broken--detective · 8 years
"Well I'll be damned." Nick mused as the badge finally beeped, symbolling its working state. "I would have sat there swiping the damn thing until either the machine or I died. Ten guesses which would go first, first nine don't count." He joked.
He elected to ignore the borderline perverted insinuation he was anything more than an acquaintence (maybe friend) at this point. Although he found Harper to be youthful and beautiful and intriguing all at once. He was still much older and she still had so much to offer a man who would better deserve it.
"I've been here a million times and have had to replace this thing just as many, you'd think they'd have pre-time stamped badges in a box for when I have to replace it. Just toss the new one to me and activate it." He joked half-heartedly as he made for the door. Stepping forward he opened it for her and stood off to the side.
"I'm parked right off to the left. Pretty much have me my own parking spot right next to your sister." He chuckled, opening the second set of doors for her too. When she was through he gently took her arm and lead her to his car. A sleek but old looking Atomic V8, black and white with silver trim.
Leading her to the passenger side he opened the door and helped her in. The inside clean and almost fruity smelling mixed with a nice, manly cologne. A cherry air freshener hung from the rearview mirror. "Pardon the mess." He climbed into the driver seat and leaned over her, grabbing a bag of extra clothes out of the footspace of the passenger side and put it in the back. His car was clean and incredibly well maintained.
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
“Yeah, Kyle,” he had no idea who“Yeah, Kyle.” He nodded. He had no idea who Kyle was but for some reason a young man with dirty blonde hair popped into his head. Like a highschool intern or something. He let her leave the elevator first, looking down one end of the hall to the other before making his way to the front desk. 
 “You can tell me anything you want,” he replied, fixing his cuffs on his shirt, looking at her. He couldn't imagine anything she said being silly. Curious, but never silly. “Hell, you ever get the itch to tell me something random, I'll listen with open ears.” He smirked. “Shoe size or favorite color included.” He fished out his busted badge and handed it to the older man on the other side of the counter. A man in his 60's with a straightcut military-esque haircut. Not exactly what he had in mind. Kyle was. 
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
He listened to her as they walked, a smile on his lips as she spoke. When she mentioned that her sister said nothing but good things about him he chuckled. "Makes me feel like a better person than I am." He winked at her.
"Heading into a carreer headstrong is a good way to go about things. Ready and interested, that guarantees a forever job. But don't forget to live a little too." He pushed the button for the elevator and stood off to the side, letting her go in first as soon as the doors opened.
"I find your love for your work refreshing, but I am a bit worried. Taking care of yourself should be top priority. Plenty of sleep, eat healthy, social and physical stimulation." He replied. "How about this, a couple times a week, you and I go out and do something fun -permitted our work allows us." He smiled.
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
He looked at her as she spoke, wondering if had given off that sort of impression. "Listen here," he shuffled forward a bit, resting his elbows on the table. "If I had no interesf in talking with you and getting to know you, I would have walked away downstairs. Hell, I would have told your sister I didn't wanna meet you, but I did." He was honest. Reaching forward he rested a hand on hers, looking her in the eyes seriously. "Nora bragged about you up and down these halls and you sounded like a good kid with a good head on your shoulders and I wasn't wrong. Your drive is really something to be admired, Harper. Girls your age are out smoking cigarettes and sucking down milkshakes till they choke before they promptly use the tongue of an empty headed, unfaithful boob to clear their airways." He didn't sugar coat his disdain for todays youth. He didn't need to. "You are focusing on what you want first. Your interests, your future, and I really do love it when someone young does that." He lets go of her hand. "And if I can help be a positive influence without knocking you off that track of focus, then I'll be there anytime you need me." He smiled at her. "How about that walk?" Standing he fixed his tie and shirt before grabbing his coat.
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
"Oh boy, now I feel like I need to compete for title 'Best thing to put in your mouth'." He joked, although he didn't realize how wrong it sounded until a second or two later when he put a fry back down. "And that is something I shouldn't repeat to anyone." He grunted, coughing embarassed. "Especially not in a court house " he ran his fingers through his hair, face flushing a bit. "I'll make sure she gets back safe. I don't plan to monkey around this circus much longer than I have to." He muttered a bit, smile tugging at his lips. "Might show her around. And by show her around I mean every spot in this city I got a knife or shot. If she wants, of course. Doubt too many people want the Nick Valentine: House of Mutilation tour." He picked up the fry and stuffed it into his mouth. "Maybe when we get to know each other we can spend the evening showcasjng my scars, you know, like some sort of freakshow zoo." He chuckled, mostly joking around. "The ones above the belt, of course."
