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brookeandrylee · 5 years ago
Chapter Twenty One
Ry woke up the next morning, hardly remembering how she had gotten home. She cried in Brooke’s car for half an hour or so before carefully driving back to her dorm, her eyes blood shot and filled with tears. She had texted Brooke that she had made it home safe, per her request, and quietly cried herself once she reached her bed.
Once Ry had woken up, she felt numb. She wasn’t ready to see Brooke, but she knew that she needed to bring back her car, and that involved, at the very least, Brooke driving Ry home.
Ry climbed out of bed, seeing the jacket that Brooke had given her thrown haphazardly across the floor. Ry allowed herself a small smile, remembering that way Brooke had called her cute. The smile didn’t last long as more images of the night poured into her head.
‘You should have taken better care of her,’ the voice said. ‘You shouldn’t have led her on or kissed her back. She’s not even going to remember it and you’re going to have to tell her.’ The voice continued to rip her apart as she got dressed.
Ry pulled out a pair of black joggers and an old hoodie from a college that she had visited in high school. She slipped on her vans and decided on a blue baseball cap with a turtle on the front.
Ry left her dorm and walked out of her quiet suit. Her roommates were likely all still asleep, as it was only 8:30.
Ry got in Brooke’s car and threw out some of their trash from the night before, including a handful of napkins that Ry had used to cry into. Ry finished cleaning Brooke’s car and began her drive over, her stomach doing flips.
The further Ry drove, the sicker she felt. Something felt wrong. She thought about the night before and how amazing it was to kiss Brooke. She had kissed her before, but it was different last night, it was...innocent. The warm feeling that Ry had felt the night before began to recreate itself and, for just a moment, Ry let it.
She shook the feeling of warmth and tried to shake the feeling of dread and just focus on the road. She drove in silence the rest of the way, mindlessly turning and stopping when necessary.
Ry pulled up to Brooke’s apartment, using the fob attached to her key to allow herself entry. She climbed the stairs, hoping to work off some of the nerves that threatened crawling back up her throat.
Ry jogged, quickly making it to Brooke’s floor. She walked up to her door, preparing to knock, when she realized that she had the key. ‘She I still knock?’ She thought to herself. ‘But if she’s sleeping or sick, I don’t want her to have to get up.’
Ry decided she would let herself in and call out to Brooke. She found the key, but as she put her hand on the door handle, it turned itself, having already been unlocked.
Ry’s heart sank. Maybe she was just paranoid, she always made sure to lock her doors. But she had forgotten to lock Brooke’s the night before when she left.
Every worst case scenario filled her mind. She threw the door open and ran inside.
“Brooke?!” Ry yelled out, trying to stay calm. Squint greeted her at the door, meowing happily. ‘Okay that’s a good sign,’ Ry thought to herself. “Brooke, are you here?” She asked again, loudly, worry plaguing her voice.
Ry made her way to the bedroom, terrified, praying for a response.
Brooke had woken up around 8 the next morning, she felt absolutely dreadful, the first thing she did was take care of the waste basket, it smelled terrible. Next she found herself some ibuprofen and finished off the juice on her bedside table, and checked her phone. she smiled, remembering Ry had been so sweet to her. She had gotten home safe thank god.
‘Rylee... fuck.’ She thought, the memories of the night before flooding her memory. She pressed her fingers to her lips, remembering the way they felt pressed against hers. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes once more, ‘right, you ruined everything’ she reminded herself.
She was in absolutely no mood to do anything with her throbbing headache and low self esteem. ‘She ran out of here like a terrified kid, Brooke. How could you do that to her!’
Everything felt like too much to handle, she pushed herself to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. She stripped down and watched herself in the mirror as steam began to fill the room, she was really upset with herself, she could hear her mother’s critical words echo though her skull. She tried to shake them off and stepped under the shower head, trying to scrub away the feelings of inadequacy.
She had no idea what time Ry would be showing up, she wanted to look at least semi decent after the way she had acted last night. ‘Sloppy, immature, gross, stupid.’ She told herself as she rinsed the soap from her hair and body.
She thought she had heard the front door open, she wanted to stay under the scalding water but she got out and wrapped a large towel around herself. It was Rylee, she was already here and Brooke still looked awful, her wet hair plastered to her skin. Eyes still puffy, nose still red, her skin was splotchy from how harsh she had scrubbed.
“Down here!” She hollered back, hugging the towel around herself a bit tighter and stepping into the hall where Ry could see her. “Hey, glad you could make it” she smiled softly, it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She felt self conscious, small, like She wanted to curl up under a rock and die.
Ry could feel her heart start beating again, she didn’t think she could ever be that worried. She ran forward without even thinking. “Jesus Christ, thank god!” She dropped the keys behind and and wrapped Brooke in a hug.
Her back was soaked with water and it dampened Ry’s sweatshirt, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t thinking about anything, she was just so happy that she was okay.
“Holy fuck, I’m so glad you’re okay,” Ry said, giving Brooke’s body a right squeeze before pulling back, keeping her hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry—I...the door and I just came in. I should’ve texted but it was unlocked and I...” Ry stuttered, frantically trying to explain herself.
Just as she started to get ahold of herself, she heard a beep from the kitchen. “’s done...” she said. “I, uh, I set it on a timer last night, I don’t know if you like coffee...did you want me to get you some while you get changed?”
Ry looked at her, trying get a read on her face. Did she remember what had happened last night? Did she care? Was she mad that Ry just embraced her soaking wet, barely covered, naked body. Ry tried not to think too hard about what laid beneath Brooke’s towel.
“Miss me?”
Brooke winced as the girl hugged her tightly but chuckled almost immediately. Savoring the feeling of the girls touch. “Sorry, didn’t mean to get you all wet.” She gave an apologetic smile as Rylee held her shoulders.
“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s sweet that you were worried about me.” She reassured her. “Coffee sounds great, thanks babe” she squeezed her arm and pulled back to get dressed.
Brooke went into her room but kept the door open, she shifted through her clothes. It was laundry day so her options were limited. She changed quickly into an oversized pale yellow and white striped shirt. She didn’t bother with a bra, the only panties she had left were thongs. She pulled on a basic black one and a pair of tight lounge shorts.
She looked at herself in the mirror and shrugged, hoping Ry wouldn’t get the wrong idea. She towel dried her hair and threw it up up into a large messy bun. She threw on some large fuzzy socks to keep her feet warm in the chilly apartment, then she made her way out to the living room.
Ry walked out into the kitchen, her shoulders still tight with worry. She tried to forget all of the images that flashed through her head before she knew that Brooke was okay. Ry had been prepared for the worst, which consisted of some pretty gruesome images.
Ry pulled out two coffee mugs and poured them full. She realized as she poured that she didn’t know how Brooke liked her coffee. She took out the cream and sugar and made her way into the living room, carrying everything and setting it in the coffee table.
Ry went back into the kitchen poured Brooke a glass of water, thinking she’d probably need to hydrate after their night of drinking. She set it next to their cups of coffee and walked back to the kitchen to start breakfast.
