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bromotachii · 4 years ago
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish 2020 「ジョゼと虎と魚たち」 Review
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish 2020 「ジョゼと虎と魚たち」
Slice of Life/Drama/Romance
1movie - 98 mins
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*not spoiler free lol*
Summary (strictly from memory about 1 hour later):
(Disclaimer: We watched this for Eve mostly) Anyways. A nice little anime romance movie that is based off of an allegedly really good novel. Made by studio Bones which is a very legit animation studio, so the music and animation kinda slapped. Boy (Tsuneo) who looks like Haru (and also coincidentally likes water very much) is saving up to study abroad in Mexico and fulfill his dream to see a specific bright orange fish! He meets Girl (Josee) who dreams of fulfilling her dreams of seeing the sea and also becoming an illustrator. Tsuneo becomes her shortly afterwards and love blossoms ;) Also there is a baby love triangle. And a bestie.
MVPs: EVE!!!!! and Tsuneo’s single crutch AND his handmade fish lamp
Overall: 7.64/10
Characters:6.27/10 - None of the characters were really characterized or fleshed out that well, except for Tsuneo, and a lot of things felt kinda random/unexplained. There was definitely a lot of potential though, and the novel probably did it a lot better.
Format: 8.02/10 - Not awful; there were some cute flashback cuts.
Pacing: 2.22/10 - Some parts just kinda happened and felt kind of random/like plot pushers. The first half went way too fast without much development; it seemed like it leapt to the major points.
Art style: 8.59/10 - Pretty good! Especially the 3D integration and camerawork.
Story: 7.79/10 - I get the feeling that the novel really has a deep story but the movie didn’t really seem to dig too deep. Pretty stereotypical, but there were some good and emotional parts :)
Music: 8.88/10 -  A lot of snippets. They’re all really nice pieces on their own, but the integration felt a little funky at times.
Eve: 1000000000000000000000000/10 - not biased at all ;) But it really felt like Ao no Waltz really fit with the vibes and the rest of the movie OST, and this song in particular was really clean.
Mai/Love Triangle: 5.42 - I got the point but meh. She said many heat-of-the-moment things that felt out of place, since her character was not very fleshed out. :(
Taste of Ocean: salty/10 :’(
Aquarium scene: 9/10 - Beautiful animation and it really showed their characters.
Grandma: 7/10 - She was kinda cute but served as a weird antagonist lowkey ?? She gave a lot of mixed vibes. And her death was so sudden… another major plot point with no build up.
Plot and movie scenes coming full circle: 7/10 - we totally saw it coming but it was kinda cute ig… the part where Josee draws a picture book is so cute ;( <3
Josee: 4.82/10 -  She really could have been developed more. Her whole personality was basically just tsundere until almost the end.
Tsuneo: 7.82/10- he really was the most developed character huh. Handyman with DREAMS and also muscles
Social worker: 1/10 - the man really stepped out of his bounds >:(
Tsuneo’s single crutch: 9.08/10 - Honestly what a g. Tsuneo’s greatest support, especially at the end. Wish Tsuneo didn’t throw it aside like that when he started running </3
Change of seasons: 8/10 - A quick full-circle moment, shown quite well thru the change in foliage and clothes. Thanks Bones.
Tsuneo’s shoes: 9/10 - they were kinda cool ngl i kinda want them
Josee’s bedroom: 8.98/10 - Vibes tbh.
Chubby black stray cat Yukichi: 7.99/10 - Such a moody cat LOL. He was cute for being there though. Never out of voice lines.
Handmade fish lamp: 10/10 - i wish someone handmade ME a handmade fish lamp. It was a nice symbol also.
That one scene of tsuneo and josee in the ocean spinning in circles: 10/10 - so cute. Pure joy.