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
When she suggested that it was he who needed the babysitter he nearly choked on his coffee. His laugh was loud and genuine, a snort slipping in there that he quickly tried to stifle with the back of his hand. He sat back, turning his head, eyes closed as he willed himself to stop.
"I promise my Ma didn't raise me like this." He teased, finally coming back from his tepid laughing fit, wiping tears from his eyes. "Old men tend to get worse with age, which is why we look for ladies. A firm grip to hold our leashes lest we run out in the road." He smiled at Harper.
"She's welcome over to my place anytime she needs." He replied. He knew it was probably a horrible thing to do, invite a 16 year old girl over alone. But he'd never do anything with her. And it wasn't because he thought she was too young (although until she was 18 that IS the case), or that she wasn't pretty enough -because he found her gorgeous. It was all purely based on his own image of himself.
Nick never found himself attractive. He had thick lips he felt looked like a futon -especially when he was younger-, and squinty eyes and wrinkles that looked like a balloon that was stretched so big that when most of the air left it turned it into a raisin.
Of course, that wasn't true. His light stubble and face was mostly smoothe and his lips were thick and soft. But he never could accept what he looked like as a good thing. And then if he could find a woman who could stifle their vomit long enough to look at him, there was his profession and his personality. He was a trainwreck.
"Hell, anytime she wants. We can stop by Cosmos for that...Late...Night...shift...I forgot the name of it already." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "And then she can help remind me of my 23 grandchildren." He made a passive shot at his age, actually embarassed he forgot the name of the meal already.
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
"I do live in the city." He nodded, smiling. "An old apartment in a shady as hell neighborhood. But it's a decent building and a room much too big for a man like myself." He stood up and grabbed himself a coffee from the table on the other side of the room, excusing himself quickly.
He returned and sat down, putting three scoops of sugar and some cream in it. "Instead of spending half a years salary on a restaurant, how about you two come to my place?" He offered. "Old Lady Leonora's been unloading groceries off on me for the past month and I'm throwing out more than I eat." He chuckled. "Make me feel less guilty every garbage day."
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
“You ladies don't want an old man like me.” He chuckled. “Successful and lovely ladies like you don't deserve an old detective.” He teased before settling back to look at Harper once more, keeping his attention on her as he dished out a couple slices of cheese cake, handing one to Nora and the other to Harper.
“You made Codsworth, huh?” He smiled, looking awestruck. “I can't even work my toaster half of the time.” He chuckled. Looking down at the fries he took one and took a bite, thanking her. “Cosmos?” He chewed, thinking back. He didn't go out and eat often. Half of the time his diet consisted of dry toast and coffee, but he did remember the place. “That's that little burger joint about 10 minutes out, right?” He questioned. “I've been there once. Damn good food if I do say so myself. Got my first bullet wound there too.” He grinned taking another one before sitting back.
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
Nick smiled and slipped inside. He was greeted with an angry tone from a large dark skinned man with smooth features save for intense crows feet and a forehead wrinkled with permanent frown lines. This was going to be good. 
Walking over he did his business as fast as he could, presenting the evidence, expressing his own opinion on the matter, giving each person present a detailed report on what he’d seen when he caught the guy and his thoughts on what happened and how it happened. 
He ran over his statements a couple of times before being dismissed. As he left, he grabbed a tray of sweets when no one was looking -a tin of cheese cake he knew Jensen would most likely devour himself if no one else intervened. 
He hid it in his coat until he was out in the hall and just outside the room he was to meet Nora and Harper. He gave a quick knock before opening and slipping inside. “Sorry to make you two wait so long. I was wrestling a cheesecake out of a grizzlies mouth.” He held up the cheese cake and joined the table they sat at. 
Shrugging off his tan trench coat, he worked on making himself comfortable, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top three buttons of his shirt. “They want to make Allen innocent. Let him go on an insanity charge,” he snorted. “I’ve met little old ladies more insane than that man. He’s a monster and fully aware of what he’s doing.” He vented a bit as he settled in. 
