JM holding HS’s hand. 
At a first glance you might get the impression that HS is stepping away from JM. He maybe looks a bit disappointed. The mood is somber.
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But at a closer look it’s not that simple. There is a quick hidden edit at the middle of the sequence where we see another angle of the scene overlaid with the original shot.
In it HS looks to be teetering over his own feet with his head hanging low, seemingly in danger of falling down the stairs. JM is holding him back and trying to keep them both in balance by clutching the handrail. Is HS passing out like he prone to do based on the INU MV? We don’t see a resolution for the scene.
The effects used as well as the colours or lack thereof remind me of the hyper-sterilised world of the Lie MV.
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Another thing that has remained largely unaddressed thus far but is now made quite central is the overarching theme of JM’s loneliness and isolation throughout the BU grand narrative. I talked about it especially in the context of the HYYH series but also in Spring Day.
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In Euphoria this is made evident most acutely in the shots of JM alone in the hospital. The image of him skipping around the empty game room, obviously waiting for the other members to come visit him makes it quite painfully clear.
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When the members do visit for JM’s birthday, we see a lighthearted scramble to get to the hospital exit in a slow-mo pandemonium reminiscent of the Spring Day MV birthday scene. The way the mad dash begins with Namjoon at the game room door and ends with JM triumphantly throwing away his hospital gown (and pulling his SD shirt on instead) makes me think they are running away from the hospital staff and busting JM free, even if it’s just for a day.
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I have seen quite a few fans suggest that the members’ visit never took place and was maybe all in JM’s head. I guess in the BU anything is possible but I don’t see any particular reason to think that. If nothing else, we do have the photographic evidence of the guys being there, in that room, wearing the clothes we see in the video. Of course the photographs might be hallucinations as well, but to me the interpretation is starting to get unnecessarily convoluted. For now I have no reason to think they were never there.
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That is not to say he’s not lonely. In a recreation of the “escape” from the hospital as described above, JM is seen running down the same hospital corridor towards the exit, but this time he’s alone. And this time he stops himself before getting to the door.
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I’m sure I’m not the only one who is reminded of the Serendipity MV with these hospital scenes. The way JM is dressed in loose, white clothing while his environment is in warm yellow hues. The isolation and the slightly unsettling serenity of it all.
In my previous analysis I called Serendipity a bittersweet respite in JM’s otherwise bleak narrative, so if we want to establish a connection between JM in the Serendipity MV and JM here in the “real-life”, then right now the most compelling explanation for me is that it’s the world of Serendipity that is in JM’s head. It’s his happy place full of wondrous things he goes to when the loneliness gets to be too much.
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We still don’t know for sure if and how Serendipity connects to the events in the BU but having seen this and knowing that Euphoria precedes Serendipity, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to see it quite the same way again.
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After the escape from the hospital we transition to a montage of the guys hanging out and messing around. The way the running scene in the hospital corridor is edited to this makes it seem like it’s the aftermath of their escape but in fact none of the guys are wearing the same clothes, so we should consider it a separate occasion.
And this is where it gets a bit strange.
Next up >> #12: Time warp
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
The Tragic Story Behind HYYH and WINGS (Story Told)
theory from @star_&_sugar on Amino
I used to watch bts’s mvs with a lot suspicions and searching for hints, not thinking of what everything points out in an easy way.
As I was watching the BST Japanese mv for a hundred time last night while searching for hints, my sister suddenly points out something to me that made me thought of this theory.
What if it isn’t really that deep?
Sometimes, people loves to look real close on one thing to investigate. But if the picture is bigger than one’s sight, isn’t it better to step back and look at the whole thing in a different point of view? And when I did, miraculously everything suddenly makes sense.
This theory of mine is all based on my own understanding and opinion. It can be wrong, it can be right. It’s all up to you if you want to believe it.
Btw, this is going to be one hell of a long blog so sit back and relax.
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Before we start, these are some things that are centered on this theory:
HYYH and WINGS are a story of TWO BOYS.
You’ve read it right. In my theory, this whole series that bts and bighit are dropping are just a stoy of two boys. Not seven or one, but two which are Seokjin and Taehyung’s characters.
Jungkook was Taehyung’s memory before and after he killed his father. While jimin was Taehyung’s memory after an incident that made him forgot his sins (more topic about this later on the blog).
Namjoon was Seokjin’s memory when he failed to help/save taehyung, Yoongi was his memory when he tried to reach out to taehyung and tried to hide the sins that he made (more topic about this later on the blog), and last was Hoseok, Seokjin’s memory when taehyung died (more topic about this later on the blog).
Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok was actually just a memory of what Taehyung and Seokjin have been through. Like a stages of what pushed them to do the sins that they did.
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Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi’s Dual Characters.
