bringmenuggets · 6 years
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I think marco is gay
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bringmenuggets · 6 years
My vision gradually clears and so does my mind. I try to focus on any point in the room, but there was nothing to focus on except for my feet strapped to a metal table. "Hello?" I shout into the blank room, the only returning sound is my own voice echoing back to me.
I hear a soft slide, and I turn my head toward the noise just in time to see a man step into the white room. "Ah! Glad to see you're alive!" The man says cheerily. I take in his appearance. He has a large smile spread across his face, a white lab coat, (stereotypical,) and a face that looks almost like a rat.
"Where am I? Why am I here?" I yell at him, struggling against my bonds. "Where is the rest of my group?" We were on a field trip when we split up the class into multiple groups on three. Suddenly it all went dark, and that is the last things I remember.
"They are all safe, as are you. You are only separated because you don't know what you are capable of." He grabs a chair and places it only a few inches from me, sitting down and crossing his ankles. He leans forward and rests his hands on his knees. "Look, you have a rare ability, as do the rest of your group members. Your brains are generated to think faster, and more efficiently than anyone else on the planet. There is no telling the other abilities you may have because of this superior brain power."
I raise my eyebrows at him in question. "Really? I find that hard to believe. One of the kids in my group is dyslexic, how does he think better than anyone on the planet? Then you're also overlooking the fact that you are telling me I practically super human, which makes no sense since there is no such thing."
"Ah, John. A clever boy. He lists more toward numbers, and creativity than reading which is understandable. But you, Luxia, you are saying that there is no such thing as super humans. And you would have been right, that is until now. You and your group are going to have to undergo tests to see exactly what abilities you have, and what you are capable of." He gives a bright smile, and me as I stare blankly at him. None of this makes sense. "Now lets get started, shall we?"
I undergo many tests, so many that I failed until one popped up. "Now, Luxia. Extend your hand toward the doll, and move your hands, will it to do your bidding. Remember to concentrate."
With my feet still shackled to the floor, I square them off, and extend my hand to the porcelain doll. I suddenly jerk my hand upward, and with it the doll flies, almost nonexistent golden strings attach my fingers and the doll together. "Great, so I'm a puppeteer."
"Amazing, Luxia!" The doctor shouts clapping his hands. That's when I make a split second decision.
I jerk my hand in the direction of the doctor, dropping my mind from the doll, connecting to his. "You made a mistake. You feared me because you didn't know what I could do. But there is one thing worse than the unknown." I will the strings that connect us to force his hands to his sides, then draw him toward me. I bring my mouth to his ear, whispering, "me."
I actually spent time on this one. - A
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bringmenuggets · 6 years
One Dark Prince
I pull on the crisp, dark tux that has been waiting for me for ages.
After I finish dressing there is a sharp knock on the door, then the soft click of the door handle. "Mr. Prack?" A hesitant voice ventures. "It is time for the ball."
I turn and see a short girl in a servant gown, bowing her head to me. "Alright, Lucy. I will be down to see my prince in a moment." She nods excepting my answer, turning to walk out the door.
I move my body, facing toward the mirror once again. I chuckle at my reflection in it. I look so ridiculous in a tux, but if I'm going to marry the prince, I've got to look the part.
Walking out the door I run a hand through my close cropped hair. Eden is waiting for me on the stair case waiting to enter the ball. The ball that is celebrating our engagement. "Hello, Max." Eden says quietly, pecking me on the cheek.
"Hello, Eden." I smirk and run a hand down his arm. "Do you think that they would miss us if we weren't there for another 15, 20 minutes?" I whisper in his ear, lightly brushing my lips over his jawline while we are still out of sight.
"Mmmm, I think they'll live." He replies quietly shivering as my lips lightly feather over his jaw.
"Then lets take this to somewhere else, yeah?" He nods numbly against me while I take his hand and run down the hall. I lead him back to my room, a smile on my face.
As soon as I close the door I am pushed against it in a rush of blonde hair, and hungry lips. Our lips move together in perfect sync, a chaotic dance of lust.
"Max." He groans as I disconnect our lips and walk us over to the bed. I lie him down on the soft comforter, tracing my lips down his pale neck. He lets out a string of curses as I work my way up and down his neck.
My hand slinks up his arm, going to his neck. I cradle his neck softly, tenderly tracing my thumb over his jaw. I bring my other hand up from his waist, and place it onto his neck as well, looking down at his blue eyes.
I spread my hands, closing them onto his windpipe. He struggles under me, trying to move away from me in any way he can. His face starts to turn red as he struggles for air, grasping at life.
He struggles for a few more moments as I remain on top of his hips, pinning him to the matress. He tries one last time to get free, feebly wiggling below me.
After he stops struggling completely, I check for a pulse. Finding none, I get off Prince Eden, a smile on my face. I change out of my tux and scale down the side of the building with ease. The Prince is dead.
I am so done pretending I'm not evil.
So, i wrote this pretty late at night. I was trying to sleep and the idea came so I had to write it. I hope it was good, I won't be continuing this chapter like a series. But I will right more oneshots in the future. - A
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bringmenuggets · 6 years
Someone listening to music: I love this song! Starts singing and doing a little dancing.
Me listening to music: *Flips Table* YES I LOVE THIS SONG!! *Jumps off Mt. Everest because I danced too hard* *screams lyrics so loud windows break.*
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
Me: It’s almost 3 a.m. I shouldn’t make a toaster waffle right now.
Also me: It’s almost 3 a.m. I should get a toaster waffle before all the demons come and attack me.
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
Reblog if your blog is safe for trans followers.
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
My summer meals
-Literally just chicken nuggets and ramen noodles
-I don't regret it one bit.
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
Person One: I went to a party over the weekend.
Person two: I solved world hunger over the weekend. What did you do?
Me: I read three books and kept social interaction to a minimal.
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
People during summer: I really need to get my bikini ready body, I should diet.
Me: *Stuffs face with chicken nuggets*
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
Person one: I wonder what she's thinking...
Me: Shoe-be-do-be-do-bop-shoe-be-do-be-do-bop PERRY
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
My sister: I can't wait to go to those amazing high school parties.
Me: I can't wait till I don't have to worry about getting invited to high school parties.
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
ME IN 50 YEARS:: Social life? I haven't see that in years.
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bringmenuggets · 7 years
I remember when I was younger how I was really social. Thats out the window.
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