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BSHS 332 Week 5 Learning Team Ethical Standards for Human Research Discussion Paper, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 5 Learning Team Ethical Standards for Human Research Discussion Paper
Review Ch. 14 of the text prior to the Learning Team meeting. Explore the issues that are presented when doing research involving human subjects.
Respond to questions 1, 2, & 4 at the end of Ch. 14.
Write a 550- to 800-word summary with bullet points about your team’s discussion. If there are irreconcilable differences of opinion among team members, note all points of view in your summary.
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BSHS 332 Week 5 Individual Local Human Service Agency Presentation and Summary, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 5 Individual Local Human Service Agency Presentation and Summary
Prepare a paper about your agency visit or research. Agency Visit
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BSHS 332 Week 5 DQ 2, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 5 DQ 2
What are the reasons, in general, that punishment may be imposed as a consequence for ethical violations? State the basis or justifications for your answer.
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BSHS 332 Week 5 DQ 1, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 5 DQ 1
Is any profession's code of ethics as good as any other? If not, by what criteria can one decide which is better?
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BSHS 332 Week 4 Learning Team Informed Consent Summary Report, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 4 Learning Team Informed Consent Summary Report
Obtain two or more informed consent documents from any human services agencies in your community; you may bring one from your place of employment or a volunteer site. As a team, critique each document for content and thoroughness. The critiques should include comments regarding how well the document meets the elements of informed consent found in the text.
Write a 350-word summary of your critiques and submit copies of the informed consent documents along with the goals of the organization and the four elements of informed consent described in Ch. 12 of the text. Prepare to informally report on these in class.
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BSHS 332 Week 4 Learning Team Abuse Reporting Paper, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 4 Learning Team Abuse Reporting Paper
Review and report your state’s child, elder, and spouse abuse reporting laws for this meeting. Discuss these laws in relation to your thoughts on confidentiality and the duty to protect others from harm. Refer to the ethical standards of human services professionals and any other code of ethics from your text that is of interest to you.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing your team’s thoughts on the issues that were raised. If team members live in different states, compare and contrast any differences in state laws.
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BSHS 332 Week 4 Individual Personal Values and Ethical Standards Paper, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 4 Individual Personal Values and Ethical Standards Paper
Write a 2,100- to 2,450-word paper on the development of your personal values, ground rules, and ethics. Focus on the developmental aspect rather than on a particular position on any issue.
Define your values, the sources that helped shape your values—such as people, institutions and events—and the criteria and decision-making factors you use today to revise them as necessary.
Discuss the implications of your values for your work as a human service professional.
Discuss a specific ethical dilemma, in relation to the ethical standards of human service professionals, in which you would experience little difficulty due to a concordance between ethical practice and your personal belief system.
Address a specific ethical dilemma, in relation to the ethical standards of human service professionals, in which you either anticipate difficulty or have experienced difficulty in ethical practice due to a conflict or discordance between ethical practice and your personal values.
Briefly discuss each of the ethical standards and the following general principles:
o The use of psychological tests in the courtroom
o The lie detector
o Boundaries of competence
o Integrity
o Sexual harassment
o Human differences
o The legal definition of insanity
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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BSHS 332 Week 4 DQ 2, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 4 DQ 2
What are our ethical responsibilities to animals and what rights do they have? Based on this questions, what is your opinion of the necessity of having ethical standards for animals?
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BSHS 332 Week 4 DQ 1, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 4 DQ 1
In assessing risk to benefit, on what basis do you make the ultimate determination of how much risk is acceptable and how much benefit is necessary?
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BSHS 332 Week 3 Learning Team Website Regulatory Exercise,, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 3 Learning Team Website Regulatory Exercise
Visit your state’s website and search for human services department policies and the state’s statutory code related to children and adult health and human services. Explore the various policies related to the delivery of human services in your state.
Examine the statutory code related to the protection of the health of children and adults for your state. Include a discovery of the procedures for reporting child and elder abuse.
Research laws governing confidentiality, privileged communication, and the right to privacy.
Write a 350-word paper of important items for each of the three areas you have examined. You can elect to do this by state or by person or as a compare and contrast paper. Include the addresses of the Websites you visited.
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BSHS 332 Week 3 Individual Dynamics of Ethics Paper, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 3 Individual Dynamics of Ethics Paper
Research a current ethical issue that deals with a change in midstream of expectations or ground rules. Examples include the following:
The Income Support Division of a local HSD office has determined that they have spent most of their budget by the end of the third quarter, so they change the ground rules in terms of the length of time between episodes of eligibility for aid. This change would decrease the money being paid out, but is it ethical?
Schools must meet new federal requirements but have not been funded to provide the training or equipment needed to meet them. What are the legal and ethical issues? Their funding, inadequate though it may be, is at risk.
You may draw from the business, political, social, medical, educational, or any other arena.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word position paper that describes the following:
· The previous situation
· The changes taking place
· Why the changes are taking place
· Desired outcomes and future situations
· Your opinion about the issue
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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BSHS 332 Week 3 DQ 2, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 3 DQ 2
Describe a situation in which there is a conflict in the counselor's duty to the parent and to the child. In such a situation, what would you do? Can you think of how the rules of confidentiality would apply?
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BSHS 332 Week 3 DQ 1, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 3 DQ 1
Informed consent is extremely important; however, is it possible to give too much information? How much information is sufficient to establish informed consent?
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BSHS 332 Week 2 Learning Team Major Ethical Theory PowerPoint Presentation, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 2 Learning Team Major Ethical Theory PowerPoint Presentation
Read the chapter in the text—Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 10—that reflects the ethical theory for your Learning Team presentation that the faculty member assigned you during Week One.
Prepare a 20-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, which is an 8- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes for Online Campus students, using your ethical theory. Include the following:
· The major elements of the theory
· How the theory is used in making ethical judgments, including the decision-making process
· Include speaker notes.
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BSHS 332 Week 2 Individual Workplace Ethical Dilemma Paper , BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 2 Individual Workplace Ethical Dilemma Paper
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper dealing with a workplace ethical dilemma that either you have experienced personally or with which you are otherwise familiar. This paper, including at least two references, must address the following:
· The essential points of the dilemma as you understand them
· How this dilemma intersects with your personal values
· How you did or would solve the dilemma, and why you would solve it
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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BSHS 332 Week 2 DQ 2, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 2 DQ 2
Please describe the relationship between values, beliefs, and attitudes. Please feel free to include an example or an idea surrounding this topic to assist with class discussion.
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BSHS 332 Week 2 DQ 1, BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, UOP BSHS 332 Professional Ethical, and Legal Issues in Human Services, BSHS 332, UOP BSHS 332, BSHS 332 Week 1, BSHS 332 Week 2, BSHS 332 Week 3, BSHS 332 Week 4, BSHS 332 Week 5, BSHS 332 Tutorials, BSHS 332 Free, BSHS 332 Assignments
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BSHS 332 Week 2 DQ 1
Can you obey the law and still commit an ethical violation? Please explain your answer.
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