Ry heard Brooke make her way out of the bedroom. “I wasn’t sure how you took your coffee, but everything’s out on the table!” She yelled out, although she hardly had to yell. Brooke apartment was quiet. “I’m in here making pancakes,” Ry said with a smile. She had been so nervous to see Brooke, but it didn’t seem like she had remembered anything from the night before.
Brooke was about to sit on the couch, but she heard Rylee say she was making pancakes. “Are you really making me breakfast?” She asked as she wandered into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. She watched her appreciatively, sipping on her coffee.
“You’re really sweet Rylee.” She mumbled as the girl flipped a pancake. She wanted to bring up last night, she knew Ry remembered. Brooke could really just pretend nothing had happened and ignore it. No, that wouldn’t be fair to Rylee. She would have to bring it up eventually. She grabbed the butter and syrup from the fridge, then pulled open a cupboard and grabbed sun butter. Setting them on the counter with two knives, two forks, and two plates.
“Of course I’m making you breakfast!” Rylee said, chuckling. “You’re gonna need carbs to soak up all the shots you took last night.” She laughed, covering her nerves. Her face got red as she mentioned the woman’s drinks. She hoped that bringing up the previous wouldn’t remind her of anything.
“You don’t have to help, you know,” Ry said quietly. She enjoyed Brooke’s company, but she wanted to pamper her, at least a little.
“Sorry to barge in uninvited this morning,” Ry mumbled. “I should’ve called before I left, I just didn’t think about it. And then the door was unlocked and I got nervous, that um—that’s something happened,” Ry said, clearing her throat.
She didn’t want to think about how scared she was that something had happened to Brooke. And she sure as hell didn’t want to think about why she cared so much.
Ry continued making the pancakes, stealing glancing of Brooke over her shoulder every once in a while.
Brooke nodded, listening to Rylees explanation “I didn’t mean to get so fucked up, I didn’t realize I hadn’t eaten anything” she chuckled along.
“I can go sit down if you want me out of the way, but I just like hanging out with you”
‘Shit, am I being too forward?’ She asked herself, ‘I don’t want to make her feel weird, and I definitely don’t want to lose her.’
“It’s sweet that you were worried, I’m really okay” she rubbed her arm reassuringly.
“You weren’t too bad,” Rylee laughed, trying to make Brooke feel better. “It was my fault, I totally forgot that we were gonna get bar food. And you’re more than welcome to stay out here, I just thought that you might not be feeling so hot.”
Ry flipped another pancake. “I think I have enough for two more, so we’d each have three. I’m not sure how many you wanted, I can make more if you’re still hungry.” Ry said, turning to Brooke, giving her a once over.
Rylee hadn’t noticed what she was wearing until now. Her shirt had wet spots on it, presumably from her shower, making parts of her shirt see through. Ry tried not to stare. Her eyes ventured down to her legs, water droplets still running down them.
Ry cleared her throat, bringing her attention back to the pancakes. “I— I’m glad you’re okay. I’m sorry if I scared you, I just...I was worried with the door unlocked. I’m really sorry I didn’t lock it when I left, I can be really thoughtless.” Ry spoke carefully, trying to avoid discussing last night’s events.
“The pancakes are almost done, I’m not sure where you wanted to eat,” Ry spoke softly, not looking up from the pancakes.
Brooke rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. Ry didn’t seem upset with her, at least too bad. “No, no you didn’t do anything wrong! We were both having too much fun to pay attention to anything else, I’m doing okay though, so I’ll hang out here if you don’t mind” she chuckled, standing awkwardly in her own kitchen.
“Three is perfect, thank you” she grinned, watching Rylees eyes take in her figure. She felt a small blush on her cheeks and her nipples hardened against her shirt in excitement.
She tried not to react to her gaze but it was difficult. Still desperately wishing for her touch. “You didn’t scare me dear, I really appreciate your looking out for me. You’re not thoughtless, I understand why you left in such a hurry last night” she mumbled before her eyes went wide. ‘Fuck’ she thought. ‘No going back now, she had to know I remember now.’
“, yeah...I just—,” Ry was at a loss for words. Brooke’s comment caught her off guard, she didn’t know what to say.
“I’m sorry,” Ry said, solemnly, looking at her feet. “I just got, um, caught up in the moment. I knew you were drunk. And I know we’re friends. I just...,” Rylee trailed off, afraid of saying the wrong thing. “I wasn’t thinking, and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Ry swallowed, hard, trying to push down her feelings. She didn’t to seem hurt, but she was afraid that she came off as cold.
“I just hope that doesn’t mean that I tainted the rest of the night. I still had a good time with you, Brooke.” Ry said, hyper focused on plating their breakfast. She was avoiding looking up, she could feel Brooke’s gaze.
‘Fuck, does she think this is her fault? No I can’t have that... I have to tell her, I can deal with the consequences. She shouldn’t have to, this isn’t her fault, I can’t let her think that.’ Brookes mind was racing as she watched the girl carefully.
“Please, please don’t apologize. I should be apologizing to you, I put you in a really shitty situation, and I shouldn’t have.” She took a step closer, gently placing her hand on Rylees arm.
“I uh, I don’t regret it, though. I’m sorry, I know that makes things confusing, and difficult. But drunk words are sober thoughts and all that. I guess drunk actions are sober desires” she shrugged.
“I had a really great time with you, and I’m sorry if I got out of hand. Next time you can get sloshed and I’ll drive” she laughed lightly, trying to alleviate some of the palpable tension.
Ry looked at her with a blank expression. “What?” She asked, trying to comprehend what she said. “Can I...can I sit down?” Ry felt light headed, she wasn’t sure if she was hearing her right. She carried the pancakes out to the living room, placing them on the coffee table. She sat herself on the couch, leaving a spot for Brooke to sit next to her.
“I’m sorry, um, what do you mean?” Ry spoke quietly, her voice dry.
Brooke frowned, knowing she was the reason everything felt so weird. “Er- yeah, go ahead.” She gestured to the living room and followed her out and sat next to her. The couch was small and there wasn’t a lot of space for Brooke not to be touching her in some capacity, she tried to keep it to a minimum as she explained herself.
“I mean uh, that- I...” she sighed, “Sorry, its hard to put my thoughts together when I’m hungover” she scratched at the back of her hand nervously. Her gaze was pinned to the ground as she began. “I know I said that what happened wasn’t right, and that it wouldn’t happen again” she paused to look up at Ry
“I uh, I really like hanging out with you, I also really really like kissing you. You make me so happy, more so than I thought I was capable of... And I don’t wanna have to deny myself being happy because the college might not like it.” She mumbled, her leg had started bouncing anxiously.
“I know it’s risky, I know it’s not a great idea, but maybe, if you felt similarly... we could, uh... go on a date sometime? Or just hang out in my apartment and just... enjoy each others company?” She bit her lip gently, quickly adding “I’m sorry, I know this is a lot, and I’m going back on everything I had said previously, but I can’t sit here and pretend I don’t want to kiss you again.”
Ry’s head was spinning. There was no way this was happening. There was no way in hell that a girl like her liked a girl like like that. Only 27. Established. Successful. Smart. Beautiful.
“Are you still drunk?” Ry blurted out, genuinely curious. She was sure that she wasn’t hearing Brooke right. “Am I still drunk?” She said under breath.
