brillustrious-blog · 5 years
What is Product Risk Testing?
Product Risk Testing is testing based on the risk associated with the product. Risk is the probability of an incident of an undesirable outcome, which is related to further impact. For example, a user buys a micro oven that is right in baking pieces of bread but spoils cheese products at the same temperature.
Product Risk often called Quality risks in the industry. If a product has more risks or a probability of failures, then it impacts the quality of the product. Let’s assume that a user purchases an air conditioner that does not get affected in power fluctuations, whereas another air conditioner gets short circuit easily in case of power fluctuations. Above all, a user lives in a town where power fluctuation occurs frequently. This possibility of short circuit risk associated with the air conditioner impacts the quality of the air conditioner directly. This is quite possible that testers cannot test all the functionalities of a product at one time. They need to create and identify the scenario to check all the features of a product. A tester needs to do test the functionality, which has a higher impact and probability of failure. to maintain the quality of the product.
Type of Issues in Product Risk testing
Demand Risks – When there is a failure to generate demand for the product launch and other risks associated with the demand for the project. Let’s assume; a company wants to launch a mobile banking application in rural areas in India. Since people in rural areas are not aware of doing banking on mobiles and they do not know how to handle or use a mobile application. Such type of situation is a risk where kind of feature does not meet the market demands.
Operational issues – It refers to chances of any failures during day to day performance of the product. Such problems can occur due to human errors, like data entry errors.
Price Risk – It occurs when the functionalities are too expensive to afford. For example, a company is using the latest and costly technology, and thus price increases for the end consumer.
Customer Experience – When a user finds a product very complex, thus choose to use some other user-friendly product. If you have developed a website, and the user does not understand how to navigate on your website, then it is complicated for the user to understand.
Brand Risk – It refers to failures that impact product brand image. Let’ s assumes a brand that claims to be purely organic, but in ingredient sections, it says 4% chemical preserves are being used.
Inventory failures – There might be situations where there can be an excess of one resource, and other resources are lacking.
Product Liability – It refers to failures which can cause damages, low quality mobile battery explosion is an example of such risks.
Why should testers focus on product risk testing?
Risk-based testing is a concept to organize our testing efforts in such a way that it reduces the level of product risks to a residual level.
It involves measuring effectiveness, efficiency, and performance in critical areas, and it increases the quality of a product.
Risk-based testing is planned in the initial phases of a project. A tester identifies possible risks associated with the product quality and then creates a guide for testing planning, preparation, and execution.
It also involves the process of risk analysis and to prevent defects through non-testing phases as well.
One can always adjust strategies, directions, and test goals-against problem areas.
It improves customer satisfaction as they are involved in reporting and progress tracking.
It is not easy to do a project – risk-free project unless the testing team follows the best practices of risk management. A tester can achieve a project outcome that balances features, quality, schedule, and budget.
Process for Risk-based testing
It is mandatory to identify risk before eliminating the threat from your project. The risk identification process may involve attending risk workshops, Delphi technique, interviews, contacting domain experts, or subject matter experts.
Risk Register: A spreadsheet consisting list of identified risks. A risk register is used to track and monitor positive and negative risks through the life of a project.
Risk Breakdown: It plays a significant role in risk planning and helps to identify the risk-prone areas. It helps in practical evaluation and risk monitoring, as well. The step of risk breakdown is instrumental in managing time and resources for risk management and also helps in categorizing sources of the risk.
Risk Analysis
During risk analysis, it is crucial to filter the risk based on priority. It may include creating a Risk matrix that is used to determine the impact and probability of a threat.
Risk Response Planning
After analysis, it is essential to decide if a risk requires a response, and at what stage it demands a response.
Risk Mitigation: It is a method to reduce the impacts of possible threats by eliminating the risks to an acceptable level.
Risk Contingency: It refers to a backup plan or action plan when the impact is unpredictable in case of an uncertain event.
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