Basically, we came for Eve and stayed for Eve! It is a cute movie though, with moments that will tug at your heartstrings (maybe give you a few tears). Eve through the big screen speakers is another level. Go watch now >:)
See you next time on bromomovie reviews ;)
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bromotachii · 5 years ago
Biri Gyaru - Flying Colors「ビリギャル」Review
Biri Gyaru - Flying Colors「ビリギャル」(2015)
1movie - 117 mins
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*not spoiler free lol*
Summary (strictly from memory a week and a couple days later):
Inspiring. I felt like I needed to study after watching this movie. She was a delinquent, then she totally wasn’t, and it became strictly a studying montage.  But actually as a delinquent she wasn’t that bad either :”).  Just blonde. And had cigarettes but those were allegedly for a friend or something, so she’s a good kid on the inside who just wants to have fun all the time!!  Also she had family issues ;( Her gyaru friends totally dump her to encourage her on her studying journey but actually it was for her own good and they come to celebrate with her later so they’re actually pretty good friends even though the rejection was harsh. Basically a poor student is trying to get into KEIO!!!! Will she make it???? Watch to find out :) Also watch for her tutor. And her fellow ex-delinquent turned studier sorta potential boyfriend who didn’t turn out to be anything ;( Yee-aahh!  Good movie good movie. 
MVP: mr. tutor sorry we forget your name ;(
Overall: 7.32/10 - We enjoyed it!! very funny and for the family...maybe.
Pacing: 7.89/10 - Not rushed nor particularly dragged out. She decent.
Characters: 8.22/10 - They were fun and relatable and didn’t feel like they were moving just for the plot! Except for that one teacher who was super against her for no reason, just ~conflict~
Sayaka’s motivation to study: 12/10 - I felt it.  I wish i had that motivation lol
Realism of studying: 4.31/10 - Come onnnn as if someone could stay that motivated for that long, especially someone who is used to having fun all the time! I’m used to studying all the time and I could not study like her.
Sayaka’s Transformation™: 7/10 - She straight up went for it man. A lil unrealistic but if only it was like that
The dad: 5.22/10 - he was kinda definitely not a good father but ig it could definitely be a real situation… so points for realism but minus points for how terrible he treated his wife and children. Also he kinda turned around near the end and it feels like Sayaka forgives him so here’s to hoping the heal in the future of that movie universe
The mom: 8.99/10 - amazing, so supportive, a little weak but she knows what she wants for her children and she works for it
The little sister: 10/10 - she was totally a supporting character she deserves more.  She was also so obedient and supportive of sakaya…
Baseball brother: 5/10 - it was felt but I can’t believe they actually burned ALL his stuff that he basically spent his whole life using man… all that time and $$... but I can see why.  He was kinda mean to his sisters too ;(
Mean teacher: 6.78/10 - He was mean and unsupportive but the actor is a bro and totally kudos to him for actually standing kinda naked at the graduation lol (follow up on your words!!! Even though he never explicitly promised to!!)
Mr. Tutor: 11/10 - he pulled thru and was supportive and fun AND realistic. Just what u need for a tutor.  Sorry we couldn’t remember your name. But we stan. His lil high five thing was too cute.
Obligatory rain scenes: 7/10 - pretty good, didn’t feel so forced, matched the mood
Fellow ex-delinquent’s test result: 3/10 - Can’t believe they just brushed over his *spoiler alert* rejection from college?!? he worked hard too. keep working dude u got this
Sakaya’s *reveals* of scores: 4/10 there were so many times we thought she was checking her results but literally every time it wasn’t it. Sad and clickbaity
Final shot after credits: 10/10 -  it was very cute. We got to see the mean teacher actor was only acting and is a dancing bro at heart
Lack of song we were expecting: 0/10 - Tbh we watched this movie for this song (linked) ((which is a bop… sue owns our <3)), but turns out it was only for the Chinese version trailer or something. On us tho. This rating was not included in the overall rating. :’)
Plot and movie scenes coming full circle: 7/10 - (when mr. tutor opens the window) pretty good, suited different the moods
Getting into Keio: 8.41/10 - #realistic good on her for getting into the school!! And it’s not like she suddenly became genius and could pass with uh,,,, flying colors but she worked up to her capabilities in that amount of time so good on her