Brooke let out a hearty laugh, her head fell back onto the couch as she giggled. “I’m not drunk! Definitely not drunk, very hungover, but sober.” She wiped at her eyes as she caught her breath.
She watched her for a moment curiously, her head tilted slightly. ‘She probably doesn’t feel the same way, she’s trying to make jokes because you’ve made her uncomfortable again’ she voice in her head suggested coldly.
“But uh- I was serious... about what I said, I meant every word” she mumbled quietly.
Ry sat still, uncomfortably aware of how close she was to Brooke. The two were close enough for Ry to put her head on Brooke’s shoulder, so she did.
Ry was waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Brooke to say that she was joking, or that it wasn’t feasible, or that it was payback. She still wasn’t sure that she was awake. But for a moment, she just wanted to enjoy it.
She sat in silence for a couple of beats, her head laying on Brooke’s shoulder. She didn’t say anything, just listened to the sound of her breathing.
After a few moments, she broke the silence, looking up at Brooke. “’re a professor. I—I can’t be the person that ruins that for you.” Ry spoke slowly, her eyes fixated on Brooke’s lips, only looking into her eyes as she finished speaking.
She watched Rylee carefully. Unsure of whether or not she was about to pass out from the look on her face. She leaned her head against the girls for a moment before pulling away.
“If anyone finds out, I’ll take full responsibility, I would anyways. Regardless, I’m sure I could find another job within a company or something. It’s not like you’re a minor in high school, I wouldn’t be registering as a sex offender. It wouldn’t ruin my life, sure teaching is nice... but I could find something else to do and probably get paid better, plus you’re a senior. So even if you wanted to wait... I would wait for you. I don’t want to wait, but I will, if that’s what makes you comfortable.”
She took Rylees hands in her own. “I really like you Rylee, and I wanna see where this goes, but not if you aren’t completely comfortable. And obviously we would be sneaking around for a while, but only for a few months. No one would be able to know then, but as soon as you finish your last final...” she trailed off, tilting the girls chin up slowly.
“It’s all up to you, I’ll respect whatever you decide. I can take you home right now and never speak of this again. We can ignore what I said and watch movies as friends, we can talk and discuss further... it’s whatever you want and need from me. Just let me know” she smiled softly, her eyes falling to the girls lips. She wanted to lean in, but she didn’t, she needed to know what Rylee wanted first.
Rylee watched Brooke speak, the way her eyes shined in the natural light of the living room. She was so afraid that what was happening wasn’t real. That it would be ripped away at a moments notice. She wanted to trust Brooke, she did trust her. But she didn’t trust herself.
Her eyes darted across Brooke’s face. She liked her too. And Brooke had to have known, there was no way that Ry had been able to keep it that secret. Brooke was too smart for that.
She watched her smile, the way her eyes fell to her lips. Ry didn’t know what to say. She felt Brooke’s breath on her face. She smelled of mint and sandalwood. Ry worried that her breath smelled. She hadn’t brushed her teeth and she had had a few sips of her coffee, so she tried to breath out of her nose.
She looked at Brooke’s lips, her head moving forward. Her body moved of it’s own accord. She knew she should stop, she knew that she would go home, but she didn’t. She told herself that she wasn’t thinking, but she was. She just didn’t care.
Her body continued forward, her stare on Brooke’s lips unmoving. Her heart beat faster as her chest got tighter. Her breaths raced forward with fever. She was too close to go back.
Ry forced her head forward the last centimeter necessary, pushing her lips onto Brooke’s. She breathed her in, feeling her lips pressed to hers. She felt a wave of calm wash over her as she pushed deeper, not wanting to let go. Ry wanted, more than anything, to feel Brooke kiss her back.
Brooke watched Rylee with curiosity, she could see how hard she was thinking. She was desperate to know what was running through the girls mind.
She didn’t move as she became aware of Rylee moving in, closer and closer. Her breath hitched in her throat, their lips almost touching.
Brooke wanted to say something, to reassure Rylee that she didn’t have to kiss Brooke just because she had said she wanted to. Nerves were coursing throughout her body as the inches between them turned to centimeters.
Suddenly, she felt calm.
Every doubt that had plagued her mind vanished instantaneously. Ry was warm, comforting, inviting. The electricity she had felt during their first interaction had shifted to that of a cozy fireplace. She felt like home, a warm meal at the end of the day, she could see a future with her, the family she had always wanted embodied in the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.
Her hands cupped her cheeks gently, savoring the taste of sweet coffee on her lips. She sighed through her nose, unwilling to break the bubble surrounding their perfect moment.
Rylee smiled into their kiss, lightly coming up for air. It was as if all of her worried had wasted away, leaving only the two of them, together. Everything felt blissful and serene. Her mind that had been racing only a few moments prior was now empty, filled only with thoughts of the women holding her face.
Ry continued to kiss her, separating her lips slightly, allowing Brooke’s to fit them like a puzzle piece. She pulled her lips back every few seconds before pushing them forward again, harder than before.
The results were numerous deep and passionate kisses, ones that didn’t allow for the lips to really separate, but instead move with each other. Ry places her hand on the arm of the couch that sat behind Brooke, steadying herself as she fell into the girl. She giggled a little against Brooke’s mouth, hardly able to contain herself. As she felt Brooke smile back, she pulled her lips away.
She laid her head on Brooke’s chest, putting her shoulder under Brooke’s arm and sliding her arm between Brooke’s back and the couch. Her other arm wrapped itself around Brooke’s front until Brooke was in a tight hug. She let her body weight fall into Brooke’s, their two bodies touching at nearly every point.
Ry kept her eyes closed as she listened to the sound of Brooke’s heartbeat, taking in the scent of sandalwood as she breathed. She smiled to herself, not saying a word.
Everything was right with the world in that moment. Their lips moved passionately, intimately, but there was no sexual charge, it was simply two people who cared for each other, sharing a moment of peace.
When Ry pulled away, Brooke couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. She broke out into a fit of laughter as Ry basically collapsed onto her. The tight hug felt good, comforting, Ry was definitely stronger than she looked.
She wrapped her arms around the girl loosely at first, then tight as she could, ultimately rubbing the girls back softly and humming in content. “That was... wow” she mumbled, the grin still beaming on her cheeks.
Ry blushed, smiling and hiding her face in the crease of Brooke’s arm. Ry couldn’t help but giggle to herself, afraid to let Brooke see her bright red face. She knew it would be her turn to get teased.
She smiled again, using her arm to push herself up into Brooke’s lips again. She was passionate, but quick, pulling back to look into Brooke’s eyes. They were so close that she could see her reflection, but she didn’t pay attention to that. Instead, she studied the freckles that sat in Brooke’s eyes.
“I never even had a chance,” she said, smiling.
“What do you mean?” Brooke chuckled, placing a chaste kiss to the girls nose and giggling herself. She had never felt so comfortably vulnerable around someone. Just as she was leaning in for another kiss her phone buzzed. Brooke decided to ignore it, whoever it was couldn’t be as important as the girl in front of her.
