Currently a baby witch . Will post grimoire related content . Looking for tips and inspiration
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Me: There’s a tall orc barkeeper and she-
sorcerer: I roll charisma
me: why?
sorcerer: I wanna date her
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whats your hoard
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A Practical Tip for the Beginner Witch
Doing research – reading online or books, looking up videos, saving things on Tumblr – is absolutely great. Immerse yourself into it, study it, learn and let your psyche be awakened by your potential. But there’s a time when you gotta push past study and start practicing the craft. 
What I recommend: attain one of those bulky, multimedia 100 page sketchbooks from the dollar store and start writing things down. This is a practice guild book (grimoire, bos) so it doesn’t have to be neat. 
Go through your research and start writing things down. Try your hardest to break from the idea that it has to be neat, it doesn’t – it’s a PRACTICE guild book. Do it unfiltered, unrated and allow yourself to have absolute free range.
Here are some things your could focus on:
practice designing charts (natal chart, zodiac, moon phases, etc.)
practice diagrams (chakras, auroras, sigil making, palmistry)
design informational lists (tarot and runes reference sections, tea leaf reading, crystal and herbs correspondences)
write down some spells, intents, and/or rituals you’ve come across that you resonate with
practice sigil making by doodling along the sides and edges of your pages
list/sketch out altar ideas or deities
design or jot down some spreads for rune stones, tarot and/or oracle cards
pendulum boards 
design your own tarot or oracle cards!!
practice with different mediums (watercolor, acrylic paint, berry juice, markers, home-made egg tempera, stitch, candle wax, ink and quill)
Anything and Everything
This is to help you finally get things rolling with your craft. Studying is great but you gotta start! Don’t let the fear of mediocrity from your PERSONAL guild book keep you from starting witchcraft. 
After you’ve gained enough confidence then you can start going through the pages and seeing what needs work or what is ready to go into your official guild book notebook. Which doesn’t mean your sketchbook can’t be your official guild book, if that’s what your want. 
Get out there and make some magic, you crazy witches!
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May I just say, I fucking love magical femme Allura Vysoren and her bitter armored butch girlfriend Lady Kima of Vord
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Happy YULE!
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Things to Put in Your Grimoire
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Your grimoire is your personal diary of everything to do with witchcraft and spell casting. Your grimoire can contain anything that you personally find useful and inspiring🔮
Here’s a basic list of things you can include:
Moon phases and their meanings🌙
Spells (your own or other people’s)
Crystals and their meanings
Herbs and their properties 🍃
Candles and what the different colors respresent
How to open a circle/close a circle
Latin words/phrases to use during spells
Write down any dreams or premonitions you have
Write down things you want to manifest
Any quotes that inspire you
Different types of water (moon, rain, storm, etc.) and what to use them for
Simple spells (such as bath spells and tea spells)
The different zodiac signs and their traits
How to banish negative spirits
How to scry
Basically anything because it’s your grimoire
Happy witching! 🧙‍♀️
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New to Witchcraft
Does anyone know any good books/resources for herbs, crystals, altars, etc? I'm still studying and taking notes about witchcraft and have only tried a few basic sigils. Any help is appreciated!
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