Knowing that he couldn’t speak much more of the case until it was over with, he changed the subject, running his fingers through his dark hair before looking at Harper. “So, your sister told me you were going to CIT?” He questioned. 
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
When the younger girl mentioned fries he hummed, looking thoughtful. "I guess destroying my diet for a day can't hurt. Fries are definitely one of my many weaknesses." He winked before resting his hand on his stomach, a small pouch of fat visible through his shirt as he pressed his shirt to his flesh. "As you can probably tell." He chuckled.
"And trust me, I wouldn't try getting out of dinner with you Nora. I've seen how you go after people in the court room. I'd have a better chance running from a pack of angry bulls with two broken knees than skipping out on you." He teased. Stepping back he fixed his shirt and looked back towards the room. "You two ladies don't have to wait for me," he smiled back at them. "Room three? I'll meet you two up there in a few."
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
When Nora had given him the official introduction of the younger woman he gave her a warm smile and removed his hat for her, bowing his head a bit. "Pleasure's all mine, Miss Harper." He greeted. "Case isn't due for a day or so, now is just evidence review and categorization. Making sure everything is in order before the case." He looked at Nora and smiled.
"There isn't anything more embarassing than being caught in court with your pants down." When he saw the bit of grease on the girls cheek he gently fished out a handkerchief he had in his pocket. "Here let me..." he reached forward and gently wiped it off. "There you go. Too pretty of a face to hide behind a bit of grease." He winked at her.
"If you'd like, I'll run the evidence in, babble through my statements right quick amd be right back out. I have some things I want to discuss with you about one of your clients anyway." He looked back at Nora.
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
Over the last 3 months, Nick had been back and forth to every courthouse in the state within 100 miles of his home. He served as witness to some, defendant to others, evidence presenter, jury...
His word alone damned half a hundred people to life in prison or even death penalty. But he was starting to feel old from running around so much, trying so hard to track the baddies down and bring them to justice. And it wasn't any better at the fact he'd come home to the empty embrace of a cold bed and piss warm bottle of brandy.
Not that he could really complain. He wasn't that old -late 30's early 40's. A silver fox as some of the local women called him. Thin face but square jaw and eyes as green as a meadow and soft, kitten like, well groomed dark brown hair, decorated with flecks of silver from such heavy work. He was a heart throb to say the least, but he didn't care about unnecessary things like that.
No, Nick Valentine was far from a rich, playboy philanthropist. He lived in a shitty, ramshackle apartment on the other side of town with noisy neighbors and the smell of piss on the first floor. Although he kept his own room in tip top shape, practically remodeled himself with hardwood floors and a comfortable sofa, a television in the corner of his living room and a spacious full sized bed in his well decorated and incredibly clean bedroom.
Always able to turn dirt to gold, his mother used to say before she passed away. But he knew that the alchemy she spoke of wouldn't lead to much fruition. He was still alone, and he was still in a horrid neighborhood with a shitty building working hard to protect and save people who would always be ungrateful to him afterwards.
Well...he couldn't say always. Many times, people sent him things. Cards written by grateful children thanking him for bringing their Mommy or Daddy or lost puppy home. Parents sending money he'd return only to be shoved back to him insisting he take it and barring him from sending it back to him.
But people always expected more from him. He'd spend days upon days trying to find someone who was missing, or catch a killer or something to that effect, and should he fail, they would always throw back in his face 'But you have to find him! I thought you were the great Nick Valentine? Well what good are you!?'
He stood impatiently in the elevator, waiting for it to reach the floor he was supposed to be on, pulling his hat off and running his fingers through his graying hair, cheekbones sharp and thin lips pursed every so, stubble speckling on his chin. The woman beside him sighed contently, looking at his greying sideburns in admiration -something he'd picked up on the moment he walked into the elevator.
Stepping out he held his hand against the door and stood off to the side. “Is this your floor, Ma'am?” He questioned, pulling his hat from his head as he finally addressed her. She was a pretty thing, brown hair as soft as silk and skin as white as snow, curled and hanging loosely by her shoulders. She looked at him stunned, clutching her bag close to her chest, dressed in a white and blue polka-dot dress. She nodded and stepped out, her blue heels clicking on the tiles as she did so.
“Thank you.” She replied, sounding as if she were at the top of the hill and that final act sent her swooning down that slippery slope to death.