She planted another quick kiss to the girls lips before a thoughtful look ran across her face. She still technically needed an answer. “You’re so beautiful, amazing, wonderfully perfect” she mumbled, glancing at the table for a moment. “If you don’t want to answer me right now, and you need some time... that’s okay, this can be casual if it’s what you want. I’m just not sure if this is like a friends with benefits thing for you? Or if you actually wanted to, you know... go on a date with me? Please don’t feel pressured to answer this second, just lemme know what you’re thinking.”
Ry pulled her shoulders back, looking at Brooke’s whole face, her smile faltering. Did Brooke not feel the energy that Ry had felt? Did she really think, after that, that Ry just wanted sex? She was a little hurt, but tried to understand that that wasn’t Brooke’s intentions.
Ry placed a hand on Brooke’s cheek. Her fingers rested behind Brooke’s ear and her thumb stroked her cheekbone. “I want to be with you, Brooke. For more than just sex. For a lot more than just sex. I’m sorry this didn’t make things clear enough,” Ry said, leaning in slowly and kissing Brooke sweetly.
Brooke kissed her back eagerly, grateful to know that Ry did in fact, feel the same. The kiss lasted a good thirty seconds before Brooke pulled away sheepishly and smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume, sometimes I just need reassurance, you know?” She shrugged lightly before pulling the girl back into a hug.
“I’m really glad you feel the same way” she mumbled into her hair as she kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I was being stupid before” she added after a moment.
Ry lifted her head so she was looking at Brooke. “No, no you weren’t being stupid. I— I understand. We still have a lot to figure out. But I don’t care about all of that right now. We can deal with it later, together. I at least what to give it a chance... us, ya know. I had a really good time with you last night and I’m not going to let something get in the way of being able to do that again.”
Ry thought back to when Brooke said that she would take the fall if they were ever caught. “And if something happens,” she said slowly, taking Brooke’s hand, “you’re not solely responsible. I don’t care what your job says. I know what I’m doing and I know what rules I’m breaking. But I’m gonna break them anyways.”
Ry paused, taking a more serious tone. She looked down before looking back at Brooke. “Brooke, if we’re gonna try dating, you can’t see me as your student. You can’t offer to take the heat. This is a decision I want to make with you, which means we’re both responsible from here on out. I can’t be in a...well, I don’t know. I don’t want to date someone where there’s power dynamics.”
Ry’s chest grew tight again, afraid she would scare Brooke away with her seriousness. “I want to see where this goes,” Brooke explained. “But I don’t want to stop you from teaching. I also don’t want to wait... I think you know what that means.” Ry said, her face getting red as she looked at the floor.
Brooke nodded, they definitely still had a lot to talk through and figure out. But Brooke wanted nothing more than to make this work with Rylee, she was sure of that much. “Right, of course. I had the best time last night, but maybe next time I’ll stay a bit more sober” she chuckled.
Brooke smiled as Ry took her hand, she rubbed her thumb along the back of it gently as she listened. She didn’t want Ry to get caught up in all of the turmoil and fallout, but Rylee was an adult, and Brooke couldn’t tell her what to do. So she nodded along and accepted that she wanted to do this as a team, which is really what Brooke wanted too, so there was no protest.
Ry’s tone was more serious now, so Brooke gave her the undivided attention she deserved. Again, Rylee was right... Brooke couldn’t see her as a student anymore, not if this was going to work. This wasn’t some kinky sexy fling, the student wasn’t asking the professor for extra credit anymore. “I understand, and I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel like this relationship won’t be between equals. I might be a little distant in class, but that would be the only time that I would need to do that. I hope you can understand at least that. I do see you as a person, and not just some sexy student.” She mumbled, a soft blush appearing on her face.
“So we keep things discreet, very down low on campus, no social media until after you graduate. But my apartment and anyplace outside of town I’m showing you the hell off” she squeezed her hand and placed a kiss to her cheek. When she pulled away from her face she added. “Unless that isn’t what you meant of course. God I’m a communications professor but when it comes to reading you I can’t seem to figure it out.”
Ry smiled, watching Brooke get flustered. “No, that’s—that’s what I want,” Ry said, her face getting red hot. She was never good at expressing her emotions, so when she did, her entire body reacted along with it.
“I’m okay with keeping things discreet, I think that’s important. I just—“ her gaze dropped back down to her lips. “It’s gonna be really fucking hard...”
Ry kissed Brooke again, excited that she could do so openly. She never wanted to leave her arms.
“Yeah it’s gonna be fucki-“ she was cut off as the girls lips were pressed once more to hers. She chuckled and tangled her fingers into Rylees hair. She never wanted this to end.
Brooke pulled away when she couldn’t breathe anymore. She gasped for air, her face was flushed and her eyes heavy from her desire for the girl. “You’re so fucking perfect” she mumbled, letting her hand fall from the girls hair and trail down her cheek.
“So... do you remember what I said I was planning on doing today? Because that seems to be evading me, and I don’t know what I promised you we would do today but I have stuff to bake, and some wine, although I doubt I’ll drink any you’re welcome to it. I’ve got movies and Netflix and Hulu” she rambled, trying not to sound like a boring grandma trapped in a 27 year olds body.
Ry grinned, sitting herself up so that she was in all fours. “I don’t know about you, but these are my plans,” she said, arching her back downward, reaching her head up to Brooke’s lips. Ry closed her eyes and leaned in close, her lips barely parted. Just as she brushed them against Brooke’s, Ry opened her eyes wide and laughed throwing herself so that she was in a laying position. Her back was against the couch as her head sat in Brooke’s lap. Rylee looked up at Brooke, pink tones scattered across her face as she smiled adoringly at the woman.
“I’m happy here for the rest of the day,” Ry said, blinking slowly as she looked up into Brooke’s eyes. She grabbed Brooke’s hand and intertwined their fingers, laying their conjoined hands across her stomach.
“Just tell me if you need me to move,” Ry spoke with a clan tone, but she was studying Brooke’s eyes, looking for signs of rejection. Ry hoped she wouldn’t see any signs that Brooke was irritated or displeased with her actions.
She looked a bit surprised, trying not to stare too openly down her shirt or at the curve of her ass when she arched her back. “I... uh-“ she mumbled leaning forward to kiss her, just as their lips brush she heard Rylees adorable laugh resonate through her apartment.
She felt the girls head fall to rest in her lap. Brooke blushed and tried to rid herself of the lustful thoughts that had begun to infiltrate her mind.
Brooke watched her, adoration filled her eyes. A soft and loving smile sat on her lips. “Nah, I’m happy to have you right here” she mumbled softly, running her fingers through the girls hair and sighing in content. She hummed gently as they sat in a silent peace.
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brookeandrylee · 5 years ago
Chapter Twenty
Ry smiled “I’m gonna drive you, babe”. She wrapped her arms around Brooke’s waist, clasping then behind her back, trying to hold her up. “And then I’m gonna go home and I’ll come back tomorrow. Don’t you remember that Squint and I have a date?”
Ry smiled down at the woman. She felt bad for letting her get so drunk. “Do you think you’re sober enough to give me directions or do you want me to use GPS?” Ry asked while a very drunk Brooke rested her head incredibly close to Ry’s breast. Ry became more and more aware of all the ways that Brooke was touching her the further the night went on. And she didn’t want it to stop.
