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Indie Kurt Wagner RP Blog Written By Max
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
lucifer sentence starters ↳ episode 1 – 3
i like to punish people too.
are you trying to bribe me?
it’s only money
.you break the law sometimes, don’t you?
it feels good to get away with something, doesn’t it?
go on, take it. buy yourself something pretty.
you little devil.
shouldn’t you be spending your valuable time doing something more significant?
don’t know. don’t care. not my problem.
he will not be merciful for much longer.
you’re famous, aren’t you?
did i sell my soul to the devil?
with all the good came a hell of a lot of bad.
so the devil made you do it, did he?
i suggested you work with him, not sleep with him.
oh god, i’m a mess.
what happens now – that’s up to you.
what did you do?!
why did you end her life?!
there’s gonna be a lot of attention on this one.
do you know the shooter?
like to play cop, do you?
i just like to play in general.
now, don’t you think that’s interesting?
immortality. of course. you spell that with one or two M’s? i always forget.
what will your corrupt little organisation do about this?
will you find the person responsible? will they be punished?
you’ve got some balls on you, pal.
i could swear i’ve seen you naked. have we had sex?
someone out there needs to be punished!
what is this, a wedding or a kidnapping?
it’s hard to be rejected, isn’t it?
i’d kill someone if they denied me. not that that’s possible.
did you want her dead?
i am not playing that mind game with you.
i really don’t want to have sex with him tonight.
i have narcotics for him.
can someone please turn down this god-awful music!
without the blues, there’d be no devil’s music whatsoever.
you’re being clear alright. if you’re looking to get yourself killed.
i didn’t kill her!
people sometimes kill people with whom they’re in love. the heart’s mysterious.
girl made me crazy!
welcome to the party!
i have far too many bullets in this thing for you to still be talking.
what do you desire more than anything else in this life?
you’re not like – a jedi or something, are you?
i know something you don’t know.
well, they’re threatened. you’re clearly smart and have notable instincts.
i don’t think you’re allowed to smoke in here.
that’s a hooker’s name.
i don’t know whether to laugh or to shoot you.
are you at all aware of how dickish you sound?
i wouldn’t recommend it. i’m like walking heroin.
i tend to appeal to the dark, mischievous hearts in all of you.
you seem oddly immune to my charms.
truth be told, i find you repulsive.
did you roofie her?
my word is my bond.
what’s your deepest, darkest desire?
you wouldn’t want any nasty secrets screwing that up for you though, would you?
god, you are a terrible liar.
despite your proclaimed revulsion, you can’t deny that there’s a connection between us.
i made her, and she ruined me.
i’m gonna punish you.
back off, you freak!
he needs to pay! he needs to suffer! he needs to feel the pain, not escape it!
i don’t want to die.
why aren’t you more dead?
you’re having a very hard time with the immortal thing, aren’t you?
i’m pretty sure i’d be dead if you hadn’t helped me, so thank you.
you know, you’re far too interesting to let die.
i think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
i’d stay for the family reunion, but it’s giving me terrible IBS.
you scared i’m turning my back on the dark side?
you wouldn’t want to start a war.
i look forward to eating your heart one day.
have you seen the face of the devil?
i’m willing to work within your metaphor.
i’d kick a puppy if one waltzed by. i’m joking. puppies don’t waltz.
i’m gonna figure out your secret.
i guess we both have our mysteries.
i’ll show you mine if you show me yours.
if i don’t affect you, i’m curious as to what does.
if you desire something, just take it.
you’re not gonna get away with this. i’m gonna make sure of it.
what are you hiding?
are you really gonna try and prove his innocence?
sorry, do you want a hit?
it’s ‘puff, puff, pass’, not ‘puff, puff, stomp angrily.’
you brought pot to a crime scene?
i’m sure there’s some stragglers we could get into trouble with, huh?
it’s called a devil’s threesome for a reason.
if you’ve come to lecture me, can you just save it for later? i’m annoyingly sober right now.
you must have done something salacious in your youth.
i’m not gonna tell you anything.
i don’t want to know about the case, so you can keep your dirty little secrets.
i’ve seen the hatred in her eyes when she looks at you.
i just did everything i could to keep others from making the same mistakes i did.
who are you protecting?
i was hoping for sexy, salacious details, and i instead i got taken on a trip down depression lane.
don’t you dare disrespect me.
you will not speak to me this way!
am i interrupting some creepy foreplay you two have?
we all know what the road to hell is paved with, don’t we?
they don’t give out pulitzers for nip-slips.
if it’s any consolation, you look really good in it.
you don’t decide who gets punished and how.
let’s go deliver some punishment.
you’re a necessary evil.
i’ll kill you, you crazy bitch!
you both get a gun. let’s see who shoots first.
what’s to stop us from shooting you?
you’re interrupting my punishment.
you’re lucky i figured out your insane, ironic punishment before anyone got killed.
you tried to do some good. to help someone. don’t throw it all away.
i thought i’d use you to remedy a situation that i’ve mishandled and annoy you in the process.
you know exactly what i’m asking you.