“Not a problem,” he flashed her a warm smile, bowing his head to her. “You have a wonderful day, Ma'am.” She looked at him with love in her eyes and a blush at her cheeks as he turned and made his way down the hall.
There was a door, a young guard stood in front of, waiting for something -or someone. Walking up he went to reach for the doorknob but was stopped when the young guard -the boy must have been in his late 20's- stepped in front of him.
“I'm sorry sir, but this room is for summoned persons only.” He informed, very firmly. The boy took his job seriously, that was a good sign.
“I know, son.” Nick agreed, nodding. “My name is Nick Valentine, I was summoned to present all witness for the capture of Richard Allen.”
“I'm sorry sir, but you need authorization.” The guard insisted. Nick frowned, eyebrows furrowing. Sighing he dug his hands into his right pocket first, looking for the badge he'd received down in the main lobby, then the left pocket. Finding it, he dug it out and showed him.
The guard took the badge and looked it over, matching face with face, and date of birth with appearance. Turning he dragged the badge through a scanner, a horrid beeping noise, followed by the humming of almost a dial up sounding tune emmitting from the computer. An error popped up on the screen.
“I'm sorry sir but your card was declined.” He handed it back.
“Scan it again, for...jumping Jesus's sake.” Nick muttered, irritated already. The boy turned and obeyed, scanning it again. Error. Again. Error. Again. “Ok, don't beat it to death, son. The horse stopped neighing 2 swipes ago.” Nick huffed and took the card back as it read error once more.
“I'm sorry sir, you're unauthorized to enter.” The guard insisted.
“Look, kid, I'm needed in there like...right now so we can get this dirt bag tossed into a slammer, and the longer you keep me out here twiddling my thumbs in dixie land, the more pissed off Judge Jensen gets. Now, I know you're young and you probably think every grown up is a dickbag, but Judge Jensen will redefine that entire outlook if you piss him off, got it?” He huffed.
“I'm sorry sir, you're not authorized to enter.” The guard simply repeated himself.
“Do you know who I am?” He snarled. The guard's eyes narrowed, his stance shifting to one that screamed oh jesus, a celebrity playing the 'holier-than-thou' card. “I'm the guy who caught the bastard in there! I'm the detective who was shot at bringing the bastard down!” He bolstered. “I've been coming to this room twice a week for the last 10 years, I have a friggin lobby dedicated to me for Christ's sake, I'll be damned if I'm going to waste my time fiddle farting around with a child who feels mighty because he's got his daddy's shoes and a well pressed second hand shirt! Let me in that God damn room, or so help me!” He stopped when the dinging of the elevator caught his attention, head whirling around to see a familiar face leave it.
“Oh look! Someone who knows what the hell's going on!” He shot the kid a dirty look before pulling away from him, turning to face Nora and the young woman with him. “Hey, would you tell this lovely defender of the peace to let me in this damn room so I can do my job?” He asked, the lovely defender of the peace drenched in sarcasm. “My damn card won't scan and Jensen's going to mount my behind on a Mahogany plaque if I make him wait any damn longer.”
I Knew You When {Valentine}
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broken--detective · 8 years
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Complicated Feelings: Hancock, John Hancock
“Do you feel me?”
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broken--detective · 8 years
A lot of violence and a lot of swearing starters
Possibly a lot of trigger warnings. Violence, blood, death, injuries, knives, guns etc.
“How the fuck did you crack their skull?”
“You promised not to fucking do this”
“I would have crushed their brains”
“What the fuck did you do?”
“You kicked their head in because they owed you money?”
“You fucking stabbed the guy”
“You killed someone? I’m so proud of you”
“I hope they spend their last few breaths knowing they never should have tested me”
“There’s still blood in the fucking carpet”
“I told you I did stupid stuff when I got pissed off”
“There’s still blood on the car”
“My knife broke off in his chest somewhere”
“They didn’t deserve that”
“You really should see the other guy”
“They know it was your gun”
“They won’t make it”
“Don’t worry I only broke 90% of their bones”
“You should stab them and see how they fucking like it”
“They fucking deserved what they got”
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broken--detective · 8 years
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nick valentine’s quests;
7K notes · View notes
broken--detective · 8 years
You: Why would anyone want to romance Nick Valentine?
Nick Valentine: 
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You: Holy shit.
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broken--detective · 8 years
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smoke break
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