‘She’s drunk! She didn’t want to do anything sober, and she’s too drunk to consent know. She wants to be friends.’ A voice snapped at her from the back of her mind, bringing her back to her current situation. She held Brooke up and began walking her out the her car.
Ry’s stomach growled and suddenly she realized why Brooke had gotten so drunk. “Hey Brooke, when’s the last time you ate, girl?” She asked, brushing some of Brooke’s hair back from her face.
Maybe she would stop at McDonald’s or Taco Bell in the way home. Or maybe Brooke had some bread at her house and Ry could make her some toast. Otherwise she’d be throwing up all night.
“Oh! Oh my goddd I totally forgot! That’s really sweet of you babe~” she giggled, placing her head on her chest and sighing. “I’m already excited to see you tomorrow and you’re still here!” She laughed, her lisp was a lot more prominent now that she was drunk.
“I’ll put in in your gps” she mumbled, reaching for her phone. She went to her contacts first and added her number into Ry’s phone. Then she opened maps and put in her apartment complex and walked to the car.
She fell into the passenger seat and buckled herself, listening to Rylees question. “Uuuuhhhmmmm...” she thought aloud, drunkenly tapping her finger to her temple. “Breakfast! I think... I had an eggo waffle and some bacon! But maybe that was yesterday.” She shrugged, eyeing Rylee hungrily.
She placed her palm against the girls thigh and squeezed, then carefully traced delicate patterns on her upper thigh. She giggled, gauging her reaction. “Why? Hungry for something babe?” She teased lightly.
Ry’s body tensed, nervously. She wanted to move closer, to place her hand over Brooke’s and guide her to the seam of her jeans. But she breathed, turning the car on.
“I—I’m just worried about you Brooke,” Ry said sweetly, smiling, trying her best to stay in control. “I don’t want you throwing up all night. And if you’re too hung over tomorrow, then we’ll have to cancel our date with Squint.”
As she smiled, she realized what she had said. ‘Our date’. The words echoed in her head. Was that what tomorrow was? Was that what tonight was. ‘No! She made it clear that she wants to be friends. And you can’t ruin her career like that.’
Only 27. Established. Successful. Smart. Beautiful. The words played over in her head. ‘Getting yourselves caught would ruin that for her, don’t you realize?’ Her mind attacked her with rebuttals, giving every reason in the book to not be with Brooke.
And still, her eyes lingered on Brooke as she drove, not moving a Brooke’s hand from her upper thigh.
Brooke sang quietly under her breath as they drove, occasionally her hand would move just a centimeter closer to the girls inner thigh, vying for her- reactions, heavy breathing, a soft moan, a subtle shift of her hips, but Rylee remained steadfast.
She frowned for a moment, did she not want her anymore? ‘Of course she didn’t’ she thought to herself. ‘You acted like a bitch and pushed her away. You hurt her you stupid lesbian.’ She sighed sadly and removed her hand from the girls thigh. Placing it around herself in a tight hug.
Usually things like this wouldn’t bother her, she loved a girl who could play hard to get. But Rylee wasn’t just a girl, she was beautiful, but also talented, smart, capable.
She felt a few tears spill from the corners of her eyes, she hoped Ry wouldn’t look over and notice. She tried not to sniffle as she dried her cheeks and sighed.
“Brooke?” Ry asked, breaking the silence. She could hear her stop singing, and she wanted to make sure that she was awake. “Do you a preference of food, love?” Ry asked. “I’m kind of in the mood for some chicken nuggets, but I don’t know if you’re above eating fast food, Dr. Fields.” Ry laughed and said playfully, she loved teasing her.
It was weird for her to see her professor so drunk and for her to be offering her chicken nuggets, but they had been hanging out for about 6-7 hours at that point, so it was starting to feel normal. Like she really was taking care of a friend.
Ry reached out and searched for Brooke’s hand, not wanting to take her eyes off the road, as she wasn’t quite familiar with the area, especially in the dark.
She held Brooke’s hand and tapped her thumb rhythmically against the back of her palm. She wanted to make sure she got food in her stomach before she fell asleep.
“Hm? Oh- yeah nuggets sound good” she slurred her words, eyes shutting as the car made her feel a bit nauseous. She wasn’t gonna puke, maybe it was just her trying to deal with her feeling for Rylee.
She saw Rylee’s hand reach for her in the dark. She took it and held onto it loosely, it was comforting but only fueled the emotional turmoil in her head.
They pulled up to the drive through by her apartment and Brooke sat quietly while Ry ordered, she also asked for a small Oreo flurry. She liked sweets when she was drunk.
Ry paid for the food and Brooke smiled appreciatively. She could feel her mouth water at the idea of the crispy chicken nuggets, they smelled delicious. “Thanks a bunch, it’s really nice of you to be nice to me” she mumbled, holding onto her cup of ice cream with two hands like a kid would.
“Of course I’m gonna be nice to you, we’re friends.” The words stuck to the back of Ry’s throat like the taste of an envelope after you lick it. She coughed, trying not to think about how much it hurt to call Brooke her friend. It felt like she was overplaying it, but it was mostly a reminder to herself.
Ry continued to drive, humming along to the music and tapping Brooke’s hand. She pulled up to Brooke’s apartment building and parked. “Okay, Brooke, we’re here. Stay right there, I’m gonna come to your side and make sure you don’t fall, okay? Just wait for me to come over.” Ry said quietly, removing her hand and climbing out of the car.
Brooke was slouched in the seat, she nodded and made a noise of acknowledgement.she put her flurry in the cup holder and unbuckled herself from the car. She looked over to see Ry opening the door, she gave a tired mostly closed eyed smile.
“I’m totally fineee, I can get myself out of the car” she mumbled and pulled herself to a sitting position then she swung her legs out of the car and stood on wobbly legs. She stumbled slightly, but she was doing alright for herself. “See I’m fine— go ahead and go home babe, I totally got this” she gave a small thumbs up before her shoulders hunched over and she swayed on her feet with closed eyes.
“No, no, no,” Ry said, swiping Brooke’s things out of the car and locking it, before placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m at least walking you upstairs and you can’t stop me. I need a sneak peak at Squint,” Ry smiled through her words.
She wanted to set Brooke up in bed before she left. She knew that Brooke might fight it, but she at least needed to try. Get her a trash can, out her on her side, bring her some water and Gatorade. That should make her feel better.
“M’not a baby” she pouted, crossing her arms and scuffing her foot. “But okay, the stairs are hard when you’re drunk, c’mon” she took her hand and pulled her forward.
She grabbed her keys and placed the fab against a sensor, letting them into the small lobby, she pressed the button to the elevator and the doors rumbled open, Brooke stepped inside and pressed the button for the fourth floor. “Are you cool in an elevator?” She asked after the doors shut, she giggled for a second. “I just realized I didn’t even take the stairs with you like we just said I’m so stupid” she sighed as she leaned against the cool metal wall.
They stepped out as the door opened once more, she wandered down a small hallway to an off white door with a small floral wreath hanging below the peephole. She fumbled with the keys and swung open the door. A lanky brown and white cat hollered and appeared a moment later, it’s tail flicked happily as it rubbed against the girls legs.
