mágica de corazón! YO SOY.....bruja despertando, consejera, yerbatera y mi amor por el mar me hace sirena.... y sueño de odissi ... movimientos sagrados que elevan la vibracion!
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Giant correspondence list anyone?
Overtime, your lists get pretty huge… here’s an incomplete version of my “herbs” list from my grimoire. I say “herbs” because I have fruits and vegetables and other things in there as well! Enjoy!
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Herbs with the Most Promising Supportive Information for Increase Fertility
Herbal fertility remedies have existed in every culture for centuries before the development of modern fertility procedures.
Most of these fertility herbs are regarded to be safe when used in the appropriate dosage.
Some of these medicinal herbs are thought to produce the best results when used in combination.
Fertility herbs are usually selected for their time-tested traditional uses as remedies as well as having some supportive scientific information regarding their ability to alleviate the broad spectrum of conditions that can impact a woman’s ability to conceive.
To learn more about the herbs for infertility (women) CLICK HERE: https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/fertility-herbs-females.html
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Dandelion Lemonade 1 cup dandelion heads* 3 cups water ¾ cups sugar 2 lemon juice and zest Pull petals from dandelion and put in bowl with one cup of water overnight. Sift into a pan, then add lemons, sugar and remaining water. Stir until sugar dissolves, bring to boil then pour into a sterilized bottle or jar. Enjoy cold. *like with all foraging practices, be mindful where you’re gathering from and how much you are gathering.
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Witches’ Blessings, Affirmations, Songs and Chants.
These are some great songs to sing to your plants, blessings for everyday use, Affirmations to add to your mediations and chants to raise energy in your circle. These have been collected from various books and different sources over time. If you’d like to know a source just let me know and I’ll go digging through my books and find out for you! {All below can be used for any of the purposes listed below}. Enjoy!
Sevenfold Blessing I call the blessings of the Goddess and the God upon me!
Blessed be my feet that bring me on my path.
Blessed be my knees that support me before the Lady and the Lord.
Blessed be my sexuality that honors life.
Blessed be my heart that holds true to my path.
Blessed be my lips that speak the sacred names.
Blessed be my eyes that see the beauty of Nature.
Blessed be my mind that seeks the wisdom of the Goddess and the God.
Witches Rune (Green version, adapted from Gardener, Valiente and other unknown origins)
Eko, Eko Azarel!
Eko, Eko Shadiel!
Eko, Eko Hecate!
Eko, Eko Cernunnos!
Darksome night & shining Moon, Hearken to this Witch’s rune.
North, then East, South and West;
Attend me here at my behest!
By the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Sea
Be thou all in accord with me.
Wand and Cauldron by Candle’s light;
Awaken all ye into life!
Censer, Pentacle, and my Cord;
Hearken ye to ward discord!
By Power and by Spoken Word,
I charge my spell to be cast and heard!
Queen of Witches, by ringing bell.
Send your aid unto this spell!
Horned Hunter of the Night,
Work my will by magic rite!
By the Powers of Land and Sea,
As I Will, So Mote it Be!
By the Powers of the Moon and Sun,
As I Will, this Spell is Done!
Eko, Eko Azarel!
Eko, Eko Shadiel!
Eko, Eko Hecate!
Eko, Eko Cernunnos!
[Repeat Ekos to raise energy]
Daily Affirmation
I am a witch! I am one with the Earth, The Universe, and the Divine! Let this day be free from Strife and Fear; Let only Joy and Love come near; With blessings given and received I walk in Peace in Word and Deed.
Offering Chant
Lady of the Moon, of the restless Sea, and the living Earth;
Lord of the Sun, of wild places, and the creatures therein;
Accept this offering I place here in Your Honor.
Grant me the wisdom to see Your Presence in all Nature,
That I be in union with thee, Ancient ones of my ancestry.
Charge of the Star Goddess
Hear ye words of the Star Goddess; she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, and whose body encircles the universe.
I who am the beauty of the green earth, the white moon among the stars, and the mystery of waters call unto thy soul; arise and come unto me.
I am the soul of nature who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return. Before my face, beloved of gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices, for behold! All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you,
To thou who think to seek me, know that thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou know the mystery. If that which thou seek thou find not within thee, thou wilt never find without.
For behold! I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.
Full Moon Prayer
A light shines bright above me & within me.
I pray the mother moon graces me with a renewed spirit, bringing calming energies to my heart & mind. I heal under her glow, as i unite her fullness of energy & light, deep into my soul. May I shine ever so bright. Blessed be.
Do you have any songs/chants/blessings/prayers/poems that you use to build energy, or sing to your plants that you’d like to share? Submit them to my page please!!
My asks are open to any and all questions, feel free to ask away if you have any questions!(not just about this post but about witchcraft as a whole.)
Merry meet & Blessed be!
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