didn’t mean to hurt you.
i hope the guy who hurt you got in lots of trouble.
i’m so very used to being in control of everything.
i doubt he’ll be able to string two words together right now, much less have a conversation.
what happened to you?
i can’t get away from him!
what’s the worst that can happen?
you could learn a thing or two from this guy.
you are in desperate need of my help.
i mean – you are like a four-leaf clover and a unicorn made a baby.
i’ve met your type before. so desperate to control their lives that they forget to enjoy it.
this is the fantasy life of a postmenopausal housewife.
i want to get laid so damn bad.
i very much beg your pardon?
i’m freaking out, okay?
i need that favour.
thanks for being super-cryptic in a really unhelpful way.
we’ve got a murder on our hands.
you forget that my expertise is finding the right people to punish.
so there’s a bona fide killer on the loose that needs to be punished.
haven’t i proven myself extremely useful at detectiving?
i don’t want to be stuck out here with these miscreants.
you call watching porn on your phone useful?
i wish i’d never met you.
the person responsible is still out there.
i just want to make sure that you’re punishing the right person.
this place is built on lies where nothing is authentic or genuine.
i’m gonna tear him limb from limb.
your anger toward this minor inconvenience feels a little disproportionate.
we need to ask you a few questions.
i don’t think the plan was to kill you.
i think they wanted to scare you.
you’re like two pathetic peas in a pod.
someone must’ve hired her for this.
if your problem’s that stick up your ass, i’m afraid there’s no one strong enough to pull that out.
am i up for encouraging someone to commit a nefarious act? put me in, coach.
your professional reputation has taken a bit of a dive. as has your sexual one, i’m afraid.
just sit tight and we’ll all get what we want.
you know who you’re messing with?
you’ve certainly been a busy bee, haven’t you?
it seems you’re a bit of a two-pump chump.
please don’t hurt me – please.
i’m not gonna hurt you. i’m going to destroy you.
see, that’s why i don’t lie. it’s so hard to keep track of who knows what.
i still don’t understand.
if he left me, i would be ruined.
she didn’t want to go through with it.
i’m finally focusing my anger where it belongs.
but you know what? you, uh – you stayed good to your word.
you are crazy. but you’re my crazy, you hear me?
are you too egotistical to acknowledge my help?
i think that’s why you’re here. to reinvent yourself.
i told you, i’m good at punishing people – nay, i’m the best at punishing people.
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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“Do you really not like the beard?”
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
Kurt and Kitty
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / i will ship them in hell
to me they are very much like siblings after all their time together 
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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“I dare say…I was born for this. Raise the flag, X-Men. And let’s go be amazing.”
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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616 hepzibah of the starjammers by kat.
promo by lia.
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
put a ship in my ask
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / i will ship them in hell
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
Send 🍆 to send my muse a very intentional nude
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
“So, how exactly do you decide where you’re teleporting to? I can’t imagine how that works organically.”
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“I just have to think about it and see it.”
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
@brimstonepirate ✷ starter call
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     “Recognize your scent, Hepzibah does. Work with Scott, yes?”
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“Ja! I do with with Scott. You work with his father right?”
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
“Little Shop of Horrors” soundtrack sentence meme
❝ What a creepy thing to be happening! ❞
❝ It’s nice to meet me, the pleasure is yours! ❞
❝ You have a talent for causing things pain! ❞
❝ Don’t feed the plants! ❞
❝ I’m willing to keep on doing bloody, awful, evil things! ❞
❝ What do you want from me — blood? ❞
❝ The rainbow’s just a no-show. ❞
❝ Does this look inanimate to you, punk? ❞
❝ You’re a monster and so am I! ❞
❝ Who knew success would come with messy, nasty strings? ❞
❝ Take a breath and look around: a lot of folks deserve to die! ❞
❝ Three words with the ring of fate. ❞
❝ Do you mind if I call you a genius? ❞
❝ Downtown: where depression’s just status quo. ❞
❝ Stop right where you are, don’t you move a thing! ❞
❝ Looks like you’re not happy, unless I open a vein. ❞
❝ Feed me! ❞
❝ You’re lookin’ cute as can be! ❞
❝ Bear in mind, I’m not immortal. ❞
❝ I have so, so many strong reservations. ❞
❝ Poor! All my life I’ve always been poor. ❞
❝ I’ll gladly treat you like my blood, and my own flesh. ❞
❝ Thanks a million for making the magic you do. ❞
❝ Who cares if I’ve been a little on the anemic side these past few weeks?  ❞