“Squintayyyy~” Brooke cheered and scooped the cat gleefully. “My baby, my dearest cinnamon apple I have missed you so” she cooed and scratched under his chin.
Ry laughed as Brooke lifted the cat, his pupils growing wide as he was taken abruptly from the ground. “Hey Squinty, what a handsome little guy!!” Ry reached out, patting his head. “You’re adorable, it’s amazing to meet you!”
Ry turned around and shut the door behind them, locking it as she did so. “You have a really nice place, Brooke,” Ry said, looking around and smiling. She scratched the cat’s head absentmindedly.
The apartment was painted a soft spring green, earthy, warm toned furniture was strewn throughout the living room, there were plants hanging from the windowsills and knickknacks on all the shelves. There was a large deep brown bookcase filled to the brim with literature. Even the coffee table had books, and a now day old mug of coffee from the morning.
Brooke smiled at the compliment and placed her cat on the ground. He immediately scampered over to Rylee and made a chirping noise, rubbing his face against her pant leg. “Thanks! I feel like it’s kinda cluttered though” she mumbled. Still swaying gently on her feet, she felt clammy, but not exactly sick.
“Can you uh- help me get to bed? Everything’s kinda spinning right now” she asked quietly, holding her head in her hands gently.
“Yeah, yes of course! That’s no problem,” Ry said, walking forward. She put her arm around Brooke’s shoulders and put her other arm across her own body so she could hold Brooke’s hand. “Just tell me where to go. And then I’m gonna bring you some juice and water or something,” Ry said, trying to navigate the apartment.
She smiled at the cat that threatened to trip the two girls, but in a very sweet way. It had been a long time since she had been around a cat that was this friendly. She smiled at Brooke. ‘Of course she has such a sweet cat,’ she thought. ‘To match her,’ Ry tightened her grip on Brooke, just slightly tighter than necessary.
She continued to hold her as they walked, she hoped that Brooke was too drunk to notice. “Should I feed or water Squint too? I’m not sure when he usually eats...” Ry mumbled, she was focused on guiding Brooke to her bed.
“Straight down the hall, then a left, that’s my bedroom” she smiled and leaned into the girl. Stumbling along with her as Squint tried to command their attention. “He usually eats in the morning, but if you could check his water that would be amazing.”
She opened the door to her room. It was already glowing softly from the fairy lights she had forgotten to unplug that morning. Her bed was made, a thick dark blue comforter with matching pillows sat neatly on her queen sized bed. A few stuffed animals and cute decorative pillows were placed on the bed as well. There were playbills and posters of theatre shows on one wall, her closet had full length mirrors on the sliding doors.
She walked over to a deep brown wooden dresser and pulled it open before yanking her top over her head, struggling slightly. She pulled out a white top and slid the thin bra off her shoulders and onto the floor. Rylee could see her piercings plain as day now. A small silver bar with a lower piece of black metal and diamonds that hung like a chandelier.
She pulled the white shirt over herself and unbuttoned her jeans before sliding them off, the top sat just above the hem of her panties, the hot pink fabric on display. Brooke pulled her hair into a messy bun and stretched before she remembered Ry was in the room. “I’m really glad you’re here to help me” she mumbled, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks. She sat down on the bed. Usually she had a bottle of water on her nightstand, but it was empty, she noticed that as she picked it up and frowned.
Ry felt her knees get weak as Brooke took off her bra. She had never really been into nipple piercings specifically before, but something about the way that they looked on Brooke Ry watched as she picked up her empty water bottle.
‘Drunk! Yes, focus,’ she thought. “I’ll be right back with some water and juice!” She called, walking out toward the door so she couldn’t get herself into trouble. “Oh, and where’s Squint’s water dish?” Ry paused, waiting to hear Brooke’s response, facing her while she stood in the doorway.
“The second door on the right should already be open, it was the second bedroom but I turned it into squintys room, by the window is where the water bowl is” she spoke, hoping she made sense enough.
“Thank you so much!” She added before pulling back her blankets and crawling under them. She grabbed a small stuffed cow and hugged it loosely as her head hit the pillow and waited for Ry to return.
Ry walked out into the kitchen, helping herself to looking around for glasses. She checked various cupboards before stumbling upon them. She pulled one out and set it on the counter.
Ry then set her attention to the refrigerator. She saw an ice dispenser attachment on the outside of the freezer door. Ry carries the cup over and began filling it.
As Ry filled the cup, she thought back on her and Brooke’s night together, wondering what tomorrow would bring. ‘If she even remembers that you’re coming tomorrow,’ a voice in her head spoke. ‘Maybe she was just drunk and won’t even remember asking you to come. Then you’ll just be the weirdo that took her car.’
Ry finished filling the cup, she sighed at the thought, some part of her knew that the voice was right. Ry was just a student. A fun experience for Brooke to rebound with. Ry thought back to Beth, obviously Brooke had a pretty different type.
Ry pulled a half gallon of apple juice out of the fridge, pouring a glass of that as well.
She placed the juice back and began looking for the coffee stuff. She realized that she hadn’t heard Brooke make any noise in quite a bit of time.
“Brooke!” Rylee called out, “How’re you doing?”
She heard Brooke make a slight moaning noise, so she knew that she was okay. Rylee set a timer for Brooke’s coffee maker, setting it for 9am.
Ry poured another glass of water, and carried it into Squint’s room, filling it to the brim with water. “There ya go buddy,” she said, patting his head. “You’re such a good boy.”
Ry grabbed the water and juice and brought it back into Brooke’s room. “Hey love, I’ve got some gifts for ya,” Ry said with a forced grin, trying not to listen to the voices that plagued her mind. Above all else, she enjoyed Brooke’s company, and that’s what she tried to focus on.
Ry walked forward, placing the juice on Brooke’s nightstand and handing her the water. Ry squatted down to get eye level with her. She pushed the glass up to her mouth, slowly.
“Here, baby, drink this.” Ry said sweetly.
Brooke sat up tiredly she smiled as she heard Rylee speak so sweetly to her. “Mmm, thanks” she mumbled, drinking down the water eagerly.
She finished drinking and sighed, then wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand. “You’re so fucking pretty” she whispered softly, appreciating her features.
She was so close, Brooke reached her hand out and placed it softly on Rylees cheek. “I haven’t had this good of a time with someone in forever, I never had this much fun with Beth, ever, I don’t think. She gave a lopsided grin and ran her thumb across her soft skin.
“I like you a lot Rylee” she confessed, her head tilting just slightly as she leaned in. “I never wanted to be just friends... still don’t.” She mumbled softly as she placed her other hand on her jaw and placed her lips gently to Rylees. Electricity seemed to burst from the touch, Brooke had never believed people who said they felt fireworks when they kissed someone, but she was proven wrong tonight. She kissed her lovingly, sweetly, there was no desire or lust behind it, just adoration.
She pulled away after a moment and pressed her fingers to her lips, as if she couldn’t believe she had just done what she did. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t want to apologize because she wasn’t sorry. She just watched her quietly, studying her face, trying to figure out what the girl was thinking.
Ry felt warmth spread through he body as Brooke leaned into her. Ry leaned into her, kissing her back. There was no way Brooke was saying this, no way it could be real. And just as quick as the kiss started, Brook pulled away, looking shocked by what she’d done.