Sensitivity to coffee?: 6/10 - did not really get this part but ig she doesn’t drink coffee usually? Never change ur morning routine on test day folks! it was funny though but also stressful yikes
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Give it watch! She’ll motivate you to pass your tests with flying colors! :flying colors emoji:
See you next time on bromomovie reviews ;)
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bromotachii · 5 years ago
Doukyuusei - Classmates 「同級生」Review
Doukyuusei -Classmates 「同級生」(2016) Romance/Slice of Life/Shounen Ai 1 movie ~1 hour
-------------- **not spoiler free; also, based only on the movie. not the manga series**
Summary (strictly from memory about 16 hours later):
A wonderful little (about an hour long) movie about two high school boys who apparently go to an all boy’s school and fall in love because one of them thinks the other doesn’t like singing but he actually just can’t read sheet music. But actually the lemon soda is the main character, obviously, because it is simply so high quality. This is your average school delinquent x school nerd story, but with a twist! - The delinquent is not really a delinquent, just a guitarist who smokes (and is the only blond dude in the WHOLE SCHOOL), and the nerd isn’t a nerd, just a dude who goes to cram school and wears glasses (who we never see studying; people just say he’s super smart). Nothing much happens but it’s cute I guess!  There sure is a lot of kissing though! And a bit of a back massage…? And a forced indirect kiss with a teacher?! Just two bros in love, man. Real bros who only need each other <3
MVPs: lemon soda and hd plastic bottles
Overall: 3.89/10
Characters: 2.2/10 Format: 6/10 Pacing: 1/10 Art style: 7.63/10 Story: 1.02/10 Hand art style: 8/10 Water sound effect: 3/10 Singing voices: 2/10 Drink sponsorship: 10/10 Main characters' hairstyles: 3/10 or 7/10 OST: 8/10 - Unmemorable during the movie, but upon later listening it is refreshing. (like the lemon soda ;)) But again, no recollection of hearing these songs or the soundtrack in the movie. Names: 2/10 - Unmemorable (except for sajou and hara-sen… but mostly hara-sen… why is his name the most memorable???) Title: 7.68/10 - It's kinda cute Love triangle: 0/10 - Hinted but nonexistent… also why was Haru sensei so creepy Ending: 2/10 - I thought it did but it didn't and when it did I was surprised. Fr so many false endings… I was so ready for it to end Final shot after credits: 1/10 - Cute lil sketch but no “thanks for watching” or extra cute content :( literally a white screen. I want an image of them living alone together 20 years in the future by the countryside waiting for their stew to finish stewing, but alas Colors: 9.02/10 - It was kinda cute and saved the movie’s visual Backstory: 1/10 - Kinda wasn’t there… you had to infer stuff or it was revealed WAY later or it was just told to you with nothing really to support it Blond guy mc's band involvement: 0.88/10 - His concert carried the entire rating. Otherwise the fact he’s in a band would’ve been forgotten entirely Smart guy mc's fear of trains: 2/10 - It was never addressed until the middle of the movie and magically solved through the power of love <3  Relevance of trains and testing: 0.42/10 Quality of lemon soda graphics: 10/10 - So HD. So beautiful. I wanted lemon soda upon seeing it. Effective. Props to the marketing team Their codependency: 2/10 - Too much. Solved every conflict. unrealistic Smart guy's difficulty singing: 2/10 - Lame turns out he just couldn't read music? ok Hara-sen's involvement???? 0.71/10 - Who is he, why is he there, why did he do the thing; also why was sajou like “hara-sen hara-sen” in the beginning then he told blond dude it doesn’t have to do w hara-sen and they all moved on Fluff: 0.24/10 Realistic boy voices in high school: 0.2/10 - They’re so deep… but they get higher during the concert???????? Fr what up Plot and movie scenes coming full circle: 7/10 (the two scenes by the fountain w the spilled drink) - kinda cool ig, though felt kinda forced and for the sake of ~feels~ Little bubbles that float from characters randomly: 6/10 - cute but kinda random Eyes: 7.68/10 - Very expressive and comical but felt just kinda silly lol.  At least two half-aliens in the movie
Give it a watch ;D She cute and fresh as lemon soda :lemon emoji: 
See you next time on bromomovie reviews ;)
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bromotachii · 5 years ago
bromotachi is back
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