❝ You’ve given me nothing, but heartache and hurt. ❞
❝ The bosses take your money and they break your hearts. ❞
❝ Nobody ever treated me kindly. ❞
❝ They’re gonna put you in jail! ❞
❝ You got no place to hide, you got nowhere to run. ❞
❝ Must be blood! Must be fresh! ❞
❝ I’ve got no choice — I’m much too poor! ❞
❝ Relationships are no-go. ❞
❝ You’re barely alive. ❞
❝ Officially, I’m your brat! ❞
❝ He’ll never ever ever be any good! ❞
❝ Feed me all night long! ❞
❝ Tell your mama something’s gonna get her — she better beware! ❞
❝ All of a sudden success coming out of the blue! ❞
❝ When he’s gone, the world will be yours. ❞
❝ What we have here is an ethical dilemma. ❞
❝ Please understand, it’s still strange and frightening. ❞
❝ Someday, you’ll find a way to make your natural tendencies pay. ❞
❝ You cater to a million jerks. ❞
❝ I dream of a place where we could be together at last. ❞
❝ You need blood and he’s got more than enough! ❞
❝ Who wants their teeth done by the Marquis de Sade? ❞
❝ Someone show me a way to get outta here. ❞
❝ I know things were bad, but now they’re okay. ❞
❝ Don’t let my mirth deceive you! ❞
❝ I’m dating a semi-sadist… ❞
❝ I keep asking God what I’m for, and he tells me ‘gee, I’m not sure!’ ❞
❝ Trust me and your life will surely rival King Tut’s! ❞
❝ I’m begging you sweetly, I’m down on my knees! ❞
❝ People will pay you to be inhumane. ❞
❝ Stand aside watch that motha’ blow! Explosion! Bang! Kerboom! ❞
❝ I’d poison guppies, and when I was done, I’d find a pussycat and bash in its head. ❞
❝ Someone gimme my shot or I’ll rot here. ❞
❝ I get off on the pain I inflict! ❞
❝ Lady luck came and found me. ❞
❝ It really is a rotten way to go! ❞
❝ They say the meek gonna get it — and you’re a meek little guy. ❞
❝ I dream we’ll go somewhere that’s green. ❞
❝ Stop and think it over, pal… that guy sure looks like plant food to me. ❞
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brimstonepirate-blog · 6 years ago
Safiya Nygaard Sentence Starters
taken from various videos from her youtube channel
“It’s a little early for Christmas, but I guess Satanic Christmas is just a year-round affair.”
“[name] usually waxes my mustache.”
“I did grow my mustache out just for this occasion.”
“It looks like you could maybe cook a hot dog in there.”
“Look at my sideburns blowing in the wind.”
“I’ve got something going on in the bowels, whether it be butterflies or gas.”
“My wingspan is almost identical to that of the turkey vulture.”
“I don’t do anything besides hang out with my boyfriend and my cat, but that’s okay.”
“I think shoulder pads are kinda hot.”
“You know what they say about long feet: long socks.”
“My motto is you can never have too much Harry Potter merchandise, and I will single-handedly prove that motto correct.”
“[name] has resting homicide face.”
“[name]’s been making fun of my dress, but he’s been wearing the same shirt for three weeks.”
“I feel like I’m gonna look sporty and ready for action.”
“I feel like I smell like a hotel room right now.”
“I’m flexing my boob muscles.”
“I don’t think it’s cotton, but it’s nice and soft and I wanna pet it.”
“Love that cat. I wanna just shower him with love that he doesn’t understand and will never know about.”
“I, of course, however, have no idea what I’m doing.”
“For some reason I’m wearing the same shirt as yesterday, I don’t know why I did that. This isn’t necessarily a lucky shirt.”
“All ye who enter here, leave my shit alone.”
“That’s a devil thing, isn’t it?”
“It’s hard to say if my bones feel stronger or my blood feels more iron-y.”
“I’m not exactly sure how that would have come of this, but it did appear very suddenly.”
“I would say that I feel like I need supervision. Why is anyone letting me do this by myself?”
“That doesn’t sound super appealing, but I feel like we’re already this far in, let’s give it a go.”
“I wonder if people are scared if they like give them a bad review, bad things will happen to them.”
“This is a fucking energy drink, bitch.”
“I wonder if this is legal. It feels like a white space, legislation-wise.”
“We’re amongst the boxers. Let’s try and be brief.” 
“I can’t vouch for their dental services, but they don’t have wifi.”
“It’s kinda like Tinder, but for psychics.”
“Over here it smells like fruit loops.”
“There are two buckets of candles: candles you stick your face in and candles that stick their face in you.”
“I’m going to go up to strangers and ask them to smell my candle.”
“I guess we’re just going to take a leap of faith. Sort of like marriage, I guess.”
“Congratulations! It’s a lump!”
“You might want to wash your hands at some point.”
“I kinda like petting this, it feels very nice.”
“I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is more bell sleeve.”
“Do your sleeves hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow?”
“It’s not horrible, but it’s not awesome.”
“It was being rejected by the rump.”
“I’m crying, not from joy, but from wind.”
“I’m fine emotionally. Financially, unclear.”
“Don’t tell me how old I am.”
“That’s is why we don’t throw things away. It’s because you give a Shakespeare sonnet every single time.”
“All roads lead to IKEA.”
“Mark my words: it will be laminated.”
“He thinks I’m just a giant goose.”
“I got groped by Wolverine.”
“I feel like the inside of a nice casket.”
“Your skin is your largest organ, so you might want to be nice to it.”
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