Ry’s eyes shot down, looking at Brooke’s lips. She didn’t care anymore, she wanted Brooke, she needed Brooke.
She leaned forward, kissing her again, gently placing her hand on her cheek as she smiled slightly against the woman’s lips.
Brooke hadn’t expected her to reciprocate. Not even in her wildest drunken ideas would Rylee actually kiss her back. And she was the sober one, Brooke thought as they kissed again. She felt Ry smile and grinned back, she wanted more but she knew she was drunk, and Rylee wasn’t the type of girl to take advantage. So she settled for kissing and embracing.
“You’re amazing” she mumbled after pulling away once more. “I wish you didn’t have to go, but I understand that your roommates are prolly worried” she frowned but didn’t take her hands off the girls face, their noses were still almost touching.
“I told them not to wait up, but it’s not like they’d really mind anyway,” Ry joked. “They aren’t really sober enough to notice me, at least on weekends,” Ry laughed. It felt nice having Brooke’s hand on her face. She didn’t want to have to say goodbye, but she knew she’d be back tomorrow.
Rylee looked into Brooke’s eyes, they were a bright green with red undertones, as Brooke was tired and intoxicated. Ry smiled. Only 27. Established. Successful. Smart. Beautiful. She was so amazing.
‘And now you’ve ruined that,’ a voice said loudly in the back of Ry’s mind. ‘The second anyone finds out about you two, she’s gone, and she’ll never get another teacher job again. You can see how much she loves this job. Back off!’ Ry’s smile faltered, she looked at Brooke, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.
“Brooke...I— I’m sorry...I should get going,” Ry said quickly, standing up straight. She took two steps before she turned around and gave Brooke a quick hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Ry said, putting the waste basket next to Brooke’s side of the bed.
Ry rushed out of Brooke’s apartment, holding her hand over her mouth and stifling her cries. She ran down the stairs and outside: She got to Brooke’s car and cried until she heaved, breathing so hard that the corners of her vision turned black. She was just overreacting, she always acted like this...or so she tried to tell herself.
But she knew she didn’t. She knew this was different and she knew exactly why.
“Oh...” she frowned as her hands fell from the girls cheeks. “Uh- r-right. Yeah, okay” she mumbled sadly. She buried her head into the crook of Ry’s neck before she was gone again.
“Drive safe, text me that you get back okay” she made sure it was loud enough to hear, but her voice broke near the end. Tears threatened to spill down her face, she didn’t stop them when they eventually came.
“You fucked it all up Brooke, just like you always do. Beth was right about you, you don’t deserve anyone.” She whispered to herself as she hugged her knees to her chest tightly. She sat crying for a good half hour, reminding herself of all the reasons she deserved to feel this way, all the negative things anyone had ever told her.
That’s what made Rylee different, sure she teased her and picked on her, but she never did it maliciously. There was never an undertone of seriousness. Brooke felt like Rylee actually genuinely liked her.
Brooke eventually passed out from crying and drunken exhaustion. She got sick a few times throughout the night and remembered the water and apple juice Rylee had left her, causing her to start crying all over again. She hugged her stuffed cow tightly as Squint purred and rubbed against her hands. Brooke had really fucked up, she hoped Rylee didn’t hate her for putting her in such a shitty position.
She didn’t even really care about the job at the moment, she just wanted to be happy for once, truly, genuinely happy. Rylee made her feel that but she wasn’t allowed to have it. Everything felt so unfair, she continued this way until about four in the morning, when she finally cried herself back to sleep.
0 notes
brookeandrylee · 5 years ago
Chapter Nineteen
Brooke downed her shot simultaneously, savoring the way it burned down her throat. She took the second one a moment later. She was having an amazing time with Rylee. “Oh my god yes! We definitely need to do this again sometime” she smiled, she wondered if she was being too flirtatious but she was getting too drunk to care.
She pelt a small pang of hurt at the girls second suggestion, she had no right to feel it, but she was jealous at the idea of Rylee having a relationship like this with another professor. She wanted what they had to be special to just them. She sipped on her drink as the music blared in the background.
“Most of the other professors aren’t as fun as me though” she chuckled, resting her hand lazily on the girls arm. She watched her with heavy eyes, intoxicated by the alcohol and the feelings counseling through her from Rylee. She could feel her nipples beginning to strain against the fabric of her bra, making her acutely aware of just how drunk she had gotten.
Ry smiled, glad that she didn’t take the comment to heart. “Oh I’m sure,” Ry said, smiling at Brooke as she started to drape her hand on Ry’s arm. “It’s a good thing I picked you out then, otherwise I’d get stuck hanging out with Dr. Harris.” Ry said, referencing the elderly man that sat as the communication’s department chair. Ry hoped Brooke would laugh at her joke.
Most of her comedy, up to that point, had just been about teasing Brooke. But she wanted Brooke to know that she actually enjoyed spending time with her and that she could make jokes that weren’t always at the woman’s expense.
“Did you have any plans that you were looking forward to this weekend, love?” Ry asked, surprised at her own words. As the pet name left her mouth, she wished she could rip it out of the air and put it back—or hide it away. Sure, she called all of her friends that, but she didn’t want to give Brooke the wrong idea. She was trying to respect the boundaries they had set.
Brooke laughed at the Dr. Harris comment. That man was less fun than watching paint dry.
“Hm?” She looked up, resting her cheek on her free hand and watching her with an adoring smile. “Oh! Oh, uh- I was gonna meal prep and play with the cat. I might call Birch or Amara, but I’m not really sure. I don’t usually do much on the weekends, I’m kinda boring.” She chuckled. “Do you have any plans dear?” She asked easily, enjoying the pet names they were giving each other.
Ry couldn’t stop looking at her, the way her cheek squished against the palm of her hand. How could one woman be so amazing, so....impressive. The same thoughts danced through her head. Only 27. Established. Successful. Smart. Beautiful. Talented. Strong. She couldn’t stop being impressed by her. She had an intense respect for Brooke, one that she didn’t think she had ever had for another person before.
“Oh, nothing really. Homework and studying, mostly,” Ry said with a smile. “If you’re not too busy, I could always come over to meet Squint this weekend. I’ll help you meal prep and we could watch tv or something. You might not guess it, but I’m actually a pretty good cook.” Ry continued nervously, afraid Brooke might reject her request. She wanted to see her again, but she didn’t want Brooke to think it was more than it should be, no matter how badly Ry wanted it to be.
“Or I could always meet Squint some other time...” Ry said, afraid of being told no.
“Oh my god! No -please- come over it’ll be so much fun~” she giggled and took the girls hands in her own excitedly. “We can cook together and do face masks and watch movies, I have popcorn and we can make cupcakes! Oh my god you have to come over. Officially.” She gave the girl a falsely stern look before breaking out into a fit of laughter.
She loved the way she could feel so comfortable and vulnerable around Rylee, she was glad that they could be friends after what had happened.
Brooke gasped loudly, “and I can totally help you with your homework!” She squeezed her hands in encouragement. “Squint and I would love to have your company” she smiled as she swayed slightly in her barstool.