-These 5 members are actually playing two characters at a time throughout the whole series. Maybe, that’s the reason why we are all confused.
At one time, they we’re Taehyung and Jin’s memories. And another time, they we’re Taehyung’s group of friends.
(I would explain it further as the plot goes on).
There won’t be any Demian or Abraxas in this theory.
-Yup. I’ll make this simple like a story. I completely ignored the book of demian and just focused on the narration that namjoon excerpt from it. I made this theory as close to reality as I can.
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Seokjin, Taehyung and their sister are siblings.
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As I’ve said from the start, jungkook is part of taehyung’s memory while yoongi is part of jin’s. It was shown throughout the series of mvs that jungkook and yoongi are brothers so I concluded that jin is part of taehyung’s family.
In stigma and I need U mv, taehyung’s family was only consist of his sister and abusive father. Meaning that their mother is nowhere to be found, so is Seokjin. It implies that their parents have divorced and their mother took jin, while their father got the custody for taehyung and his sister.
The piano and whistling in first love (yoongi’s short film) is an indication that taehyung and jin used to have a dream to pursue music. They we’re close but because of the seperation, all those dreams was shattered; hence the burning piano on jungkook’s nightmare (begin short film).
Maybe also because of the separation, taehyung’s father became a drunkard and abusive.
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We can also see in stigma that taehyung started as a weak common teen who gets abused by his father. Then throughout the short film, whenever his sister gets beat up the look on his eyes would change. The pent up anger and frustration of not being able to protect his sister drastically changed him.
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Right from the start of ‘I Need U’, we can already notice the frustration on taehyung’s face. He was like a walking volcano, ready to erupt. So to prevent himself from doing something that he wasn’t supposed to do, he aimlessly walked around the neighborhood to cool off his head, but when he got back home what greets him is his father beating up his sister.
That is when he snapped. He felt like it was the only way to escape.
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Taehyung killed his father. He commited a crime, but why wasn’t he in jail?
I was confuse at this too until I’ve listen to stigma once again.
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Taehyung’s sister covered for his crime and took the blame instead.
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The story goes on and now we’re at the 'On Stage: Prologue’.
It started with taehyung sitting somewhere secluded with his hands covered in blood. He called someone and desperately said “Hyung, I want to see you.”
The question is, was the phone call answered or was it left straight into voicemail?
That question was cleared with namjoon’s short film 'Reflection’.
The call was unanswered.
In reflection, namjoon was seen to be struggling to unlock the phone booth to answer the phone call, but it was already too late.
Namjoon was jin’s memories of regret. That if only he responded to taehyung’s call for help, eveything would have been different.
Just like a butterfly’s effect, one little mistake can lead into someone’s ultimate despare.
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Now, taehyung used to be pure. He used to be a child with lots of hopeful dreams, but because of life’s unfortunate challenges; he changed.
He was an angel but his white wings was tainted black by the huge crime that he commited.
Like a rat pushed into a corner, taehyung fought back.
This stage of his life was portrayed by jungkook.
This is the part in bst japanese mv where my sister pointed out that made everything clear to me.
“This is like run but darker” That’s what she said and that was actually crucial.
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The intro of wing’s album is “Boy meets evil”
In which taehyung did met evil but in sheep’s cloths.
I persume that somewhere along the way, taehyung met namjoon (second character) and with namjoon comes his group of other friends; jungkook, yoongi, jimin and hoseok (second character).
When you’re alone and lonely, every little interaction can be seen as a helping hand.
And that helping hand that was givin to taehyung was namjoon’s. But namjoon isn’t actually nice.
In bst japanese mv there was a scene where namjoon forcibly made jungkook drink an alcohol, then after that jungkook was seem to be awaken to something.
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Namjoon was the one who opened him up into temptation and jungkook (taehyung) fell for it.
Which would explain why his hands in I need U japanese mv was covered in black, and in bst japanese mv his hands was bruised. It was because namjoon’s second character was the one who ripped taehyung’s wings.
Namjoon’s second character was the one who pushed him further into despair.
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There was also a scene where jungkook puked in the toilet and yoongi came, shaking him up as if asking why he did it, but jungkook just pushed him and ignored his presence. In this part, yoongi (jin) wasn’t really there. Jungkook (taehyung) was only hallucinating that if his brother saw what was happening in his life, that would be his reaction. Jungkook pushing yoongi’s illusion was a sign that he’s erasing his brother’s presence from his life.
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Actually, almost everything in I need U and Run mv was just taehyung’s hallucination.
In some scenes in I need u and run mv, them having fun just running around and causing a little bit of rucus everywhere was all a lie.
