brr-alexrutledge-blog · 10 years
Randomness says... oh :I 6... well you can do 5 instead if you want lol. (hobodreamer)
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Back away from the ducky! XD
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brr-alexrutledge-blog · 10 years
OC Art Meme!!!
Send a number and I’ll draw my OC:
In what they normally wear
In what I’m currently wearing
In a school uniform
In swimwear
In underwear
With no clothes on
In winter clothes
In fancy clothes
Making 3 different expressions
Standing on their hands
With their favorite animal
Hanging out with a friend
Sitting on the couch
Doing something they don’t normally do
Playing a sport
Beaten up
As a kid/adult
Wearing a funny hat
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brr-alexrutledge-blog · 10 years
Borealis Starlight Coiffeur Now Open for Business! ;'D
Alex: Please stop by anytime if you like if you want to get your hair done or just chat! Me and Walter would love the company! XD
Walter: PsyyyWaok Pssywoak! (Whatever....)
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