Ry giggled, watching Brooke basically jump up and down, thinking to herself ‘and I thought I was the school girl’.
“Cool, I think that’d be a lot of fun,” Ry said, taking her hands from Brooke’s. She let one hand rest on Brooke’s thigh while the other reached up and finished her second drink.
“What’re you drinking Brooke?” She asked, reaching out signaling to Brooke that she wanted a taste. “Oh, god,” Ry gagged, laughing at Brooke. “How the hell do you drink this?” Ry handed Brooke back her drink. “I think I’ll be happy with just a water,” Ry laughed, eyeing the bartender.
Brooke pouted slightly when the girl removed her hands, but smiled warmly as the girl placed her hand on her thigh instead. She couldn’t help but be reminded of the way Rylee had come on to her the other night, she found herself daydreaming about the things she had done to her, how badly she wanted it to happen again, they could disappear into the bathroom and just-
“Huh? Oh my god” she laughed, pulled from her fantasies. “You’re crazy they’re so good! You just like all that fruity shit because you’re a baby” she reached out to pinch Ry’s chin softly and smirked.
Brooke grabbed the bartenders attention and got Ry a water before ordering herself one last drink. She knew she needed to slow down or she would start to get sloppy. “Are you having a good time?” She asked, turning back to face her, getting mildly lost in her gorgeous blue eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, of course! I’m just not one to get really wasted at the bar. I usually prefer, if I’m going to get sloppy, that it’s at home or at a friend’s house,” Ry explained. She felt bad that she wasn’t interested in drinking anymore, but she didn’t want to stop Brooke.
“If we hang out for a little bit, I can always drive you home so you can keep drinking. Then I’ll bring your car back in the morning when I come over for my date with Squint!” Ry said, she didn’t want Brooke to have to leave her car at the bar overnight, especially in a college town.
“I should probably slow down honestly” She mumbled, “if you don’t wanna stay I can get you a cab or something? I feel bad you’re stuck with drunk me” She looked a bit sad, the alcohol making her emotions feel about ten times bigger than they really were. She couldn’t help but feel insecure that Ry was feeling bored with their night out.
“But if you really don’t mind, that option works for me. I think you’ll like driving around in the soob” she giggled, taking a small sip of her drink. “Only if you’re sure.” She leaned in, staring intently at the girl.
Ry grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly. “Oh my god, of course I don’t mind! Honestly, I was just trying to find an excuse to drive your car, you totally caught me.” Ry said, jokingly. She didn’t want Brooke to think that driving her home was chore. It was more like a privilege.
“Not to mention,” Ry said, leaning in closer to Brooke, her hand returning to her thigh, “I don’t want to end this night too soon. I’m having a really amazing time with you. Truly, the last thing I want to do is leave if you’re still here.” Ry said, knowing it held two meanings.
True, she was having a really good time with Brooke and wanted it to continue until Brooke was ready to leave. But there was also no way in hell that Ry was going to leave Brooke alone at a bar in the state she was in, no matter what.
She felt oddly protective of Brooke, despite her being 5 years Ry’s senior. She just had an aura about her, one that said she needed someone in her corner. Ry wanted to be that someone.
She smiled at Brooke, taking in the details of her bright green eyes. They were especially bright now that Brooke had drank so much.
Ry checked the time. ‘10:00,’ she thought to herself.
“So what do you say we hit the dance floor and we can leave around 11:00? That’ll give me an hour to really see your moves.” Ry laughed, she really did enjoy poking fun at Brooke. She hoped she didn’t mind.
Brooke smiled at her gratefully. She was happy to know that Rylee was having a decent time, she felt bad for getting so drunk so quickly.
She blushed and gave Ry a bashful smile as she leaned in, her eyes darted to the girls lips for just a moment before returning her gaze. “I uh- I’m having a really really super time with you too, Rylee” she stuttered, slurring her words just slightly. A small lisp could be detected, as a kid Brooke had gone to speech therapy for it because her mother thought it was unattractive. She hoped Ry wouldn’t notice, and if she did that she kept the teasing to a minimum.
The hand on her thigh made her head spin just slightly, she felt really warm and it was hard to focus with her being so distracting without any effort. ”yeah, yeah! Let’s dance!” She shimmied her shoulders a bit and giggled before hopping off the barstool, holding Ry close so she didn’t fall. “Sorry, I’m so clumsy.” She mumbled jokingly as she steadied herself.
Ry instinctually grabbed Brooke’s hips as she hopped off the stool, trying to help steady her. “Ahahaha, it’s okay.” Ry realized where her hands sat and she quickly pulled them back.
“Did you want your last shot?” Ry asked, brushing the ends of Brooke’s fingers. “You ordered it, but we can just leave it if you want.” Ry said. She thought about offering to take it for herself, but decided against it, since she would be driving in an hour.
Brooke thought for a moment, she really didn’t need another shot in her system when she was already so drunk. She turned back to the counter of the bar and downed the shot, never breaking eye contact with Ry as she swallowed and licked her lips. She grinned cheekily and took her hands, dragging her out to the dance floor.
“C’mon babe! Dance with me! I fuckin’ love this songgg~” she practically moaned the words as she pulled Rylee in by her hips, Brooke turned herself around and pressed her ass against Ry’s front, grinding slowly against her. She wasn’t really thinking, this was just the way she danced with her friends, and regardless of how badly she wanted more, they were friends. So Brooke didn’t see too big of an issue as she moved for the girl to appreciate.
She looked over her shoulder at the girl, her eyes were dark emerald green and her pupils were dilated, whether that was the alcohol or the desire was anybody’s guess, probably both. Definitely both.
Ry looked down at the pocket’s of Brooke’s jeans, surprise and a little confused. She looked up just in time to get hit in the face, lightly, with Brooke’s hair.
She looked into her eyes as she turned around, unsure how to respond. ‘She’s just drunk, dumbass, don’t make a scene. Chill out!’ Ry wanted more than anything to slide her hands down her Brooke’s sides, land on her hips bones, and pull her into her pelvis. But she was drunk. And they were friends.
Ry decided to go along with Brooke, but keep her distance. She held Brooke’s hands rather than her hips and danced with her, laughing and trying to keep things from gettin too hot and heavy.
Despite that, Ry’s nipples pressed against her bra, rubbing it lightly as she danced. She was still a little buzzed and it was hard to focus. ‘She’s drunk, she’s drunk, she’s drunk,’ Ry repeated one her head.
Brooke turned around after a while, wrapping her arms around the girls neck and continuing the show she was putting on for her. She smiled and giggled as they danced together, their chests were touching at one point. Brookes hard nipples brushed against Rylee and a soft sigh left her lips. She pulled back a bit as they continued to dance together.
11:00 rolled around sooner than Brooke anticipated. She was incredibly drunk, which she hadn’t expected. Her head spun with the room as she leaned into Ry, giving her a lopsided smile. “You’re so pretty” she mumbled, “we should get going, do you want me to call you a cab? I don’t know how I’m getting home” she mumbled as her face contorted in confusion. “I definitely can’t drive” she shook her head and seemed to be thinking about something.
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brookeandrylee · 5 years ago
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Mood Board // Daily Routine
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brookeandrylee · 5 years ago
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