Ray Hamelin : Rat : International Mystery Man
Last active 3 hours ago
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Ray finished the last of his drink amused and nodded. It’d been a while since he’d frequented Anonymous, and when he laid eyes on the hyena he had a good idea that the night would be something of interest. “Let’s go.”
How many drinks would it take for Jin to forget about this shitty day? He stopped counting after ten. The fireman downed the last of his beer then looked to the person who had be drinking with him “You wanna go do something?” He questioned with a smirk “Come on it’ll sober you up a bit.”
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Neaera rolled her eyes but didn’t push for him to try again. It was a lost cause. Instead she remain silent waiting for him to make the next move. At this point she would do anything he suggested to make him relax since everything she had tried up to that point had failed.
Ray watched her for a moment before he leaned up and kissed her. It wasn’t heated or intending to start something that he’d inevitably stop because he just had a feeling he wouldn’t get to rest tonight. He pulled away and brought his other hand to her cheek. “I’m really glad you are here.”
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Jax looked over to Jim when Ray addressed them but noticed Jim wasn’t making a move to speak or acknowledge Ray had spoken. Trying not to let his irritation bleed through, Jaxson lifted his head and cleared his throat before speaking. “We’re seeing less hostility and a lot less accidents coming for the human shifters but we’re still clearing names and updating our database. So far they’re sticking to… to what was agreed upon. Personally I think they should be our absolute last resort.”
Ray gave Jim one last blistering look before turning all his attentions onto Jax. “Ok, so how would you approach this, Jax? Knowing what you know of this situation and knowing the damage incurred against them last year.” He was sure Jax’s solution would be shot down in favor of arguing more, but wanted to see him show Nick that their generation wasn’t a wash.
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“I don’t want Clara in our business and it’s never a good idea to be indebted to a Heavy. If we were to go that route I would want the entire floor, the one above and below us emptied out.“
“Well we can’t have it outside because god knows who would hear us." He was getting exasperated with his brother. He was still treating the fact that he didn’t pick up the phone as if that was the reason they were in trouble with all this. “We can’t have it Underground. We can’t have it in any of our shops. We aren’t going to have it anywhere near the witches or warlocks. The other animal shifters are also out. So that leaves the human shifters who may be the only other group we’ve pissed off as much as the vampires.”
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“They do have a better life. Whether they know it now or not. Anyways, there’s a difference between having a better life and making them spoiled enough that we’re setting them up for failure.“ Nick sucked his teeth. “Do you want to take over as third and try to implement those changes?“
He ignored the conversation they’d had multiple times over. He didn’t really think they’d ever see eye to eye on it. Ray let out a whoosh sound. “Is he really getting a demotion over this? Or are we expecting another death.”
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Max eyes narrowed in on Ray, daring him to make a scene, especially here and now. She would give it back ten folds. Sitting back in her chair she opt to keeping her mouth shut and letting them figure out the bullshit they’ve place that pack in.
Ray looked around at anyone to give an answer. “I would think that they’d expect SKIN to give up something else if we wanted them as a mediator. Is there anything that could be considered? Or information on them we can use to help strong arm them into helping us?” He agains looked at Max asking for an answer.
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“We can make that happen. Knowing Getta he would want to stay away from meeting in locations owned by other shifters. Taking the Field Hotel conference rooms and places like Anonymous out of the picture. Maybe SKIN can reach out to the human shifters and we can have it down at the station?“
At the mention of SKIN by Max, Ray glared at Jim, remembering the other bombshell dropped on him. “Is that new found connection really strong enough to ask for such a favor?”
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Jax sat next to Jim, keeping his head down and remaining quiet. The entire situation had him numb.
“Witches and warlocks obviously have a preference towards the vampires, but I don’t necessarily see the vampires walking into Anonymous. Obviously the human shifters are out despite being the peacekeepers, unless there’s more news on that front?” He looked at Jim and Jax, waiting for a response.
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“Ray. Besides thinking the obvious, what are some of your ideas? Let’s hear them.“
“Heavies? Mary’s been reporting Clara and the rest of them frequently going underground. The hotel might be common ground.”
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Nick frowned and wanted to ask why again but refrained. “You know why I reacted the way I did when Helo started dating online. And West cost Dakota her eye. They’re young and stupid. We weren’t that stupid when we were young. We were out on our own and able to support ourselves before we were teens. I changed and was responsible my first packmate before I was a full grown adult. I’m giving them a chance to prove themselves and they’re throwing it back in my face!”
“We were definitely that stupid.” He sighed and scratched his head. “It was a lot easier to cover our asses when we were alone. But we could be remembering things differently.” Ray turned and looked out the window. “Shouldn’t we be striving to give our young a better life? One that sees them finding their happiness at a young age. They shouldn’t have to prove themselves the same way we did. That’s counterproductive.”
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“Hey,“ she rolled over straddling his hips. “Relax. Until you get the phone call. Just take deep breaths in and out. Relax your muscles and allow your mind peace. Just for a few minutes. Okay.“
“Rayden is Japanese and is a Mortal Kombat character. As dorky as you are I figured you probably changed your name at some point or during your travels. Plus Raychard is different. I like it. It’s worthy.“ Neaera gave him a genuine smile and she was sure her eyes were shining. She finally knew his real name. “Thank you, Rayner.“
Ray’s hands moved to her hips as he stared up at her. He closed his eyes and tried to follow her suggestions, but found Nick’s voice bleeding into his head. His eyes shot open and he reached blindly for his phone. Checking it, he put it down and ran a hand over his face.
“Well despite my incredibly handsome and youthful appearance I am quite a bit older than Mortal Combat. And my mother would wrap me around the head if I even thought about changing my name.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Well you are very welcome.” Ray tentatively reached up and brushed a hand against her cheek.
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“Maybe we could do a virtual meeting? I’m unaware of any physical places that are neutral unless we both entrust a species that is neutral to us.”
“I think the question is what species do the vampires trust that we would agree with. No witches or warlocks, but maybe another animal shifter clan?”
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@ Rat Heads Meeting
“I think we need to meet with the vampires. Preferably before they try to smear us at a council meeting. And we need an actually neutral place to do it. Ideas?”
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Weser Strasse’s Grand Opening
“Mediocre at best.“ Sven sighed looking around, he was wetting his lips with the water the waitress had placed in front of him, but otherwise completely bored.
“Ouch. Now that’s unfair if you can’t try the food.” Ray said as he sat down opposite of the vampire. “If we’d known you were coming we might have set something aside special for you. Still we appreciate your support of one of our new businesses.”
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“Mouse bear… I like it,“ she poked his side with her free hand and smiled. “Maybe until it’s time for you to make an appearance again, you should try and relax, clear your mind.“
“Rayner was in my top 10. Number 7 after Ray, Raychard, Raymond, Rayford, Rayden and Rayland. Followed by Raynard and Rayshawn. I like Rayner.“ Neaera said, biting her lips. “Your easy to befriend.“
“Can’t relax. I need to be ready to go when I need to.”
“Raychard? Rayden? Are those even real names?” He teased, though his smile didn’t quite meet his eyes. “I’ve been told that before.”
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“Stop glaring holes on the side of my head!“ Nick grumbled. “She was a preadolescence.“
“How do I give off that impression? Exactly what is it that I do that gives everyone that belief.“
“I think it’s good you’ve held off on kids so far.”
“I mean you didn’t react the best with Hanna and Helo or Dakota and West.”
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“Nope, she wants to do gymnastics and dance.” She shrugged “Hopefully, that’ll help her burn some of that energy.”
“Second children are usually the wildest in my experience.” He counted out a number of $20 bills.
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