bsanczel · 4 years
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Man, time flies. Can’t believe that it’s been over a week since I’ve posted a new comic. Been busy with client graphic design work and other personal stuff. My schedule will probably get even busier in the next few months, but I’m going to post as often as I can.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Cleaning, Part 7 : Buried
This is the final part in the “Cleaning” storyline. I was originally going to have it go on longer with Pinch selling items off the side of the boat like a yard sale. Suzy, Turpin and the seagull were each going to show up, but then I decided yesterday that I wanted to wrap it up by today, so I just had them bury everything. I didn’t plan for the “bury your (emotional) baggage” metaphor when I started, but that’s where it went. It’s interesting to me where these stories decide to go. Some people comment “I can’t wait to see where this goes” during a storyline and I think “yeah, me neither!”
The reason why I wanted to wrap up the storyline by today is that today marks the one year anniversary of this comic strip. One of my goals when I started this was to go one full year of making daily strips. It was a close call with the comic posting in the 11 pm EST hour a few days, but I’m proud to be able to say that I never missed a single day (and it was a leap year!). Even though most days had me thinking “I have NOTHING for today. There is NO WAY I’m going to be able to get this done”. Somehow, it got done.
With that goal now met, I’m going to loosen up my schedule and have fun with it. I’m no longer going to be able to produce 7 new strips each week, but I’ll still make a new comic whenever I can. Might be 3 each week. Might only be 1. It’ll depend on how busy I get with life and any client work.
In between the new posts, I’ll post older comics I’ve made throughout the year that people may not have seen, as well as hand drawn art and quotes from the strip. I’ll also post any “work in progress” vids and pics of the cartoon I’m working on. I’ve always wanted this to turn into a cartoon. That’s my next goal.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Cleaning, Part 6 - An Idea
Pinch gets an idea on what Clyde can do with all the junk on the boat.
And as the comic points out, pirates are actually giant sea squirrels. They’re hairy, they bury things, and they’re a nuisance.
Tomorrow’s comic will be the last of this little storyline.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Cleaning, Part 5 - What’s In This Box?
It was fun trying to think of a name for an adult magazine that would exist in Clyde’s world.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Cleaning, Part 3 - Creating Something New
Clyde describes to Pinch the joy of building things yourself.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Cleaning, Part 2 - Tires
Pinch complains to Clyde about clearing out all the junk on the boat.
This comic is a continuation of a storyline. Check out our page to read the strips that led to this one. Follow to see where it goes from here.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Cleaning, Part 1 - The Net
Been spending time cleaning my dad’s old place the past 5 weeks, so my sister suggested a storyline where Clyde and Pinch clean the boat. Basically I’ll be making it to entertain my family during a tough time, but hopefully a lot of people can relate.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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The boys take a break during their walk.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Mercury In Retrograde
Whenever someone mentions Mercury being in retrograde, I always have Clyde’s response. Nobody ever thinks it’s funny. The most I’ll get is a polite pity laugh while the person looks for the closest exit, but I’ll never stop making this stupid joke.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Love And Fear
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Whenever you have a dream that seems real, it feels like such a waste. Dreams should be crazy. Otherwise what’s the point?
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Had a typo in yesterday’s comic. Felt bad.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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If you can’t improve on a weakness, try to turn it into a strength. I remember an interview with Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour where he said he couldn’t play fast guitar, so he instead focused on playing slow, melodic solos, which then became his strength. At least I THINK it was Gilmour... It might’ve been Keith Richards... Anyway, the point is that SOMEONE said it, and they were right. Figure out how to turn your weakness into your strength.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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Originally the moon wasn’t going to have a face, then I thought it would be neat if the moon were a character in future strips so I decided to give him one. Maybe it could give crazy advice to the guys, or something like that. Sort of like how people get all these stupid thoughts at night.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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The official Inktober day 7 theme is Fancy, and the only thing drawn in actual ink in this comic was the tiny earring.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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The theme for day 6 of Inktober is “Rodent”. The dead rat appearing in this comic was drawn very sloppily in ink.
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bsanczel · 4 years
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I’ve been using the Inktober 2020 prompts for the past two days. Yesterday’s had a simple ink drawing in it, but this one doesn’t. Breaking rules over here.
Today’s prompt was Blade.
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