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#tonystark #bringbacktonystarktolife #bringbacktonystark #bringtonystarkback #pepperpotts #pepperony #tonystarkdeservedbetter #bringbackironman
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If you have a Twitter account, please tweet with the hashtag #bringbacktonystarktolife on May 29th, for Tony’s birthday. We’re trying to trend it, to show Marvel how much we love Tony and want him to have a happy ending. Thanks!!   #tonystark #bringbacktonystark #bringtonystarkback #bringbackironman #pepperpotts #pepperony #morganstark  #tonystarkdeservedbetter  #ironman
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#bringbacktonystark #bringbacktonystarktolife 
If you have a Twitter account, don’t forget to use these hashtags on 24th! And if you haven’t signed the petition yet, here is the link : http://chng.it/9Z8csyWj
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There is no failure except in no longer trying
Elbert Hubbard
#BringBackTonyStark #TonyStarkdeservesbetter 
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Sign the petition for Tony Stark Come and join the 16000 people who have already signed! Tony deserves to be happy with his family.
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If you too think Tony deserved a happy ending with his wife and daughter, please SIGN THE PETITION to bring him back. Tony deserves to stand by Pepper and Morgan forever. After all he’s been through, and the number of times he has saved people, that would be really fair that the world gives him back what he really deserves, true happiness. 
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PLEASE PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION to bring back Tony. He deserves so much to be happy with his family. His death is totally unfair and really too painful. Morgan needs her dad! Pepper needs her husband! And Tony needs to live peacefully a family life forever. 
I started a petition for bring Tony Stark back to life!!
Tony was always ready to risk his life, suffer, and sacrifice himself for anyone, without ever receiving anything in return. Since the beginning, since he was a kid. He can never be happy, and when he finally got what he always wanted, and deserved, his wife, his daughter, his family.. he died. He didn’t deserve this and it’s not fair, after everything he’s been through, and done for everyone, he deserves to live and see his daughter grow up.
He has helped so many people (in the mcu and in our world), he has helped people to live (including me) to overcome their problems, to accept themselves, to face life. He’s so important. He saved our lives and it’s our turn to save him.
We love him so much. We love him 3000. Without him, now, we are totally lost. For many people, he was their reason to live and hold on in life.
#TonyStark #AvengeTonyStark #SAVETONYSTARK
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