briii-bri · 5 years
"It all starts with not wanting to get out of bed, that's how you know you're getting bad again"
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briii-bri · 5 years
“They told me you found someone new. And that you call her the love of your life. My darling, I hope you’re immensely happy and full of love. But most of all, I hope you’re the love of her life in return. Because I know how a one-sided love can destroy you. And I wish you nothing like that.”
— L.H // Unsent letters to my old love
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briii-bri · 5 years
“Maybe our paths will cross again in a few years time and you’re breathing will become shallow because you forgot how much you loved my smile and I’ll tell you how in love I was with you back when I was just figuring it all out and you’ll nod and smile and I’ll tell you that breaking my heart was one of the stupidest things you could have done and you’ll nod but you won’t smile this time. Because you’ll realize I’m right. You’ll realize that no one has appreciated you as much as I did and you’ll study my face and wonder why you left because everything was so good, you’ll wonder if you could take it all back and start again, wonder why you thought you could find someone better but those are questions you’ll have to live with because you know it’s too late for us now, but you really wish it wasn’t.”
— unknown
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briii-bri · 5 years
“I want you to know that recovery is so, so worth it. In the beginning falling back into old habits is easy and the slowness of improvement is frustrating, I know. But the moment you find yourself humming quietly to your old favourite song or dancing around with a hairbrush in your hand screaming lyrics from catchy pop songs, it will be worth it. The moment you lay in bed being excited about what tomorrow has in store for you and waking up feeling energised and ready to start a new day full of opportunities and happiness, it will be worth it.”
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briii-bri · 5 years
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briii-bri · 5 years
got caught giving a fuck. embarrassing.
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briii-bri · 5 years
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briii-bri · 5 years
me showing up at heaven ready to ask god what the fuck all of that was
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briii-bri · 5 years
“I wanna die…but at the same time, I’m afraid of the unknown, afraid of what will come after death. There was even a point where I felt u sure about “heaven”, like I didn’t belong there, So here I am. Wanting out but scared of what might be on the other side….I’m literally stuck. That “stuck” feeling is overwhelming because It’s like I belong no where, not here, not in the afterlife…no where. My existence is a mistake, my spirit is just a broken plastic bag wondering in the wind and I don’t know where to turn.”
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briii-bri · 5 years
Sorry for being an ignorant American but uh. Has brexit happened yet
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briii-bri · 6 years
anxiety: ur gonna be late!!! get there early
me: *is 15 mins early*
anxiety: no ones here ur in the wrong place!!!
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briii-bri · 6 years
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briii-bri · 6 years
“But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough.”
— Demi Lovato-Heart Attack
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briii-bri · 6 years
“how can you say “i love you” then wrap those same lips around another mouth? how can you hold me close until i fall asleep then use those same hands to text back “i miss you too” to another phone? how can you possibly plant these ideas in my head of forever then use the same words to another heart? how can you say things are perfect if that’s what you’ve told another soul? how could you possibly think you won’t hurt anyone if nobody knew?”
— how do you live with yourself?
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briii-bri · 6 years
Emotional Abuse
The following are associated with emotional abuse:
- Withholding love, affection and attention
- Ignoring, or refusing to communicate with, the person
- Threatening the individual
- Abandoning, or threatening abandonment
- Fits of anger and rage
- Engaging in chronic deceit
- Criticizing, belittling, ridiculing or demeaning the individual
- Negatively labelling the person
- Controlling their life and ordering them around
- Minimizing their opinions, and ignoring the person’s wishes, needs and preferences
- Gaslighting, and denying the individual’s reality
- Isolating the person from their family and friends.
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briii-bri · 6 years
“Get cheated on enough and it’ll slowly become embedded into your brain that everyone leaves or is going to hurt you somehow”
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briii-bri · 6 years
How am I supposed to fix this? To believe you? To change how I feel? I wish none of this had ever happened. It just isn’t fair.
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