Run and I need U mv are at taehyung’s POV. In his mind, he thinks what they are doing aren’t harmful. But, it shows in the bst japanese mv that taehyung has lost his mind and is probably high on drugs.
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This is my additional theory that wasn’t seen on any bts mv. The moment when Jin returned and got to know about the things that happened to taehyung and his little sister. It hit him that at the same day when taehyung killed their father, he also called him. And knowing that he haven’t been able to respond the call, he started blaming himself. Seokjin searched for his brother, and when he found him, taehyung was already misserable.
I have no idea on how their confrontation happened but, again, I listened to stigma and I got a little hint on it.
“Stop crying and tell me something,
Tell the me who have no courage,
'Why did you do that to me then? Sorry’
Forget it, what right do I have?
To tell you this, or that.”
Stop crying and tell me something, tell the me who have no courage.
(He was probably hoping that Jin would tell him that what he did with their father is wrong. That jin would help him face his wrong doings. That he would help him get punished by the law)
'Why did you do that to me then? Sorry’
(He was blaming jin for ignoring the call that he made and for leaving him and his sister alone.)
Forget it, what right do I have? To tell you this, or that.
(Taehyung thought that even if he rant about his feelings and burden to jin, it won’t make any difference. So he kept quiet and resulted for the conflict to be left unsolved)
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Moving on, in Bst korean ver. mv; J-hope portays an archer and he seems to be pointing out the arrow to Taehyung. I’ve done a bit of research and found out that Archangels are the highest angel in heaven and they fight off evil with good.
As I said from the start, J-hope is a part of Jin, a stage in his life. J-hope portraying an Archangel means that jin tried to help taehyung to be live on his life on the good path.
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He probably had a hard time in doing so. In bst japanese mv, we saw Jin beating up taehyung and saying 'I’m sorry’ in between.
He did this to wake taehyung up from his craziness but taehyung’s mind is already fucked up.
In run mv, we saw yoongi going wild and jungkook throwing a fist at him to stop him. This is just my conclusion but since jungkook is a part of taehyung, taehyung probably thought in his mind that jin was the one who was crazy and he needs to fight back to help him.
What taehyung was seeing in his mind is the run mv, but the thruth is the bst japanese mv.
He thought he was right but he isn’t.
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In this part, taehyung almost ended up hurting jin really bad. (as seen on bst japanese mv, he tried to attack jin)
But, it wasn’t seen that he did injured his brother.
So, taehyung probably got a hold of a bit of his sanity before doing another crime.
While still high, he ran away and walk around the streets with his mind in a mess. (I’m connecting jungkook in 'I need U’ mv here because it seems to fit)
Taehyung probably got into a car accident. Which would explain yoongi’s 'first love short film’.
And because of that incident, taehyung forgot some of his memory, most of it the bad one.
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Yoongi (Jin) took this chance to help taehyung reset his life. Yes, yoongi was jin’s stage in life where he lied and concealed the sins that taehyung did, thinking that it would be the best for him, and jimin was the stage in taehyung’s life whereas he started living with broken pieces of his real memories mixed with the fake one that jin gave him.
In jimin’s short film 'LIE’, a robot was showing him some cards with pictures on it and jimin seems to not have any memories of it, but in between; a video of jimin invertedly dancing that looks like he’s suffering can be seen.
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The robot can be interpret as the doctors who are examining him on how much memories he has and the video in between is his inner thoughts on how much he’s suffering from losing his memories.
Jimin is distressed from all the broken memories that he has, which aren’t the same with what yoongi (jin) has been telling him.
Yoongi (jin) knows about this, but he still kept on trying to hide the thruth from jimin (taehyung). Why? Because he loves his brother.
And his love for him is his greatest sin.
I know, you all are going to say that love isn’t a sin. Yes it isn’t, but it can become one. Love can distort everything and make a person obsessive.
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Which happened to yoongi(jin). Out of fear that his brother might leave and became like he used to be once regain his memories, he confined him in a room which we all already saw.
Remember the room from jin’s short film 'awake’? Yes, that was where jin confined taehyung. That empty big house was where the two of them live, jin hoping that everything would be better for them if they stay and go on the rest of their lives with just the two of them.
The apple on awake is obviously jimin’s (taehyung) favorite food. And the door on the room where jin goes to has a lot of scratches on it. Which if you can see on bst japanese ver. and taehyung’s 'stigma’ short film is what taehyung always does.
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Jin thought that maybe, hiding means forgetting; but that wasn’t definitely the case on taehyung’s side. The guilt of the crime that he did would always remain and haunts him wherever he goes.
So when taehyung’s memories slowly returns, it haunts him.
It was shown on jungkook’s short film 'begin’. How jungkook (taehyung) would wake up from the nightmares of his car accident. Then, the blurry pictures that was hanging all around him was his memories that he can’t remember; and the painting of taehyung represents how fucked up he have become.
