Although Brynn had suddenly realized that the thing she had bumped into was someone appearing not much older than her own siblings, but she ran none the less. Unsure of where this person stood, or who he was, what his intentions were, she ran. But he followed, speaking to almost deaf ears all she could do was call out the word "No."
Glancing backwards, she saw the blonde boy following her, and behind him, nothing else but the zombie itself. Then, the worst thing that could happen in that moment did. Her feet fell out from under her, scraping her knee. The girl quickly rose back to her feet, still running, her heart still thudding, but now blood trickled down her leg.
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Run! {{Brynn+Joshua in Casper}}
A small voice had come to his attention, while he wandered through the city he had once called home. The voice sounded young, a child? It could be a trap, to lure survivors to the child only to have a sniper take them out and steal their things. Joshua couldn’t ignore his curiosity, though, so he had inched closer to where he thought it had come from.
Joshua stepped out from between two buildings to find himself practically right behind the girl, though she was staring off at something else rather than paying attention to her surroundings. He followed her line of sight to see a zombie wandering into the open, though not towards them. That is, until the girl backed into him and screamed.
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Before the zombie had known of their presence, it would have been easy to take down. Now that it knew? There were two options; shoot it or run. The kid had chosen the latter option, and before Joshua could really say anything she was running. With a sigh, he ran after her. Given that she had screamed, other zombies could have heard it and started moving over to their position. All the more reason to get out of there.
"Do you have a place to hide?," He asked, hoping she had some sort of hiding place. Even if he couldn’t fit, he could at least draw the zombies away so he wouldn’t have the memory of a zombie eating a kid.
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"--hello?" Brynn turned around, looking for someone glancing back and sighed before pressing onward. Once the rustle came in the distance again, she couldn't ignore it this time. An infected had begun to slump its way out of the bushes. 
Should she run, or should she hide? The tween remained weaponless, but if it's one thing she learned its that she needed to be quiet. Not taking her eyes off of the creature limping around blindly, she began backing up, letting it walk aimlessly in a random direction that wasn't towards her. Even if it didn't seem to notice her her big, brown eyes never left it. 
Until she bumped into something, or someone, or one of them... she wasn't sure, but she does know that her initial, startled reaction was to scream... 
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Instantly she regretted the decision, seeing that it was an actual person that she looked up at now. 
"Run..." was all she managed to say to the person, before she took off in a sprint up the road. She didn't look back, but she had to know that her reaction surely sparked its interest. 
"Just run!" she said one more time to the person nearest to her, as her tiny, weaponless frame went as fast as it could go.
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"Hello?" Brynn called out again still in the slight containment of her hallway.. just in case she had to dash for the safety of the manager's office. Right as she slowly, very, very slowly.. emerged from  the darkness and stepped into one of the quickly falling beams of sunshine. Once a voice echoed from the darkened corner of the store, near where the cashier would've been found, she jumped, nearly falling over the ice cream cooler with the fright. Although her heart rate quickly picked up, she smiled, no longer was she alone. 
The tween moved through the isles towards the glimpse of shining blond hair and the sounds of the voice asking her question after question. Once Brynn was finally able to lay eyes on the older blonde, she smiled warmly, wanting to nothing but hug the stranger for being alive and in her company. 
"My name is Brynn," she beamed, moving to pull herself upwards to sit on the counter. The action remained a struggle for the gangling limbs and thin, thin shoulders to pull herself up, but somehow she managed. There was something about the smell of the cup of noodles that seemed unappetizing, but extremely filling at the same time. She pondered on the thought, licking her lips down at the few morsels left in the can. It struck her that, though it wasn't much, the military did feed her, so she shook her head, letting the older blonde have the rest with a hum to finish her thought.
"What's your name?" she asked, quickly changing the topic and tilting her head. "And...uh... not long at all," she shrugged, "maybe like... four days or so.. my friends are somewhere out there too.." The skinny blonde offered a small shrug and a half smile, wondering if her friends had the same luck that she did.
Brynn admired the older girl beside her, she was no older than eighteen or nineteen, about the same age as Annabelle, or so she thought- the lights were dim after all. The voice, on the other hand, the way she sat, her body structure, was not that of someone from her family, but somewhere, in the deep pit of trauma hit imagination, latched onto memories of Annabelle and herself-- where she lost her train of thought zoning out for a mere second before coming back to reality. 
As most children do at such a curious age, she was filled with questions, but didn't have many answers for return. "How long have you been around?" she asked, nicely, for now, she hoped that somewhere in this mess, she hopefully find at least a friend... because she could totally take care of herself.
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Against the World || Candice & Brynn
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The sun had started to set, yet again, as the tweens feet bridged into the city that she was directed towards. But, the town that promised survival seemed more like a ghost town than a thriving human heartbeat. Nothing really seemed to be moving, but, at least it was a place that she could attempt to stay in for the night, and a place where she could safely take a rest on her throbbing feet. Uggs were not a good decision for walking long distances... like this was planned. 
With a heavy sigh, the sickeningly thin preteen slumped towards the first thing she saw, a small Stop and Shop style convenience store with only two gas pumps out front. It was nothing special, but she was sure it had been picked clean, but who knew, maybe she'd get lucky; not lucky enough for the front door to be unlocked. With a few small grunts and heavy tugs, she gave up on that entrance.  
The more she tugged, she noticed a figure inside, the final sun rays catching the top of a blonde hair, and a feminine voice was able to be heard through the glass. 
                            ...someone was here. 
Just like that, the middle schooler got a burst of energy, sending her fleeing to the back of the building to slip inside through a small emergency window. With a loud, clumsy thud, she fell inside, knocking over a pile of boxes in what seemed to be the manager's office. "Gross..." she mumbled, brushing herself off of spider webs before moving slowly towards the door, and twisting the door knob, unlocking it with a small, echoing click.
"Hello?" her little voice called out, as she slid through the ajar door, "is so-someone in here?" she meekly called out, being extra careful with her footing. The quickly setting sun only cast eerie shadows among the room which left a lot to the imagination-- especially that of a creative, childlike mind that has no walls built up to the emergency state among them.
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Against the World || Candice & Brynn
Candice never considered herself to be reliable. She never had responsibility over much in her life. Instead she always found someone else to take care of her. Responsibility for the careless naivete was all but foreign land. The blonde skipped through the isles of the small corner store, making another shopping run for her group. Socializing with the much older brooding figures was a bore to the blonde, so she always made sure she went on as much shopping trips as she could. Not only because she liked the exercise, but because she also snagged a few things for herself. Candice hopped on top of the counter, legs restlessly flinging back and forth. She dug her finger inside a can of noodles and slurped up as much of the stringy noodles as she could, greedily licking her lips. Images of her group barging in on the blonde made her giggle, as she realized if they caught her the first thing they would do is kick her out and probably take her belongings as well. Candice’s ears twitched. She swallowed the food in her mouth and hopped off the counter, holding her base ball bat. “Anybody there?” Candice hissed, hoping it to be a zombie and not her group.
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