brngdisc · 2 years
No Excuses!!!,
“ DA-Brnrs “ first album “ Burning “ is out as of Friday!. So there are No Excuses!. for anyone to support our projects. We will put out an Instrumental Album by the 19th of August. The name of the Album will be “ Embers “. Also we will have beats available on our Website!. I will be selling ( Posters , CD’s , Tee Shirts and Hats ) both in person and on our website DA-Brnrs.com. Now is the time to support “ DA-Brnrs “!. So I’m hoping you  will help to put us on the map. As Always ( peace , Unity , and Above All Love )!!!!.
# We are “ DA-Brnrs “!!!>
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brngdisc · 2 years
“ Business / Record Label “
Good Afternoon “ DA-Brns “ music Dropped!. today. Our music is available by Streams and Downloads. Next week “ DA-Brnrs “ first Album “ Burning “ will be available in 1500.00 retail stores both as CD’S and Albums. “ DA-Brnrs “ Instrumental Album “ Embers “ will be available by 8/19/22. “ DA-Brnrs “ will be selling Beats and Merchandise by 8/12/22. You can find us All!. over Social Media. Follow my Blog The “ Burning Disk “ here. Please Support ( Like , Comment , Post , Share , Follow and Subscribe ). As Always “ DA-Brnrs “ wish you ( Peace , Unity and Above All Love )!. 
# We are “ DA-Brnrs “!!!. Our Website is “ DA-Brnrs “.Com
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brngdisc · 2 years
“ Show Time “
It’s going down on Friday Tumblr!. Our music and first Album “ Burning “ will be available. I created a distribution deal with CD Baby. “ DA-Brnrs “ Album “ Burning “ will be streamed on over 150.00 platforms. Including ( Spotify , Apple , You Tube , Pandora and Amazon ). The Album will be available by Download at ( Ringtones , I Tunes and Amazon ). The Album will be sold in over 1500.00 retail stores both as an Album and CD’s. I have created a “ Hearnow “ one page website on CD Baby. There you can listen to a thirty second clip of the ten songs on our First Album. Look for the link wherever you are on Social Media. I’m completing my son Reggie ( “ R Dot “ ) MC, Rapper and Lyricist Dream. Also my Dream James AKA ( “ The Mad Scientist of Beats ) Engineer , Producer and Beat Maker. By releasing our First Album “ Burning “!. Reggie “ R Dot “ passed away in November of last year after completing our projects. This is my way of keeping his ( Memory , Gift and Spirit ) Alive!!!. Please assist me by supporting our First Album “ Burning “!!!. As Always ( Peace , Unity and Above All Love )!!!.   # We Are “ DA-Brnrs “
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brngdisc · 2 years
" Swimming With Sharks "
Tumblr Fam!. I find myself busy and busier each day setting up my new Business / Record Label " DA-Brnrs ". I'm not complaining this is a " Labor of Love". Unlike working for an employer who devalues me and doesn't appreciate my ( Hard work , Dedication and Sacrifices ). Now I work for myself . I'm at this Day and Night. I know " Mastering " all sides of the Business / Recording Industry is the " Key " to our success. One day my focus is The Legal Side of the business. The next day is establishing a Social Media presence. Another day is finalizing our music ( Mixing , Remastering ) for the final version to be released to you the public. The hard work is beginning to " Pay Off ". We are gaining " Support " all over the internet. People are beginning to take notice of " DA-Brnrs ". This is " Evident " because our posts are getting commented on. Our videos and pictures are getting views. This Blog is being read. Best of all we are gaining ( Likes , Followers and Subscribers ). I'm not letting any of this go to my head. I remind myself daily. I'm Swimming with Sharks!. These Sharks don't even wait to see " Blood " before they attack. There is " Evil competition , Jealousy and Envy in these " Waters ". Those on top of the industry don't want to lose their place. Those just jumping in the " Waters " want to ascend to top as fast as they can at any cost. No one can be trusted. Survival depends on me " Mastering " this Music Industry. I motivate myself each day reminding myself. That I'm " " " "Swimming with Sharks " and We will not be " Prey ".
# We are DA-Brnrs.
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brngdisc · 2 years
" No Biz like Sho Biz "
Tumblr Fam!. Trying to get this social media side of the business down. I have established a presence all over the internet . Some sites the goal is Subscribers , others Followers and still others Influencers. Gone are the days if you had a good product like music and put it out for the public to decide your fate ( Success or Failure ). Today if you are an Independent Label such as " DA-Brnrs " . Your fate is decided by ( Likes , Comments , Followers and Subscribers ). Whether a ( Post , Video or Moment ) goes viral. The music can " Suck " but if the video goes Viral you are a success LoL!!!. I'm learning more and more each day challenging but interesting. I have created as you see my own Blog. I'm setting up my first Podcast soon. I'm putting to rest the saying " You can't teach a Old Dog New Tricks " . This dog is " Barking Loud " putting my business and label " DA-Brnrs " on the map. Our creative style " Techno Funk " is the next wave in music. So I'm riding this Social Media " Tidal Wave " all the way back to the shore LoL!!!. So put on your ( Swimming Suit , Speedos or may be you like to swim nude ) LoL!!!. Jump in the waters with us " DA-Brnrs " Our debut Album " Burning " . Take a " Dip " or just put your toes in the water ( Listen ) LoL. But don't miss The " Splash " coming soon. #We Are " DA-Brnrs ".
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brngdisc · 2 years
Introducing DA-Brns
I created my blog The Brng Disc to introduce my label and business to the world. I chose the name Brng Disc because like a disc on fire
I will talk about fiery subjects such as ( Life , Religion , Current Events , History , Politics ) and of course The Music Biz.
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