We saw how the painting became more messy as some paint was sprayed on it, on the process jungkook started crying too; he only calmed down when the painting was burned to ashes.
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The painting is taehyung, the paint that was srayed on it is his crimes; Jungkook cries because he don’t want to believe the thruth.
Just like how he called his brother after killing his father, in the short film, he also calls for him while crying.
Because he wants to run away from his problem, jungkook burned the painting.
But lies can’t become the thruth. No matter how much we try to run away from it, the thruth would always be the only thruth.
So the time came where jimin’s (taehyung) memories returned.
When he regained all the painful memories and all the crime and sins that he did, taehyung couldn’t take it. He, unfortunately, killed himself.
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Jin’s biggest sin is his love for his brother.
He kissed the statue (which is taehyung) and even tried to protect him even though he knows that taehyung is bad and needs to be punnished.
Jin is like the angel who fell in love with evil, and because of that love he started breaking when taehyung ended his life.
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J-hope is the one who portrayed this stage of life of jin and how he cooped up with taehyung’s death.
It was always shown that j-hope keeps on taking this sort of pills. In my understanding, that is either a painkiller or sleeping pills that gives you some illusion as a side effect, and the illusion that j-hope would always see is his brother, still alive and well.
Because of his depression, j-hope overdosed in this medication that resulted to him being taken in a mental hospital/regular hospital.
Still, everywhere, his brother is still there. In run mv where j-hope is still in the hospital bed, he hallucinates that jimin was with him, but when he tried to hit him with the pillow, jimin dissapeared.
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J-hope’s mental sickness got worse that he started having seizures and tries to self harm. He isn’t really supposed to be sick, but because he keeps on running away from the reality that his brother is gone, he almost started becoming like what taehyung was.
But Jin/J-hope in a way portrayed the another side of depression. That it can be fought and it don’t always needs to end up in tragedy.
He fought his inner demons and won. In the end of j-hope’s short film 'mama’, he left the cubicle with a smile. And the quoute on it was 'because the sky is blue, because the sun is shining’ and that alone is an enough reason to continue your life.
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Jin in awake is the another presentation on how he cooped up in taehyung’s death. Letting everyone knows that it would be hard at first and it would mess up your mind; but when he opens the curtain and watched the bird fly, he knew that the world would continue turning and he should too.
Jin left the polariod pictures on the ground that has each symbols on his and his brother’s memories. Then, he walked out the room and continued outside.
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In bst japanese mv. He was seen in a car with a smile in his face.
Seokjin has moved on and survived.
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This is the end of my hyyh and wings theory. I could be wrong, but if this is really true; I have a new found respect on bts and bighit.
They definitely aren’t just idols who does this for fame, but artists who wants the world to change.
If you have more questions about my theory, just comment bellow; But keep in mind that this is just my own understanding about the hyyh and wings.
I would try to post a more throughout detailed theory next time, but for now; this is the summary.
Edit: Thank you for the feature and all your lovely comments
BTW, I didn’t add spring day into this because I’ve saw a lot of articles saying spring day is for the Sewol victims. I don’t wanna be rude by making assumptions on a song that was meant for the tragedy.
Thank you so much again for liking this blog.
message from pentan-sonyeondan
please share this because it helped me understand the mvs so much better and i think it will help others as well. thanks! <3 
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
BTS Glitch Theory:
All the videos BTS made glitch are going to be compiled together to create one whole glitchy beginning of a teaser they are going to drop (if they do) for their next MV. Imagine this: video opens up with all those videos glitching (run practice, the scene of Jin from the prologue that was taken out, everything) and then the video cuts to a tiny little clip of them in the MV and then it cuts again to the release date. BAM! And I’m predicting
it’ll come out tomorrow at 5pm. RM said himself that April will be a busy month. And the whole 2:05 theory still stands. Even the new Bangtan Bomb is almost 2 minutes and 5 seconds. That way it’ll come out on April 2nd, at 5pm. Maybe. Or at 2:05pm..or AM.
But this is all a theory, a BTS THEORY!!!
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bts-universe-theories · 2 years
Smeraldo: the Notes and Webtoon Theory
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overall: so bighit started dropping quite a fair bit of Smeraldo notes started posting out of nowehere on 7th Jan, on a Monday to say that there would be about 15 notes to be released. some dates overlapping with the previous ones that have been revealed in the album notes, highlight reels etc and notes released individually later on. sooner or later, the webtoon is also released on 15 Jan which is expected to end on April 11. the day when Seokjin keeps going back in time; or at least when he goes back in time, it just so happens to be April 11. 
warning(s): mentions of death, mental illnesses, abuse, suicide, violence; please do read with care
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